Trade Guide

01/13/2018, 06:12:07

How to trade

please log in your kucoin account, click on” Markets”,there is a search box on the top right, you can type in the coin you want to trade.

For example:you want to buy kcs with btc, the volume=kcs price * kcs amount.


Active orders & Dealt orders

Active order = An order you have placed that has not been completed yet;

Dealt orders = Orders that have been succeeded already.

So you can cancel your pending orders below the“Assets-Active orders”, and review your successful orders below the “Assets-dealt orders”

reserved assets

reserved assets=An order you have placed that has not been completed yet or you have a withdrawal. just cancel the orders below the “asset – active orders” or cancel your pending withdraw.


Active orders not dealt for a long time

On our exchange, the purchase price and selling price are user’s own input, the price we shows is only a reference price, if you want to make a quick deal, you can enter the best price or click on the sell orders or purchase orders to trade.


Not support trading with cash

On the exchange, we provide BTC, ETH, NEO, USDT and KCS markets. you can buy tokens in these markets. But we don’t support cash/credit card buy tokens directly. Buy some tokens from another platform with cash/credit and then transfer them to our exchange to trade, wish you have a wonderful journey:)