Change Log, 13th, December

Change Log, 13th, December

12/13/2017, 11:10:32

Changes on Website

  1. Released pro version of trading page
  2. Fixed known bugs
  3. Users can click on active orders to check out the details
  4. Updated voting function
  5. Updated markets lists, added more customizations
  6. Tips to download the mobile Apps when visiting the page via phones

Changes on iOS App:

1. Optimized the translation of English
2. Added synchronization of language and fiat
3. Added Check For Update function
4. Added Asset details page
5. Added a filter for Asset page
6. Optimized markets page
7. Optimized the algorithm of assets calculation
8. Added Supports function to App
9. Added Vote To List to App
10. Refactored markets page
11. Fixed known bugs

Changes on Android App:

1. Refactored markets page
2. Added Supports function to App
3. Added Vote To List to App
4. Optimized trading page
5. Optimized the algorithm of assets calculation
6. Optimized Assets page
7. Added a filter for Asset page
8. Optimized the details of UI
9. Optimized compatibility of the App
10. Fixed known bugs

Changes on RESTful API endpoints:

1. Query vote [GET /v1/open/vote-topic]
2. Query vote options [GET /v1/open/vote-option]
3. Query vote options (Private endpoint) [GET /v1/vote-option]
4. Vote [POST /v1/vote]
5. Batch cancel orders [POST /v1/order/cancel-all]
6. Query volume rankings of certain tradin pairs [GET /v1/{symbol}/dealt-rank]
7. Get trendings for all coins [GET /v1/market/open/coins-trending]