Support Geminis Slot Auction to Win 10 GEM/DOT and More!

Support Geminis Slot Auction to Win 10 GEM/DOT and More!

03/03/2022, 03:32:54

Dear KuCoin Earn Users,

ParaState-Geminis Network has been luanched in Parachain Slot Auction Bid!

Stake DOT(minimum 5) to enjoy more than 10 GEM/DOT and extra 20% bonus for the first 48 hours from 2nd, March,12:00:00 pm(UTC).

How to Participate: Buy DOT (if you need) then stake.

About Gemini: Geminis Network is the first parachain supported by the advanced ParaState tech stack. Geminis takes Ethereum chain support to the next level through WasmEdge. Develop and execute high-speed smart contracts with built-in Ethereum compatibility (EVM & EWASM) and interoperability in Solidity, Vyper, and next-level programming languages like Rust, C ++, and Golang.


1. Stake DOT for Geminis means supporting the project in Polkadot bidding.

2.Bonus will be distributed when the bidding is successful.

3.When Geminis has a successful bid, your staked assets will be locked for a slot lease period of 672 day(s) for Gemini.

4.If Gemini failed the bidding, the DOT will be distributed to your Main Account.

The KuCoin Earn Team