
KCC Beowulf Campaign AMA — The Introduction of KuCoin’s 5th Anniversary Special

2022/09/23 03:26:36

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: September 22, 2022, 11:00 AM- 11:46 AM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with the Community Operation Lead of KCC, William, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

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William — Community Operation Lead of KCC

Q&A from KuCoin

Q: What is Beowulf, and what is the difference between Beowulf and KCC Beowulf?

William: Beowulf is a character of a great old English epic poem, sharing the story of Beowulf fighting against the evil Grendel and finally slaying the dragon. Regarding KCC Beowulf, it is a 7-week-long interactive event requiring users to finish different tasks and win prizes! Beowulf represents the formation of heroes, the message KCC tries to present with this event. This is the reason why we called it "KCC Beowulf."

Q: Why did you call Beowulf the "KuCoin's Web3 ecosystem annual carnival event"?

William: KCC Beowulf, as an important sub-event of KuCoin's 5th anniversary, is the first major event of the KuCoin Web3 ecosystem. During KCC Beowulf, more than 20 elite projects on KCC will participate, including decentralized exchanges (DEX), lending protocols, wallets, cross-chain bridges, and other web 3.0 protocols.

As the first joint event of KuCoin's Web3 ecosystem, KCC Beowulf is one of the greatest events of this year's KCC, gathering multiple supporters from on-chain projects and the KCS ecosystem. The Beowulf campaign aims to provide KuCoin loyal users and all KCS holders with an opportunity to participate in promising decentralized projects at a low investment and in a fair manner.

Q: When will the KCC Beowulf launch? Can you share the timeline with us?

William: We will launch the official KCC Beowulf event on September 28, 2022, but there is a pre-event entitled "Call for Challengers," already launched on September 20. Given the information, you can now join the event and win exclusive NFTs by voting on the project you like the most.

The official KCC Beowulf event is divided into 6 parts. First, all challengers shall mint an initial NFT character. Then, they will go through a 4-round Web3 project interaction. In the final part, challengers will need to craft a final profile picture (PFP) NFTs and choose a side of two parties to fight for dragon or challengers.

Q: Why did you choose KuCoin's 5th anniversary as the official start time?

William: KCC, as the public chain of KuCoin Exchange, is an important part of the KCS ecosystem. At the same time, other projects in the Web3 ecosystem of KuCoin have already developed to a certain extent. For example, KuCoin Wallet and KuCoin Windvane have completed deployment and have been operating for a while. KCC as an important part of the web3 ecosystem, we decided to launch the web3 major interactive activity, KCC Beowulf, on the special day of KuCoin's 5th anniversary so that more people can enjoy the KCC web3 ecosystem

Q: Do you have benefits for some new KCC users or KuCoin users?

William: KCC Beowulf aims to guide CEX users to the decentralized world, so if you are a new user, you will have the opportunity to receive exclusive benefits when participating in the event. And If you are a KuCoin user, you can even have an additional chance to get KuCoin's special NFTs, and the design of these NFTs is amazing!

Please wait for the later official announcement for details of KCC Beowulf.

Q: We saw that you prepared the "Call for Challengers' event on September 20, 2022. Can you share more info?

William: This event series phase is expected to continue until September 27, 2022. During the event, challengers can vote for their favorite projects every day, and challengers' votes depend on how many encouragement points the challengers have. According to the election's final result, the rewards and exclusive rewards will be different. If you want to participate in the KCC Beowulf event, you must not miss the "Call for Challengers" event.

Q: We are interested in the Beowulf rewards pool but see minimal information in the announcement. Kindly elaborate on the rewards.

William: To reward the challenger, KCC Beowulf has also set up a ladder prize pool on top of the basic prize pool, and it will gradually increase as the number of challengers increases. Unfortunately, the prize pool cannot be disclosed for the time being, but we believe it can meet your expectations. More detailed information will be announced shortly.

Q: In the past, you said users could mint NFTs. Is there a limit for these items, and can they be traded?

William: After finishing tasks of projects, challengers will be eligible for minting one NFT. There is no max supply of these NFTs. When merging, the challenger can only choose one item project of each body part to merge. The extra NFTs gained can be used in the other scenarios.

All these NFTs can not be traded or transferrable. Only the profile picture (PFP) NFT, which will be merged in the last week, can be traded and transferred freely.

Q: How can we participate in KCC Beowulf?

William: Starting September 28, 2022, challengers will be allowed to mint on Beowulf's character as base avatars for later interaction events. When challengers finish the interacting tasks of each week, they will be eligible for minting different item NFTs. In the last week of Beowulf, challengers can merge the character with different item NFTs to a profile picture (PFP) NFT. All these NFTs can be staked to the pool to increase all challengers' "Attack Point" or the "Health Point" of the Dragon. The winner will have the chance to share the final grand prize.

As aforementioned, the pre-event began on September 20, 2022. So you can join the KCC Beowulf right now!

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Q: What kinds of tasks are expected to be done in the KCC Beowulf event?

William: Projects will take the lead to five-week-long tasks. Examples are swapping, borrowing, creating a dashboard, and more.

Q: What are the team's plans to get the attention of non-crypto users? How will you convince them to join the KCC Beowulf campaign?

William: Unfortunately, we are targeting crypto users for KCC Beowulf at this stage.

Q: How many votes can I give to the "Call for Challengers?" activity?

William: You will get 5 points after finishing the tasks and 5 points every day.

Q: Could you briefly explain the prize distribution mechanism of the KCC Beowulf event?

William: The prize pool is on a ladder. That means the more people join the campaign, the more prizes to give.

Q: How many projects have currently been given their names for the campaign?

William: We already have 26 projects joining us in this campaign, which is why we are certain that KCC Beowulf will probably be the biggest Web3 event in 2022.

KCC Beowulf Campaign Post AMA Activity

Join the “Call for Challengers” event and win limited NFT rewards!

🎁Join the “Call for Challengers” event and win limited NFT rewards!

Connect your KCC Wallet now!

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and KCC have prepared a total of 500 USDT to give away to AMA participants.

1. Free-ask section: 50 USDT

2. Red envelope giveaways: 450 USDT

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