KuCoin AMA With Cross the Ages (CTA) — Unraveling the Epic World of Cross the Ages

2024/05/27 13:13:10

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: May 23, 2024, 12:00 PM - 01:18 PM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session featuring the CEO and Co-Founder of Cross the Ages, Sami Chlagou, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Official Website: https://www.crosstheages.com/en-us/

Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.crosstheages.com/

Follow Cross the Ages on X and Discord

Q&A from KuCoin to Cross the Ages

Q: Can you provide a brief overview of the Cross The Ages project for those who are new to it, highlighting its unique blend of fantasy, science-fiction, and post-apocalyptic themes, as well as its main objectives and vision?

Sami: Do you know Games of Thrones , the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or Harry Potter ?

Cross The Ages is the next successful intellectual property (IP) whose essence is based on a mix of three major types of literature: fantasy, science-fiction, and post-apocalyptic.

The clash between these genres is the origin of the conflicts that divide the world of Artellium and its main plotline. Spanning 7 volumes over a period of approximately 10 years, the Cross The Ages saga establishes the foundations of a world plagued by geopolitical and systemic crises echoing our current earthly challenges.

In 2021 we released a digital copy for the book and we made 1.3 million downloads.

Last April, we released the physical version of the book with the biggest European publisher. The book will be released soon in many languages.

Q: How does Cross The Ages enhance the gaming experience and provide players with unique opportunities within the game world?

Sami: This experience is pretty unique! We are merging Web1, Web2, and Web3–a real cross. Imagine a game, where you jump from the digital world, to NFT, to the physical world.

Cross The Ages is not just a book or a game, it's a complete license. We are an IP Web2 scalable on Web3. Go from virtual to real, between the TCG and our physical cards. Trade with other players through your gaming experience. Own your own terrain on our next game, Arise.

Q: How does Cross the Ages aim to maintain a sustainable in-game economy for Web3 gamers.

Sami: First we create a Web2 scalable to Web3 to be able to onboard a maximum of people this free to play experience is available on App Store and Playstore

In all Cross The Ages games, we find a consistent economy based on 3 currencies and a very specific pass allowing access to unique features: CTA Token, Trisel, and Mint Pass.

Additionally, our goal is to enable players to have ownership of their assets and to choose what they wish to do with them. This is why we use blockchain technology and NFTs.

To maintain this segmentation while providing the best possible experience, our assets exist in three forms:

Static: These assets cannot be minted; they remain digital. They allow players to progress in CTA games and offer a genuine gaming experience without adding constraints to the onboarding process. They also facilitate game progression without impacting the total quantity of Eternals.

Flex: This type of asset represents the bridge between Web2 and Web3. These digital assets can be transformed into NFTs/Eternals. They can only be obtained through purchase in the store or via the leaderboard. This allows for control over the number of assets, limiting botting risks while retaining the "Play And Earn" concept through the leaderboard. To enhance an asset, players must transform it into "Static" or "Eternal." The "Flex" type is temporary in nature and only exists in the standard state.

Eternal: When an asset is minted, it becomes an Eternal/NFT.

Q: Can you elaborate on the utility of the $CTA token within the Cross The Ages ecosystem and how it provides value to both players and investors?

Sami: How to get a CTA Token?

It is now available on KuCoin. You may check.

Its primary function is to align its value with that of the project's assets and its adoption.

As a player, owning it contributes to skill progression and pushes the exploration of the Cross The Ages universe further. Some options are only accessible if you own CTA tokens, such as the ability to mint your Flex items into Eternal items and thus become the owner on the blockchain.

As an investor, charging Mint Passes with CTA tokens guarantees airdrops each season of Special Rare (SR) cards for the TCG or passive accumulation of Victory Points.

Additional functionalities for the CTA token will be introduced as the universe develops, such as buying and selling cards on the marketplace, renting cards, and transforming NFT cards into physical cards.

The development of the Artellium world is done in alignment with CTA to ensure a viable and sustainable virtual economy.

Q: Over the previous crypto winter, CTA was not only successful in retaining its community, but it looks as though it grew in size considerably. What strategies did you use to make sure your community was always engaged?

Sami: First, we keep close to our community, on social media doing AMA, live Twitch, and YouTube.

We haven't just created a game, as we said above, Cross The Ages is a real adventure in which you're involved with us. We're constantly creating engaging content, where your voice is heard.

We create events to bring us together, like last in December we organized an event in south of France Heroes Legacy, which welcomed 32 different nationalities (well done to Japan for winning). 2000 was there for this first edition

We're active on social networks too, whether they're community-based like Discord, or news-driven like X (Twitter).

Q: Cross The Ages invites players to explore and develop the world of Artellium. What does this development look like in practice, and how can players genuinely influence and shape this universe?

Sami: For decades, the world of Artellium has been divided between two rival powers:

Arkhante, a civilization spread across the western part of the continent, endowed with magic and capable of incredible feats, and Mantris, a city-continent where technology is an integral part of the daily life of its inhabitants. Between the two enemies lies the Faille, a lawless zone that stretches from the north to the south of Artellium like a natural border.

It's all very fictitious! We're so far from being able to manipulate magic or have holograms of ourselves, aren't we? Yet the lore of Cross The Ages depicts the reality of each and every one of us, and it confronts us with situations that are not unfamiliar to us. Perhaps this imaginary world could help people to move forward and build a better world.

Q: What milestones has Cross The Ages achieved so far, and what upcoming features or updates can players expect in the near future?

Sami: This is how our roadmap looks like. Here's an exclusive sneak peek at Arise, our fastest game set in the Cross The Ages universe in 1 minute. You may check this video and I hope you will like it!

Q: How does the $CTA token align with the long-term vision and goals of Cross The Ages, and what future developments can token holders look forward to?

Sami: This is the most important question, the $CTA is the currency for our universe, it’s the pillar of our economy. You will need it to mint your cards, to buy cards on the marketplace, and buy your packs of cards.

We are not airdropping $CTA or rewards with CTA in order to keep the value of the token.

All the gaming experience will use the same token TCG or action RPG, and a third unannounced game.

Free-Ask from the KuCoin Community to Cross the Ages

Q: Can you share the link to your social media accounts? So that we can keep ourselves updated.

Sami: A very good question! You may check them here.

Q: Will the price of CTA token assets be indexed to their dollar value? The CTA token being subject to volatility if all prices are in CTA an asset could lose or gain enormous value in a few hours

Sami: Yes, I confirm the CTA token assets in the game shop are indexed to the dollar value on the market.

Q: Is your platform suitable for Crypto Beginners? Or is it only limited for professional users?

Sami: Our primary target is to help crypto users make the most of blockchain and NFT technologies. The whole principle is gamified, and therefore as simple as it gets today.

Q: When will your tokens be listed on exchanges and which exchanges do you plan to list on in the future?

Sami: Our token is already listed, and it is available on various CEXs and DEXs, including KuCoin. To find out more about our token, click here.

Q: Tell us about how Square Enix's involvement has influenced the market strategy and development of the game, and what statements have your representatives made about CTA's vision and its alignment with the future of Web3 games?

Sami: Square Enix's involvement in the development and market strategy of the game has had a significant impact.

Their involvement has opened doors to various promotional partnerships, enhancing the game's visibility and accessibility across different regions.

Regarding CTA's vision and its alignment with the future of Web3 games, we have emphasized the importance of integrating blockchain technology to create a more immersive and player-driven experience. Square Enix believes that Web3 games represent the next evolution in gaming, where players have more control over their in-game assets and can participate in decentralized ecosystems. This aligns with CTA's vision of fostering a gaming environment where innovation, player empowerment, and new economic models thrive.

KuCoin Post AMA Activity — Cross the Ages

🎁 Participate in the Cross The Ages AMA quiz now for a chance to win $10 in CTA !

The form will remain open for five days from publishing this AMA recap.

Cross the Ages AMA - CTA Giveaway Section

KuCoin and Cross the Ages have prepared a total of $2,000 in CTA to give away to AMA participants.

1. Pre-AMA activity: $800 in CTA

2. Free-ask section: $50 in CTA

3. Flash mini-game: $400 in CTA

4. Post-AMA quiz: $750 in CTA

Sign up for a KuCoin account if you haven’t done so yet, and ensure you complete your KYC verification to be eligible for the rewards.

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