ETHLend Will Be Listed On KuCoin December 1

ETHLend Will Be Listed On KuCoin December 1

12/01/2017, 09:27:40

KuCoin is proud to announce it will be listing  ETHLEND(LEND) on December 1st 2017.

KuCoin traders will have access to  LEND/BTC and LEND/ETH trading pairs upon listing.

Users can start depositing and trading ETHLEND(LEND) on KuCoin Decemeber 1st, 2017 at 17.30 (UTC+8).

About ETHLend:

ETHLend introduces decentralized lending on Ethereum network by using ERC-20 compatible tokens or Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains as a collateral. ETHLend solves the problem on reducing the loss of loan capital on default.

On healthy loan relationships the loan is paid back. However, the pseudo-anonymous nature of Ethereum blockchain network opens the possibility to avoid repayment of the loan since the lender might not have all the necessary details of the borrower to enforce the debt in the borrower’s jurisdiction.

Moreover, enforcement in a decentralized environment, where the parties can be from any part of the world, might not be efficient.

ETHLend provides decentralized solutions to avoid loss of capital and to make one true global lending market available.

Learn more about the project here:

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