Proof of Stake (PoS)

Proof of Stake (PoS)

Tingkat Menengah

    Proof of stake or PoS is a consensus mechanism utilized by blockchain networks to validate transactions and create new blocks within the distributed ledger ecosystem. A blockchain comprises distributed nodes and employs consensus mechanisms such as PoS to ensure complete transparency about transactions to all network participants.


    In a proof of stake consensus, users can stake their cryptocurrencies within the blockchain network to create validator nodes. These validators are then responsible for checking transactions, verifying their accuracy, and adding them to new blocks. The block production process by validators makes them eligible to receive rewards in cryptocurrencies for their efforts.


    A proof-of-stake blockchain improves its security and resilience based on its number of validator nodes. The higher the number of nodes and the higher the number of tokens staked, the less susceptible it becomes to hacks or attacks by malicious actors.


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