KuCoin AMA with Solve.Care — A Revolution in Healthcare

Dear KuCoin Users,
Time: October 21, 2021, 11:00-12:23 (UTC)
KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with Anastasiia Morozova, Global Community Manager at Solve.Care, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.
Project Introduction
Solve.Care is a full-fledged healthcare platform company that uses blockchain to redefine care coordination, improve access to care, reduce benefits administration costs, and help reduce fraud and waste in healthcare around the world. The Solve.Care Platform allows for interoperable digital health networks, called Care Networks, to be built and run for patient-centric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored eligibility criteria, creating an entire healthcare ecosystem. Using the Solve.Care Platform, businesses are able to launch networked, interoperable healthcare dApps, within weeks or even days.
Care Networks on the Solve.Care Platform use the SOLVE token, a utility token that is used for inter/intra network payments and transaction fees. It also has additional uses, including developer rights, staking, marketplace payments, and platform access fees.
Solve.Care is also the first company in the world to successfully deploy digital currency and blockchain technology for value-based payments in healthcare. Solve.Care is a multiple award-winning company, receiving accolades such as ‘Most Innovative Blockchain Project Award’ at the Blockchain Life 2019 Forum, ‘Top Innovative Blockchain Solution’ and ‘Top Outstanding Project’ at the 2019 World Blockchain Awards, BRI’s ‘Industry Solution of the Year 2020’, SSOW Impact Awards’ ‘Technology of the Year 2020’, and more.
Official Website: https://solve.care
Light Paper: https://solve.care/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/lightpaper.pdf
Follow Solve.Care on Twitter and Telegram.

Anastasiia Morozova — Global Community Manager at Solve.Care
Anastasiia has more than 8 years of experience in event management, community management, marketing and communications. Prior to Solve.Care, Anastasiia worked in the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, managing marketing initiatives for international and local companies.
Anastasiia joined Solve.Care team in 2018 and since then has successfully run two global hackathons for designers and developers, increased community engagement and launched a community loyalty program, organized and participated in dozens of crypto and healthcare events, built Solve.Care’s regional communities in South Korea and China, as well as Solve.Care's healthcare community of physicians and ambassadors, and more.
Anastasiia's main focus is on building a strong community of supporters (crypto enthusiasts, developers, physicians) who want to change the healthcare industry globally together with Solve.Care.
Q&A from KuCoin
Q: How does the Solve.Care platform work?
Anastasiia: So, the Solve.Care platform leverages blockchain and full-stack capabilities to deliver significant business value to individuals and enterprises: ease of usage, privacy, security, control and ownership of data, human interoperability, auditability, and enhanced trust between parties.

Each solution on our platform is called a Care Network. These networks can be built by hospitals, physicians, insurance companies, government agencies, developers, employers and more.
Solve.Care is unique because it allows networks to run independently but to also have a fabric underneath that allows them to all communicate and be interoperable.
Solve.Care Platform is a turning point for how healthcare will be accessed, administered, measured, and paid for. Solve.Care Platform enables developers, physicians, businesses, and governments to build complex healthcare dApps for real-world applications in weeks or even days.
Q: What Care Networks have you already launched?
Anastasiia: Solve.Care has been growing for over 4 years and we have developed some great solutions that are used around the world.
Our most recent solution is Global Telehealth Exchange: this is the first-ever cross-border blockchain-based telehealth service. Currently available in 27 countries with a global rollout plan extending over the next year. This platform gives our patients 24/7 availability to physicians from around the world at a competitive rate. Our platform allows physicians to control their own schedules and rates. Patients pay in SOLVE tokens for teleconsultations.
Our first network is Provider Rewards Program: Launched with the Arizona Care Network, this Care Network shifts the incentive structure of healthcare providers away from offering services to helping patients. This platform gives higher rewards to physicians based on continuous improvements of patients’ quality of care.
And Arizona Care Network was recognized as ‘The Most Innovative ACO in the US’ for implementation of the Provider Rewards Program using Solve.Care’s Care.Wallet.
We also have the Diabetes Care Network, which was launched with Boehringer Ingelheim. This educational network is focused on helping diabetes patients manage their chronic conditions. This network became a breakthrough in the model of how data analysis and care coordination can be used to help patients.
Team.Care Network was launched in response to COVID-19. This product gives employers a safe and private way to check in with employees to keep them safe.
One more network is non-emergency medical transportation: A solution designed in partnership with Uber Health and Lyft to provide non-emergency medical transportation to users.
And, of course, we expect many more networks to become available on our platform!
Great products indeed, providing custom solutions for specific requirements, including a Care Network in response to the ongoing pandemic.
Anastasiia: Yes, this is the idea - Global Healthcare Platform (Salesforce.com of healthcare) that allows for rapid design and publishing of highly secure dApps that meet healthcare standards, are tokenized on SOLVE, and allow for assembly of dApps (cards) into complete flows (journeys) and complete digital health networks (care networks).
Q: What is the role of the SOLVE token on the Solve.Care platform?
Anastasiia: The SOLVE token is the utility token for the Solve.Care platform. This token is used as a global payment system on the Solve.Care Platform and creates a unique ecosystem between healthcare providers, developers, government programs, B2B clients, and patients.
SOLVE is the gas of the platform and is used for every healthcare transaction on the Solve.Care platform and in every Care Network.
These are the ways the SOLVE token is used on the platform:
1. Establish identity
2. Transaction in a Care Network
3. To make a payment in a Care Network
4. To share data between network participants or across networks
5. To give and request consent
6. License fees
7. Gas fees
8. Revenue from the Care.Marketplace
9. Royalty fees
10. Staking mechanism (or for collateral)
SOLVE helps to normalize payments across the countries, across currencies, time zones, and eliminates fees.
You can learn more about SOLVE tokens here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3iYEpQj5cQ
Q: Please tell us more about the Solve.Care team.
Anastasiia: With pleasure!
The core Solve.Care team numbers over 100 full-time specialists, working worldwide, with hundreds of contractors and advisors.
Solve.Care is led by former Blue Cross Blue Shield CIO, Pradeep Goel. Pradeep has worked in healthcare IT his entire life, working with multiple US presidents on such projects as Medicare/Medicaid and the affordable care act. He has built four healthcare IT companies and taken them to the top of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500, INC500/5000 fastest growing companies lists multiple times. Pradeep is also in the rankings of the 100 Most Promising Entrepreneurs Worldwide, as compiled by Goldman Sachs.
We also have a very strong and reputable Advisory Board that comprises of eminent, respected, and experienced leaders such as James Moran, former US Congressman, Dr. David Randall, Executive Director of the American Research and Policy Institute, Michael Kessel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cleveland Clinic Canada, Dr. Uhn Lee, Korean leading neurosurgeon, Director of AI Healthcare Platform Research Lab at Gachon University and more.
So we are not a crypto start-up with 3 people. We are a full company with experienced leadership and work incredibly well together.
Q: Who are the clients of Solve.Care?
Anastasiia: Solve.Care has many clients, service partners, development partners, and growth partners.
Our platform was not just designed to attract clients but built alongside clients to ensure our product fit was exactly what the industry needs. While partnerships are great for growth, our clients are what bring real-world adoption to our platform. Here are some of our clients and more to come!
Arizona Care Network: The largest hospital group in Arizona, USA. With over 5,500 physicians and 300,000+ members, they utilize the Solve.Care platform with a product called Provider Rewards Network.
Boehringer Ingelheim: The world's largest private pharmaceutical company. Alongside BI, we developed the Diabetes Care Network and work with them to continue to add more features and tools to our platform.
Aon PLC: A leading global professional service firm that uses the Solve.Care platform for the Team.Care product to help ensure the safety of their employees.
Angel Kids Pediatrics: A group of pediatric centers based in Florida utilizing the Team.Care product.
Collaborative Charter Services: A large group of Public Charter Schools based in California utilizing the Team.Care product.
So, as you can see, we have already achieved real-world adoption and continue to grow it!
Q: What sets Solve.Care apart from other crypto projects?
Anastasiia: First of all, unlike a lot of start-up projects in the crypto space, Solve.Care is a complete company. We are a healthcare IT company full of healthcare professionals with decades of experience and connections. Our CEO, Pradeep Goel, has more than 27 years of experience in healthcare, finance and technology, and has run successful healthcare IT companies for decades.
Second, Solve.Care Platform enables developers, physicians, businesses, and governments to build complex healthcare dApps for real-world applications in weeks or even days. Solve.Care is unique because it not only allows dApps and networks to run independently but to also have a fabric underneath that allows them all to communicate.
And third, Solve.Care is the company that brings real utilization by patients and doctors into the crypto space.
We have launched solutions for hospitals in Arizona, pediatric centers in Florida, a massive insurance company and the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, and even charter schools in California have been using our B2B products.
We also have launched an open Global Telehealth solution that is available in 20 countries (with 21 more countries soon added as well) where teleconsultations are paid in SOLVE tokens. The list of our utility and adoption continues to grow and we couldn't be more proud of what we have accomplished so far.
We expect that as a full-stack healthcare platform, we will lead the way in blockchain and digital currency adoption by businesses worldwide, starting with healthcare.
Q: Do you have any news running?
Anastasiia: Always! Solve.Care does not wait around for things to come. We work 24/7 to build a bigger and better platform.
One of the recent news is that our Global Telehealth Exchange was officially launched in India and now 1.38 billion people in India can use $SOLVE for easy access to quality and affordable healthcare, anytime, anywhere. This is awesome, right?!
Solve.Care was selected as a finalist in this year’s HTN Health Tech Awards and SSON's Impact Awards and was nominated for the Blockchain Life Awards 2021.
Please take a look at this beautiful PDF with our recent updates.
Also, we will be revealing a huge partnership on October 26 and can’t wait to share it with our community! You can join our fun competition in Telegram and try to guess what this huge partnership is: https://t.me/SolveCare
The next hint will be posted in 1 hour or so.
And talking about competitions, we’ve also been running an educational contest with a 10,000 BUSD reward pool. The contest ends on October 27, so we invite the KuCoin community to participate! https://app.viralsweep.com/contest/full/3cb35e-95554?framed=1
Free-Ask from KuCoin Community
Q: How important is the community to you? And how can we collaborate or help you with the development of the project?
Anastasiia: The full potential of our platform can only be realized through an active and engaged community that is passionate about applying our platform to improve healthcare wherever they live and work.
Our community is highly diverse. We have many crypto enthusiasts who can conceptually grasp the unique application of blockchain in our healthcare platform, and we have a large community of medical professionals, clinicians, researchers, hospital administrators, employees and employers in our community, all of whom have a vested interest in changing healthcare for the better.
Q: What is the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision that your project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrency market? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates?
Anastasiia: We expect and plan hundreds of Care.Networks to be available globally and accessible via Care.Wallet.
All Care.Networks are interoperable via the Care.Wallet, which leads to the possibility and plan for SOLVE to become the de-facto healthcare token globally.
As more networks are launched by clients (and soon the community), we expect a geometric increase in usage of Care.Wallet and SOLVE token and to make a measurable impact on the quality of healthcare for both patients and providers.
Q: Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly, or do you have a YouTube channel or something? Can you share it with us?
Anastasiia: Hi, you can find our YouTube channel here:
It has some good introductory playlists of videos like our "All about SOLVE" series:
"Solve.Care Storybooks" series:
"Solve.Care Platform" series (which has some explainer videos): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUtl44U43R0vYs_zWzyXqQzbvV2W-gssn
There are many more educational videos on our YouTube channel showing our clients and partners, recordings of live AMAs, important announcements, and many more that you can check out!
Q: Will SOLVE token be used for other payments, such as paying for hospital fees, health centers, or so on?
Anastasiia: Payments on the Solve.Care platform are made in SOLVE tokens. Our wallet makes it easy for anyone to quickly get this token. Fast and cheap transactions are a game-changer in healthcare. A global currency removes borders and grows the potential of our platform like never before.
For example, all payments for teleconsultation on Global Telehealth Exchange are made in SOLVE tokens.
Q: Are you a global project or a local project? At present, which market are you focusing on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?
Anastasiia: Solve.Care is a global platform that anyone can access through our Care.Wallet app that is available to anyone worldwide on the:
Google Play Store:
Apple App Store:
We have several Care Networks that are being used by clinical and physician groups and even charter schools in the U.S. to workplaces in the Asia Pacific.
Our newest Care Network, the Global Telehealth Exchange (GTHE), allows patients and physicians from all over the world to do teleconsultation and care. GTHE is already available in 20+ countries and is coming to many more! Here's a short video about the Solve.Care's GTHE Care Network: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdYnXV8fn9E
Q: Regarding the safety and security of your platform, what are the security measures adopted, and have you done any audit of smart contracts?
Anastasiia: We audit all of our products but use an independent auditor. Pradeep Goel, our CEO, has been in healthcare tech his entire career, working with US presidents to expand Medicare/Medicaid and being the former Chief Technical Officer for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We know how important security is for healthcare applications and believe security is one of the most important aspects of running a successful project.
We have done financial audits as well, but I think you're speaking on the technical side.
Q: I want to support your project. Tell us more about the ambassador program and in what ways we can participate?
Anastasiia: Sure. We have different programs for our community. First, Solve’n’Reward allows community members to earn community points for being active (share SM posts, write articles, follow discussions in Telegram, etc.), and at the end of each month, they can choose the prize based on the number of their points. You can learn more here: . Some of our community members already have Solve.Care branded health trackers and other interesting things.
Also, we have a Global Telehealth Exchange Ambassador Program With this program, you can help us to build better healthcare by spreading the word about GTHE in their communities, professional networks, and on social media. Ambassadors invite physicians to Global Telehealth Exchange and get rewarded! You can learn more about GTHE Ambassador Program here: https://solve.care/gthe/ambassadors
We also plan to launch an ambassador program for the crypto community, so stay tuned.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know?
Anastasiia: One thing I would like to say about Solve.Care is that as we push for real-world adoption of crypto, we find so much that the industry has not even bothered to deal with yet. We have to bridge the gap between the theory of digital payment and the actual use of digital assets in real world scenarios such as healthcare and related compliance issues. We are fixing real problems in the real-world to adopt BC/crypto!
Giveaway Section
KuCoin and Solve.Care have prepared a total of 7,000 SOLVE to give away to AMA participants.
1. Free-ask section: 250 SOLVE
2. AMA activity: 6,750 SOLVE
Activity 1 — Quiz: 5,250 SOLVE
Activity 2 — Price Guess: 1,050 SOLVE
Participation Rewards: 450 SOLVE
. . .
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