
KuCoin AMA With LABS Group (LABS) — Bringing Real Estate Investment to Everyone

2022/03/25 03:25:16

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: March 17, 2022, 11:00-12:32 (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Yuen Wong, Founder & CEO of LABS Group, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Project Introduction

LABS Group Limited is the world's first end-to-end Blockchain-powered real estate digital investment platform that provides access to the fractionalized property and business ownership. It is taking a proactive role in spearheading the Esports hotel business, capitalizing on the current GameFi and Metaverse trend.

Official Website:

Follow LABS Group on Twitter and Telegram.


Yuen Wong — Founder & CEO of LABS Group

As a tech-savvy blockchain enthusiast, Yuen is overseeing many successful blockchain projects. Keeping the big vision in mind, he is also involved in several start-ups, including e-commerce and professional services. His continued passion for blockchain and Esports will redefine the industry. It is worth mentioning that he is also the co-founder of GEMS.

Q&A from KuCoin

Yuen: LABS Group is a Digitized Real Estate Investment Ecosystem powered by blockchain and community.

LABS Group's 3 Prong Strategies:

1. Crowdfunding and Trading Platform

2. Collateralized Lending Platform

3. NFT rewards solutions on Resorts and Hotels

LABS Group redefines the real estate investment world by resolving the pain points, including illiquidity and high entry costs. And we want to bring real estate investment deals directly to everyday investors. LABS Group has recently gone into an Esports hotel business with Arena Esports as a JV. With that, a lot of interesting stuff would happen.

Here are the pictures of our first Esports hotel in Singapore. Sorry, too excited to share, and it will be ready in the coming weeks.

Please click here for more images.

This would be the second one in Singapore Orchard Road, a prime location. And we have also formed a deal in Cambodia and are looking for Vietnam, Malaysia, and other ASEAN locations.

Please click here for more images.

This one will be a themed room promotion for some GameFi projects.

Because of the Arena Esports business, we need to have a platform to propel the business. Otherwise, you would only be a coffee shop and never a Starbucks. Hence LABS Group and Arena Esports, together with Game One and Esports KOLs, co-found GEMS GameFi and Esports 3.0 Platform, which will turn GameFi into the next esports.

Please click here for more images.

All the Esports Hotel deals will be put on the LABS Crowdfunding platform so that all LABS token holders will get involved in this interesting sector, which is a natural match for the crypto market. The young and the future.

Q: Your project has great features. There must be an experienced team behind. Can you tell me about your team and their experiences in the market?

Yuen: First of all, my name is Yuen, and I'm the Founder and CEO of LABS Group, which is a digitized real estate investment ecosystem powered by blockchain. My background has always been in blockchain and real estate, and that's why I'm doing this great project with a great team! Prior to the LABS’ launch, I was a Managing Partner for a UK property company, and I'm still involved at times in Bitmart exchange as a Managing Partner doing project collaboration. This allows me to learn what makes or breaks a blockchain project.

And we have several team members who have vast experience in blockchain projects and real estate projects. Our Chairman is from the Harilela family, which is big in the hotel business, and they own 19 hotels in total. And recently, we have been expanding the team, including members experienced in esports and gaming.

This is in view of the fact that LABS Group is a 50 percent JV owner of Arena Esports hotel, which we intend to grow into a chain of esports hotels focusing on Asia. It has to be noted that the LABS ecosystem profits will go back to reward our token holders, especially recently we have changed our token model to a buyback and burn model (just like BNB).

This should delight our token holders.

Q: Can you explain the relationship between KuCoin and LABS Group? And how will KuCoin help to develop LABS Group?

Yuen: LABS token has been listed on KuCoin, and we are so honored to have such a tier-one exchange as our ecosystem partner. Not only that, LABS Group will have some major promotion campaigns with KuCoin, hence in that sense, KuCoin is also our marketing partner.

As for GEMS, we are in discussion, and obviously, we want that to be on KuCoin too. And by the way, advertisement time, there is a current GEMS NFT airdrop on Coinmarketcap that is going strong, don't miss it.

In short, we see KuCoin as a strong partner in providing trading, liquidity, and marketing solutions and like the relationship to keep going and be extended. There's also a trading competition on KuCoin soon.

Q: What makes LABS Group distinctive and ahead of other security tokens/competitor projects on blockchain that currently exists, keeping in view that their fundamentals are also based on decentralized finance?

Yuen: First of all, LABS Group is firstly a blockchain then real estate, and yes, we focus only on real estate, unlike others.

Secondly, we share our benefits to our token holders in many ways, including buyback and burn with the profits generated from the entire LABS ecosystem.

And on future crowdfunding deals, 10 percent of the sales will go to the liquidity pool permanently locked to boost the token holder's confidence by building to the liquidity pool size and ensuring that liquidity is always there.

LABS Group also aligns itself more closely with the crypto market than the other competitive platforms. One good example is that we went into the Esports and GameFi sector and deals, which we believe is a natural fit for the crypto market.

Lastly, LABS Group will be introducing Metaverse real estate, working with partners including Zoan and Parallel. In the future, the LABS community will be able to invest in metaverse land and properties and a hybrid offering, which will have its physical real estate part and a mirrored version on Metaverse.

Q: I just recently watched the video about $LABS switching to BNB Chain. Can you tell us more about what causes this decision and how this will benefit your holders?

Yuen: The switching to BNB is basically the feedback we got from our LABS communities, and yes, cars do listen.

This is to reduce gas fees as we all know transacting in ETH can be really expensive. And LABS' mission is to let everyone be able to participate in real estate no matter the amount and where you are. Hence the gas fee would make it non-conducive for smaller investment amounts such as 100 USDT.

LABS Group also wants to make staking more feasible for most so that they don't miss out on the rewards that we give out.

Q: Which one of the following aspects is important for you? And in what order?

1. Increasing Token Price & Value

2. Empowering Platform Development

3. Building Community Trust

4. Expanding Partnership Globally

Yuen: LABS Group is continuously working hard on point number 2, as a good user experience is really important for one to be a repetitive user.

And without community trust, a platform won't survive. That's why we listen to our communities and implement changes such as the above BNB switch.

Partnerships are important too. For example, our aim is for Arena Esports business to have at least 30 hotels within the span of 3 to 5 years, and that is only really possible with a franchise or partnership model.

LABS Group believes that the above points are all essential for our success. Then point number 1, which is the token price and value, will then take care of itself.

Real estate is a longer play, but we are really confident that eventually everything will take care of itself, and we have a win-win for everyone supporting LABS Group.

Free-Ask from KuCoin Community

Yuen: I also would like to update our first real estate project Kunang Kunang Tent Resort, which has just had its soft opening.

Please click here for more images.

Maybe a video and hope everyone can feel that kind of immersive peaceful joy

Q: Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progress and achievements until now, when you look back to the day when you started this project?

Yuen: There might be some who would think we are slow, but I'm still happy with where we are and where we are heading.

Real estate tends to be a longer play, but it is a definite and sure play, and LABS Group is so clear on where we would be now and how we would get there.

For sure, COVID slows us down, but it also gives us time to figure out the best ways forward. For example, LABS Group would offer a hybrid offering, meaning alongside physical properties, you would get a mirrored metaverse version of it.

This is a rendering from our Metaverse partner, and more will be revealed later. Yes, Metaverse, here we come.

Q: Where can I currently buy your token?

Yuen: I love this because the answer is KuCoin, KuCoin, and KuCoin! Also, watch out for GEMS which will be launched soon:

Q: Do you have a coin burn/buyback system, or do you plan to increase the value of those tokens and attract investors to invest?

Yuen: Yes, we are introducing the buyback and burn with the entire LABS ecosystem profits. And that also means profits from the Arena Esports hotel business and the GEMS GameFi and Esports 3.0 Platform.

Q: Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?

Yuen: Please do follow us:

LABS Group:


Q: Can you briefly describe your partnership so far and upcoming partnerships?

Yuen: LABS Group does believe absolutely in partnerships. For the past partnerships, you can find them on our website. The upcoming partnerships include Parallell, in which we would have our first Metaverse real estate in Arena Esports Singapore.

The LABS Group also helps GEMS to get GameFi projects partners, and now the platform has more than 50 ecosystem partners even before its coming TGE. Those who are aware would know that I personally got several positions, including directorship in a public US company. This also helps to facilitate partnerships.

Q: Is your project only for elite investors? What about others with small funds? Is it open to everyone?

Yuen: LABS Group is for everyone.

We make cross-border and global real estate possible with just 100 USDT investment. And we solve your games in dealing with the due diligence and legality issues.

We bring the high involvement and maintenance costs down. We want everyone to share the fruits. And we all know that real estate investments are safe and for the longer term. Want to speculate and take more risks? No problem, get involved in our coming metaverse/hybrid offering.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know?

Yuen: Maybe one last thing, you can follow my Twitter account, and I can share more projects that I'm involved in and provide you with more updates if you wish.

With that, we look forward to more win-wins.

Thanks to KuCoin for this great opportunity, and I have enjoyed the journey!

Giveaway Section

KuCoin and LABS Group have prepared a total of 633,000 $LABS to give away to AMA participants.

1. Free-ask section: 31,500 $LABS

2. Pre-AMA activity: 601,500 $LABS

Activity 1 — Question Collection: 31,500 $LABS

Activity 2 — Quiz: 450,000 $LABS

Participation Rewards: 120,000 $LABS

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