
​​Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards for July 16: Earn 5M Hamster Coins Today


Welcome, Hamster Kombat CEOs! The market sentiment is turning bullish today and Bitcoin breaks $62,000 again after a few days of stagnation. Find the correct order of cards to solve the Hamster Kombat Daily Comby and earn 5 million coins today. Read on to discover the Daily Combo answers for July 16, 2024.


Quick Take

  • The Daily Combo cards for July 16 to earn 5 million coins as reward are ETH pairs, Product team, and Call for BTC to rise

  • Check out more ways to increase your earnings on the Hamster Kombat Telegram game, including watching Hamster YouTube videos, claiming daily rewards, and completing other tasks.

All About Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game

With over 250 million players within three months of launch, Hamster Kombat is the most popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram. The game lets players become CEOs of popular cryptocurrency exchanges, including KuCoin, and level up to mine more coins and expand their exchange’s operations.  where players can become CEOs and run their own crypto exchanges. At the time of writing, Hamster Kombat’s official YouTube channel The Hamster Kombat YouTube channel has over 33.4 million subscribers, and its Telegram community has over 52.1 million members.


The game has gone viral in key markets like Nigeria, the Philippines, and Russia. Hamster Kombat offers players several ways to earn extra bonuses, especially the most lucrative Daily Combo and Daily Cipher features. The answers to these two features, particularly the Daily Combos, have large followings on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. 


Solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher daily can significantly boost your in-game coins, and prepare you for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch scheduled for July 2024, according to the official Hamster Kombat Telegram channel. In addition to the first Hamster Kombat airdrop coming up soon, a report on The Block reveals a second airdrop campaign in the next two years for further engagement among the game’s players. 


Our daily guide can help even new Hamster CEOs solve these tricky puzzles and unlock higher rewards in the game. Read on to find out how to generate more daily bonuses, level up, and improve your chances for the HMSTR airdrop. 


Read More: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher


What Is the Hamster Kombat Daily Combo?

The Daily Combo is a routine task to earn 5 million coins every day. Select the correct set of cards to unlock this reward, and then use the rewards to upgrade your crypto exchange within the game. The combination of three cards updates daily at 12 PM GMT. 


Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards for July 16, 2024

Today's combo cards are:


  • Markets: ETH pairs

  • PR&Team: Product team

  • Specials: Call for BTC to rise



How to Earn More Hamster Coins

In addition to the 5 million coins you can earn through the Daily Combo, here’s a list of some more ways to unlock higher earnings when playing the Hamster Kombat Telegram mini-app:


  1. Upgrade Your Exchange: Buy various cards or features across categories, such as markets, PR, team, and legal to upgrade your exchange. These upgrades help you accumulate more coins passively on an hourly basis.

  2. Frequent Check-Ins: Depending on the cards you have purchased to add more features for your exchange, you can mine coins for free for up to three hours even while offline. Remember to log in to the game regularly to claim your earnings and reset the timer for maximum passive coin income.

  3. Invite Friends: Invite your friends to play Hamster Kombat with you and you can unlock additional earning opportunities. Some tasks and card unlocks require referrals, so stay active and keep inviting more players to join you. 

  4. Claim Daily Rewards: Ensure you claim your daily rewards by logging in to the game daily. Claim these rewards consistently without missing a day to significantly boost your earnings, mining 500 to 5 million coins every day.

  5. Social Media Engagement: Follow Hamster Kombat on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel where you can watch videos and earn 100,000 coins per video.

  6. Solve Daily Cipher Morse Code: Solve the Daily Cipher puzzle to earn up to 1 million coins every day. A new Morse Code cipher is released daily at 7 PM GMT.

Like the Daily Combo, the Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher feature helps you earn 1 million coins when you guess the correct word and input it in Morse Code format into the game.


If you haven’t unlocked your daily cipher for July 15 yet, check here to solve the code for today:  Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 15, 2024


Stay Updated

BookmarkBookmark this page and follow the Hamster Kombat hashtag to stay updated on daily rewards. Ensure that you share the answers with your friends to collectively grow your earnings in the game. 



Our daily guides can help you unlock more rewards and boost your gameplay easily. Use these codes and answers to help you mine more coins and unlock rewards as you upgrade your exchange. Doing so will help you increase your chances of earning more crypto at the time of the HMSTR airdrop.


Trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on the KuCoin Pre-market trading platform ahead of the upcoming official token launch.


Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, July 15: Answers


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