Oyster Shell Airdrop For All Oyster Pearl Holders On KuCoin

Oyster Shell Airdrop For All Oyster Pearl Holders On KuCoin

04/03/2018, 02:38:53

Dear KuCoin Users

We are very proud to announce KuCoin will be supporting the Oyster Shell token (SHL) airdrop on all KuCoin users who have Oyster Peal (PRL) tokens on KuCoin.

Airdrop ratio: The SHL token will be airdropped at a ratio of 1 PRL:1 SHL for current PRL holders on KuCoin (e.g., if you have 100 PRLs in KuCoin wallet, you will be airdropped 100 SHLs)

We will take the snapshot of the blockchain on April 13th (block height 5,436,000) and distribute Oyster Shell (SHL)  to all Oyster Pearl (PRL) users on KuCoin in the following weeks.

Information about Oyster Shell (SHL)

Oyster Shell (SHL) Official Announcement: https://medium.com/oysterprotocol/oyster-shell-shl-airdrop-snapshot-date-update-82e7838e2b62

Today I am introducing Oyster Shell (SHL). Shells are used to pay for connectivity and Dapp operation across the Oyster meshnet, whilst Pearls are used for static data retention on the tangle. Shell is not pegged to storage like how Pearl is. In the future you will be able to use Shells to access the decentralized web, connectivity that entirely bypasses ISPs and centralized infrastructure.

Potential use case scenarios:

  1. You want to call your friend in a decentralized and secure way. The app on your phone looks for peer-to-peer connections (Bluetooth and WiFi) with other phones running Oyster nearby and a meshnet call is made, therefore bypassing the ISP. SHL is used to pay for connectivity instead of a monthly ISP bill. No third party can trace, block or listen into the phone call.
  2. The Oyster chat group migrates from Telegram/Slack to the Oyster chat Dapp. The Oyster team pays the Oyster network in SHL and PRL to run the group chat Dapp.
  3. You want to access content that is blocked by your ISP and avoid getting tracked, your computer connects directly to the Oyster meshnet by finding a peer-to-peer neighbor (Bluetooth, WiFi, LiFi). Your SHL wallet is used to fund connectivity and bandwidth usage.

Oyster Shell (SHL) tokens will be distributed in an Airdrop to PRL holders. This will be the only way to attain SHL, it will not be offered in a token sale. Every 1 PRL held on the blockchain will be airdropped 1 SHL. The total supply of SHL will match the total supply of PRL (after the 10m PRL coin burn event). We are looking into arrangements to airdrop SHL to PRL that is held within specific exchanges (details will follow). The Shell whitepaper will be published next week along with details of the blockchain snapshot and Airdrop event. When websites install the one line Oyster code to monetize their website, they will earn both PRL and SHL.

The introduction of SHL concludes Oyster’s functionality scope for both data retention and transmission. With two versatile and well-equipped utility tokens, Oyster is ready to become the new internet paradigm.

Read the white paper here: https://oysterprotocol.com/#whitepaper


Thanks for your support!

KuCoin Team