
KuCoin AMA With Bullieverse (BULL) — A Community-Owned Metaverse Where You Can Play Games, Create Experiences and Earn Rewards

2022/03/14 05:20:23

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: March 9, 2022, 11:00-12:11 (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Bullieverse Co-Founder and CEO, Srini Anala, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Project Introduction

Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse that offers an immersive 3D gaming experience. It is a Web3.0 GameFi project where NFT communities can come together to play, create, earn, and experience, thereby creating utility for your NFTs. Bullieverse is one of the first Play-to-Earn projects to launch a 3D gaming experience (Bear Hunt) on Unreal Engine. While its Gaming experience is suited for hardcore gamers, Bullieverse offers a wide genre of games to cater to young gamers too. Bullieverse's gaming economy is fuelled by game creators who can seamlessly create these experiences using Snowcrash, its creation engine. Bullieverse transforms your NFTs into Gaming Avatars that become your key to enjoying a world of games and experiences and owning digital assets.

Official Website:


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Srini Anala — Co-Founder and CEO of Bullieverse

Having spent over a decade as an engineer, Srini was first inspired by blockchain technology in 2016. He was then at Refinitiv working on a smart contract project. Moving forward, Srini jumped headfirst into the Web 3.0 rabbit hole and has been a developer, entrepreneur, and investor in this space since then.

His previous blockchain startup was focused on Microfinance in Emerging markets. However, COVID put a huge dent in the market. It was important for him and his co-founder, Murali, to reassess their subsequent steps. It was during that time that Srini started actively participating in the NFT space. He was an early participant of the BAYC community and glimpsed the potential of this technology. Srini envisioned that a community-owned Metaverse offering a utility continuum for NFTs would be an amazing future. And that’s when Bulliverse was shaped - even before Meta as a buzzword came into existence.

Q&A from KuCoin

Q: There are several metaverse players out there. Why is Bullieverse different?

Srini: To start with, we launched the first 3D NFT game built on Unreal Engine that has gone live in this space. How many other projects have a live game before token launch?

However, there are broader and strategic differences. We are not a one game pony - we are a gaming/metaverse marketplace that will support both gamers with an intention to play and earn and enjoy the metaverse experience - but also focus on creators who want to earn by creating games and in-game assets. We also emphasize the gaming experience a lot more than other play-to-earn leaders do. Our Chief of Growth - Arun, has published an article that describes all these in greater detail on our medium channel:

Q: Can you give us more details of the team behind this project?

Srini: I am super proud of the team we got around Bullieverse.

Across the core team, we have over 75 years of experience that spans across Blockchain, technology, gaming, venture building, venture investing and strategy careers. The team are serial entrepreneurs in Blockchain, published authors, alums of Sony R&D, Goldman Sachs, PwC, and educated from IIT, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. Some of our team are behind Microsoft’s Xbox game Ungrounded.

Q: Who are your key investors and partners, and how are they helping Bullieverse?

Srini: We are fortunate to have been backed by several top investors in the gaming/Web 3.0 space, and they are helping us scale our partnerships as well. OKEx Blockdream Ventures, Fundamental Labs, GravityX, 6thMan Ventures, Spark Digital Capital, Genblock Capital, Rainmaker Games, Good Games Guild, Shima Capital, Mintable, LD Capital, Gate Labs, DWeb3, and more.

We will have a very focused partnership strategy. There are three categories of partners we are onboarding almost on a daily basis. The first and the most relevant to where we are now are the gaming guilds, as they will help us scale our gamers base very quickly from launch. We are talking to almost a dozen gaming guilds for precisely that. We have signed up a few of them, and these partnerships will be announced in our Discord shortly.

Beyond the guilds, we are in partnership discussions with other top NFT collections to see how we can bring them on board too. Please note that Bullieverse is a gaming platform and a marketplace; therefore, other NFT collections can host their games and offer utility to NFTs.

Q: What is your roadmap for the next 12 months, and what do you need to achieve in the next 3 months?

Srini: We have a busy 2022. The focus this year is to deliver the following:

⁃ In a couple of weeks, our first game, BearHunt, will launch for the public with Bear NFT rewards and Play-to-Earn rewards. We are also introducing renting for NFTs and onboard guilds and scholars to grow the player ecosystem.

⁃ Deliver our next big game, which is a Battle Royale type, where multiple NFT communities can compete with each other, offering a multiplayer experience.

⁃ Complete the Land and Game portal auction.

⁃ Build a loyal and thriving community of gamers.

⁃ Develop the creation engine 'Snowcrash' and get it ready for the Q1 2023 launch.

⁃ Onboard creators and community-created games through 2023.

Q: Please explain what your NFT roadmap looks like and how users can earn on your platform.

Srini: Our Bull NFTs are going to be the key to everything we do on our metaverse. If you just want to explore our metaverse or play our game, you don't need a Bull NFT. However, the Bull NFTs are needed for the following:

⁃ Play Bear Hunt and win Bear NFT rewards

⁃ Play Bear Hunt and earn BULL Tokens

⁃ Get early access to new NFT mints

⁃ Get early access to Land auction and Game portal auction

⁃ Get free or preferential price for new NFT mints

Our NFTs are available on OpenSea.

Q: What are the tokens used, and how can a token holder earn an upside?

Srini: Bullieverse has a dual token model, the BULL and the SHELL.

BULL tokens are the governance tokens that are linked to key decisions and voting on resolutions as the organization moves towards decentralization. BULL tokens can be staked to earn rewards from the DAO Treasury growth. Bullieverse DAO has various sources of revenue. Below are the DAO revenue avenues from the Bullieverse economy:

- 2.5% of transactions from secondary market trading of COBI NFTs on OpenSea royalties

- 5% of fees from the marketplace transactions (in-game assets, cosmetics, NFTs, Land) and in-game purchases

- 5% of fees from creator marketplace

- Land sale where all proceeds accrue to DAO

- Ads revenue

- 5% of entry fees for competitions

SHELL tokens are the gaming utility tokens that keep the platform liquid and fuel the play-to-earn and create-to-earn economies.

BULL tokens are used to govern the DAO Treasury and can stake the tokens to capture the value and potential upside of the Treasury. BULL is vital for the Metaverse economy and captures the value growth of the ecosystem.

Q: How do you manage and build your community, and how can someone interested in the project participate in the community?

Srini: One of our founding principles is building a Metaverse for our community and by our community. We have been working with members of our community to get feedback and implement them, thus keeping the quality of our product high. While we will evolve into a decentralized platform over a period of time as the community matures, all our community engagement happens on our Discord. Other social platforms we use support Discord interactions in a big way. Therefore, if you are looking to be part of this amazing community, join us on Discord. We do weekly game streams on Twitch and play fun games with our community. It's a lot of fun and I invite everyone interested in Bullieverse to join us on Discord.

Q: How reliable and secure is your smart contract? Have you completed an audit?

Srini: Smart contract security is extremely important and critical not just for us but for our community and the Web 3.0 space as a whole. We have completed our smart contract audit with DeusSec and are available on our token page. We take security seriously at Bullieverse, and our team has a number of years of experience delivering tech in the Web3 space.

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Q: What achievements have been obtained during the project? Are there any unfulfilled achievements in the past year?

Srini: We were a four-membered team when we started almost 8 months ago. Since then, we have achieved the following:

- Sold 10,000 Bull NFTs with 150 traits and raised $2 million in August 2021.

- Got a stellar leadership team on board, and the total team size is now about 30, with 20 of them full time with us.

- We closed a seed round in December 2021, and we have just closed our private round - together about $4M raised.

- We completed beta testing of our Bear Hunt game through January 2022 and got great feedback from our community.

- We did the Premier Launch of our Bear Hunt game in February for 20+ NFT holders.

- We have completed IDOs on 7 platforms in record time.

- We now have our TGE launch premiere on KuCoin.

Not sure if any other project doing their listing has that kind of a milestone list.

Q: What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team lead the market?

Srini: The answer is in your question: It is the team.

Yes, we have a booming macro industry (Metaverse) that we are building in that acts as strong tailwinds. We have amazing investors and partners to guide and help us through the journey. We built a great first product. The experience speaks for itself. The game economics and our feature list on the product roadmap are great too. Yet, without the team we have, none of that would be possible. Our edge is our team. Some of our team members are from IIT, which is one of the top universities not just in India but in the world. They left offers at companies like Google and Microsoft to join us to be part of the Web3 revolution.

Q: Your project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share with us the inspiration for approaching this name?

Srini: We are macro Bulls of the NFT, crypto metaverse space, and our first game is focused on an adventurous theme for which we felt the Bulls were the right mascot! Also, our first NFT collection, the 10,000 Genesis Bulls, helped us build our core foundation in the Web3 community who understood our vision and joined on our mission. Hence, we framed our metaverse title as Bullieverse. Eternally Bullish on Web3 - that's our approach!

Q: The common problem is that nowadays, most investors are only interested in initial profits and ignore long-term benefits! So can you give them some reasons why they should buy and hold your tokens in the long term?

Srini: Our BULL tokens are launching on KuCoin in an hour. We believe we have all the ingredients to have a very successful TGE and listing and scale our community from there. However, we cannot be in control of market conditions at all times. Our focus will be on our product and growth strategies and executing them as well as we can. We believe we have the team to do it. The $BULL prices and Bull NFT prices reflect the strength in the product, ecosystem and growth. We have built a great foundation already and we will continue to build to realize our vision of building a community-owned Metaverse that stands against centralized/Web 2.0 giants who are primarily rent-seeking and value extracting.

Q: What are the competitive advantages of your project? What advantages do you have over competitors? What would be your project's most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?

Srini: We are building an open metaverse leveraging Web 3.0 ethos of open collaboration, value sharing, community ownership, interoperability, and composability.

We are competing against Web 2.0 centralized metaverses like Roblox, where their business model is to extract maximum value from both players and game creators. The fundamentals are broken, and the incentives are not aligned. Web 3.0 enables digital property ownership on the internet with NFTs, enables humans to coordinate on an unlimited scale with DAOs, and enables users to capture the value created through incentives like play-to-earn. Web 3.0 is how the Metaverse 2.0 will be open, cherishable, and empowering.

Axie is limited by content, and they reward only players. This is good, but this can go to the next level by rewarding creators and enabling user-generated content to flourish.

The Sandbox is limiting creators by tying them to real estate. And the user experience is limited for serious gamers. On Bullieverse, the focus is on fun, and rewards are a means of capturing the value players create on the platform. On Bullieverse, developers will be able to monetize their work fairly compared to Roblox, where they only make 25% of value.

Bullieverse is the Meta Launchpad for new gaming startups.

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Bullieverse have prepared a total of 2,000 USDT to give away to AMA participants.

1. Free-ask section: 75 USDT

2. AMA activity: 1,925 USDT

Activity 1 — Quiz: 1,500 USDT

Activity 2 — Price Guess: 300 USDT

Participation Rewards: 125 USDT

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