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Catizen (CATI) 토큰 출시 예정일은 9월 20일: 에어드롭 및 상장 다음?

인기 있는 텔레그램 퍼즐 게임 Catizen이 드디어 2024년 9월 20일에 오랫동안 기다려온 CATI 토큰을 출시합니다. 원래 7월 목표에서 지연이 발생했지만, 플레이어와 투자자는 이제 The Open Network (TON)에서 공식 토큰 출시를 준비할 수 있습니다. 이번 출시는 Hamster Kombat, X Empire, Rocky Rabbit와 같은 여러 다른 유명한 텔레그램 게임들과 함께 진행되며, 이는 GameFi 섹터에 중요한 순간을 알립니다.   빠른 요약  Catizen (CATI) 토큰 출시는 2024년 9월 20일로 예정되어 있으며, 초기 7월 목표에서 지연되었습니다. 이 게임은 2200만 명 이상의 사용자를 보유하고 있으며, The Open Network (TON) 블록체인을 사용하는 플레이-투-언 모델을 통합하고 있습니다. CATI 토큰은 현재 KuCoin을 포함한 몇몇 사전 시장 거래 플랫폼에서 거래되고 있습니다.  CATI 토큰 에어드롭은 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE)와 동시에 또는 그 직후에 예상됩니다.   Catizen은 플레이어가 가상 고양이 도시를 건설하고 관리하며, 낚시와 도시 업그레이드와 같은 작업에 참여하는 텔레그램 기반 퍼즐 게임입니다. 게임 내 통화를 사용하여 실제 암호화폐로 변환할 수 있는 플레이-투-언 모델을 통합하고 있습니다 (TON).   더 읽어보기: TON 생태계에서 고양이를 키우는 암호화 게임 Catizen 탐구하기   Catizen의 CATI 토큰 출시가 2024년 9월 20일로 확정되었습니다 몇 달 동안, Catizen은 플레이 투 언 모델의 일환으로 에어드롭을 예고해왔으며, 이는 상당한 참여를 유도했습니다. 플레이어들은 매일 임무에 열심히 참여하고, 가상 고양이 도시를 업그레이드하며, Fish와 vKitty와 같은 인게임 통화를 수집하고 있습니다. 이러한 통화는 에어드롭 기간 동안 CATI 토큰으로 변환되어, 시간을 들여 노력한 플레이어들에게 보상을 줄 가능성이 큽니다.   Catizen의 개발사인 Pluto Studio는 $CATI 에어드롭이 CATI 토큰 출시 바로 직후에 이루어질 수 있다고 밝혔습니다. 정확한 세부 사항은 아직 확인되지 않았지만, 커뮤니티는 이 이벤트에 적극적으로 준비하고 있습니다.   더 읽어보기: Catizen 에어드롭 가이드: $CATI 토큰을 얻는 방법   CATI 토큰의 상장은 TON 커뮤니티에서 또 다른 화제가 될 수 있습니다 9월 20일 CATI 토큰의 상장은 Catizen뿐만 아니라 더 넓은 TON 생태계에 있어서 중요한 이정표입니다. 이중 토큰 경제로서 Catizen 코인과 CATI 토큰은 게임의 메커니즘과 거래 기회에서 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다. 플레이어들은 스테이킹, 거래 및 프리미엄 기능 해제를 포함한 다양한 인게임 활동을 위해 CATI 토큰을 사용할 것입니다.   몇몇 암호화폐 거래소는 9월 20일 CATI 토큰을 현물 거래로 상장할 것이라고 공식 확인했으며, 이를 통해 사용자는 토큰 생성을 위한 이벤트(TGE) 후에 참여할 수 있습니다. 현재로서는 KuCoin의 프리마켓 거래 플랫폼에서 Catizen(CATI)을 거래할 수 있습니다.     이 상장은 더 넓은 시장 참여의 문을 열어 투자자와 플레이어 모두가 주요 거래소에서 CATI를 구매할 수 있게 해줍니다. 이러한 상장으로 확장된 유동성은 Catizen의 생태계를 활성화하여 새로운 사용자를 유치하고 토큰 수요를 증가시킬 수 있습니다. 초기 투자자들은 특히 CATI가 이전 GameFi 토큰과 유사한 궤적을 따르는 경우 유리할 수 있습니다.   토큰 출시 날짜가 Catizen 커뮤니티 참여를 촉진합니다 Catizen 커뮤니티는 특히 소셜 미디어 플랫폼인 X(이전의 Twitter)에서 흥분에 휩싸여 있습니다. 플레이어들은 에어드랍 자격을 최대화하기 위한 전략을 활발히 논의하고 있으며, 일부는 CATI 토큰이 출시 후 상당한 가격 상승을 볼 수 있다고 추측하고 있습니다.    플레이어가 작업을 완료하고, 친구를 초대하고, 게임 내 자산을 업그레이드하면서 참여도는 높게 유지되고 있습니다. 많은 사람들에게 열심히 얻은 진행 상황을 현실의 암호화폐로 전환할 수 있는 기회는 게임에 또 다른 동기 부여 요소가 됩니다.   Catizen(CATI) 토큰 출시 및 에어드랍 준비 방법 Catizen (CATI) 토큰 출시 및 에어드롭을 준비하려면 토큰을 얻고 효과적으로 참여할 수 있는 몇 가지 주요 단계를 따라야 합니다. 다음은 준비하는 데 도움이 되는 가이드입니다:   1. Catizen 텔레그램 게임에 참여하기 CATI 에어드롭에 참여하려면 Catizen 게임에 적극적으로 참여해야 합니다. 플레이어는 작업을 완료하고, 도시를 업그레이드하고, 커뮤니티 활동에 참여함으로써 Fish 및 vKitty와 같은 게임 내 통화를 얻습니다. 이러한 토큰은 나중에 에어드롭 중에 CATI로 변환할 수 있습니다. 다음에 집중하세요:   일일 작업 및 임무 완료 친구를 게임에 초대하여 잠재적 보상을 증가시키기 건물을 업그레이드하고 게임 내 이벤트에 참여하여 수익 극대화 2. TON 지갑 연결 CATI 토큰을 받으려면 TON 지갑 (예: Tonkeeper)이 게임에 연결되어 있어야 합니다. 설정 방법은 다음과 같습니다:   TON 지갑 다운로드: 호환 가능한 지갑(예: Tonkeeper)을 설치하세요. 지갑을 게임에 연결: 게임 내 "에어드롭" 섹션에 접속하여 지갑을 연결하세요. 테스트 거래: 연결을 승인하기 위해 소액 테스트 거래(0.1 TON)를 완료하여 지갑이 제대로 연결되었는지 확인하세요. 3. 에어드랍 발표 추적 에어드랍 프로세스에 대한 중요한 업데이트를 놓치지 않도록 공식 Catizen 발표를 최신 상태로 유지하세요. 다음 단계를 따르세요:   공식 채널 가입: Catizen의 텔레그램 및 기타 공식 채널에 가입하여 에어드랍 및 토큰 출시 관련 최신 정보를 받아보세요. 에어드랍 세부 사항 모니터링: 에어드랍 클레임 창의 날짜와 시간을 주시하여 놓치지 않도록 하세요. 활발한 참여: 개발자는 토큰 출시 전에 특별 보너스나 프로모션을 제공할 수 있으므로 적극적인 참여가 추가 보상을 제공할 수 있습니다. 4. 사전 시장 거래 참여 (선택 사항) 토큰 출시 전에 토큰의 가치를 예상하고 싶다면, 지원되는 거래소에서 CATI의 사전 시장 거래에 참여할 수 있습니다. 그러나 이는 위험을 동반합니다:   토크노믹스 이해: 공급 및 에어드랍 분배를 포함한 토큰 세부 정보가 사전 시장 거래 중에 여전히 불명확할 수 있습니다. 주의: 사전 시장 가격은 크게 변동할 수 있으므로 거래를 하기 전에 위험을 신중하게 고려하세요. 5. 보안 모범 사례 검토 모든 암호화폐 이벤트와 마찬가지로 보안이 중요합니다. 다음을 확인하세요:   보안 지갑 사용: 개인 키와 시드 구문을 안전하게 보관하면서 완전히 제어할 수 있는 지갑을 사용하세요. 사기 방지: 공식적인 Catizen 발표만 따르고, 의심스러운 링크를 클릭하거나 비공식 프로모션에 참여하지 마세요. 이 단계를 따르면, CATI 토큰 출시 및 에어드롭에 참여할 준비가 잘 되어 보상을 최대화하면서 안전을 유지할 수 있습니다.   Catizen (CATI) 가격 예측이란? CATI 토큰의 프리마켓 거래가 이미 활발하게 진행되고 있습니다. 토큰이 상장된 일부 암호화폐 거래 플랫폼에서는 강한 관심을 보이고 있으며, 가격은 플랫폼에 따라 다릅니다. 글 작성 시점에서 Catizen 토큰의 가격은 다양한 프리마켓 거래 플랫폼에서 $0.40에서 $0.55 사이에 분포되어 있습니다.   프리마켓 거래는 토큰의 잠재적 가치를 예측할 수 있는 기회를 제공하지만, 위험도 따릅니다. 토크노믹스와 에어드롭 할당이 완전히 공개되지 않았기 때문에 일반적인 게임 및 밈 코인보다 변동성이 클 수 있습니다. 특히 에어드롭 메커니즘에 대한 불확실성을 고려할 때, 프리마켓 거래는 신중하게 접근해야 합니다.   Catizen과 TON 생태계의 미래 Catizen의 토큰 출시가 텔레그램 기반 게임의 자체 암호화폐 출시라는 더 큰 흐름의 일부입니다. 2,200만 명 이상의 사용자를 보유한 이 게임은 TON 블록체인의 게임 생태계의 초석입니다. 플레이어들이 에어드롭을 기다리는 동안, CATI 토큰의 잠재적 장기적인 영향에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있습니다.   토큰 출시의 성공은 Catizen의 향후 업데이트 및 기능을 위한 무대를 마련할 수 있습니다. 개발자들은 이미 게임 내 경제와 플레이어 상호작용을 심화시킬 새로운 게임 메커니즘과 확장에 대해 암시했습니다. 이는 CATI 토큰의 가치를 높여 투자자들에게 더 매력적으로 만들 수 있습니다.   자세히 보기: Catizen, Vanilla Finance와 전략적 파트너십 체결 발표, 텔레그램에서 DeFi와 게임 통합   최종 생각 다가오는 CATI 토큰 출시는 Catizen과 GameFi 분야 모두에게 중요한 이벤트입니다. 게임에 적극적으로 참여했던 플레이어들은 이제 암호화폐 형태로 보상을 받을 가능성을 기대할 수 있으며, 토큰 상장은 투자에 관심이 있는 사람들에게 기회를 제공합니다.   그러나 이 출시에 신중하게 접근하는 것이 중요합니다. 사전 시장 거래와 에어드롭은 고유한 위험을 수반하며, 특히 초기 단계에서 토큰 가치는 매우 변동성이 클 수 있습니다. 개발 사항에 대한 정보를 유지하고 더 넓은 시장 상황을 염두에 두는 것이 플레이어와 투자자가 9월 20일 다가오는 이 중요한 단계를 잘 헤쳐나가는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.   더 읽기:  햄스터 콤뱃, 9월 26일에 오픈 네트워크에서 토큰 에어드롭 및 출시 발표 W-코인 게임, 커뮤니티 투표 후 토큰 출시 및 에어드롭을 위해 TON 선택

2024. 09. 06.
W-Coin Game Picks TON for Token Launch and Airdrop Following Community Vote

W-Coin, a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game, has chosen The Open Network (TON) for its WCOIN token launch and airdrop after players decisively voted in a poll. Competing against two of the biggest blockchain networks—Solana and Ethereum—TON emerged as the top choice for the game’s community, demonstrating TON’s growing influence within the Telegram gaming ecosystem.   Quick Take W-Coin players voted overwhelmingly to launch the WCOIN token on The Open Network (TON). TON received 68% of the votes, surpassing Solana and Ethereum. The WCOIN token airdrop and exchange listing will follow soon. W-Coin introduces new game mechanics, including passive income through W-AI. W-Coin is a tap-to-earn Telegram-based game where players accumulate in-game currency by completing tasks and progressing through game levels. Boasting nearly 20 million players, the game recently introduced W-AI, a virtual bot that generates passive income, and plans to launch its WCOIN token on The Open Network (TON).   Read more: What Is the W-Coin Telegram Tap-to-Earn Game and How to Play?   68% of W-Coin’s Community Votes to Pick TON Blockchain for Token Launch and Airdrop  On September 5, W-Coin announced the results of its community poll, revealing that TON secured a staggering 68% of the votes. More than 8.8 million players voted for TON, dwarfing Solana’s 24% and Ethereum’s 8%. This decision aligns with a broader trend of Telegram-based games opting for TON, a blockchain network originally developed by Telegram before its handoff to independent developers in 2020.   The decision reflects TON’s increasing popularity, particularly among Telegram-based projects. Its deep integration with the messaging platform gives it a natural advantage over Solana and Ethereum. By selecting TON, W-Coin joins a growing roster of Telegram games, including Hamster Kombat, Rocky Rabbit, and X Empire, all of which have committed to launching tokens on TON.   Why TON? TON’s close alignment with Telegram has allowed the network to position itself as the go-to blockchain for Telegram-based games, including xKuCoin bot, Notcoin, TapSwap, and Catizen. Over the past year, the platform has become more embedded within the Telegram ecosystem, offering developers tools to integrate seamlessly. Telegram users can now receive ad revenue payments in crypto and enjoy the benefits of in-app currencies tied to TON.   With around 20 million players, W-Coin needed a blockchain network that could handle its massive user base and growing in-game economy. TON’s technical capabilities, combined with its community-driven development model, made it the ideal choice.   W-Coin Introduces W-AI: A New Game Mode As W-Coin prepares for its token launch, the game has introduced a new feature called W-AI—a virtual trading bot designed to generate passive income for players. This new mechanic allows players to upgrade their W-AI bot and earn a new in-game currency, $WAI, which further enhances their performance in the game.   The W-AI bot lets players accumulate passive income even when they’re not actively playing, making the game more attractive to casual users. Additionally, the W-AI bot’s performance will directly impact players' eligibility for the upcoming WCOIN airdrop. Players who engage more with the W-AI bot will have a better chance of receiving a larger share of the airdrop, incentivizing deeper gameplay and active participation.   W-Coin Airdrop Coming Up Soon? The exact airdrop and launch date of the WCOIN token is yet to be announced. However, W-Coin’s development team has assured players that it will arrive sooner than anticipated. The WCOIN token will also be listed on Tier-1 exchanges, providing further liquidity and increasing its utility within the W-Coin ecosystem.   In addition to the W-AI update, W-Coin has teased other upcoming features and improvements to its MiniApp, designed to enhance the user experience. These updates aim to make the game even more accessible and engaging, ensuring that W-Coin remains a leading player in the tap-to-earn gaming market.   TON’s Role in the Telegram Gaming Boom W-Coin’s decision to embrace TON is part of a larger movement within the Telegram gaming scene. Other popular games like Notcoin and Hamster Kombat have also chosen TON to launch their tokens, contributing to the network’s growing dominance. In fact, Notcoin’s token, NOT, reached a peak market cap of nearly $3 billion earlier this year, though it has since dropped. Despite this volatility, TON’s integration within Telegram has continued to strengthen, and its reputation among developers is growing.   Hamster Kombat is scheduled to launch its token, HMSTR, on TON by the end of September, while Rocky Rabbit and X Empire are expected to follow shortly after. These upcoming launches have fueled excitement among Telegram gamers, many of whom are eager to capitalize on these new blockchain-based gaming opportunities.   Read more:  Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26 Rocky Rabbit Announces Airdrop and Token Launch on The Open Network (TON) for September 23 X Empire (Musk Empire) Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $XEMP Tokens Conclusion: A Promising Future with Potential Risks The W-Coin community’s choice to launch the WCOIN token on TON reflects the growing alignment between Telegram-based games and this blockchain network. TON’s deep integration with Telegram offers W-Coin players a seamless experience, and the game stands to benefit from the network’s expanding ecosystem.   As W-Coin progresses with its roadmap, new features like W-AI and the upcoming WCOIN airdrop create opportunities for players to engage and potentially earn rewards. However, while the game shows promise, it's important to remember the inherent risks involved in cryptocurrency and gaming tokens. Market volatility, regulatory changes, and platform stability could impact the project’s trajectory.   Players should stay informed, assess their risk tolerance, and follow official W-Coin updates to stay prepared for the WCOIN token airdrop and future developments.

2024. 09. 05.
Rocky Rabbit Announces Airdrop and Token Launch on The Open Network (TON) for September 23

Rocky Rabbit, the fast-growing Telegram-based tap-to-earn game, has officially announced the launch of its highly anticipated $RBTC token on The Open Network (TON), scheduled for September 23, 2024. This launch will be accompanied by a significant airdrop event for the game’s active community members on the same date.   Quick Take  The $RBTC token launch and airdrop are scheduled for September 23, 2024, on The Open Network (TON), rewarding active players and expanding the community.  Players must engage in daily challenges and refer new users to qualify for the airdrop, with token distribution favoring those with higher in-game activity. Market analysts predict an initial price range of $0.001 to $0.005 for $RBTC, with potential early volatility as trading begins on the same day as the airdrop. Rocky Rabbit is a Telegram-based tap-to-earn game where players train digital rabbits, compete in battles, and complete quests to earn cryptocurrency rewards. Launched in Q2 2024, the game has quickly gained popularity, attracting over 25 million users by August 2024. The game is integrated with the TON blockchain, making it a part of the expanding play-to-earn ecosystem on Telegram​.    Read more: What Is Rocky Rabbit Telegram Game and How to Earn Crypto Rewards?   When Is the Rocky Rabbit Token Generation Event (TGE) and Airdrop?  Mark your calendars for September 23, 2024, as Rocky Rabbit’s airdrop is set to reward loyal players with a share of the game’s native RabBitcoin ($RBTC) tokens. The airdrop was announced following the steps of the airdrop launch news from Hamster Kombat, the most viral tap-to-earn crypto game in the Telegram community.   The RabBitcoin TGE is a pivotal moment in the game's development, scheduled for Q4 2024. During this event, the $RBTC token, the native cryptocurrency of the Rocky Rabbit game, will be officially created and distributed. Rocky Rabbit’s TGE is not only a significant milestone for the game's ecosystem but also marks the beginning of $RBTC's integration into broader cryptocurrency markets.   How to Participate in Rocky Rabbit Airdrop: Eligibility Details The Rocky Rabbit team has emphasized that players can maximize their airdrop rewards by engaging deeply with the game’s mechanics. Daily activities like solving Enigma puzzles, participating in SuperSet combos, and maintaining a high in-game coin balance are all key strategies for boosting airdrop eligibility.   Furthermore, the game’s referral system continues to play a crucial role in expanding the community. By inviting friends to join Rocky Rabbit, players not only contribute to the game’s growth but also increase their own chances of receiving a larger share of the airdrop.   Rocky Rabbit’s Native Token RabBitcoin ($RBTC) Token Listing on Exchanges In a strategic move, Rocky Rabbit has aligned the listing of $RBTC on major exchanges with the airdrop date, September 23. This synchronized event is expected to trigger a surge in trading activity, as players receiving tokens in the airdrop will have the immediate opportunity to trade them. Listing on prominent exchanges is likely to boost the visibility of $RBTC, attracting interest from the broader cryptocurrency community.   Source: Rocky Rabbit Telegram channel    On August 31, the Rocky Rabbit team confirmed that the coin has already been listed on Coinmarketcap and CoinGecko. Players can cash out their Rocky Rabbit earnings by connecting their TON wallets, claiming their airdrop tokens, and trading them on exchanges that will list the $RBTC crypto. Stay tuned for more information on exchanges that will list Rocky Rabbit’s native token, RabBitcoin (RBTC).    Rocky Rabbit (RBTC) Price Prediction As the airdrop date approaches, market analysts are closely monitoring the potential impact on $RBTC’s price. Initial predictions suggest that the token could debut at a price ranging between $0.001 to $0.005. This estimate reflects the game’s growing user base and the increasing demand for its native token. However, given the nature of new listings, price volatility is expected in the early trading days, making it essential for players and investors to stay informed about market trends.   Conclusion The upcoming Rocky Rabbit token launch and airdrop on September 23 mark a significant milestone for both the game and its community. Players who have linked their TON wallets and actively engaged in the game are well-positioned to benefit from the airdrop. As the launch date draws near, Rocky Rabbit is set to make a notable impact on The Open Network ecosystem, reinforcing its position as a leading player in the Telegram gaming space.   Stay tuned to the official Rocky Rabbit Telegram channel for more updates and tasks related to the token launch. Read more: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 02.
Crypto Exchange KuCoin to List DOGS Token for Spot Trading on August 26, 2024

Crypto exchange KuCoin has announced the upcoming listing of the DOGS (DOGS) token, a popular memecoin within the TON blockchain ecosystem, on its spot trading platform. This highly anticipated event marks another step in DOGS’ expansion following successful listings on other major exchanges. KuCoin users can begin trading DOGS on August 26, 2024, at 20:00 (Hong Kong time), adding another significant milestone for the project.   Quick Take  DOGS, a popular memecoin on the TON blockchain, will officially begin spot trading on KuCoin at 20:00 (Hong Kong time) on August 26, 2024, following its pre-market listing on August 8. DOGS is part of a broader tap-to-earn ecosystem powered by the TON blockchain, and it has gained significant traction, with over 8 million verified users claiming their tokens after a recent airdrop campaign.n. What Is DOGS (DOGS) Token?  The DOGS token has become a standout in the TON blockchain, attracting significant attention for its tap-to-earn game model. The token allows users to earn rewards through simple tasks performed on their phones or computers. DOGS recently concluded an airdrop campaign that distributed 400 billion tokens to approximately 42 million eligible users, cementing its popularity within the crypto community.   Since the airdrop’s conclusion on August 14, 2024, more than 8 million verified users have already claimed their DOGS tokens. The project’s official Telegram group has also seen an 80% surge in activity, boasting over 16 million members. This growth highlights the community’s strong engagement and the token’s promising potential in the market.   Read more: What Is DOGS (DOGS) Telegram Bot and How to Claim Airdrop?   DOGS will Hit KuCoin Spot Market on August 26, 2024  KuCoin has been among the first platforms to recognize the potential of DOGS and offer early access to the token through its pre-market trading. By providing pre-market opportunities, KuCoin powers investors to acquire DOGS ahead of its official listing. This strategy not only generated initial liquidity but also built momentum leading up to the spot trading launch.    According to KuCoin's announcement, DOGS/USDT trading will be available for investors, allowing users to trade DOGS with the stablecoin. If liquidity and other conditions are met, KuCoin may also introduce other markets, such as futures. As one of the trending coins in the TON ecosystem, the Telegram mini-game community is closely monitoring the token's listing and related activities.   Read more: DOGS (DOGS) Airdrop: Listing and Everything You Need to Know   KuCoin’s Commitment to Supporting New Listings KuCoin’s approach to integrating new tokens, particularly those within emerging ecosystems like TON, reflects its commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation in the cryptocurrency space. The platform’s robust risk management, proof of reserve assurance,  extensive customer support, and liquidity options make it a preferred choice for traders seeking exposure to trending assets like DOGS.   Conclusion This listing provides an opportunity to engage with a memecoin project that is gaining attention on The Open Network (TON). However, it is important for investors to approach any new investment with caution, particularly given the inherent volatility of memecoinst. While DOGS is attracting interest, it is advisable to conduct thorough research and assess individual risk tolerance before participating in trading activities. Read more: Top 10 Dog-Themed Memecoins to Watch in 2024

2024. 08. 27.
DOGS (DOGS) Airdrop Guide and Listing Date: All You Need to Know

Get ready for one of the biggest airdrops of the year as DOGS (DOGS) gears up for its highly anticipated token launch on August 20, 2024. As the $DOGS token listing approaches, participants can claim their share of over 400 billion tokens airdrop. Here are all the details you need to know to maximize your earnings and get ready for the upcoming airdrop.    Quick Take The $DOGS token listing is set for August 20, 2024. During the DOGS token launch, over 400 billion $DOGS will be airdropped to 42.2 million eligible users, out of a total 53 million who joined the official bot, as per DOGS’ official update on Telegram.  $DOGS ecosystem adopted the economic model of Dogenomics. The $DOGS token supply is capped at 550 billion, with 81.5% allocated to the community. Users can claim their tokens starting August 16 through their Telegram Wallets or via select centralized exchanges (CEXs), or trade DOGS early on KuCoin pre-market. What Is DOGS (DOGS) Telegram Bot?  The DOGS (DOGS) token is a community-driven memecoin native to Telegram, rewarding users based on the age and activity of their accounts. Launched in July 2024, DOGS has quickly become one of the top Telegram MiniApp and has amassed a user base of over 16 million, with 6 million verified users already claiming their tokens. In fact, DOGS reached 10 million users within just three days of its launch, making it one of the top three apps on Telegram’s MiniApp Store.   The app allows users to earn DOGS tokens through daily check-ins, referrals, and participating in various tasks. The simplicity and viral nature of the platform have driven its swift adoption, positioning DOGS as one of the most trending mini-apps, just like Hamster Kombat, Musk Empire, and TapSwap.     As DOGS prepares for its listing on major exchanges like KuCoin, the buzz surrounding the token continues to grow, solidifying its place as a top memecoin within Telegram’s ecosystem   Read more: What Is DOGS (DOGS) Telegram Bot and How to Claim Airdrop?    All About the DOGS (DOGS) Airdrop  DOGS has captured attention in the meme coin space with its community-driven approach and unique “Dogenomics.” A staggering 81.5% of the total $DOGS supply is reserved for the community, with 73% already earned by Telegram OGs. The remaining tokens are allocated for rewarding traders, sticker creators, and future community members.   Starting August 16, eligible users can claim their tokens via their Telegram Wallets (TON wallets) or CEXs like OKX and Bybit. On August 20, non-custodial wallet claims will open, allowing users to store their tokens securely on-chain. For those opting for on-chain storage, it's essential to have enough Toncoin to cover gas fees.   DOGS (DOGS) will be listed for trading on the KuCoin Spot Market on August 23, 2024.    Dogenomics: DOGS (DOGS) Tokenomics Explained  $DOGS ecosystem adopted the economic model of Dogenomics, which prioritizes fair distribution and community-driven growth, as per details shared in the official DOGS Telegram community:    81.5% Allocated to the Community: Includes rewards for Telegram OGs and future community incentives. 10% Reserved for the Team: Locked in a 12-month vesting period to ensure long-term development. 8.5% for Liquidity: Dedicated to liquidity on CEXs, DEXs, and listing-related events. Why Participate in the $DOGS Airdrop? Massive Token Allocation: With over 400 billion tokens up for grabs, $DOGS offers significant earning potential for early participants. Community-Centric Tokenomics: The majority of the token supply is dedicated to the DOGS Telegram bot users, who will get their fair share of the airdrop based on their level of activity.  Multiple Claim Options: Users can choose between CEXs, Telegram Wallets, and non-custodial wallets, offering flexibility to claim their airdrop and withdraw their tokens. Future Developments: $DOGS is set to introduce meme stickers that can be minted and traded on-chain, adding further utility and fun for the community.  Source:  DOGS community on Telegram   Why Participate in the $DOGS Airdrop? Massive Token Allocation: With over 400 billion tokens up for grabs, $DOGS offers significant earning potential for early participants. Community-Centric Tokenomics: The majority of the token supply is dedicated to the DOGS Telegram bot users, who will get their fair share of the airdrop based on their level of activity.  Multiple Claim Options: Users can choose between CEXs, Telegram Wallets, and non-custodial wallets, offering flexibility to claim their airdrop and withdraw their tokens. Future Developments: $DOGS is set to introduce meme stickers that can be minted and traded on-chain, adding further utility and fun for the community. How to Be Eligible for DOGS (DOGS) Airdrop  To be eligible for the DOGS (DOGS) airdrop, you need to have a Telegram account. The amount of tokens you receive depends on factors such as the age of your Telegram account, your activity level, and whether you have a Telegram Premium subscription. Early adopters and long-term Telegram users receive more DOGS tokens. You can also increase your rewards by referring friends and following the DOGS community on social media. The airdrop is free, and participation is open to all Telegram users​.    How to Claim Your $DOGS Tokens    Follow these steps to claim your $DOGS tokens:   Claim Starting August 16: Users can claim $DOGS tokens to their Telegram Wallets or CEX accounts. Ensure your account is set up and KYC is completed in advance. Non-Custodial Wallet Claims on August 20: If you prefer holding your tokens on-chain, connect a TON Wallet like Tonkeeper and ensure you have enough Toncoin to cover gas fees. Complete the Claim Process: Follow the instructions provided in the official bot or Telegram channel to finalize your claim. DOGS is launched on KuCoin pre-market, where you can trade DOGS early and wait for the token delivery when it hits the spot market. What Is DOGS Price Prediction After the Token Launch?   As the launch date for $DOGS approaches, understanding its potential price movements can provide valuable insights for both early participants and long-term holders. The tokenomics of $DOGS are designed to create a strong community-driven project, with 73% of the total 550 billion supply already circulating.    The $DOGS token is expected to have a volatile performance post-launch, similar to other recent meme coins like Notcoin (NOT). After its initial launch, NOT saw a brief surge followed by a correction due to broader market trends, but it has shown potential for a 50% rally with increasing interest from the community. For DOGS, early trading could see similar volatility, particularly during the first few weeks when initial hype and community activity drive price movements.   1. $250 Million Market Cap: $0.00062 per DOGS This stage reflects moderate growth as the community-driven distribution gains traction. The lack of vesting periods and broad circulation could see substantial trading volumes, mirroring the activity seen with tokens like NOT during their early trading phases.   2. $500 Million Market Cap: $0.00125 per DOGS At this level, consistent demand and successful community engagement, such as the introduction of new Telegram-native features, could drive further adoption. The performance of NOT has shown that rallying to new highs is possible if broader market conditions are favorable and community initiatives remain strong.   3. $1 Billion Market Cap: $0.0025 per DOGS If DOGS hits this level, it would likely be due to sustained community interest, strategic partnerships, and further utility integrations within Telegram. For comparison, similar projects that gained early traction within Telegram communities have seen significant price increases, with the potential for DOGS to follow this trend if supported by market conditions and continuous user engagement.   The DOGS token launch in August could mirror the sharp initial price movements seen with other meme tokens like NOT, which experienced a surge followed by stabilization. Investors should be prepared for high volatility during the initial listing phase, driven by speculation and early trading activities.   Conclusion  As the August 20 launch date approaches, the excitement around $DOGS continues to build. With a community-first tokenomics model, multiple claim options, and plans for future development, $DOGS is positioned as a standout project in the meme token space. Be sure to secure your share by following the claim instructions, and prepare for what could be one of the biggest airdrops of 2024.   FAQs About the DOGS Airdrop 1. When is the $DOGS token launching? The official listing date is August 20, 2024 on some centralized exchanges. After this date, users can claim their $DOGS airdrops and transfer them to the exchanges or their non-custodial wallets for withdrawal. You can also trade $DOGS pre-market early on KuCoin pre-market before they hit the KuCoin Spot Market on August 23, 2024.     2. How can I claim my DOGS (DOGS) airdrop tokens? Starting August 16, you can claim your DOGS tokens through your Telegram Wallet or on a centralized exchange (CEX). For those wanting more control, non-custodial wallet claims open on August 20, allowing you to hold tokens securely with your own private keys. The choice between wallets depends on whether you prioritize convenience (custodial wallets) or full control of your assets (non-custodial wallets).   3. Do I need Toncoin (TON) to claim my tokens? Yes, if you’re claiming a non-custodial wallet, you’ll need Toncoin to cover gas fees. As DOGS is launching on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, you will need a TON-based wallet and some Toncoin (TON) to cover transaction fees when claiming your tokens.    4. What wallets are supported for on-chain claims of $DOGS Airdrop? TON Wallets like Tonkeeper are recommended for secure on-chain storage since DOGS is a token that will launch on the TON network. Read more: Top 10 TON Wallets for The Open Network Ecosystem in 2024  

2024. 08. 20.
Gemz Airdrop: Eligibility and How to Claim the Airdrop

Gemz is the latest Telegram mini-app to announce its airdrop campaign, following along the lines of Notcoin, Pixelverse, and DOGS. After Season 1, the Gemz game is introducing a new Season 2 on August 17 packed with fresh features and a major airdrop that could be a game-changer for participants. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from the upcoming Gemz airdrop and how to maximize your rewards.   Quick Take The Gemz airdrop is all set to begin after the conclusion of the Season 1 snapshot which was taken on August 16, 2024. In addition, Season 2 of the airdrop campaign launched on August 17.  Players who actively engage in the game and climb the leaderboards during Season 1 will have a better chance to receive a substantial portion of the rewards. The rewards in the airdrop are based on a player's performance and participation, particularly through daily combos, tapping mechanics, and referral bonuses. What Is Gemz? Gemz is a popular Telegram-based tap-to-earn game that has rapidly grown to almost 15 million players, following the sensational success of other Telegram games such as Notcoin, Hamster Kombat, and TapSwap. The game lets players earn Gemz Coins by tapping on a gem and participating in various in-game activities like completing daily combos, leveling up cards, and inviting friends. The game features different leagues and offers tools like boosters and team play to enhance the earning potential. The unique twist in Gemz lies in its community-driven features, meme tokens, and special events like the daily Morse code challenge and combo bonuses.    Read more: What Is Gemz Telegram Game, and How to Play?    How to Participate in the Gemz Airdrop The Gemz token will be integrated within the Telegram game’s ecosystem and will operate on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, offering players utility through in-game purchases, rewards, and potential staking options in the future. The token’s value is tied to the game’s activities, with daily combos and leaderboard positions influencing distribution.    The key dates for the Gemz airdrop include the critical Season 1 leaderboard snapshot taken on August 16th and the start of Season 2 on August 17. Players can enhance their airdrop rewards by engaging in daily combo challenges and completing tasks, which align with the upcoming token launch strategy.     The following activities provide multiple ways to mine coins and progress in the game, enhancing your overall experience and rewards, as you try to qualify for the Gemz airdrop:   Tap-to-Earn: The core activity involves tapping a central gem to earn coins. The more you tap, the more coins you accumulate.  Daily Combo: Complete the daily combo challenge by purchasing or leveling up three specific cards from the "Mine" page. Successfully completing the combo can reward you with millions of coins.  Daily Code: Decode and enter the daily Morse code in the game to unlock a secret word and earn additional coins.  Tasks and Quests: Participate in various tasks, like joining a community channel, inviting friends, or following Gemz on social media. These tasks provide bonus coins and are crucial for upgrading in-game features.  Referral Program: Earn coins by inviting friends to join the game. You and your invitees receive bonus coins, with higher rewards for Telegram Premium users. Boosters and Power-ups: Use boosters like the Rocket (5x multiplier) or the Tapbot, which earns coins passively when you’re away, to maximize earnings. Team Play: Join or create a team to collaborate with other players and earn extra points together. This feature also allows for leaderboard competition, providing additional rewards.  Leaderboard and Seasonal Events: Climb the leaderboards and participate in seasonal events to earn coins and special bonuses based on your ranking.    Learn more: How to Mine More Gemz Coins on Telegram   How to Claim Gemz Airdrop  The Gemz token will launch on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. To start, connect your TON wallet, such as Tonkeeper, to the Gemz dashboard, take part in the daily challenges, and ensure you are climbing the leaderboards before the Season 1 snapshot. Players who stay engaged will have more opportunities to earn significant rewards during the upcoming airdrop.   Why Participate in the Gemz Airdrop? Exciting New Features: Season 2 brings significant updates, including the introduction of meme tokens and rebalanced mining cards that make gameplay more strategic. Lucrative Bonuses: Whether through the daily combo, Morse code challenges, or referral system, there are multiple ways to earn extra coins daily, boosting your overall earnings. Strong Community and Fair Economy: The Gemz team is actively involving the community in shaping the game, with a focus on keeping the economy balanced and rewarding fair play.  Conclusion With new features, community involvement, and a fair distribution mechanism, the Gemz airdrop offers great potential for both new and experienced players. Whether you’re a casual player or aiming for the top of the leaderboard, this airdrop is an event worth participating in.   For more updates, make sure you join the official Gemz Telegram channel and follow their social media accounts to stay informed about new tasks, challenges, and airdrop announcements.

2024. 08. 19.
Scroll Airdrop Guide: How to Participate and Maximize Your Rewards

Scroll is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution utilizing zkEVM technology, designed to improve scalability, reduce transaction costs, and maintain the security of the Ethereum network. Although Scroll has not yet launched a native token, the possibility of an airdrop has generated significant interest within the crypto community. Here’s everything you need to know about the potential Scroll airdrop and how you can participate in it.    Quick Take Engage actively in Scroll's ecosystem—interact with dApps, provide liquidity, and partake in Scroll Sessions—to boost airdrop eligibility. You can perform the following tasks to increase your chances to earn Scroll airdrop: bridging tokens, providing liquidity, and interacting with dApps on Scroll's network.  The Scroll airdrop claim period is from August 15, 2024, to September 15, 2024. Introduction to Scroll and Its Ecosystem Scroll is an Ethereum Layer-2 network designed to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the Ethereum blockchain through the use of zkEVM (zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) technology. Scroll operates as a zero-knowledge rollup, where it processes transactions off-chain and bundles them into a single proof that is then validated on the Ethereum mainnet.    This approach drastically reduces the amount of data stored on-chain, significantly lowering transaction costs while maintaining high throughput and security. By being fully compatible with Ethereum's Virtual Machine (EVM), Scroll allows developers to seamlessly deploy and manage decentralized applications (dApps) with the same tools they use on Ethereum, making it an attractive option for scaling Ethereum projects.    Potential Scroll Airdrop and Eligibility The Scroll airdrop is highly anticipated, with eligibility based on users' activities within the Scroll ecosystem. This includes interacting with Scroll's testnet and mainnet, providing liquidity, bridging assets, and using various dApps built on the Scroll network.   To maximize your chances of receiving the airdrop, it's crucial to be an active participant in these activities. The Scroll team has emphasized that regular interaction with the platform increases eligibility, especially for those who participate in Scroll Sessions, a loyalty program where users earn points (Marks) that could convert into airdropped tokens.   Key Dates and Airdrop Timeline Snapshot Date: July 15, 2024 Airdrop Announcement: August 1, 2024 Claim Period: August 15, 2024 – September 15, 2024 Redistribution: Unclaimed tokens will be redistributed after the claim period ends. How to Participate in the Scroll Airdrop To participate in the Scroll airdrop, follow these detailed steps to maximize your chances of receiving tokens:   Step 1: Connect Your Wallet and Add Scroll Network Begin by connecting your MetaMask wallet to the Scroll network. To do this, visit the Scroll mainnet page and follow the instructions to add the Scroll network to your MetaMask wallet. This setup allows you to interact with the Scroll network and prepare for future transactions and airdrop activities. Ensure that your MetaMask is configured to handle both the Scroll testnet and mainnet.     Step 2: Acquire Goerli ETH and Bridge to Scroll Goerli ETH is a testnet token required to participate in Scroll's testnet activities. You can acquire Goerli ETH through various faucets, such as Alchemy Goerli Faucet, where you sign up and request ETH for your MetaMask wallet. Once you have Goerli ETH, you need to bridge it to the Scroll Layer 2 network using the Scroll Alpha Bridge. This step demonstrates your activity within the Scroll ecosystem, which is crucial for eligibility. Step 3: Interact with dApps on Scroll Network Engage with dApps on the Scroll network to increase your activity score. Popular dApps include:   Uniswap: Use the Scroll version of Uniswap to swap tokens, wrap ETH to WETH, and add liquidity to ETH-USDC pools. These actions are pivotal as they show your active participation in the Scroll DeFi ecosystem. Scroll Guardians: If you're interested in GameFi, mint an NFT hero and participate in boss battles. This interaction not only adds to your on-chain activity but also diversifies the types of transactions you engage in. Scroll Guild: Join the Scroll Guild by connecting your wallet, Twitter, and Discord accounts. The guild assigns roles based on your participation, which could further enhance your eligibility for the airdrop. Step 4: Provide Liquidity and Participate in Lending Markets Providing liquidity is another critical action. Visit DeFi platforms like Ambient or Nuri, which are part of the Scroll ecosystem, and add liquidity to pools. For those interested in lending, platforms like Aave allow you to supply assets and earn interest, which further contributes to your on-chain activity. Remember, the more you interact, the higher your chances of receiving an airdrop.   Step 5: Deploy Smart Contracts (For Developers) If you’re a developer, deploying smart contracts on the Scroll network can significantly boost your eligibility. By following development guides and using tools like Truffle, you can deploy contracts and interact with them, showing your technical engagement with the network.   Step 6: Participate in Scroll Sessions and Earn Marks Scroll Sessions is a loyalty program where users earn points, known as Marks, for various activities like bridging assets, providing liquidity, and participating in lending markets. These Marks could potentially be converted into airdropped tokens. Keep an eye on updates and participate regularly to accumulate as many Marks as possible.      Conclusion The Scroll airdrop represents a significant opportunity for early users and developers to earn rewards by contributing to the ecosystem. By actively participating in the Scroll network, providing liquidity, bridging assets, and engaging with dApps, you can maximize your chances of receiving a portion of the airdrop. Remember to stay informed and act within the specified timelines to claim your rewards.

2024. 08. 13.
Top 10 Crypto Airdrops to Watch in August 2024

Crypto airdrops are a pivotal part of the cryptocurrency market. These events involve distributing free tokens to community members' wallets to reward early adopters, incentivize participation, or decentralize the network. In August 2024, the crypto landscape remains vibrant, driven by recent market developments and innovations.   Quick Take  The Crypto Fear & Greed Index shows a "Greed" score of 57, indicating a bullish market in August 2024. Prominent airdrops this month include HashKey (HSK), Pontem Liquidswap (LSD), and Credbull (CBL), rewarding early adopters and active participants. Engaging in these airdrops involves tasks like trading, providing liquidity, and participating in community campaigns. Projects like Polymarket and Rho Markets offer potential airdrops to early users and participants, encouraging engagement in their ecosystems. The ongoing trends include increased adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, the rise of layer-2 scaling solutions, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in blockchain technology. The market sentiment is optimistic, reflected in the Crypto Fear & Greed Index, which shows a positive outlook. As a participant in the crypto market, keeping an eye on these airdrops can be a lucrative opportunity to enhance your portfolio.   Overview of the Crypto Market in August 2024 The crypto market in August 2024 is experiencing significant activity and positive sentiment. At 57, the Crypto Fear & Greed Index indicates a "Greed" score, suggesting bullish market behavior. Several factors contribute to this trend, including the recent spot Ethereum ETF approvals and launches, strong inflows into both Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, the possibility of a rate cut by the Fed in September 2024, and increased adoption of cryptocurrencies as an asset class among both retail and institutional investors.    Crypto fear and greed index | Source: alternative.me    The market is also seeing substantial interest in modular blockchain designs, enhancing efficiency by allowing different layers to specialize in specific functions like data availability or transaction execution. These innovations, alongside rising expectations for better regulatory clarity, are fostering a robust and optimistic market environment.   The 10 Best Crypto Airdrops for August 2024 August 2024 presents several promising airdrops, each offering unique opportunities for participants:   1. HashKey (HSK)  HashKey Group is a leading digital asset financial services provider in Asia. The group is launching its native token, HSK, which is designed to integrate seamlessly across HashKey’s diverse range of products and applications. HSK will be used for community rewards, transaction fee discounts, exclusive token pre-sales rights, and cross-platform ecosystem collaborations. With a total supply of 1 billion tokens, 65% is allocated for ecosystem growth, ensuring the token's utility in promoting and sustaining the HashKey ecosystem.    How to Participate in HashKey (HSK) Airdrop  To participate in the HSK airdrop, you need to log into the DejenDog Telegram bot. After logging in, you will receive a base amount of HSK tokens. You can increase your allocation by inviting friends and subscribing to the designated Telegram channel. Inviting three friends multiplies your base allocation by three, while subscribing to the channel increases it further. Additionally, you can earn more HSK by playing the Tap-to-Earn DejenDog mini-game. Eligible participants must connect their wallet and pass eligibility checks to maximize their token allocation. The airdrop campaign starts in late June 2024, and tokens can be claimed until the official listing in Q3 2024.   Read more: HashKey's HSK Token Community Airdrop in June, Ahead of Q3 Listing   2. Pontem Liquidswap (LSD)  Pontem is a product development studio focused on global financial inclusion powered by blockchain technology. They have partnered with Aptos to build foundational decentralized applications (dApps) and infrastructure, including development tools, EVMs, and automated market makers (AMMs). Pontem’s Liquidswap, the first AMM on Aptos, is a key project enabling fast and secure peer-to-peer trading. The LSD token, associated with Liquidswap, is used for governance, transaction fees, and staking within the ecosystem. The token facilitates community ownership and participation in the protocol’s future developments.   How to Participate in Liquidswap (LSD) Airdrop  To participate in the Pontem Liquidswap airdrop, visit the Pontem Liquidswap airdrop claim page and connect your Aptos wallet. Eligible users include those who traded or provided liquidity before April 7, 2024, those who did so between April 7 and July 10, 2024, and holders of community NFTs, meme tokens, product testers, and ambassadors. The airdrop allocates 49% to early adopters, 24% to late users, and 27% to community members. Eligible users can claim 69% of their allocation now, with the rest vested linearly over four months. Continue interacting with Pontem’s ecosystem to be eligible for future airdrops and staking rewards.   Buy Liquidswap (LSD)   3. Credbull (CBL)  Credbull is pioneering the DeFi sector with the industry’s first licensed on-chain private credit fund. This innovative platform merges traditional finance (TradFi) and DeFi by offering access to top-performing risk-adjusted asset classes. The Credbull On-Chain Private Credit Fund 1 provides a 10% fixed yield and potential upside participation based on fund performance. The platform focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), delivering robust risk management and transparency through blockchain technology.   How to Participate in Credbull (CBL) Airdrop  To join the Credbull airdrop, visit the official Credbull airdrop page and connect your Arbitrum wallet, ensuring it contains at least 0.005 ETH. Next, follow Credbull on Twitter and join their Telegram group. Completing these steps makes you eligible to receive a share of $100,000 worth of CBL tokens. If you are eligible to claim the Credbull airdrop, your rewards will be distributed after the token generation event (TGE) - for which the exact timeline is not yet confirmed, allowing you to benefit from the platform’s growth and engagement.    4. Base  Base is a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solution designed to onboard the next billion users on-chain. At the time of writing, it is the second-largest Ethereum L2 network with a TVL of nearly $7 billion as per L2Beat. Incubated within Coinbase, Base aims to address scalability and transaction cost issues, making blockchain technology more accessible. Base is built on the MIT-licensed OP Stack, in collaboration with Optimism, ensuring a robust and efficient infrastructure. While Base does not currently have its own token, there is speculation about a potential token launch in the future. If this happens, early users of the protocol might be eligible for an airdrop.    How to Participate in Base Airdrop  To increase your chances of being eligible for a potential Base airdrop, engage with the Base ecosystem regularly. Participate in the Onchain Summer campaign by visiting the Coinbase Onchain Summer campaign page, connecting your wallet, and completing various tasks to earn points. You can also collect NFTs and interact with dApps on the Base network. Regular transactions, such as bridging assets to Base, trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and minting NFTs, are recommended to increase your activity and potential eligibility.    Early users who actively engage with the Base network might be eligible for a future airdrop if Base decides to launch a token. Ensure your wallet is connected to Base and regularly interact with the network’s dApps. There is no official confirmation or timeline for a Base airdrop yet. However, it is beneficial to stay active in the ecosystem and follow Base’s official channels for any announcements.   5. Linea  Linea is an advanced Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solution utilizing zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) technology. It replicates the Ethereum environment, allowing developers to deploy smart contracts and use familiar tools with reduced transaction costs. Linea ensures Ethereum-level security and is developed by ConsenSys, a leader in blockchain innovation. The primary utility of the expected Linea token would include transaction fee payments, governance, and staking within the ecosystem.   How to Participate in Linea Airdrop  To participate in the potential Linea airdrop, you should frequently interact with the Linea ecosystem. Start by using the official Linea Bridge to transfer ETH from Ethereum mainnet to Linea mainnet. Engage with various dApps on Linea such as SyncSwap and PancakeSwap by making trades and adding liquidity. Participate in the Linea Voyage campaign by completing weekly tasks and minting NFTs. Regular transactions and active participation in ecosystem activities can increase your chances of eligibility.   Eligibility for the Linea airdrop includes early testnet participants and active mainnet users. Ensure you bridge funds, perform trades, and engage in lending protocols like LineaBank. Additionally, minting NFTs and participating in community campaigns like Linea Voyage will help. The exact timeline for the Linea airdrop has not been announced. Stay updated by following Linea’s official communications on their website, Twitter, and Discord.    6. Solayer  Solayer is a pioneering Solana-based restaking protocol, aiming to enhance the security and utility of staked tokens. The project allows users to restake their staked assets, such as SOL and various liquid staking tokens (LSTs), across multiple applications to secure additional layers of the blockchain. This restaking process not only increases the security of the base layer but also optimizes the use of staked assets by creating new yield opportunities. Solayer leverages Solana's fast and efficient infrastructure to offer improved transaction throughput and enhanced liquidity.   How to Participate in Solayer Airdrop  To participate in the Solayer airdrop, you need to engage with the platform actively. Start by visiting the Solayer website and connecting your Solana wallet. Link your Discord and X accounts and use an invite code. Prioritize depositing native SOL and small amounts of other LSTs to meet the eligibility criteria. You should also invite friends using your personal invite code to increase your chances of receiving the airdrop. By participating in multiple epochs and fulfilling specific criteria, you can maximize your potential rewards.   Eligibility for the Solayer airdrop requires completing at least three out of six criteria: depositing at least 10 native SOL, depositing in any other pool, participating in Epoch 0, referring others who deposit, maintaining deposits for at least three epochs, and using all invite codes provided. The more criteria you meet, the higher your reward will be. Once eligible, you can claim your tokens after the airdrop is officially announced, following instructions from Solayer’s official channels. The exact timeline for claiming the Solayer airdrop is yet to be announced. Stay updated by following Solayer’s official website and social media channels for the latest information.   7. SyncSwap (SYNC)  SyncSwap is a DEX built on the zkSync Era, leveraging zero-knowledge technology to provide secure and cost-effective DeFi solutions. It ensures complete Ethereum security while offering efficient trading with significantly lower gas fees. SyncSwap has announced its upcoming token, SYNC, which will serve as the utility and governance token within the platform. This token will enable users to participate in governance decisions and pay transaction fees, enhancing the overall user experience on SyncSwap.    How to Participate in SyncSwap Airdrop  To participate in the SyncSwap airdrop, you need to engage with the platform both on the testnet and mainnet. Start by visiting the SyncSwap website, connecting your wallet, and switching to the zkSync Era network. Bridge your ETH or other tokens to the zkSync Era mainnet using the official bridge or a third-party bridge like Rhino.fi. Make trades and provide liquidity on SyncSwap to increase your eligibility. Regular interaction with the platform is recommended to maximize your chances of receiving the airdrop.    Eligibility for the SyncSwap airdrop is primarily for early users who have interacted with both the testnet and mainnet. To be eligible, you should have made trades, provided liquidity, and participated in various activities on SyncSwap. The exact timeline for claiming the SyncSwap airdrop has not been confirmed yet. Stay updated by following SyncSwap’s official website, Twitter, and Discord for announcements. When the airdrop details are released, you will be able to claim your SYNC tokens as per the instructions provided.   8. Mantle Methamorphosis (COOK) Mantle Network is an advanced Ethereum Layer 2 solution, built by BitDAO. It leverages an optimistic rollup and innovative data availability solutions to offer cheaper and more efficient transactions while maintaining Ethereum's security. The network’s native token, MNT, is essential for governance, transaction fees, and staking within the ecosystem. Mantle’s modular architecture enables high performance and scalability, making it ideal for dApps.   How to Participate in Mantle Methamorphosis Airdrop  To participate in the Mantle airdrop, follow these steps:   Visit the Mantle airdrop page. Connect your wallet. Bind your referral code.  Ensure you have some Mantle Staked Ether (mETH). You can get mETH by staking ETH, which you can purchase on Binance if needed. Earn Powder daily by opening mETH positions on partner protocols. Check Mantle’s official channels for the list of supported protocols and Powder rates. Eligible participants are those who hold mETH and engage actively with the Mantle ecosystem. This includes staking mETH and participating in the Methamorphosis campaign. Users can also increase their eligibility by inviting friends to participate and by minting the “Mantle 1-Year Commemorative NFT”. Powder, earned daily, can be converted into the COOK token, which is the future governance token for Mantle LSP. The airdrop campaign began on July 15, 2024, and will run for 100 days. The token generation event (TGE) is scheduled for mid-October 2024. Claims for the COOK tokens will start on or before the day the token becomes tradable on exchanges. Stay updated through Mantle’s official announcements to ensure you claim your tokens timely.   9. Movement Labs  Movement Labs is focused on bringing the Move programming language to various blockchain environments. Their key products include M1 and M2, along with tools like Movement SDK, Movement CLI, and the Fractal and Hyperlane messaging infrastructures. These tools aim to enhance interoperability between Move-based and other networks. Movement Labs is currently running a campaign called “Study The Movement,” where users can earn points through testnet activities and social tasks. While Movement Labs does not yet have its own token, there is speculation that users who collect points and engage with the platform may receive an airdrop if a token is launched in the future.    How to Participate in Movement Labs Airdrop  To participate in the Movement Labs airdrop, follow these steps:   Visit the Movement Galxe Quest page and log in with your X, Discord, or email address. Complete simple social tasks to earn points. Connect your wallet on the Movement testnet page and explore the platform. Participate in community activities and earn special perks by collecting points. Engage with the incentivized testnet program called MoveDrop, which includes campaigns like The Battle of Olympus for developers and Building the Parthenon for general participants. Eligibility for the airdrop requires active participation in Movement Labs' campaigns and the completion of tasks to earn points. Users should also join the community program and perform testnet activities. Points earned through these engagements will likely determine eligibility for any future token airdrop. The exact timeline for the airdrop is not confirmed yet. However, Movement Labs has indicated that their MoveDrop program and associated activities will run throughout the testnet phase, with a potential TGE expected by the end of Q3 2024. Stay updated by following Movement Labs' official announcements to know when and how to claim the tokens.    10. Rho Markets  Rho Markets is the first native lending protocol on the Scroll network, operating on an overcollateralized lending model. It supports various assets, including ETH, wBTC, and several LRT assets. Users can lend these assets and earn yields. Additionally, the platform offers $RATE tokens, which can be staked to earn higher yields. The Rho XP Loyalty Points (RXP) campaign rewards users with RXP tokens based on their participation, which can later be exchanged for $RATE tokens and Scroll tokens, making it a promising DeFi initiative.   How to Participate in Rho Markets Airdrop  To participate in the Rho Markets airdrop, visit the Rho Markets website, connect your wallet, and switch to the Scroll network. Supply assets to the lending pools, such as ETH, STONE, USDC, USDT, wstETH, and solvBTC.b. The more assets you supply and the longer they remain in the pool, the more RXP you earn. You can also earn RXP by borrowing from Rho Markets. Additionally, deposits of more than 0.05 ETH qualify you for “Rho Pets,” unique NFTs associated with different assets.   Eligibility for the airdrop is determined by your activity in the Rho Markets ecosystem. Supply and borrow assets to earn RXP, and ensure your deposits remain in the pools to maximize earnings. Users who supply more than 0.10 ETH will receive exclusive invitation codes, allowing them to earn additional points by inviting others. The more criteria you meet, the higher your reward will be. The airdrop campaign is currently live, and the exact date for claiming the tokens will be announced by Rho Markets. Stay updated by following their official channels and completing the necessary tasks to ensure you can claim your tokens once the distribution begins.   Potential Airdrop to Watch: Polymarket  Polymarket is an innovative decentralized prediction market platform where users can trade on predictions about world events, such as politics, economics, and current affairs. Users build a portfolio based on their forecasts and earn returns if their predictions are accurate. Although Polymarket does not have a native token yet, there is a strong possibility of a future token launch. Early users of the platform who actively participate may become eligible for an airdrop of this potential token.    How to Participate in Polymarket Airdrop (Potential)  To potentially qualify for the Polymarket airdrop, follow these steps:   Visit the Polymarket website. Create an account. Make predictions or bets on the platform to engage actively. Stay updated with Polymarket's announcements, as they may announce the airdrop details in the future. Eligibility for the airdrop will likely be determined by your activity on the Polymarket platform. This includes creating an account and making predictions. Users who actively engage and participate in the platform’s markets are more likely to be eligible for the potential airdrop. The exact timeline for the Polymarket airdrop has not been confirmed. Follow Polymarket’s official channels and updates to stay informed about any announcements regarding the token launch and airdrop.   Read more: What Is Polymarket, and How Does It Work?   How to Evaluate Airdrop Campaigns Here’s how to assess airdrop campaigns and find the most effective ones for you to participate in and include in your crypto portfolio:    Assess Project Viability: Evaluate the project’s viability by examining the team and their track record. A strong team with experience in blockchain technology and a clear, feasible roadmap are crucial. Projects with transparent goals and a detailed plan for development are more likely to succeed and provide valuable tokens. Understand Token Utility: Understand the utility of the token being airdropped. Tokens that serve a specific purpose within a project’s ecosystem tend to have more value. For example, tokens used for governance, staking, or accessing premium features in a platform are likely to retain and increase their value over time. Check Community and Market Sentiment: A vibrant and active community is a good indicator of a project's potential success. Engage with the project's social media channels and forums to gauge community involvement and sentiment. Projects with strong community support often have better market performance. Examine Airdrop Conditions: Carefully read and understand the conditions for the airdrop. Requirements may include holding certain tokens, completing specific tasks, or participating in the project’s ecosystem. Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria to maximize your chances of receiving the airdrop. Confirm  Smart Contract Security: Check if the airdrop’s smart contract has been audited. Audited contracts reduce the risk of vulnerabilities that could lead to loss of tokens. Reputable projects will often publish their audit reports for transparency. How to Stay Safe When Participating in Airdrops By incorporating these practices, you can enhance your crypto portfolio while minimizing risks associated with airdrops.   Do Your Own Research (DYOR): Always verify the authenticity of an airdrop before participating. Check the project’s official website, social media channels, and reputable crypto news sources for confirmation. Use a Dedicated Wallet: Create a separate wallet specifically for receiving airdrops. This minimizes the risk to your main assets if the airdrop is a scam. Never Share Private Keys: Legitimate airdrops will never ask for your private keys. Sharing them can lead to the theft of your assets. Be cautious and keep your private keys secure. Be Wary of Hyperbolic Promises: Avoid airdrops that promise unusually high rewards with minimal effort. These are often too good to be true and may be scams. Always exercise skepticism and do thorough research. Check for Permissioned Interactions: Be cautious with unfamiliar tokens. Some airdropped tokens can execute unauthorized transactions if interacted with. Only engage with tokens from trusted sources. Conclusion Participating in crypto airdrops can be a rewarding way to receive free tokens and engage with emerging projects. By staying informed, conducting thorough research, and following best security practices, you can safely take advantage of these opportunities. Stay tuned to KuCoin News for the latest updates and insights in the crypto world, helping you make informed decisions in this dynamic market.   Read More  Letter from KuCoin CEO: $10 Million Airdrop in KCS & BTC in Thanks to Community Support in 3 Days What Is a Crypto Airdrop, and How Does It Work?  Top Crypto Airdrops to Watch in May 2024 LayerZero (ZRO) Airdrop Starts June 20: Eligibility Checker Now Live Hamster Kombat Airdrop: 100M Players Gear Up for TON Token Launch ZKsync Airdrop Guide: How to Participate and Claim ZK Tokens HashKey’s HSK Token Community Airdrop in June, Ahead of Q3 Listing                          

2024. 08. 02.
Hamster Kombat, 3억 이상의 플레이어 돌파, 역사적인 HMSTR 에어드롭 및 출시 여전히 보류 중

Hamster Kombat는 텔레그램 기반의 인기 클릭 게임으로 3억 명의 플레이어를 돌파했다. 이 놀라운 성과는 2024년 3월 출시 후 불과 5개월 만에 이루어진 것이다. 이제 이 게임은 '암호화폐 역사상 가장 큰 에어드랍'이라 주장되는 이벤트를 준비하고 있다.   요약  Hamster Kombat가 3억 명 이상의 사용자를 달성했다. 이 게임은 7월 30일에 백서를 발표하여 토크노믹스를 공유하고 플레이어에게 60%의 HMSTR 토큰을 에어드랍할 계획이다.  이 바이럴 게임은 10억 명의 플레이어를 Web3에 온보딩하는 야심찬 목표를 갖고 있다. Hamster Kombat: 소개  Hamster Kombat는 텔레그램에서 가장 인기 있는 탭투언 게임 중 하나로, 플랫폼을 기반으로 한 암호화폐 거래소 CEO 시뮬레이터이다. 2024년 3월 출시 이후, 이 웹3 게임은 바이럴 데일리 콤보, 데일리 사이퍼 및 기타 인센티브 임무를 통해 3억 명의 플레이어를 성공적으로 온보딩했다. 플레이어는 KuCoin과 같은 선택된 암호화폐 거래소의 CEO 역할을 맡고, 매일 로그인하여 일일 보상을 받고 거래소를 업그레이드한다.   The Block과의 인터뷰에 따르면, Hamster Kombat 팀은 2024년 5월에 10억 개의 NOT 토큰을 플레이어에게 에어드랍한 원조 텔레그램 게임인 Notcoin에서 영감을 받아 게임을 개발했다. 2024년 3월에 출시된 Hamster Kombat는 10억 명의 Web2 사용자를 Web3로 원활하게 온보딩하는 것을 목표로 한다. 현재 이 게임은 5천2백만 명의 구독자를 가진 텔레그램 최대 채널, 단 6일 만에 1천만 명의 구독자를 달성한 가장 빠른 유튜브 채널, 두 달 만에 1억 명의 플레이어를 얻은 가장 빠른 제품으로, 역사상 가장 큰 암호화폐 게임이 되었다. 이 게임의 빠른 성장은 암호화폐 커뮤니티의 주목을 받았으며, 잠재적으로 기네스 세계 기록을 달성할 수 있다.   더 읽어보기: Hamster Kombat, 2억 1천만 명의 플레이어 돌파, 기네스 세계 기록 달성 예정?    7월 30일, Hamster Kombat의 개발자들은 HMSTR 토크노믹스와 토큰 배포 계획을 상세히 설명하는 백서를 발표했습니다. 공식 텔레그램 커뮤니티 게시물에서 팀은 Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) 에어드랍 작업도 진행 중이라고 공유했지만, 캠페인 일정과 TON 블록체인에서의 토큰 생성 이벤트 (TGE)에 대해 확인할 수 없었습니다. 이는 3억 명이 넘는 플레이어에게 에어드랍을 계획하는 데 따르는 기술적 제한 때문입니다.    게임의 성공은 데이터 중심 접근 방식, 원활한 온보딩 프로세스, 개인 맞춤형 사용자 경험 덕분입니다. Hamster Kombat이 암호화폐 역사상 가장 큰 에어드랍을 준비하면서, 이번 이벤트는 현재 게임을 넘어서는 포괄적인 Hamster 생태계를 구축하는 시작에 불과합니다.   HMSTR 에어드랍: Hamster Kombat 플레이어에게 60% 토큰 배포 다가오는 에어드랍의 HMSTR 토큰은 Web3 산업에서 가장 큰 규모가 될 것으로 예상됩니다. Cointelegraph에 공유된 발표에 따르면, 에어드랍 물량의 60%가 플레이어에게 할당될 것입니다. 나머지 40%는 시장 유동성, 생태계 파트너십, 보조금 및 스쿼드 보상에 지원되어 커뮤니티 중심의 성장을 강조합니다.   Hamster Kombat 팀은 토큰에 벤처 캐피털이나 초기 투자자가 없다고 강조합니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 $HMSTR 토큰의 가치를 순수하게 유기적인 수요와 커뮤니티 관심에 의해 주도되도록 보장합니다.    팀은 "우리는 투자 회사나 VC의 지원을 받지 않기 때문에 추가적인 판매 압력이 없습니다."라고 말했습니다.   2024년 7월까지 가장 큰 10개의 암호화폐 에어드롭 | 출처: CoinGecko    암호화폐 역사상 가장 큰 에어드롭을 실행하는 것은 상당한 도전을 제기합니다. 이는 64억 3천만 달러 이상을 배포한 Uniswap의 UNI 에어드롭 가치를 초과해야 합니다. Hamster Kombat 팀은 이 어려움을 인식하고 있으며, 원활한 에어드롭 절차를 보장하기 위해 TON 블록체인 팀과 긴밀히 협력하고 있습니다.   더 읽어보기: Hamster Kombat Airdrop Task 1 시작: TON 지갑 연결 방법   Hamster Kombat의 종합 게임 생태계 계획 게임을 넘어, 햄스터 재단은 종합적인 게임 생태계를 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 재단은 다양한 게임 스튜디오를 지원하며, 마케팅 기회, 토큰 사용, 협업 옵션을 제공할 계획입니다. 이 생태계는 PC와 콘솔을 포함한 모든 게임 플랫폼을 대상으로 하며, 다음 10억 명의 플레이어를 암호화폐로 온보딩하는 것을 목표로 합니다.   재단은 또한 다가오는 토큰 판매를 피하기 위해 새로운 수익원을 모색하여 지속 가능한 성장을 보장하고 있습니다. 추가적으로, HMSTR 토큰에 대한 판매 압박을 방지하기 위해, 제3자 개발자들을 위한 생태계 지원 프로그램을 법정 화폐로 출시할 수도 있습니다.   햄스터 콤바트의 개발자들은 게임을 넘어 성장하기 위한 야심찬 계획을 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 15년의 게임 개발 경험을 활용하여 게임 출판 생태계를 만들고자 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 다양한 플랫폼의 플레이어들을 온보딩하며, Web2와 Web3 메커니즘을 결합하여 대중적인 채택을 촉진할 것입니다.   햄스터 콤바트 팀은 다음 해 안에 블록체인 생태계로 10억 명의 플레이어를 온보딩할 수 있을 것이라고 확신하고 있습니다. 이미 3억 명 이상의 플레이어가 참여하고 있어, 팀은 이 목표를 달성하기 위한 길을 잘 걷고 있습니다.   결론 햄스터 콤바트의 급속한 성장과 역사적인 에어드롭 계획은 암호화폐 게임 산업에서 중요한 이정표를 나타냅니다. 프로젝트의 커뮤니티 주도 성장과 지속 가능한 개발에 대한 초점은 다른 프로젝트와 차별화됩니다. 햄스터 재단이 생태계를 계속 확장함에 따라, 다음 10억 명의 플레이어를 Web3로 온보딩하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.   바이럴 플레이투언 텔레그램 게임인 Hamster Kombat (HMSTR)는 공식 토큰이 현물 시장에 출시되기 전에 KuCoin의 프리마켓에 상장되었습니다. 그러나 암호화폐 투자 및 에어드롭과 관련된 고유한 위험을 인지하는 것이 중요합니다.    더 읽기:  2024년 7월 31일 Hamster Kombat 데일리 콤보 2024년 7월 31일 Hamster Kombat 데일리 암호 해독 2024년 7월 31일 Hamster Kombat 미니 게임

2024. 07. 31.
Pixelverse Announces Airdrop Campaign with PIXFI TGE to Reward True Community Members

Pixelverse, an NFT and gaming platform on The Open Network (TON), launched its native token, PIXFI, on July 18. Along with the PIXFI TGE, Pixelverse also announced an airdrop campaign on their official X and Telegram communities to reward early adopters of the game.   Quick Take  PixelTap and Dashboard users as of July 18 will receive NFTs based on their engagement levels, according to their announcement on X. Rewards range from Common to Legendary NFTs based on player levels. Rewards are based on bot count, levels, and completed quests. PixelTap players active until July 18 will receive NFTs based on their engagement levels, which they can claim on July 25. Following the airdrop announcement by Pixelverse developers, the PIXFI token traded up almost 50% in the first hours after listing and approached approximately $200 million in fully-diluted market capitalization before pulling back later in the day, according to CoinMarketCap.   An Introduction to Pixelverse and PixelTap Telegram Game  Pixelverse is the project behind the hit Telegram game PixelTap, a cyberpunk-themed minigame that attracted 50 million new users in June alone. It resides on TON, a layer-1 blockchain originally developed by the team behind the Telegram messaging app and now managed by the TON Foundation.   $PIXFI is now listed on several centralized exchanges, including Bybit, HTX, Gate, Bitget, and MEXC. Pixelverse will airdrop 10% of PIXFI’s total supply to holders of its Rare, Epic, and Legendary NFT collections. The project will distribute another 20% of its tokens to Pixelverse and Pixelchain users over time.   Pixelverse Airdrop Breakdown: Details  To incentivize early participation, Pixelverse will distribute unique NFTs to all PixelTap and Dashboard users registered before July 18, 00:00 UTC. Starting July 25 at 12:00 UTC, users will have one week to claim their exclusive NFTs. These NFTs act as keys to unlocking various tiers of the airdrop, with rarity determining the amount of PIXFI tokens received. Additionally, completing tasks within the Pixelverse ecosystem further boosts rewards.   The airdrop was designed to avoid the sharp selloffs that often follow free token distributions. Airdropped tokens are automatically “staked” for additional rewards, and immediate withdrawal of the tokens comes with a 90% penalty.   PixelTap, along with other Web3 gaming hits such as Hamster Kombat, pioneered the “Tap-to-Earn” social gaming phenomenon, which rewards players for regular engagements. Gamers adopt in-game characters modeled after iconic memes, such as Doge from the Dogecoin memecoin, that wage upwards of 10 million battles daily.   $PIXFI Airdrop Allocation 10% of PIXFI: Allocated today (at TGE) to holders of Rare, Epic, and Legendary NFTs. 20% of PIXFI: Distributed over time to Pixelverse and Pixelchain users. How to Claim PIXFI Tokens Gas-free Claiming: Tokens can be claimed via the dashboard and PixelTap mini app. Auto-staking: For additional rewards. Pixelverse Staking Mechanism Immediate Withdrawal: Grants only 10% of the total airdrop. Remaining 90%: Recycled into the Community Incentives Pool to reward the Pixelverse community. Read more: Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Everything You Need to Know   Pixelverse’s Fresh Take on Airdrop Campaigns The web3 gaming platform, Pixelverse, is shaking things up with its plans to airdrop 30% of PIXFI tokens to its early players. The company, boasting over 75 million players through its popular PixelTap Telegram mini-app, aims to redefine airdrops by rewarding community members.   To discourage short-term speculation and ensure long-term commitment, Pixelverse employs a unique vesting mechanism. Users who claim their airdrop tokens can immediately withdraw only 10%. However, withdrawing the remaining 90% requires continued participation within the Pixelverse ecosystem through gameplay and Pixelchain interaction.   This approach mirrors the “battle pass” system in traditional web2 games, rewarding active users with progressively more tokens. The more users utilize Pixelverse products, the more they will be able to withdraw PIXFI tokens.   Pixelverse’s airdrop signifies a significant shift in the web3 landscape. By focusing on rewarding genuine users and long-term engagement, the studio aims to foster a healthy and sustainable community around its PIXFI token and Pixelchain network.   Pixelverse Plans TON Ecosystem Integration Via Pixelchain TON L2 Pixelverse also revealed its plans to continue building in the TON ecosystem, which is closely aligned with the Telegram messaging app. Following the launch of PIXFI and the upcoming airdrop plans, Pixelverse plans to deploy a dedicated layer-2 scaling network on top of TON with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, called Pixelchain.   The Pixelchain testnet is set to launch next week, with Pixelverse describing it as the first EVM chain to launch on TON. Pixelchain will be used to power games and apps built under the Pixelverse brand.   Conclusion Pixelverse is taking a unique approach to airdrop distribution, focusing on rewarding true community members while preventing bot activity. With a unique staking mechanism and plans for expansion, Pixelverse aims to make a significant impact on the web3 gaming landscape. However, as with any new initiative, there are inherent risks involved. Participants should stay informed and carefully consider these risks while engaging with Pixelverse’s offerings.  

2024. 07. 19.
신규회원을 위한 기간 한정 혜택!
신규회원 보너스: 최대 8,200 USDT 상당의 리워드!
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