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Le chiffre quotidien Hamster Kombat pour le 12 juillet : Code pour gagner 1 million de pièces
Bonjour PDG de Hamster Kombat, il est temps de débloquer jusqu'à 1 million de pièces sur Hamster Kombat en résolvant le cryptogramme quotidien du 12 juillet. Lisez la suite pour découvrir la réponse d'aujourd'hui et comment gagner plus de pièces dans le jeu Hamster Kombat sur Telegram. Résumé rapide Résolvez une énigme en code Morse du cryptogramme quotidien pour débloquer 1 million de pièces pour le 11 juillet. Le code du cryptogramme d'aujourd'hui est "NODES" Regardez des vidéos de Hamster sur YouTube, invitez des amis ou complétez d'autres tâches pour gagner plus de pièces dans le jeu Hamster Kombat. Qu'est-ce que l'application mini-jeu Telegram Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn? Hamster Kombat est un jeu tap-to-earn populaire sur le Open Network (TON) au sein de Telegram. Les joueurs prennent le rôle de PDG d'une bourse de crypto-monnaie, gagnant des récompenses en accomplissant des tâches et en les utilisant pour améliorer leurs bourses. Ces améliorations peuvent également être achetées pour améliorer le gameplay. Le jeu viral de crypto a gagné plus de 239 millions de joueurs en trois mois depuis son lancement, comme rapporté par Cointelegraph. Hamster Kombat a rapidement gagné en traction en offrant une expérience amusante et enrichissante avec ses bonus quotidiens, notamment dans des pays comme le Nigeria, les Philippines et la Russie. Les solutions des cryptogrammes quotidiens et des combos quotidiens de Hamster Kombat ont une grande audience et un engagement sur TikTok, Twitter et d'autres plateformes sociales. Débloquer ces récompenses peut augmenter considérablement votre or en jeu alors que vous vous préparez pour le prochain airdrop Hamster Kombat et le lancement du token HMSTR. Au moment de la rédaction, la chaîne YouTube de Hamster Kombat compte maintenant 32,9 millions d'abonnés. Les récompenses quotidiennes jouent un rôle crucial dans l'écosystème de jeu Hamster Kombat. Les nouveaux PDG du jeu peuvent trouver difficile de débloquer les 6 millions de pièces que vous pouvez gagner en résolvant le cryptogramme quotidien et le combo quotidien initialement. Avec ce guide, vous apprendrez rapidement à résoudre le code du cryptogramme et à réclamer 1 million de pièces dans le jeu. Pour vous aider à démarrer rapidement, nous avons compilé la réponse pour le cryptogramme quotidien du 12 juillet 2024. Si vous souhaitez déverrouiller les cartes Daily Combo pour le 12 juillet, trouvez-le ici : Hamster Kombat Daily Combo pour le 12 juillet 2024 Qu'est-ce que le code chiffré quotidien de Hamster Kombat ? Similaire aux cartes Daily Combo mises à jour chaque jour, le Daily Cipher est une tâche de routine qui peut vous récompenser avec 1 million de pièces. Contrairement au Daily Combo, qui nécessite de sélectionner la bonne combinaison de trois cartes, le Daily Cipher implique de saisir un mot dans le jeu en utilisant les normes internationales du code Morse. Un nouveau chiffre est publié quotidiennement à 19h00, heure moyenne de Greenwich (GMT). Code Morse du Daily Cipher : Comment gagner 1 million de pièces Un nouveau Daily Cipher est publié chaque jour, et le résoudre peut vous faire gagner 1 million de pièces. Voici comment vous pouvez déchiffrer le chiffre d'aujourd'hui : Saisir un point (.): Appuyez une fois sur le hamster. Saisir un trait (-): Appuyez et maintenez, puis relâchez. Temps d'entrée : Attendez au moins 1,5 seconde avant d'entrer dans la deuxième séquence d'une lettre pour vous assurer que l'application la reconnaît correctement. Chiffre Morse Quotidien pour le 12 juillet 2024 : Réponse Réponse du Chiffre Quotidien d’Aujourd’hui : NODES Vous pouvez débloquer le code d’aujourd’hui en utilisant la séquence suivante : N Appui long Tap ▬ ● O Appui long Appui long Appui long ▬ ▬ ▬ D Appui long Tap Tap ▬ ● ● E Tap ● S Tap Tap Tap ● ● ● Timing d’Entrée : Attendez au moins 1,5 seconde avant d’entrer la deuxième séquence d’une lettre pour que l’application la reconnaisse correctement. Conseils pour Miner des Pièces de Hamster Voici quelques moyens supplémentaires pour augmenter vos gains dans le jeu Hamster Kombat : Améliorez Votre Échange : Investissez régulièrement dans des améliorations pour votre échange, telles que les marchés, la communication, l'équipe et les améliorations légales. Cela vous aidera à accumuler des pièces passivement, même lorsque vous ne jouez pas activement. Vérifiez Fréquemment : Hamster Kombat vous permet d'accumuler des pièces gratuites pendant jusqu'à trois heures hors ligne. Après cela, vous devez vous connecter pour réclamer vos gains et réinitialiser le minuteur. Les vérifications régulières maximisent vos revenus passifs en pièces. Combo Quotidien : Exécutez le Combo Quotidien en sélectionnant le bon ensemble de cartes chaque jour. Cela peut vous rapporter jusqu'à 5 millions de pièces par jour. Invitez des Amis : Certaines tâches et déblocages de cartes sont conditionnés par l'invitation d'amis à rejoindre le jeu. Réussir à faire jouer des amis peut débloquer des opportunités de gain supplémentaires et vous aider à accomplir des tâches quotidiennes nécessitant un certain nombre de parrainages. Récompenses Quotidiennes : Participez au système de récompenses quotidiennes du jeu. Celles-ci peuvent aller de quelques centaines de pièces à des millions, selon le jour. Réclamer ces récompenses régulièrement sans manquer un jour augmente considérablement vos gains. Engagement sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Suivez les chaînes officielles des réseaux sociaux de Hamster Kombat, telles que Twitter, Facebook et YouTube. Compléter des tâches liées à ces plateformes, comme regarder des vidéos ou interagir avec des publications, peut vous faire gagner des pièces supplémentaires. En utilisant ces méthodes, vous pouvez augmenter considérablement vos gains en pièces dans Hamster Kombat, vous préparant ainsi à un trésor en jeu plus conséquent et augmentant vos chances de bénéficier de l'airdrop de tokens HMSTR à venir. Ajoutez aux Favoris pour des Mises à Jour Quotidiennes Ajoutez cette page aux favoris avec le hashtag Hamster Kombat, que vous pouvez trouver en bas de ce post. Ainsi, vous pouvez vous assurer de ne jamais manquer vos récompenses de Daily Cipher et de Daily Combo. Conclusion C'est ça ! Vous avez le code pour réclamer 1 million de pièces dans le jeu. À mesure que vous débloquez plus de récompenses et minez plus de pièces, vous pouvez monter en niveau dans le jeu, améliorer votre échange et potentiellement augmenter vos chances de gagner plus de crypto lorsque l'airdrop du jeton Hamster sera lancé. Avant de partir, vous pouvez également échanger des jetons Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) sur la plateforme de trading KuCoin Pre-market avant le lancement officiel du jeton sur le marché au comptant. En savoir plus : Hamster Kombat Chiffre Quotidien du 11 Juillet : Réponses pour Gagner 1 Million de Pièces
Hamster Kombat Combo Quotidien, 12 Juillet : Réponses
Bienvenue, PDG de Hamster Kombat ! Il est temps de débloquer jusqu'à 5 millions de pièces en résolvant la combinaison quotidienne pour le 12 juillet. Découvrez les réponses d'aujourd'hui et déverrouillez la combinaison des trois cartes pour réclamer vos récompenses. Résumé rapide Tâche pour le 12 juillet : Sélectionnez les cartes de Cointelegraph, YouTube Gold Button et Vesting Smartcontracts. Tâches supplémentaires : Regardez des vidéos Hamster sur YouTube et complétez d'autres tâches pour gagner vos récompenses quotidiennes et plus de pièces. Une introduction au jeu Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Hamster Kombat est un principal jeu crypto tap-to-earn sur Telegram qui vous permet de devenir PDG de vos propres plateformes d'échange de crypto-monnaies. Avec plus de 239 millions de joueurs en trois mois, selon Cointelegraph, il offre une expérience engageante avec des bonus quotidiens. La chaîne YouTube de Hamster Kombat compte maintenant 33 millions d'abonnés et sa communauté Telegram compte plus de 51 millions de membres. La popularité du jeu est en pleine expansion dans des marchés clés comme le Nigeria, les Philippines et la Russie. Ses bonus quotidiens, en particulier les codes Daily Combo et Daily Cipher, ont de grands suivis sur les plateformes de médias sociaux comme TikTok, Twitter et YouTube. Débloquer ces récompenses peut significativement augmenter votre or en jeu, vous préparant pour le prochain airdrop Hamster Kombat et le lancement du token HMSTR au T3 2024. Lire la suite : Comment gagner des Hamster Coin avec le Daily Combo et le Daily Cipher Les nouveaux PDG de Hamster pourraient trouver difficile de débloquer des récompenses via le Daily Combo et le Daily Cipher au début. Ce guide vous aidera à maximiser vos bonus quotidiens, augmentant significativement vos gains de pièces Hamster et à progresser dans le jeu. Qu'est-ce que le Hamster Kombat Daily Combo ? Le Daily Combo est une tâche de routine qui vous permet de gagner jusqu'à 5 millions de pièces. La combinaison de trois cartes est mise à jour quotidiennement à 12h GMT. Sélectionner correctement ces cartes débloque les récompenses, qui peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer votre échange de crypto-monnaies. Similaire au Daily Combo, le Daily Cipher offre une chance de gagner 1 million de pièces en récompenses quotidiennes. Le Daily Combo est mis à jour quotidiennement à 12h GMT, et le code Daily Cipher est actualisé quotidiennement à 19h GMT. Alors que le Daily Combo exige que vous choisissiez le bon ensemble de trois cartes pour la journée, le Daily Cipher nécessite que vous saisissiez un code ou un terme via le code Morse. Décoder correctement le code Daily Cipher peut vous aider à débloquer 1 million de pièces en récompenses chaque jour. Si vous n'avez pas encore débloqué votre Daily Cipher pour le 11 juillet, consultez ici pour résoudre le code : Code Morse du Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher pour le 11 juillet 2024 Cartes combo quotidiennes de Hamster Kombat pour le 12 juillet 2024 Pour trouver l'ensemble correct de cartes combo quotidiennes, vous devez vérifier les cartes dans les catégories suivantes du jeu : PR&Équipe, Marchés, Juridique, Web3 et Spéciales. Assurez-vous de monter de niveau et de compléter les tâches nécessaires pour débloquer les cartes qui ne sont pas encore accessibles pour vous. Les cartes combo d'aujourd'hui sont : PR&Équipe : Cointelegraph Spéciales : Bouton Or YouTube Web3 : Contrats intelligents de vesting Conseils pour gagner plus de Hamster Coins Voici quelques stratégies supplémentaires que vous pouvez utiliser pour miner plus de pièces en jouant à Hamster Kombat sur Telegram: Améliorez Votre Échange : Investissez dans des améliorations pour votre échange, telles que des marchés, des relations publiques, des améliorations de l'équipe et des aspects juridiques. Ces améliorations vous aident à accumuler des pièces de manière passive. Connexions Fréquentes : Accumulez des pièces gratuites pendant jusqu'à trois heures hors ligne. Connectez-vous régulièrement pour réclamer vos gains et réinitialiser le minuteur pour maximiser le revenu passif de pièces. Invitez des Amis : Débloquez des opportunités de gain supplémentaires en invitant des amis à rejoindre le jeu. Certaines tâches et déblocages de cartes nécessitent des références. Réclamez des Récompenses Quotidiennes : Participez au système de récompenses quotidiennes du jeu pour gagner des pièces. Réclamer ces récompenses de manière cohérente sans manquer un jour peut augmenter considérablement vos gains. Engagement sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Suivez Hamster Kombat sur les plateformes de réseaux sociaux comme Twitter, Facebook et Instagram. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle et regardez des vidéos pour gagner des pièces. Résolvez le Code Morse Quotidien : Résolvez le puzzle Daily Cipher pour débloquer jusqu'à 1 million de pièces. Un nouveau code Morse est publié quotidiennement à 19h GMT. Restez Informé Ajoutez cette page à vos favoris et suivez le hashtag Hamster Kombat pour rester informé des récompenses quotidiennes. Conclusion En suivant ce guide, vous pouvez facilement débloquer des récompenses quotidiennes et améliorer votre expérience de jeu. Au fur et à mesure que vous gagnez plus de pièces et débloquez des récompenses, vous pouvez améliorer votre échange et augmenter vos chances de gagner plus de crypto lors de l'airdrop HMSTR. Au cas où vous l'auriez manqué, vous pouvez également échanger des tokens Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) sur la plateforme de trading Pre-market de KuCoin avant le lancement officiel du token. En savoir plus : Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, 11 juillet 2024
Cartes combo quotidiennes PixelTap pour le 11 juillet : réponses et récompenses
Vous cherchez les cartes combo quotidiennes de Pixel Tap pour le 11 juillet? Vous pouvez gagner 280 000 pièces en jeu en les trouvant et en les plaçant dans le bon ordre. Voici tout ce que vous devez savoir pour commencer et maximiser vos récompenses dans le jeu PixelTap par Pixelverse sur Telegram. Résumé rapide Complétez les tâches de combo quotidiennes pour le 11 juillet pour gagner 280 000 pièces PixelTap. Découvrez des moyens supplémentaires pour augmenter vos gains de pièces dans PixelTap. Introduction à PixelTap par Pixelverse PixelTap est un jeu populaire sur Telegram basé sur le modèle tap-to-earn, développé par Pixelverse. Les joueurs peuvent accumuler des pièces en complétant diverses tâches et missions. PixelTap par Pixelverse compte plus de 50 millions de joueurs à l'heure actuelle, tandis que son canal Telegram officiel compte près de 10 millions de membres. PixelTap a gagné une popularité significative grâce à ses fonctionnalités uniques et aux combos quotidiens qui fournissent des points bonus et des pièces supplémentaires. Ces bonus sont un excellent moyen de maximiser les récompenses avant le lancement prochain du token Pixelverse (PIXFI) au troisième trimestre de 2024. Les récompenses quotidiennes sont essentielles dans l'écosystème PixelTap, mais les nouveaux joueurs pourraient trouver difficile de débloquer ces récompenses initialement. Ce guide vous aidera à naviguer et à maximiser vos bonus quotidiens, améliorant ainsi votre expérience de jeu et vous préparant au lancement prochain du token Pixelverse (PIXFI) et à la distribution gratuite de PIXFI. Lire plus : PixelTap Daily Combo par Pixelverse Game : Conseils à connaître Combo quotidien de PixelTap pour le 11 juillet 2024 Voici les étapes pour compléter les tâches du combo quotidien de PixelTap et gagner vos récompenses : Ouvrir le jeu PixelTap : Accédez au jeu sur Telegram. Accéder aux récompenses : Cliquez sur le menu "Récompenses" en bas de l'écran. Sélectionner Combo quotidien : Appuyez sur la tâche "Combo quotidien" pour ouvrir les puzzles. Glisser-déposer : Placez les cartes dans le bon ordre en les faisant glisser et en les déposant dans les cases. Vérifier et réclamer : Cliquez sur le bouton "Vérifier", puis sur "Réclamer" pour ajouter les récompenses à votre compte. Voici les cartes combo PixelTap fonctionnelles pour aujourd'hui. Dépensez vos jetons PixelTap sur ces combos de quatre cartes pour gagner 280 000 jetons PixelTap. PixelTap Daily Combo : Réponses pour le 11 juillet 2024 En sélectionnant les cartes suivantes dans l'ordre indiqué ci-dessous, vous obtiendrez les récompenses de combo quotidien de 280 000 pièces. Assurez-vous de vérifier le temps d'expiration affiché dans le jeu pour réclamer vos récompenses à temps. BIG PAW RATAPOUILLE B-ATOM LUPINE Conseils supplémentaires pour gagner plus de pièces PixelTap Pour gagner des pièces dans le jeu PixelTap de Pixelverse sur Telegram, il existe plusieurs méthodes que vous pouvez utiliser : Tapoter sur la Pièce d'Or : Tapoter simplement sur la pièce d'or dans le jeu génère des pièces. La fréquence et le montant des pièces que vous pouvez gagner dépendent du niveau de votre bot. Les bots de niveau supérieur offrent des récompenses plus élevées. Programme de Parrainage : Inviter des amis à rejoindre PixelTap peut augmenter considérablement vos gains. Vous recevez des bonus lorsque vos amis s'inscrivent via votre lien de parrainage, et vous gagnez également un pourcentage de leurs gains. Les comptes premium offrent des bonus de parrainage encore plus élevés. Batailles PvP : Participer à des batailles joueur contre joueur (PvP) en temps réel peut également être une manière lucrative de gagner des pièces. Gagner ces batailles dépend de la force de votre bot, qui peut être augmentée en améliorant vos bots. Tâches et Missions Quotidiennes : Compléter diverses tâches et missions quotidiennes dans le jeu vous récompense également avec des pièces. Ces tâches vont d'activités simples comme rejoindre des chaînes Telegram à des missions en jeu plus complexes. Engagement sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Suivre PixelTap sur les plateformes de réseaux sociaux et participer aux activités de la communauté peut débloquer des récompenses supplémentaires. Les influenceurs et les comptes officiels partagent souvent des astuces et des mises à jour sur la façon de maximiser les gains via des événements et promotions spéciaux. Utiliser les Fonctionnalités de Boost Quotidien : Le jeu offre des boosts quotidiens qui peuvent augmenter de manière significative le nombre de pièces que vous gagnez. Utiliser ces boosts pendant les périodes d'activité maximale peut vous aider à maximiser vos récompenses quotidiennes. Mettre en Favoris pour Plus de Récompenses Ajoutez cette page aux favoris avec le hashtag #Pixelverse et revenez quotidiennement pour les dernières mises à jour des combos quotidiens de PixelTap. Partagez ce post avec vos amis pour qu'ils puissent également bénéficier des combos quotidiens. Lire la suite: Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop : Tout ce que vous devez savoir Conclusion Le combo quotidien dans PixelTap est une fonctionnalité passionnante qui aide les joueurs à gagner plus de pièces en jeu. En suivant ce guide, vous pouvez débloquer plus de récompenses quotidiennes et améliorer votre expérience de jeu. Restez à l'écoute pour le lancement du token PixelTap au T3 2024 pour potentiellement convertir vos gains en jeu en cryptomonnaie. Lire la suite: Combo quotidien de Hamster Kombat pour le 11 juillet : Réponses
Hamster Kombat Chiffre Quotidien du 11 Juillet : Réponses pour Gagner 1 Million de Pièces
Bonjour PDG de Hamster Kombat, il est temps de débloquer jusqu'à 1 million de pièces sur Hamster Kombat en résolvant le Daily Cipher pour le 11 juillet. Lisez la suite pour découvrir la réponse d'aujourd'hui et comment gagner plus de pièces dans le jeu Telegram Hamster Kombat. Aperçu Rapide Résolvez une énigme de code Morse Daily Cipher pour débloquer 1 million de pièces pour le 11 juillet. Le code chiffré d'aujourd'hui est "WHALE". Regardez des vidéos Hamster sur YouTube et complétez d'autres tâches pour gagner plus de pièces dans le jeu Hamster Kombat. Qu'est-ce que l'application mini Tap-to-Earn Telegram Hamster Kombat? Hamster Kombat est l'un des tap-to-earn jeux Telegram les plus réussis, où vous pouvez devenir le PDG de votre propre échange de crypto-monnaie. Le jeu crypto viral a gagné plus de 239 millions de joueurs en trois mois depuis son lancement, selon Cointelegraph. Hamster Kombat a rapidement gagné en traction en offrant une expérience amusante et enrichissante avec ses bonus quotidiens, notamment dans des pays comme le Nigeria, les Philippines et la Russie. Les solutions Daily Ciphers et Daily Combos de Hamster Kombat ont un grand nombre de fans et d'engagements sur TikTok, Twitter et autres plateformes sociales. Débloquer ces récompenses peut considérablement augmenter votre or en jeu alors que vous vous préparez pour le prochain airdrop Hamster Kombat et le lancement du token HMSTR. Au moment de la rédaction, la chaîne YouTube Hamster Kombat compte désormais 32,9 millions d'abonnés. Les récompenses quotidiennes jouent un rôle crucial dans l'écosystème de jeu Hamster Kombat. Les nouveaux PDG du jeu pourraient trouver difficile de débloquer les 6 millions de pièces que vous pouvez gagner en résolvant le Daily Cipher et Daily Combo au début. Cependant, avec ce guide, vous apprendrez rapidement comment maximiser vos bonus quotidiens, augmentant considérablement votre or en jeu. Pour vous aider à démarrer rapidement dans le jeu, nous avons compilé la réponse pour le Daily Cipher du 11 juillet 2024. Si vous voulez débloquer les cartes Combo quotidien pour le 11 juillet, trouvez-les ici : Hamster Kombat Combo quotidien pour le 11 juillet 2024 Quel est le code du Daily Cipher de Hamster Kombat ? Similaire aux cartes Combo quotidien mises à jour chaque jour, le Daily Cipher est une tâche de routine que vous pouvez utiliser pour débloquer 1 million de pièces en récompense. Contrairement à la combinaison quotidienne de trois cartes que vous devez sélectionner pour relever le défi du Combo quotidien, le Daily Cipher est un mot que vous devez saisir dans le jeu en utilisant les normes du Code Morse international. Un nouveau chiffre est publié quotidiennement à 19h00 heure moyenne de Greenwich (GMT). Voici comment vous pouvez le décoder : Code Morse du Daily Cipher : Comment gagner 1 million de pièces Un nouveau Daily Cipher est publié chaque jour, et le résoudre peut vous faire gagner 1 million de pièces. Voici comment vous pouvez décoder le chiffre d'aujourd'hui : Entrer un point (.): Tapotez le hamster une fois. Entrer un tiret (-): Tapotez et maintenez, puis relâchez. Timing de l'entrée: Attendez au moins 1,5 seconde avant d'entrer la deuxième séquence d'une lettre pour que l'application la reconnaisse correctement. Code Morse Chiffre Quotidien pour le 11 juillet 2024 : Réponse Réponse du Chiffre Quotidien d’aujourd’hui: BALEINE Vous pouvez déverrouiller le code d’aujourd’hui en utilisant la séquence suivante: W: .- - (point tiret tiret) H: …. (point point point point) A: .- (point tiret) L: .-.. (point tiret point point) E: . (point) Timing de l'entrée: Attendez au moins 1,5 seconde avant d'entrer la deuxième séquence d'une lettre pour que l'application la reconnaisse correctement. Plus de Moyens de Miner des Hamster Coins Voici quelques autres moyens d'augmenter vos gains dans le jeu Hamster Kombat: Améliorez votre Échange : Investissez régulièrement dans des améliorations pour votre échange, telles que les Marchés, PR&Équipe, et les améliorations Juridiques. Cela vous aidera à accumuler des pièces de manière passive, même lorsque vous ne jouez pas activement. Vérifiez Fréquemment : Hamster Kombat vous permet d'accumuler des pièces gratuites pendant jusqu'à trois heures hors ligne. Ensuite, vous devez vous connecter pour réclamer vos gains et réinitialiser le chronomètre. Les vérifications régulières maximisent vos revenus passifs en pièces. Résolvez le Combo Quotidien : Exécutez le Combo Quotidien en sélectionnant le bon ensemble de cartes chaque jour. Cela peut vous rapporter jusqu'à 5 millions de pièces quotidiennement. Invitez des Amis : Certaines tâches et déblocages de cartes nécessitent d'inviter des amis à rejoindre le jeu. Réussir à faire jouer des amis peut débloquer des opportunités de gains supplémentaires et vous aider à accomplir les tâches quotidiennes qui peuvent nécessiter un certain nombre de parrainages. Réclamez les Récompenses Quotidiennes : Participez au système de récompenses quotidiennes du jeu. Cela peut aller de quelques centaines de pièces à des millions, selon le jour. Réclamer ces récompenses de manière cohérente sans manquer un jour augmente considérablement vos gains. Engagement sur les Réseaux Sociaux : Suivez les chaînes officielles de Hamster Kombat sur les réseaux sociaux, comme Twitter, Facebook, et YouTube. Accomplir des tâches liées à ces plateformes, comme regarder des vidéos ou interagir avec les publications, peut vous rapporter des pièces supplémentaires. En utilisant ces méthodes, vous pouvez augmenter considérablement vos revenus en pièces dans Hamster Kombat, vous préparant ainsi à un trésor en jeu plus important et augmentant vos chances de bénéficier du prochain airdrop de jetons HMSTR. Ajoutez aux Favoris pour des Mises à Jour Quotidiennes Ajoutez cette page aux favoris avec le hashtag Hamster Kombat, que vous pouvez trouver en bas de ce post. De cette façon, vous pouvez vous assurer de ne jamais manquer vos récompenses Daily Cipher et Daily Combo. Conclusion Utilisez ce guide pour débloquer efficacement la récompense du Chiffre Quotidien de Hamster Kombat et améliorer votre gameplay. Au fur et à mesure que vous débloquez plus de récompenses et minez plus de pièces, vous pouvez monter de niveau dans le jeu, améliorer votre échange et potentiellement augmenter vos chances de gagner plus de crypto lorsque le airdrop de jetons Hamster sera en ligne. Avant de partir, vous pouvez également échanger des jetons Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) sur la plateforme de trading KuCoin Pre-market avant le lancement officiel du jeton sur le marché au comptant.
Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, July 11: Answers for Earning 5 Million Coins
Hello Hamster Kombat CEOs, it’s time to unlock up to 5 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo for July 11. Read on to find out the answers for today and how to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat Telegram game. Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks for July 11 and select the cards of Margin trading x30 , Semi-final England vs Netherlands, and Oracle to earn 5 million coins today. Watch Hamster YouTube videos and complete other tasks to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat game. What Is Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Mini-App? Hamster Kombat is one of the most successful tap-to-earn games on Telegram where you can become the CEO of your own crypto exchange. The viral Telegram crypto game has gained over 239 million players within three months of launch, according to a Cointelegraph report. Hamster Kombat has seen soaring adoption by offering an engaging and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses, especially in key markets like Nigeria, the Philippines, and Russia. Daily Combos have large followings and engagement on TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and other social platforms. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch scheduled for Q3 2024. As of this writing, Hamster Kombat’s YouTube channel now boasts 32.9 million subscribers while its Telegram community has over 51 million members. Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Hamster Kombat gaming ecosystem. New Hamster CEOs of the game could find it challenging to unlock these rewards via Daily Combo and Daily Cipher initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, significantly boosting your Hamster coin earnings and leveling up in the game. To help you get a quick start in the game, we’ve compiled the answers for the Daily Combo for July 11, 2024. Read More: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo What Is the Hamster Kombat Daily Combo? The Daily Combo is a straightforward, routine task that lets you earn 5 million coins as a reward. The combination of the three cards you need to select correctly gets updated every day at 12 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). After successfully unlocking all the cards, you can claim up to 5 million coins daily, which can be further used for upgrading your crypto exchange. Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards for July 11, 2024 You can find the daily combo cards in various categories, such as PR&Team, Markets, Legal, Web3, and Specials. Today’s daily combo cards are as follows: Margin trading x30 (Markets) Semi-final England vs Netherlands (Specials) Oracle (Web3) More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins To earn more coins on Hamster Kombat beyond the Daily Combo, here are several strategies you can employ: Upgrade Your Exchange: Regularly invest in upgrades for your exchange, such as markets, PR, team, and legal enhancements. This will help you accumulate coins passively, even when you're not actively playing. Check In Daily: Hamster Kombat allows you to accumulate free coins for up to three hours while offline. After that, you need to log in to claim your earnings and reset the timer. Regular check-ins maximize your passive coin income. Invite Friends: Some tasks and card unlocks are gated behind inviting friends to join the game. Successfully getting friends to start playing can unlock additional earning opportunities and help you complete daily tasks that may require a certain number of referrals. Daily Rewards: Participate in the game's daily rewards system. These can range from a few hundred coins up to 5 million, depending on the day. Consistently claiming these rewards without missing a day increases your earnings significantly, Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel and watch videos to earn 100,000 coins per task. Daily Cipher: Just like the Daily Combo, the Daily Cipher could help you unlock 1 million coins if solving the puzzle successfully. A new cipher Morse Code is released daily at 7 PM GMT, the same for all players. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page with the Hamster Kombat hashtag, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards. Conclusion By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. As you unlock more rewards and mine more coins, you can level up in the game, upgrade your exchange, and potentially boost your chances of earning more crypto when the HMSTR airdrop goes live. BTW, you can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on the KuCoin Pre-market trading platform ahead of the official token launch on the spot market. Read More: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 10, 2024
TapSwap Daily Secret Cinema Codes, July 10: Unlock Your Rewards
Unlock up to 400,000 coins on TapSwap by solving the special tasks and entering the secret codes for July 10. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the TapSwap Telegram game. Quick Take Watch the two latest videos and enter the secret codes given below to earn 400,000 coins on July 10, 2024, when playing TapSwap. Discover more ways to earn more coins in the TapSwap game. An Introduction to TapSwap Telegram Game TapSwap is a viral tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. It has over 60 million players at the time of writing, while its Telegram community has over 25 million members and its YouTube channel boasts over 4 million subscribers at the time of writing. TapSwap’s developers have confirmed a delay of the official TapSwap (TAPS) token launch to Q3 2024. However, when the token launches, you can convert your in-game earnings to crypto and potentially trade them after the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch. Daily rewards play a crucial role within the TapSwap gaming ecosystem, but you find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially as a new player. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses and earn more rewards while playing the game. Read on to unlock the answers to the TapSwap Daily Cinema Secret Codes for July 10, 2024. Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game Today’s TapSwap Secret Cinema Codes for July 10, 2024 Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 400,000 coins: Task 16: Cryptocurrency World Wide News Answer 1: 3PM71AK03X Answer 2: delisting Task 17: Learn 10 New Crypto Terms Answer: collateral How to Complete TapSwap Secret Codes To complete TapSwap daily codes today and earn 200,000 coins per task, follow these steps: Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Cinema” option and scroll down to see the latest task videos. Select the video you have not watched yet and click Start Mission to watch the entire video. In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Watch the video, find the code and paste it here.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Submit.” Click “Finish Mission” to claim your rewards and move to the next task. The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you enter this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to level up in the game. The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes! Recap of Previous Cinema Secret Codes on TapSwap In case you missed it, here are the secret codes to unlock 200,000 coins per task for the previous videos published over the past few days: Watch the first Video Code: 739002 Watch new video Code: 5 Learn what the TON is Code: 548719 Watch the first Token Video Code: no code, only watch video til end TapSwap Education Code: 030072 New in the Crypto World Code: 739551 Learn 5 Crypto Terms Code: 2614907 Tapswap Education – what the bitcoin is? Code: D57U94 How Earn Money on Crypto Code: genesis Drops and Rises Code: 27F53K9 5 Ways to Make Money on Crypto Code: encryption Memes and Cryptocurrencies Code: 4D80N74 Get Started in Crypto Code: TRIBALISM 8 Warren Buffet Rules Code: ABENOMICS Fake a News and Real News Code: G5D73H20 More Ways to Mine TapSwap Coins In addition to solving the daily secret codes, here are some more ways to mine coins on the TapSwap Telegram game: Complete Tasks: TapSwap offers special tasks that provide substantial bonus coins. Tasks can include joining a community Telegram channel, following TapSwap on social media, or watching specific videos. Completing these tasks early can earn you up to 800,000 coins, which you can use for important upgrades like the TapBot. Use Daily Boosters: Utilize daily boosters such as "Tapping Guru" and "Full Tank." These boosters can increase the points earned per tap and refill your energy bar, allowing for extended tapping sessions. Each booster has three charges per day. Purchase Upgrades: Investing in upgrades like "Multitap" (increases coins per tap), "Energy Limit" (more taps before energy depletes), and "Recharging Speed" (faster energy refill) can significantly boost your earnings. Prioritize these upgrades as soon as you can afford them. Invite Friends: TapSwap offers referral bonuses. By inviting friends to join the game, you can earn extra coins based on their activity. Completing referral milestones also rewards you with additional coins. Join Leagues: Compete in different leagues to earn more coins by outperforming others. Higher performance in leagues can lead to greater rewards and recognition within the game. TapBot: Purchase a TapBot for 200,000 coins to mine coins passively. The TapBot works for 12 hours, allowing you to earn coins even when you are not actively tapping. Check in periodically to collect the mined coins and keep the TapBot running. Bookmark for the Latest TapSwap Codes Bookmark this page with the hashtag #Tapswap and check back daily to get the latest TapSwap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too. Conclusion The daily cinema secret codes on TapSwap help you unlock more in-game coins for today. This guide can help you unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. In addition to leveling up in the game, earning more coins on TapSwap also increases your chances of getting more crypto when the TapSwap token launches. However, it’s not a guarantee that you can monetize your coins when the tokens are officially launched. Please do your own research before making investments. Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Code for July 10: Answers to Know
Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Code for July 10: Answers to Know
Hello Hamster Kombat CEOs, it’s time to unlock up to 6 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 10. Read on to find out the answers for today and how to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat Telegram game. Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks for July 10 and select the cards of TG Leaders, Semi-Final: Spain VS France and DEX to earn 5 million coins today. Solve a Daily Cipher Morse code puzzle to unlock 1 million coins for July 10. Watch Hamster YouTube Videos and other task lists to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat game. What Is Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Mini-App? Hamster Kombat is one of the most successful tap-to-earn games on Telegram where you can become the CEO of your own crypto exchange. The viral crypto game has gained over 239 million players within 3 months of launch, as per the report from Cointelegraph. Hamster Kombat has gained quick traction by offering a fun and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses, especially in countries like Nigeria, Philippines and Russia. Daily Combo and Daily Ciphers have large followings and engagement on TikTok, Twitter, and other social platforms, as unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch. As of this writing, the Hamster Kombat’s YouTube channel now boasts 32.9 million subscribers. Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Hamster Kombat gaming ecosystem. New CEOs of the game might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, significantly boosting your in-game gold. To help you get a quick start for the game, we’ve compiled the answers for the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo for July 10, 2024. Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher The Daily Combo is a straightforward, routine task that you can leverage to unlock 5 million coins as a reward. The combination of the three cards you need to select correctly gets updated every day at 12 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Similar to the Daily Cipher, the combination of three cards changes daily for all CEO players. After successfully unlocking all the cards, you can claim up to 500 million coins, which can be further used for upgrading your crypto exchange. Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards for July 10, 2024 You can find the daily combo cards in the 「Web3 」and 「Special」 category, and today’s daily combo cards are as follows, DEX (Web3) Semi-final Spain vs France (Specials) TG Leader (Special) Daily Cipher for July 9: Earn 1 Million Coins With the similar logic of daily combo, the Daily Cipher could help you to unlock 1 million coins if solving the puzzle successfully. A new cipher is released daily at 7PM GMT, the same for all players. Here’s how you can decode it. Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 10, 2024 Daily Cipher Answer: GAS Sequence G = - - .(dash dash dot) A = . - (dot dash) S = . . . .(dot dot dot) More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel and watch videos to earn 100,000 coins per task. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page with the Hamster Kombat hashtag, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards. Conclusion So this is the daily combo and cipher code for today and by following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. As you unlock more rewards and mine more coins, you can level up in the game, upgrade your exchange, and potentially boost your chances of earning more crypto when the HMSTR airdrop goes live. BTW, you can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on the KuCoin Pre-market trading platform ahead of the official token launch on the spot market. Read More: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9, 2024
Pixelverse Daily Combo for July 9 to Unlock PixelTap Rewards Today
Unlock 5 million coins on PixelTap by solving the special daily combo for July 9. Read on to find the steps and learn how to maximize your earnings in the PixelTap Telegram game. Quick Take Complete the daily combo tasks for July 9 to earn 5 million PixelTap coins. Discover additional ways to increase your coin earnings in PixelTap. Introduction to PixelTap by Pixelverse PixelTap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game, developed by Pixelverse. Players can accumulate coins by completing various tasks and missions. PixelTap has gained significant popularity due to its unique features and daily combos that provide extra bonus points and coins. These bonuses are an excellent way to maximize rewards before the upcoming PixelTap token launch in Q3 2024. Daily rewards are essential in the PixelTap ecosystem, but new players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. This guide will help you navigate and maximize your daily bonuses, enhancing your gameplay experience, and preparing for the upcoming Pixelverse (PIXFI) token generation event and PIXFI airdrop. Read more: PixelTap Daily Combo by Pixelverse Game: Tips to Know Today’s PixelTap Daily Combo for July 9, 2024 Here are the steps to complete the PixelTap daily combo tasks and earn your rewards: How to Complete PixelTap Daily Combo Open the PixelTap Game: Access the game on Telegram. Navigate to Rewards: Click on the "Rewards" menu at the bottom of the screen. Select Daily Combo: Tap on the "Daily Combo" task to open up the puzzles. Drag and Drop: Arrange the cards in the correct order by dragging and dropping them into the boxes. Check and Claim: Click on the "Check" button, then hit "Claim" to add the rewards to your account. Here are the working PixelTap combo cards for today. Spend your PixelTap tokens on these three-card combos to win 5 million PixelTap tokens. PixelTap Daily Combo: Answers for July 9, 2024 Neon cat Orange fish head Purple fish head Green werewolf Completing these steps will grant you the daily combo rewards of 5 million coins. Make sure you check the expiration time displayed in the game to claim your rewards promptly. Additional Tips for Earning More PixelTap Coins Invite Friends: Increase your earnings by inviting friends to join PixelTap. Join Channels: Complete tasks that involve joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Follow PixelTap on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to unlock more rewards. Bookmark for More Rewards Bookmark this page with the #Pixelverse hashtag and check back daily for the latest PixelTap daily combo updates. Share this post with your friends so they can also benefit from the daily combos. Read more: Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Everything You Need to Know Conclusion The daily combo in PixelTap is an exciting feature that helps players earn more in-game coins. By following this guide, you can unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for the PixelTap token launch in Q3 2024 to potentially convert your in-game earnings to cryptocurrency. Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9: Answers
Les Combos Quotidiens et le Code Morse Quotidien pour Hamster Kombat du 9 juillet : Réponses
Débloquez jusqu'à 6 millions de pièces sur Hamster Kombat en résolvant le Daily Combo et Daily Cipher pour le 9 juillet. Lisez la suite pour découvrir les réponses d'aujourd'hui et comment maximiser vos gains sur le jeu Telegram Hamster Kombat. Résumé Rapide Résolvez une énigme en code Morse Daily Cipher pour débloquer 1 million de pièces pour le 9 juillet. Complétez des tâches quotidiennes spécifiques pour le 9 juillet et sélectionnez la bonne combinaison de cartes pour le Daily Combo afin de gagner 5 millions de pièces. Découvrez d'autres moyens d'augmenter votre potentiel de gains dans le jeu Hamster Kombat. Qu'est-ce que l'application mini-jeu Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn sur Telegram ? Hamster Kombat est l'un des jeux tap-to-earn les plus réussis sur Telegram où vous pouvez devenir le PDG de votre propre échange de crypto-monnaie. Le jeu crypto viral a gagné plus de 239 millions de joueurs en 3 mois depuis son lancement, selon Pavel Durov, le fondateur et PDG de Telegram. Hamster Kombat a acquis une telle popularité grâce à son offre d'une expérience amusante et gratifiante avec ses bonus quotidiens. Débloquer ces récompenses peut considérablement augmenter votre or dans le jeu alors que vous vous préparez pour le airdrop Hamster Kombat et le lancement du jeton HMSTR à venir. Les récompenses quotidiennes jouent un rôle crucial dans l'écosystème de jeu Hamster Kombat. Les nouveaux joueurs pourraient trouver difficile de débloquer ces récompenses au début. Cependant, avec ce guide, vous apprendrez rapidement comment maximiser vos bonus quotidiens, augmentant ainsi considérablement votre or dans le jeu. Pour faciliter votre gameplay et gagner plus de pièces Hamster, nous avons compilé les réponses pour le Daily Cipher et le Daily Combo du 9 juillet 2024. Lire la suite : Comment gagner des pièces Hamster avec Daily Combo et Daily Cipher Daily Cipher pour le 9 juillet : Gagnez 1 million de pièces Le Daily Cipher consiste à résoudre un puzzle en code Morse. Un nouveau chiffre est publié quotidiennement, identique pour tous les joueurs. Voici comment vous pouvez le décoder : Entrer un point (.): Appuyez une fois sur le hamster. Entrer un tiret (-): Appuyez et maintenez, puis relâchez. Temps d'entrée: Attendez au moins 1,5 seconde avant d'entrer la deuxième séquence d'une lettre pour vous assurer que l'application la reconnaît correctement. Code Morse du Daily Cipher pour le 9 juillet 2024 Réponse du Chiffre Quotidien : DAG Séquence D : – . . (trait point point) A : . – (point trait) G : – – . (trait trait point) Comment Débloquer le Code du Chiffre Quotidien Suivez ces étapes pour débloquer le code du Chiffre Quotidien de Hamster Kombat pour le 9 juillet 2024 : Ouvrez l'écran de saisie en code Morse. Appuyez et maintenez, puis appuyez deux fois pour ‘D’. Appuyez une fois, puis appuyez et maintenez pour ‘A’. Appuyez et maintenez deux fois, puis appuyez une fois pour ‘G’. Combo Quotidien Hamster Kombat : Gagnez 5 Millions de Pièces Le Combo Quotidien est simple. Vous devez trouver trois cartes spécifiques parmi les tâches disponibles. Comme le Chiffre Quotidien, ce puzzle change quotidiennement et possède une réponse universelle pour tous les joueurs. Cartes Combo Quotidiennes de Hamster Kombat pour le 9 juillet 2024 Top 10 Classement Global (Spéciales) Équipe de Sécurité (PR&Équipe) Seulement 4 Meilleurs Restants (Spéciale) Comment Déverrouiller le Combo Quotidien sur Hamster Kombat Complétez les tâches spécifiées dans le jeu pour déverrouiller les cartes Combo Quotidiennes suivantes pour le 9 juillet : Top 10 Classement Global (Spéciales) Équipe de Sécurité (PR&Équipe) Seulement 4 Meilleurs Restants (Spéciales) Note : Vous devrez peut-être inviter plus d'amis dans le jeu si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait pour déverrouiller les cartes spéciales dans le jeu. Plus de façons de miner des Hamster Coins Inviter des membres : Certains combos quotidiens peuvent impliquer l'invitation de nouveaux membres. Rejoindre des canaux : Les tâches peuvent inclure la participation à des canaux Telegram. Engagement sur les réseaux sociaux : Suivre des comptes sur Twitter, Facebook ou Instagram peut également faire partie des tâches quotidiennes. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle de Hamster Kombat et regardez des vidéos pour gagner 100 000 coins par tâche. Mettre en favori pour des mises à jour quotidiennes Ajoutez cette page en favori avec le hashtag Hamster Kombat, que vous pouvez trouver en bas de cette page. Rester à jour vous garantira de ne jamais manquer vos récompenses quotidiennes. Conclusion Maîtriser le Daily Cipher et le Daily Combo dans Hamster Kombat est essentiel pour maximiser votre or en jeu. En suivant ce guide, vous pouvez facilement débloquer ces récompenses quotidiennes et améliorer votre gameplay. À mesure que vous débloquez plus de récompenses et minez plus de coins, vous pouvez monter de niveau dans le jeu, améliorer votre échange et potentiellement augmenter vos chances de gagner plus de crypto lorsque l'airdrop HMSTR sera mis en ligne. Vous pouvez également échanger des tokens Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) sur la plateforme de trading pré-marché de KuCoin avant le lancement officiel du token sur le marché spot.
TapSwap Daily Cinema Secret Codes, July 9: Answers and Rewards
Unlock 400,000 coins on TapSwap by solving the special codes for July 9. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the TapSwap Telegram game. Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks on July 9 and use the given codes to earn up to 200,000 coins per task. Discover more ways to earn more coins in the TapSwap game. An Introduction to TapSwap Telegram Game TapSwap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. The game’s developers have confirmed a delay of the official TapSwap token launch to Q3 2024. However, when the token launches, you will be able to convert your in-game earnings to crypto and potentially trade them after the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch. Daily rewards play a crucial role within the TapSwap gaming ecosystem, but new players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses and earn more rewards while playing the game. Read on to unlock the answers to the TapSwap Daily Secret Cinema Codes for July 9, 2024. Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game Today’s TapSwap Secret Cinema Codes for July 9, 2024 Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 400,000 coins: Task: Warren Buffet Rules Answer: ABENOMICS Task: Fake a News and Real News Answer: G5D73H20 How to Complete TapSwap Secret Codes To complete TapSwap daily codes today, follow these steps: Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Cinema” option and scroll down to see the latest task videos. Select the video you have not watched yet and click Start Mission to watch the entire video. In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Watch the video, find the code and paste it here.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Submit.” Click “Finish Mission” to claim your rewards and move to the next task. The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you enter this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to level up in the game. The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes! More Ways to Earn TapSwap Coins Invite Your Friends: Some tasks might involve inviting new members to join TapSwap. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Ensure that you subscribe to the official TapSwap YouTube channel so you can watch videos and unlock more rewards daily. Bookmark for the Latest TapSwap Codes Bookmark this page with the hashtag of Tapswap and check back daily to get the latest TapSwap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too. Stay updated and have fun playing! Conclusion The daily cinema secret codes on TapSwap help you unlock more in-game coins for today. This guide can help you unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. In addition to leveling up in the game, earning more coins on TapSwao also increases your chances of getting more crypto when the TapSwap token launches. However, it’s not a guarantee that you can monetize your coins when the tokens are officially launched. Please do your own research before making investments. Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9: Answers
Top 5 Altcoins to Watch for the Next Bull Run
As the crypto market gears up for what could be the biggest bull run in history, investors are focusing on promising altcoins. Among the top contenders are Kaspa (KAS), NEAR Protocol (NEAR), Solana (SOL), Toncoin (TON), and TRON (TRX). These projects are capturing investor interest and showing serious potential for massive gains. Quick Take Kaspa (KAS) reached an all-time high, showcasing strong investor interest and a bullish outlook for its future. NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is driving growth with AI-focused initiatives, enhancing its technological capabilities and user experience. Solana (SOL) maintains stability with swift transaction processing and solid infrastructure, attracting a robust developer and investor base. Toncoin (TON) offers scalability and ease of use, being created by Telegram and favored for its low transaction costs. TRON (TRX) is a prominent player in decentralized digital entertainment, consistently growing its network activity and value. Kaspa (KAS) Hits a New All-Time High KAS/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin Kaspa (KAS) is making waves with its privacy-focused blockchain platform. On June 30, Kaspa hit an all-time high price of $0.19. This peak highlighted significant investor interest, signaling Kaspa’s path to major growth this year. Kaspa’s unique attributes include fast transaction speeds and efficient, stateless money solutions. The platform also boasts a rising hash rate and a growing number of miners, indicating increasing interest and profitability in mining Kaspa. Recently, Marathon Digital announced its intention to mine $16 million worth of KAS, further boosting confidence in Kaspa’s future prospects. Despite a recent correction, Kaspa remains robust with a strong buying pressure indicated by its RSI. Analysts project Kaspa could see a 100x increase from its current price, potentially reaching $18 by June 2029. This optimism is fueled by significant institutional inflows from entities like Fidelity and Ark Investment, indicating a strong foundation for future growth. NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Focusing on AI NEAR Protocol crosses 450 million transactions | Source: Flipside on X NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has seen substantial growth in token price and transaction volumes since early 2024. The launch of innovative features like Chain Signatures and the integration of HERE Wallet with Telegram have significantly enhanced NEAR Protocol’s accessibility and user experience. NEAR Protocol’s focus on AI has been a key driver of its growth. Initiatives like the NEAR.AI R&D Lab aim to improve consensus algorithms, enhance security, and introduce new economic models. These advancements make NEAR Protocol a standout in the blockchain space. With over 450 million transactions and 12.3 million unique addresses, NEAR Protocol has captured significant market attention. The recent surge in transactions and new addresses has positively impacted NEAR’s price, positioning it for potential upward movement. The Money Flow Index and MACD indicators suggest a bullish trend, with increased user engagement driving market sentiment. Solana (SOL): The Top Challenger to Ethereum Solana (SOL) is known for its swift transaction processing and solid infrastructure. As a Layer 1 solution, Solana has built a large following, showcased by its vibrant ecosystem and the increasing number of developers crafting decentralized apps. Despite recent market fluctuations, Solana has maintained a stable price. It currently stands at $141, reflecting a 5% rise since yesterday and a substantial 612% increase over the last year. Solana's position as the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap highlights its significant investor trust and potential for further gains this summer. The Coinmarketcap H1 2024 report reveals that Solana has surpassed Ethereum in daily active addresses, reaching over 1.6 million in June 2024 compared to Ethereum's 450,000. This shift is driven by the rising popularity of Solana's memecoins. Solana's ecosystem has seen faster growth in new token listings and significant gains in its memecoin market cap, highlighting its growing influence. Read more: Solana Flips Ethereum in Dai;y Active Addresses in June: CMC H1 2024 Report The potential launch of a spot Solana ETF could further drive its value. If approved, such an ETF could push Solana’s price up to $1,300, mirroring the financial trajectory seen with Bitcoin’s own ETF developments. This anticipated approval underscores the growing institutional interest in Solana and its long-term potential. Read more: VanEck Files for First Solana ETF in the U.S.: A Potential Game Changer? Jump Crypto is offering a bug bounty program for the upcoming Firedancer validator client, with a reward pool of $1 million paid in USDC. Participants have a chance to earn up to $1 million by finding bugs in Firedancer, aimed at improving Solana's network performance. Firedancer, led by Cantelope Peel, is expected to play a crucial role in Solana's network by processing transactions efficiently. Implemented in C and C++, Firedancer aims to increase the speed of the Solana network and is actively being tested for optimal performance. Toncoin (TON): Boosting Web3 Adoption with Telegram Games Toncoin spot volume rises | Source: Santiment Toncoin (TON), created by Telegram, offers advanced layer-1 infrastructure with low transaction costs and quick processing speeds. This platform caters effectively to a broad audience, distinguishing itself through its scalability and ease of use. The Open Network (TON) has enjoyed a surge in TVL and adoption amid the rising popularity of Telegram-based crypto games, including Notcoin, Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and Pixelverse. Boasting millions of players, each of these games has the potential to onboard several web2 users into the web3 world. The TON blockchain’s integration with Telegram helps the ecosystem enjoy the most uptick as these games move into the crypto space and launch their respective tokens. While Notcoin had around 35 million players at the time of the NOT token launch, Hamster Kombat already boasts over 239 million users before the upcoming HMSTR TGE and airdrop. The price of Toncoin is currently $7.59, with a 5% increase within the last day and a 4% gain this month. Over the last year, Toncoin has surged by 451%, marking it as a promising investment. Toncoin's position as the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap indicates its strong market trend and potential for high returns. TRON (TRX): A Decentralized Entertainment Leader TRON’s average daily transactions climb steadily | Source: TRONScan TRON (TRX) has emerged as a prominent player in the decentralized digital entertainment sector. Over the past year, TRON’s value has increased by 67%, drawing significant investor attention. The platform's expanding Total Value Locked (TVL) demonstrates its growing role in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. TRX trades at $0.13 with a market capitalization of $11 billion, positioning it as the 11th largest cryptocurrency. This strong market position reflects robust investor confidence and potential for further growth in the upcoming bull run. Conclusion As the summer progresses, keep an eye on these altcoins. Their innovative approaches and expanding user bases could lead to significant market gains. However, always remember that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. Market volatility and macroeconomic factors can impact prices, so it's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before investing.
Tapswap Daily Cinema Secret Codes for July 8: Answers to Know
Unlock 200,000 coins on Tapswap by solving the special codes for July 8. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the Tapswap Telegram game. Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks on July 8 and use the given codes to earn up to 200,000 coins per task. You can also find more ways to increase your earning potential in the Tapswap game. All About Tapswap Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Tapswap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. As per the official announcement, TapSwap token launch is delayed to some time in Q3 2024. These coins can be traded once they are potentially launched on big exchanges following the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, by which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch. Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Tapswap gaming ecosystem. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game coins. To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for the Tapswap Daily Codes for July 8, 2024. Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game Today’s Tapswap Secret Cinema Codes for July 8, 2024 Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 2 million coins: Task: How to Earn Money on Crypto Answer: genesis Task: Tapswap Education - What is Bitcoin? Answer: D57U94 Task: Learn 5 Crypto Terms Answer: 2614907 Task: New in the Crypto World Answer: 739551 Task: Tapswap Education Answer: 030072 Task: Watch the First Token Video Answer: (You only have to watch the video) Task: Learn What TON Is Answer: 548719 Task: Watch New Video Answer: 5 Task: Watch the First Video Answer: 739002 Task: Drops & Rise Answer: 27F53K9 Task: 5 Ways to Make Money on Crypto Answer: encryption How to Complete Tapswap All Codes Today To complete Tapswap daily codes today, follow these steps: Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Mission” or “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Movies” option and find “Today’s Code.” In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Enter code.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Deposit” or “Receive.” The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you put this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to buy different things in the game. The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes! More Ways to Earn Tapswap Coins Invite Members: Some tasks might involve inviting new members to join Tapswap. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Remember to subscribe to the official Tapswap YouTube channel so you can watch videos and earn coins per task. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page and check back daily to get the latest Tapswap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too. Stay updated and have fun playing! Conclusion Mastering the daily codes in Tapswap is essential for maximizing your in-game coins. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Accumulating more coins can help you level up in the game and potentially trade them on a cryptocurrency wallet online when they are listed. Stay tuned for more updates and tips on how to maximize your earnings in Tapswap!
Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 8: Answers to Know
Unlock 6 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 8. Read on to know what the answers for the day are, and how to maximize your earnings on the Hamster Kombat Telegram game. Quick Take Solve a Daily Cipher Morse code puzzle to unlock 1 million coins for July 8. Complete specific daily tasks of July 8 and select the right combination of cards for Daily Combo to earn 5 million coins. You can also find more ways to increase your earning potential in the Hamster Kombat game. All About Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Hamster Kombat is a sensational tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can become the CEO of your very own crypto exchange. The viral crypto game has gained over 239 million players within 3 months of launch, according to Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram. Hamster gained such a strong foothold thanks to its offering of a fun and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token generation event (TGE). Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Hamster Kombat gaming ecosystem. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game gold. To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for both the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo for July 8, 2024. Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Daily Cipher: Earn 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. A new cipher is released daily, the same for all players. Here’s how you can decode it: Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Daily Cipher for July 8, 2024 Daily Cipher Answer: HALVE Sequence: . . . . (H) . - (A) . - . . (L) . . . - (V) . (E) How to Unlock Daily Cipher Morse Code Follow these steps to unlock the Daily Cipher code for July 8, 2024: Open the Morse code input screen. Tap the hamster four times for ‘H’. Tap once, then tap and hold for ‘A’. Tap once, hold and release, tap once, hold and release for ‘L’. Tap three times, then hold and release for ‘V’. Tap once for ‘E’. Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the available tasks. Like the Daily Cipher, this puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players. Daily Combo Cards for July 8, 2024 CEO NFT Collection Launch Leaderboards Unlocking Daily Combo Complete tasks specified in the game to unlock the following Daily Combo cards for July 8: CEO (PR&Team) NFT Collection Launch (Special Cards) Leaderboards (Markets) Note: You will need to invite more friends to the game, if you have not yet done so, to unlock the NFT Collection Launch special card in the game. More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Remember to subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel so you can watch videos and earn 100,000 coins per task. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page with the Hamster Kombat hashtag, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards. Conclusion Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Accumulating more coins can help you level up in the game, upgrade your exchange, and potentially boost your chances of earning more tokens when the HMSTR airdrop is launched. You can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on KuCoin Pre-market ahead of the official token launch on the spot market.
Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 5: How to Unlock More Rewards
Unlock 6 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 5. Read on to know what the answers for the day are, and how to maximize your earnings on the Hamster Kombat Telegram game. Quick Take Daily Cipher: Solve a Morse code puzzle to unlock 1 million coins. Daily Combo: Complete specific daily tasks to earn 5 million coins. Easy-to-follow Instructions: Detailed steps to successfully unlock both rewards. All About Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Hamster Kombat is a viral tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can become the CEO of your very own crypto exchange. With over 200 million players, the game offers a fun and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch. In Hamster Kombat, daily rewards play a crucial role. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game gold. To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for both the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo for July 5, 2024. Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Daily Cipher: Earn 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. Each day, a new cipher is released, the same for all players. Here’s how you can decode it: Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Daily Cipher for July 5, 2024 Daily Cipher Answer: STAKE Sequence: . . . (S) _ (T) . _ (A) _ . _ (K) . (E) How to Unlock Daily Cipher Morse Code Follow these steps for unlock the Daily Cipher code for July 5, 2024: Open the Morse code input screen. Tap the hamster three times for ‘S’. Tap and hold for ‘T’. Tap once, hold and release for ‘A’. Tap, hold and release, wait, then tap for ‘K’. Tap once for ‘E’. Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the available tasks. Like the Daily Cipher, this puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players. Daily Combo Cards for July 5, 2024 Riyadh Masters 2024 (Special) CX Hub Istanbul (Special) UX and UI team (PR&Team) Unlocking Daily Combo Complete tasks specified in the game to unlock the following Daily Combo cards for July 5: Riyadh Masters 2024 (Special) CX Hub Istanbul (Special) UX and UI team (PR&Team) More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page at the Hamster Kombat hashtag which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards. Conclusion Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for daily updates and enjoy the rewards! You can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on KuCoin Pre-market ahead of the official token launch on the spot market.
Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, July 4: Answers
Hamster Kombat offers a unique gaming experience with daily rewards that significantly boost your in-game gold. The game’s Daily Combo cards and Daily Cipher code change daily, and cracking the correct answers can help you earn as much as 6 million coins every day. For new players, unlocking these rewards might seem challenging. This guide will help you unlock Daily Cipher and Daily Combo on July 4, ensuring you get your earnings in time. Read more: What Is Hamster Kombat? A Guide to the Trending Telegram Crypto Game Quick Take Solve a Morse code puzzle each day to unlock 1 million coins, enhancing your in-game currency effortlessly. Complete specific daily tasks to earn up to 5 million coins, giving your game a significant boost. Follow detailed, easy-to-understand instructions to successfully unlock both Daily Cipher and Daily Combo rewards. Hamster Kombat: A Clicker Game with Rewards Hamster Kombat is an online clicker game where performing specific tasks rewards you with coins. To drive higher engagement among players, Hamster Kombat has introduced Daily Combo and Daily Cipher features to help unlock more rewards. As the CEO of your own crypto exchange, you can use these and other features to mine more coins and scale your exchange. These coins can later be converted to cash after the launch of the Hamster token and the Hamster Kombat airdrop. In addition to daily combos, the game offers daily ciphers and rewards, boosting your Points Per Hour (PPH). Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Daily Cipher: Unlock 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. Every day, a new cipher is released, and you can earn 1 million Hamster coins by solving the Daily Cipher morse code. Here’s how you can decode it: Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait for at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher Code, July 4 For July 4, 2024, the Daily Cipher answer is "ORACLE". The sequence is: _ _ _ (O) . _ . (R) . _ (A) _ . _ . (C) . _ . . (L) . (E) Congrats, you’ve now successfully unlocked 1 million in daily rewards! Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the tasks available. Like the Daily Cipher, the puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players. Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, July 4 For July 4, 2024, the Daily Combo tasks are: GameFi Tokens Web3 Game Con SEC Transparency Completing these tasks will reward you with 5 million coins. Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher and Combo Answers To ease your gameplay, here’s a list of the daily answers for both the cipher and combo: Date Daily Cipher Answer Daily Combo Answer July 4, 2024 ORACLE SEC Transparency GameFi Tokens Web3 Game Con Bookmark this page for daily updates on the cipher and combo answers. Additional Tips to Mine More Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Conclusion We will update the daily combos regularly. Bookmark this page at the Hamster Kombat hashtag which you can find at the bottom of this page. This way, you can stay informed about the latest tasks and rewards. Note that some tasks might be challenging, and it’s okay to complete what you can and wait for the next day. Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. With this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for daily updates and enjoy the rewards! By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the daily rewards in Hamster Kombat and make the most out of your gaming experience. Happy clicking!
Hamster Kombat atteint 210 millions de joueurs, prêt pour le record du monde Guinness ?
Hamster Kombat, un jeu populaire play-to-earn (P2E) sur Telegram, a révélé des mises à jour excitantes pour juillet, y compris son événement de génération de tokens (TGE) et l'airdrop de tokens Hamster. Le jeu, qui a attiré plus de 210 millions de joueurs dans le monde entier, a dépassé Notcoin en termes d'adoption, et pourrait bientôt établir un record du monde Guinness pour sa croissance rapide. Résumé rapide Hamster Kombat prévoit un TGE et un airdrop de tokens sur la blockchain TON en juillet. Les joueurs peuvent participer en complétant des tâches spécifiques, comme connecter leur portefeuille TON. Le jeu a dépassé 210 millions de joueurs, surpassant Notcoin, avec un engagement significatif au Nigeria et sur d'autres marchés africains. La chaîne YouTube de Hamster Kombat a connu une croissance rapide, dépassant les 30 millions d'abonnés et établissant potentiellement un record du monde Guinness pour la chaîne à la croissance la plus rapide. Hamster Kombat confirme l'airdrop et le TGE en juillet L'une des mises à jour les plus attendues pour Hamster Kombat est l'événement de génération de tokens (TGE) et l'introduction de l'utilité in-game pour son token. Le TGE devrait avoir lieu en juillet, avec un airdrop de tokens prévu sur la blockchain TON. Les joueurs peuvent participer à l'airdrop en complétant des tâches spécifiques, telles que connecter leur portefeuille TON au jeu. L'interface du jeu montre déjà un onglet 'Airdrop' indiquant que la liste est en cours. Lire plus : Hamster Kombat Airdrop Task 1 : Comment connecter votre portefeuille TON Juillet verra également l'introduction de nouvelles utilisations pour le token Hamster Kombat. Ces développements visent à améliorer l'engagement des utilisateurs et à augmenter l'attrait du jeu. La nouvelle utilité in-game permettra aux joueurs d'utiliser les tokens pour diverses fins au sein de l'écosystème GameFi. En plus du TGE et de l'utilité dans le jeu, Hamster Kombat a prévu plusieurs améliorations de développement pour le troisième trimestre 2024. Ces améliorations incluent de nouveaux personnages et skins, des événements à durée limitée, et des événements en direct. D'autres améliorations sont attendues au quatrième trimestre, promettant une excitation continue pour les joueurs. La base d'utilisateurs de Hamster Kombat atteint plus de 210 millions de joueurs Source: Hamster Kombat sur X Hamster Kombat a connu une croissance fulgurante, dépassant les 210 millions de joueurs en peu de temps depuis son lancement. Cette croissance dépasse celle de Notcoin, un autre jeu P2E populaire sur Telegram, et met en évidence l'attrait de Hamster Kombat dans diverses régions. Notamment, le Nigeria et d'autres marchés africains se sont révélés être des zones clés d'engagement des joueurs. L'accessibilité du jeu via l'application Telegram, combinée à ses fonctionnalités sociales, a contribué à sa croissance rapide. Les personnages décalés de Hamster Kombat et son gameplay simple plaisent à un large public, des enfants aux adultes. L'attrait intergénérationnel du jeu, combiné à son concept unique, le distingue des jeux de combat traditionnels. Lire la suite : Hamster Kombat Airdrop : 100M de joueurs se préparent pour le lancement du jeton TON La communauté Hamster grandit, la chaîne YouTube dépasse les 31 millions d'abonnés La chaîne YouTube de Hamster Kombat a connu une croissance remarquable depuis son lancement le 24 mai. La chaîne a gagné plus de 30 millions d'abonnés, surpassant le célèbre YouTuber Mr. Beast en nombre de nouveaux abonnés. Avec plus de 10 millions d'abonnés en seulement six jours, 13 heures et 15 minutes, Hamster Kombat est en voie de décrocher un record du monde Guinness pour la chaîne YouTube à la croissance la plus rapide. La chaîne YouTube du jeu a également généré un engagement significatif. Les utilisateurs gagnent des pièces de jeu en regardant des vidéos, et la chaîne enregistre en moyenne 20 millions de vues par jour. Cela s'est traduit par des revenus quotidiens substantiels, estimés entre 4 000 $ et 69 000 $. Les vidéos éducatives de la chaîne sont spécifiquement conçues pour les nouveaux venus dans le Web3, aidant à intégrer de nouveaux utilisateurs. Hamster Kombat stimule l'engagement avec Daily Combo et Daily Cipher Hamster Kombat propose des fonctionnalités uniques comme les combos et les ciphers quotidiens pour maintenir l'engagement des joueurs. Les joueurs peuvent gagner des millions de points en réussissant ces tâches. Le jeu encourage également la création de contenu par les utilisateurs, avec des tutoriels sur les combos et les ciphers quotidiens devenant populaires sur des plateformes comme YouTube et TikTok. Lire la suite : Comment gagner des Hamster Coin avec Daily Combo et Daily Cipher Mais le jeu fait aussi face à des controverses Malgré sa popularité, Hamster Kombat a rencontré plusieurs défis et controverses. En Iran, des responsables gouvernementaux ont critiqué le jeu comme un outil d'influence occidentale, détournant la population des prochaines élections présidentielles, selon un rapport de l'AP news. Le jeu a gagné en popularité parmi les Iraniens qui luttent contre des difficultés économiques, conduisant certains à qualifier cette tendance de signe de désespoir. Les responsables iraniens soutiennent que le jeu fait partie d'une stratégie plus large des pays occidentaux pour détourner l'attention publique des événements nationaux importants, érodant potentiellement la culture du travail acharné et de l'entrepreneuriat. De même, en Russie, le jeu a été critiqué pour les risques financiers qu'il présente, en particulier pour les enfants, et qualifié de "système pyramidal" par certains experts. Des comportements extrêmes parmi les jeunes joueurs ont également été signalés, suscitant des inquiétudes quant à l'impact du jeu. Par exemple, un garçon de 14 ans de Tioumen aurait réglé une alarme toutes les trois heures pour maximiser son score dans le jeu, incitant ses parents à demander de l'aide psychiatrique. En Ukraine, les autorités ont soulevé des préoccupations en matière de sécurité des données en raison de l'association du jeu avec des serveurs russes, soulignant les risques potentiels pour les utilisateurs ukrainiens. L'exposition aux logiciels malveillants est un autre problème important, car beaucoup ont recours à des logiciels non officiels en raison des sanctions. L'Ouzbékistan a pris une position stricte, menaçant les joueurs de prison ou d'amendes s'ils tentent de convertir la monnaie du jeu en argent réel. Cela reflète la politique plus large du pays contre les crypto-monnaies. Ces controverses soulignent la relation complexe entre les développeurs du jeu, les utilisateurs et divers gouvernements. Conclusion La montée rapide de Hamster Kombat et ses plans ambitieux en font un jeu à surveiller dans le secteur P2E. Avec l'airdrop et la TGE à venir, de nouvelles utilités dans le jeu et des mises à jour de développement continues, les joueurs ont beaucoup à attendre avec impatience en juillet et au-delà. Cependant, il est important de rester prudent face aux risques et aux défis potentiels associés à une telle croissance rapide et à la nature volatile du marché crypto. Les controverses et critiques de divers pays soulignent la complexité des dynamiques en jeu, rappelant aux utilisateurs d'aborder le jeu avec à la fois enthousiasme et prudence.
Memecoins, AI, RWA, and Stablecoins Drive Growth in Q2, 2024: CoinMarketCap H1 Report
In Q2 2024, the global crypto market cap took a hit, dropping 14.5% to $2.3 trillion, according to Coinmarketcap’s H1 2024 report. Despite this, the 24-hour trade volume soared by 223%, reaching $79.4 billion. The Crypto Fear and Greed Index stands at a neutral 49, showing a trend towards fear since Q1. Bitcoin's dominance remains strong at 53%, with no signs of an altcoin season. Liquidity has decreased by 18.5%, echoing a bearish phase within a broader bull market trend. Quick Take Memecoins became the most popular crypto category in Q2 2024, accounting for 23% of page views on CoinMarketCap. The stablecoin sector grew by 8.6%, while AI and Big Data sectors saw a 2.5% increase. Ethena and Lista's launches significantly boosted the stablecoin sector. Solana's ecosystem added 20 new tokens in Q2, surpassing Ethereum's 14. Solana-based memecoins outperformed Ethereum-based ones, with returns of 8,469% compared to 962%. Political meme tokens, led by MAGA (TRUMP), gained prominence, with the total market cap reaching $784 million. The MAGA token alone surged over 5100% this year. The RWA sector, dominated by fiat-collateralized stablecoins, saw significant growth. Notable developments include Ethena's USDe, which increased its market cap by 934%, and BlackRock's BUIDL fund, which attracted $453 million in just three months. Memecoins, Stablecoins, and AI Drive Crypto Market Growth in Q2 2024 Most active sectors in the crypto market in Q2 2024 | Source: Coinmarketcap Three sectors experienced positive growth in Q2: memecoins, stablecoins, and AI & Big Data. Memecoins, for the first time, have become the most popular category, accounting for 23% of page views. The memecoin season of March and early April gave way to focus on stablecoins (+8.6%), AI, and Big Data (+2.5%). Ethena and Lista's launches bolstered the stablecoin sector. Tether's $4.52 billion profit in Q1 underscores the sector's profitability, attracting new projects. Conversely, the hype around AI has declined since its February peak, capturing only 6.4% of attention in June. Derivatives and stablecoins also saw moderate growth. The memecoin and AI & Big Data sectors are slowing, with many projects delisting. Solana Overtakes Ethereum in the Memecoin Race Solana vs. Ethereum memecoins | Source: Coinmarketcap Solana's ecosystem has also gained significant attention, potentially challenging Ethereum's dominance. CoinMarketCap data reveals the Solana ecosystem is thriving, adding 20 new tokens in Q2, followed by Ethereum with 14 new tokens. Solana-based memecoins have outperformed Ethereum-based ones, returning an average of 8,469% compared to Ethereum's 962%. This trend is driven by speculative capital flows and the success of tokens like WIF and BONK. In the Solana ecosystem, memecoins dominate, reflecting a speculative rush. Retail investors prefer quick gains over traditional projects, indicating an anti-establishment sentiment. This casino-like atmosphere contrasts with Ethereum's focus on Real World Assets (RWA) and AI, emphasizing practical applications and bridging traditional finance with blockchain. PolitiFi Meme Tokens: Trump Leads the Pack Trump vs. Biden in the PolitiFi sector among memecoins | Source: Coinmarketcap Political meme tokens (PolitiFi) have emerged as a significant subcategory, with a total market cap of $784 million. The leading token, MAGA (TRUMP), has gained over 5100% this year, fueled by Trump's vocal support for crypto and acceptance of crypto for campaign donations. Real World Assets (RWA) Sector Fuels Stablecoin Growth RWA sector and stablecoin market see growth | Source: Coinmarketcap The RWA sector is experiencing significant growth, driven primarily by fiat-collateralized stablecoins, which now make up 96.6% of the total market cap in this category. Tether (USDT) remains the dominant force, consistently setting new market cap highs and serving as the base pair for almost 70% of spot trading volume on centralized exchanges (CEXs). USDC has seen a notable resurgence, increasing its market cap by 32% in the first half of 2024. This growth is largely attributed to Circle's strategic push towards institutional clients and the launch of Coinbase International, which has brought increased volume to USDC in non-US markets. A standout performer in the RWA sector is Ethena's USDe, launched in February 2024. This new stablecoin has already seen a 934% increase in market cap. Its high yield of 33.5% has attracted significant capital inflows, making it one of the fastest-growing assets in the sector. Despite the initial airdrop and the launch of its native token, ENA, USDe continues to draw considerable investor interest. BlackRock's BUIDL fund, which launched on Ethereum in March 2024, leads tokenized funds in assets under management (AUM). The fund witnessed an impressive $453 million inflow in less than three months, highlighting the growing institutional interest in tokenized finance. Ondo Finance, the largest contributor to BUIDL, has been instrumental in this growth, adding $195 million to its AUM. Since its launch on January 18, ONDO has gained 634%, making it the leading coin in the RWA sector. Despite this progress, the total value locked (TVL) in RWA protocols currently stands at $4.39 billion, still below the previous cycle's high of $6.37 billion. This gap suggests that there is ample room for further growth in the sector as it continues to mature and attract more institutional capital. Conclusion: A Dynamic Quarter Q2 2024 has been marked by significant shifts in the crypto market. Despite a notable 14.5% drop in global market cap, the surge in 24-hour trade volume by 223% reflects a resilient trading environment. Bitcoin's dominance at 53% and the sustained bullish macro sentiment indicate the strength of institutional investment, yet retail engagement remains conspicuously low. The stablecoin sector has shown robust growth, driven by new projects like Ethena and Lista, and Tether's substantial profits. Meanwhile, Solana's ecosystem has emerged as a formidable competitor to Ethereum, particularly in the memecoin space, where speculative investments are on the rise. However, this quarter also highlights the market's vulnerabilities. The decline in liquidity by 18.5% and the trending fear sentiment underscore potential risks. Investors should remain cautious, as market conditions can shift rapidly. The decreasing interest in AI and the volatility of memecoins further add to the market's unpredictability. As always, due diligence and a risk-aware approach are crucial for navigating the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.
TapSwap Airdrop and Token Launch Airdrop Delayed to Q3 2024: What It Means for Users
TapSwap, a popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram, announced a delay in its much-anticipated token launch to the third quarter of 2024. The TapSwap airdrop, a free cryptocurrency giveaway, will also be rescheduled to the same period. Initially, TapSwap planned to hold the airdrop on May 30 but delayed it to July 1 due to an influx of bots attempting to farm airdrop points. Now, the team needs additional time to refine their launch strategy. Quick Take TapSwap pushes back token launch and airdrop to Q3 2024. The Telegram game’s developers need more time needed for tokenomics and launch strategy. The delay in TapSwap’s airdrop campaign aims to ensure a profitable and fair launch for users. But the community reaction to the delay is mixed. An Overview of TapSwap and Current Status Launched in February, TapSwap rewards users for tapping their screens. The game imposes rules and limits on the number of tokens that can be tapped based on the player's level. With over 48 million players, TapSwap's success has attracted both scammers and tier 1 exchange partners. The Telegram game initially planned to integrate with Solana but later switched to The Open Network (TON) due to its better fit with the Telegram-based mini-app. TapSwap Announces Airdrop Delay on X Source: TapSwap on X In a post on X, TapSwap assured users that the delay would ultimately benefit them. "The success we've had comes with some ‘inconveniences,’" they wrote. The project emphasized that ensuring a fair and profitable launch for all users is their priority. "This level of attention requires much more detailed work on tokenomics and the right launch strategy. And that means extra time." Despite the keen interest from users, TapSwap has been vague about the specifics of its planned token launch on the TON blockchain. During an AMA session on June 26, the team did not provide a concrete timeline for the TAPS token launch or details on airdrop eligibility. They explained that "many moving parts" in the tokenomics, including communications with multiple crypto exchanges, necessitated changes to their documentation. Read more: TapSwap Airdrop Anticipated in July: What to Know TapSwap’s Community-Centric Token Allocation Plans TapSwap reiterated its commitment to the community, stating that a significant portion of all tokens would be allocated to users. The team is finalizing the tokenomics and will provide updates once completed. They stressed the importance of fairness in the airdrop distribution and have implemented a monitoring system to track user behavior, identifying accounts that deserve to be banned. TapSwap is dedicated to a meticulous token allocation process for the airdrop. They are exploring ways to offer unscrupulous users the option to voluntarily surrender for a percentage of the drop, ensuring a win-win situation. "We are developing clear rules for token distribution to ensure fairness, although these cannot be disclosed beforehand to prevent abuse," TapSwap stated. Mixed Reactions from the TapSwap Community Source: X The community reaction to the delay has been mixed. Some users expressed frustration over the repeated postponements, while others appreciated the effort to ensure a fair and secure token distribution. Many are still eager to participate and hope the delay will result in a better launch experience. The sentiment on social media reflects a cautious optimism, with users actively engaging in Tapswap's activities to increase their airdrop eligibility. Conclusion Tapswap's decision to delay the token launch and airdrop aims to provide a more strategic and user-beneficial outcome. The extra time will allow the team to refine their tokenomics and launch strategy, ensuring a fair experience for all users. However, it is important for users to stay informed and be aware of potential risks associated with the delay. Time will tell if TapSwap airdrop will be successfully launched in Q3 2024.
Polymarket's $200 Million Election Bet: Crypto Prediction Markets on the Rise
As the US Presidential election looms, Polymarket, a decentralized prediction platform on Ethereum and Polygon, is drawing significant attention. With over $200 million in wagers, the platform marks a crucial moment for cryptocurrency's integration into mainstream finance. Quick Take Polymarket captures $200 million in wagers for the US Presidential election. June trading volume surpassed $111 million. Metrics on the Poymarket prediction market platform have seen a dramatic increase: the total value locked (TVL) has risen by 69% to $40.2 million, and active user numbers have grown by 115%. An Introduction to Polymarket Decentralized Prediction Market Polymarket is a decentralized prediction market platform that allows users to place bets on the outcomes of various events using cryptocurrency. Operating on the Ethereum sidechain Polygon, it leverages blockchain technology to offer transparent and tamper-proof markets. Users can bet on binary outcomes, such as election results or sports events, by purchasing shares in the outcome they believe will occur. The platform uses oracles to resolve market outcomes, ensuring the results are based on verified data. Read more: What Is Polymarket Prediction Market, and How Does It Work? Polymarket’s Monthly Volume Crosses $111M in June Polymarket’s monthly trading volume | Source: Dune Analytics June saw Polymarket's highest monthly volume, surpassing $111 million. Analysts at Kairos Research predict the platform’s trading volume could exceed $1 billion by year-end. Total value locked (TVL) on the platform rose by 69% to $40.2 million, and monthly active users surged by 115% to 29,266. These metrics highlight the growing interest in decentralized prediction markets. Polymarket’s TVL grows | Source: Token Terminal Polymarket's Election Bets Cross $203M Polymarket's "Presidential Election Winner 2024" market has attracted $203.3 million in bets. Donald Trump leads with a 62% probability of winning, followed by Joe Biden at 21%. Biden’s odds have dropped significantly since his debate performance on June 28, sparking further speculation on his potential withdrawal. The "Biden drops out of presidential race" market saw a spike, with $10 million in bets and a 50% probability as of June 30. Yuga Cohler, a Coinbase executive, emphasized the importance of prediction markets, according to a report on BeInCrypto. "Prediction markets are the purest technological manifestation of liberal democracy. They take free markets and free speech as inputs and output truth. In an age when centralized control of information is a systemic risk, prediction markets offer a way of cutting through misleading narratives and viewing the unvarnished truth," Cohler said. This highlights the broader societal implications of decentralized prediction platforms like Polymarket. Read more: Trending PolitiFi Tokens to Watch Before the US Elections Polymarket Contradicts UMA on DJT Token Resolution In a recent controversy, Polymarket contradicted UMA Protocol’s resolution on Barron Trump's involvement with the DJT token. UMA Protocol, an optimistic oracle service, had determined "No" on a market betting whether Barron Trump was involved with the DJT token. Polymarket disagreed, stating, “We firmly believe that UMA got this resolution wrong.” They are working on a "near-term solution" to address the issue. Bettors placed over $1 million on the market, according to Polymarket. UMA’s oracle operates to record verifiable truth or data for smart contracts, used for dispute resolution with decisions voted upon by token holders. The DJT token, a Solana-based memecoin, has been surrounded by controversy. Entrepreneur Martin Shkreli claimed to co-create DJT, according to blockchain sleuth ZachXBT, who was awarded a $150,000 bounty for revealing Shkreli’s involvement. Despite these claims, the Trump campaign has yet to respond.
Toncoin Price Prediction: Will It Hit $10?
Toncoin (TON) is showing upward price trends due to the rapid growth of crypto mini-apps like Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and more emerging games on Telegram. With its integration into the Telegram ecosystem and a growing user base, Toncoin is well-positioned for future growth. In this article, we'll explore Toncoin's current performance, key metrics, and future price predictions. Quick Take Toncoin boasts over 32 million active users on its network, with integration into Telegram driving this impressive user growth. The price of Toncoin has strong support levels at $7 and $7.36, backed by significant moving averages indicating a clear upward trend. Whales have shown strong interest, accumulating 45 million TON worth $346.5 million, and Toncoin has received regulatory approval for trading in Kazakhstan. The Total Value Locked (TVL) on the Toncoin network has reached $700 million, with a 113% increase in June, pointing to robust growth and increasing adoption. Toncoin's integration with Telegram provides a substantial advantage, leveraging Telegram's massive user base to drive adoption and usage. This integration sets Toncoin apart from other cryptocurrencies, embedding it within a well-established ecosystem and enhancing its viability for widespread use. Read more: Pantera Capital Eyes New Investment in Toncoin (TON): Bullish Outlook? Toncoin Receives Regulatory Approval in Kazakhstan Toncoin recently received approval from the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) for trading in Kazakhstan. While Kazakhstan may not be a major crypto market compared to the United States, this regulatory approval highlights Toncoin's growing global appeal and legitimacy. TON’s User Base Surges to Over 32 Million Toncoin has seen remarkable user growth, with over 32 million active users on The Open Network (TON). This growth is largely attributed to its integration with Telegram, one of the world's most popular messaging apps. The synergy between Toncoin and Telegram provides a unique advantage, making Toncoin stand out in the crowded cryptocurrency market. The rising popularity of Telegram-based games, such as Notcoin, Catizen, Pixelverse, Blum, W-Coin, and more, could onboard more web2 users to web3 via the TON blockchain. Read more: Telegram Launches Adsgram for Devs to Earn Toncoin Through Ads Toncoin Price Shows Strong Support at $7 and $7.36 TON/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin Toncoin's price has been steadily rising, currently trading at $7.73. The coin has strong support levels at $7 and $7.36, which have held firm despite market fluctuations. Significant moving averages, including the 26-day, 50-day, and 200-day averages, indicate a sustained upward trend. This bullish momentum suggests that Toncoin is on a strong footing for future gains. The volume profile for Toncoin shows steady trading activity, reflecting sustained interest in the coin. This consistent volume, coupled with the growing number of active users, points to a solid foundation for long-term growth. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is around 58, indicating that Toncoin is in a neutral zone with room to rise before becoming overbought. Whales Accumulate Over 45M TON in the Past Week Whales have shown significant interest in Toncoin, with over 45 million TON purchased in the past week alone, valued at approximately $346.5 million. This accumulation by large investors underscores their confidence in Toncoin's future potential. The Open Network (TON) TVL Touches $700M, Up 113% in June TON DeFi TVL | Source: DefiLlama Toncoin's Total Value Locked (TVL) has reached $700 million, marking a significant milestone. This 113% increase in TVL in June reflects robust growth and increasing adoption among market participants. The TVL metric is a crucial indicator of the health and stability of the TON ecosystem. Read more: Toncoin Touches New ATH as TON TVL Surges 77% in June Toncoin Price Prediction: $10 ATH Next? Given Toncoin's current trajectory, analysts are optimistic about its future. If Toncoin can maintain its bullish momentum and break through the immediate resistance at $7.86, it could potentially surpass its previous all-time high of $8.24. Analysts project that Toncoin could reach the $10 mark in the long term, driven by continued growth in user adoption, integration with Telegram, and increasing investor interest. Conclusion Toncoin is positioned for substantial growth, supported by its integration with Telegram, increasing user base, and strong market fundamentals. With consistent trading activity, whale accumulation, and recent regulatory approval, Toncoin's future looks promising. As the coin continues to build on its current momentum, the $10 price target appears within reach. Toncoin's unique ecosystem, backed by Telegram's infrastructure, sets it on a promising path. Investors and users alike should keep an eye on Toncoin as it navigates the crypto market, potentially achieving new highs in the coming months.