Bifrost Slot Auction Carnival is Live!

Dear KuCoin Users,
The Bifrost bid for the Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction is on fire! Stake DOT to support the bid and earn exclusive rewards!
Activity Details: If Bifrost wins the Polkadot Slot Auction(roughly in April or May), contributors who stake DOT to support Bifrost will receive the following bonuses:
Total Auction Bonus: 3,600,000 BNC
1. Early Bird Bonus
Event Duration: 10:00:00 on April 22, 2022 - 10:00:00 on April 30, 2022 (UTC)
Bonus: 1 DOT : 12 BNC (+20%)
2. Base Bonus: 1 DOT : 10 BNC
Bonus Start Time: 10:00:00 on April 22, 2022 (UTC)
*Staking ends when Bifrost wins.
Reward Distribution: BNC rewards will be sent to eligible user’s Main Account before 10:00:00 on June 30, 2022 (UTC). Every user could only receive one piece of bonus; if they are qualified for more than one piece, they will get the higher one.
Bifrost Introduction: Bifrost is a web3 derivatives protocol that provides decentralized cross-chain liquidity for staked assets. By leveraging on the cross-chain message (XCM), it can provide cross-chain liquid staking services for multiple chains.
The KuCoin Team