KuCoin India Diwali Campaign

KuCoin India Diwali Campaign

12/11/2020, 13:41:54

Join KuCoin India and Celebrate this Diwali and get a chance to win amazing rewards.

Like & Retweet this to join the amazing activities to celebrate Diwali.


#Activity1: Greeting Card Contest. Come to share the big rewards.

Duration: 13.11.2020 - 19.11.2020
Participants must post their Greeting cards in the comments section of this tweet with hashtag #DiwaliWithKuCoinIndia.
Participants must make their greeting card in the given space on the right side:


Rewards :
1st: 30 $USDT
2nd: 25 $USDT
3rd: 20 $USDT
4th: 15 $USDT
5th-10th: 10 $USDT each winner.

#Activity2: P2P Rewards for All.

Duration: 13.11.2020 - 19.11.2020.

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/NhrNyQuXi27jyjMy5

During activity time, any users who buy USDT in the P2P INR market can get 1 USDT(no trading limit)

2.During activity time, any users who buy USDT in the P2P INR market can get a relative amount of USDT according to the number of days they make a transaction during the activity time.

Number of days users buy USDT during the activity timeRewards
33+2=5 USDT
44+2=6 USDT
N (N≥3)N+2 USDT
The trading limit is no less than 3 USDT for each day.

#Activity3: Share the Red Envelopes.

Share Red Envelopes with your crypto family in the KuCoin India from 07:00 - 22:00 IST on 14.11.2020 .

Minimum Total amount of each Red Envelope must be worth 0.2 $USDT(any coins).

Every Red Envelope must be shared with minimum 5 People.

5 Winners will be selected & rewarded 10 $USDT Each.


1:Need to have your own KuCoin account? Create it from here:


2::Rewards will be distributed in 7-10 Working days.
3: KuCoin India Holds the right to make changes in the Activity.

4: Welcome to Join KuCoin Indian official telegram to find your community:
