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록키 래빗($RBTC) 에어드롭: 자격 요건, 토크노믹스 및 알아야 할 사항

The Rocky Rabbit Token ($RBTC) airdrop is set to launch on the Open Network on September 23. As the token launch approaches, let’s explore the intricacies of $RBTC’s tokenomics, vesting mechanisms, and eligibility criteria to prepare for the airdrop.   Key Highlights:  50% the $RBTC supply is allocated to play-to-earn rewards, airdrops, and engagement incentives for the community.  $RBTC tokens for investors, the team, and marketing are released gradually over 21 months to ensure stability. Players need to link to their TON wallet, make a TON transaction and finish other required tasks to be eligible for the $RBTC airdrop. Read More: What Is Rocky Rabbit Telegram Game and How to Earn Crypto Rewards?   Rocky Rabbit is a new and exciting Telegram-based Play-to-Earn (P2E) game built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. Rocky Rabbit is a clicker game designed to merge entertainment and crypto earnings. Players train digital rabbits, participate in battles, and complete challenges to earn crypto rewards. With its strategic gameplay, engaging challenges, and generous reward system, Rocky Rabbit is quickly gaining traction within the crypto gaming community, following in the lines of Notcoin, Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and X Empire. With over 25 million players in two weeks since launch and a user rating of 4.7 stars, this Telegram game is a blend of entertainment and financial gain.The game’s strategic mechanics allow users to build their skills while progressing through levels, with a strong focus on community engagement and competition.   Rocky Rabbit’s key features include: Daily Quests: Players can unlock millions of in-game coins by participating in the daily enigma, superset, and easter eggs and other in-game challenges.    추천 시스템: 친구를 게임에 초대하여 더 많은 게임 내 코인을 잠금 해제하세요. Rocky Rabbit 공식 채널의 업데이트에 주목하세요. 커뮤니티에 참여를 유도하기 위해 추천 상금 풀을 가끔씩 출시합니다.    전략적 전투: 듀얼과 토너먼트에서 경쟁하여 순위와 리더보드를 올리세요.   플레이 투 언 모델: 게임에서 뛰어난 성과를 내어 실제 암호화폐 보상을 받으세요.   Rocky Rabbit 텔레그램 게임은 어떻게 작동하나요?  Rocky Rabbit 텔레그램 게임은 빠른 액션과 전략적인 깊이를 결합한 클릭 메커니즘을 중심으로 합니다. 플레이어로서의 주요 목표는 디지털 토끼를 훈련시키고 전투에 참여하며 퀘스트를 완료하여 보상을 받는 것입니다. 이 게임은 플레이 투 언 (P2E) 모델로 운영되며, 많이 플레이할수록 더 많은 포인트를 누적할 수 있습니다. 이 포인트는 게임 내 자산, 업그레이드 아이템 또는 암호화폐 보상으로 교환할 수 있습니다. 게임플레이는 일일 과제, 보너스, 커뮤니티 도전 과제를 혼합하여 사용자를 계속 참여시키도록 설계되었습니다.   출처: 텔레그램   Rocky Rabbit ($RBTC) 토크노믹스: 사용자 보상에 50%의 토큰 할당 Rocky Rabbit의 토큰 분배는 커뮤니티 보상, 유동성 강화 및 장기 프로젝트 지속 가능성을 보장하기 위해 세심하게 계획되었습니다: 커뮤니티 보상 (50%): 총 10.5조 $RBTC 토큰이 커뮤니티 보상용으로 예약되어 있습니다. 여기에는 플레이 투 언(play-to-earn) 기회, 에어드롭 및 활발한 참여를 장려하는 인센티브가 포함되어 있어 사용자들이 플랫폼과 깊이 상호작용하도록 합니다. 마케팅 (15%): 3.15조 토큰을 마케팅에 할당함으로써, Rocky Rabbit의 도달 범위 확대 및 브랜드 인지도 구축에 대한 의지를 나타냅니다. 개발 (10%): 2.1조 토큰이 개발에 할당되어 Rocky Rabbit이 지속적으로 혁신하고 생태계를 강화할 수 있도록 합니다.  상장 및 유동성 (10%): 원활한 거래 경험을 보장하기 위해 2.1조 토큰이 유동성 및 거래소 상장에 할당되어 있습니다.  예비 및 스테이킹 (8%): 스테이킹 보상을 지원하고 예비금을 유지하기 위해 1.68조 토큰이 할당되어 견고한 스테이킹 환경을 조성합니다. 투자자 (5%): 장기적인 프로젝트 성공에 투자자들의 이익을 맞추기 위해 1.05조 토큰이 예약되어 있습니다.  팀 (2%): 핵심 팀은 4200억 토큰을 받아 지속적인 개발과 프로젝트 관리를 장려합니다.   출처: Rocky Rabbit   Rocky Rabbit의 베스팅 일정 Rocky Rabbit의 베스팅 일정은 점진적인 토큰 배포를 통해 갑작스러운 인플레이션을 방지하고 안정적인 토큰 경제를 보장하기 위해 설계되었습니다:  커뮤니티 토큰: 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE)에서 50%가 잠금 해제되며, 나머지 토큰은 다음 5개월 동안 베스팅됩니다.  투자자 토큰: 투자자는 3개월의 클리프 기간 후 21개월 동안 선형 베스팅 기간을 가지며, 장기적인 헌신을 촉진합니다.  마케팅 토큰: 마케팅 할당도 투자자 토큰과 유사하게 3개월의 클리프 기간과 21개월의 베스팅 일정을 가집니다.  개발 토큰: 초기 클리프가 없지만, TGE에서 25%가 잠금 해제되고 나머지는 24개월 동안 고르게 배분되어 지속적인 개발을 지원합니다.  상장 및 유동성 토큰: 즉각적인 유동성과 원활한 거래 운영을 보장하기 위해 TGE에서 완전히 잠금 해제됩니다.  예비 및 스테이킹 토큰: 이 토큰은 3개월의 클리프 기간과 21개월의 선형 베스팅 기간을 따라 점진적으로 배포됩니다.  팀 토큰: 투자자 및 마케팅 베스팅 일정과 유사하게, 팀 토큰도 3개월의 클리프 기간 후 21개월의 베스팅 단계를 갖습니다. Rocky Rabbit 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE) 및 에어드롭은 언제인가요?  Rocky Rabbit은 9월 23일에 흥미로운 에어드롭을 준비하고 있어 커뮤니티 내에서 큰 기대를 모으고 있습니다. 이 이벤트는 적극적인 플레이어와 참여자들에게 $RBTC 토큰을 보상하며, 주요 거래소 상장과 동시에 거래 활동을 촉진할 것으로 기대됩니다. 이 에어드롭은 텔레그램 커뮤니티 내에서 가장 인기 있는 'tap-to-earn' 암호화 게임인 Hamster Kombat와 Catizen, 의 뒤를 잇습니다. The RabBitcoin Token Generation Event (TGE) 는 2024년 4분기에 예정된 게임 개발의 주요 이정표입니다. 이 이벤트는 Rocky Rabbit의 네이티브 암호화폐인 $RBTC의 공식 생성 및 배포를 의미합니다. TGE는 게임 생태계의 주요 진전을 의미할 뿐만 아니라 $RBTC가 더 넓은 암호화폐 시장에 진입하는 것을 의미합니다.   Rocky Rabbit 에어드롭 상장 날짜 및 알아야 할 중요한 날짜  9월 20일: RabBitcoin 에어드롭 자격이 종료됩니다. 참가자는 이 날짜까지 모든 필수 작업을 완료해야 자격을 얻을 수 있습니다. 9월 21일: Rocky Rabbit는 RabBitcoin 에어드롭에 자격이 있는 사용자의 목록을 확인하고 확인하여 보상이 활발한 참가자에게 가도록 보장할 것입니다. 9월 22일: 에어드롭 배포가 시작됩니다. 프로젝트의 공식 보상 단계가 시작됨에 따라 모든 자격 있는 사용자에게 토큰이 전송됩니다. 9월 23일: RabBitcoin이 주요 거래소에 상장되어 유동성과 새로운 거래 기회를 제공합니다. 이러한 상장은 토큰의 가시성과 접근성을 향상시킬 것으로 예상됩니다. 9월 24일: RabBitcoin 출금이 열리며, Rocky Rabbit는 커뮤니티에 더 많은 흥미와 수익 잠재력을 제공하는 새로운 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 시즌을 시작할 것입니다. 에어드롭 자격 및 기준 체크리스트  에어드롭 금액: 보상은 총 수익에 따라 다릅니다. 신입도 약 1 TON의 $RBTC를 벌 수 있습니다.  네트워크 수수료: TON 네트워크의 혼잡을 완화하기 위해 Rocky Rabbit는 수수료를 사전에 징수합니다.  자격 작업: 다가오는 에어드롭에 자격을 얻으려면 플레이어는 TON 지갑에 연결하고, TON 거래를 수행하고, 채널에 구독해야 합니다.    에어드롭의 50%는 TGE 당일에 배포되며, 나머지 50%는 PlaytoUnlock 활동을 통해 5개월에 걸쳐 출시됩니다. 에어드롭 외에도 Rocky Rabbit는 일주일 동안 추천 캠페인을 시작합니다. 매일 가장 많은 친구를 초대한 상위 5명의 사용자에게는 $1,500 일일 풀에서 상이 주어집니다:  1위: $500  2위: $400  3위: $300  4위: $200  5위: $100 더 읽기: Rocky Rabbit Easter Eggs Combo and Enigma Puzzle Solutions   결론 Rocky Rabbit의 잘 구성된 토크노믹스와 베스팅 일정은 성장, 안정성 및 활발한 커뮤니티 참여를 보장합니다. 전체 토큰 공급량의 50%를 사용자 보상에 할당하여 참여를 장려하며 점진적인 릴리스를 통해 균형을 유지합니다. 9월 23일의 토큰 출시와 에어드롭은 중요한 이정표입니다. TON 지갑을 연결하고 적극적으로 참여하는 플레이어들이 혜택을 볼 것입니다. 그러나 새로운 Tap-to-Earn 게임이므로 플레이어는 론칭 시 예상되는 토큰 변동성을 염두에 두고 책임감 있게 연구하고 거래해야 합니다.   추가 읽을 거리  9월 20일 블럼 에어드롭 예정, 토큰 상장 곧 출시?  DOGS(DOGS) 텔레그램 봇이란 무엇이며 에어드롭을 받는 방법은? 머스크 엠파이어 텔레그램 게임이란 무엇이며 플레이 방법은? 햄스터 콤바트 에어드롭 가이드: TON 지갑 연결하기 

7시간 전
머스크 X 엠파이어 데일리 콤보, 수수께끼, 그리고 오늘의 그림 문자, 9월 17일

Musk X Empire 는 텔레그램에서 가장 인기 있는  tap-to-earn 게임 중 하나로 큰 인기를 얻고 있으며, 사용자들은 가상 주식 투자와 챌린지에 참여하여 암호화폐를 벌고 있습니다. 오늘의 기사는 Daily Combo, Riddle, 그리고 Rebus에 대한 최신 답변을 제공하여 플레이어들이 토큰 출시 전에 보상을 최대화할 수 있도록 돕습니다.   핵심 내용 주식 거래 콤보 답변 (9월 17일): 정답은 전기차 제조업체, OnlyFans 모델, 인공지능입니다. 오늘의 수수께끼 정답: "자동으로 공정하게 실행되는 코드, 내가 있을 때 중개자는 필요 없다." 정답은 Contract입니다. Rebus 정답 (9월 17일): 오늘의 rebus에 대한 해답은 Segmentation입니다. 엑스 엠파이어란? 엑스 엠파이어 는 암호화폐 채굴과 전략 게임 요소를 결합한 바이럴 텔레그램 기반 게임입니다. 2024년 6월에 출시되어 첫 달에 1천만 명의 플레이어를 모았고, 공식 텔레그램 커뮤니티에는 320만 명 이상의 회원이 있습니다. 플레이어들은 코인을 벌고, 엘론 머스크에서 영감을 받은 가상 캐릭터를 업그레이드하며, 모의 주식 거래소에 투자합니다. 또 다른 인기 게임인 Notcoin과의 파트너십을 통해 크로스 플랫폼 플레이어들에게 추가 혜택을 제공하여 인기를 끌고 있습니다.   참고 자료: Musk Empire Telegram 게임이란 무엇이며, 어떻게 플레이하나요?    1. 오늘의 주식 거래 콤보 답변 - 9월 17일 오늘의 X Empire 데일리 콤보 도전에서 플레이어들은 제공된 목록에서 상위 세 가지 투자를 선택해야 합니다. 9월 17일의 정답은 다음과 같습니다: 전기 자동차 제조업체 OnlyFans 모델 인공지능   이 세 가지를 올바르게 선택하면 플레이어는 게임 내에서 중요한 보상을 받아 더 빠르고 효율적으로 게임을 진행할 수 있습니다.   2. 오늘의 데일리 수수께끼 - 9월 17일 오늘의 X Empire 수수께끼는 플레이어들에게 다음과 같은 재치 있는 질문을 던집니다: "자동으로 공정하게 실행되는 코드, 내가 있으면 중개인이 필요 없다. 나는 무엇일까?" 이 수수께끼의 정답은 계약입니다. 이러한 수수께끼를 풀면 플레이어는 추가 보상을 얻고, 더 재미있는 경험을 즐길 수 있습니다.     3. 오늘의 리버스 - 9월 17일 X Empire의 9월 17일 리버스 퍼즐은 단어 “Segmentation”입니다. 리버스를 성공적으로 풀면 "퀘스트" 섹션에서 제공되는 다른 퍼즐과 함께 추가적인 게임 내 보너스를 얻을 수 있으며, 이는 전체적인 게임 플레이 경험을 향상시킵니다.     이러한 일일 과제와 퍼즐은 게임에 재미와 보상을 제공하여 더 많은 보상을 얻을 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다.    흥미로운 소식입니다! 햄스터 콤바트 (HMSTR)가 이제 프리마켓 거래에 나왔습니다. 공식 현물 시장 상장 전에 매수 또는 매도 주문을 하여 먼저 시작할 수 있습니다. 오늘 HMSTR를 거래하세요, 햄스터 에어드롭이 9월 26일에 있기 전에!     X Empire 프리마켓이란 무엇인가요? X Empire는 토큰 에어드롭 전에 맞춤형 NFT 바우처를 사용하여 독특한 프리마켓 거래 기능을 도입했습니다 . 플레이어는 Getgems 마켓플레이스에서 이 NFT를 민트하고 거래하여 X Empire 토큰에 미리 접근할 수 있습니다. 전통적인 중앙화 거래소의 프리마켓 거래와는 달리, X Empire는 The Open Network (TON) 에서 민트된 NFT를 사용하여 더 유연하고 게임의 토큰 경제에 초기에 참여할 수 있는 탈중앙화 접근 방식을 제공합니다.   X Empire 에어드롭 준비 2024년 9월 30일에 마이닝 단계가 종료된 직후 X 토큰 에어드롭이 있을 예정으로, 플레이어들은 상당한 보상을 기대하고 있습니다. 현재 프리마켓 거래에 제공되는 NFT 바우처는 전체 에어드롭 할당량의 일부만을 대표합니다. 플레이어들은 에어드롭 동안 남은 토큰을 받을 것이며, 이는 X Empire의 발전하는 생태계에 흥미로운 동력을 추가할 것입니다.   이 일일 챌린지에 참여하고 사전 시장 기회를 이해함으로써, 플레이어들은 수익을 극대화하고 다가오는 에어드롭을 준비하여 Musk X Empire 게임에서 시간을 최대한 활용할 수 있습니다.   더 읽기: 2024년 9월 16일자 X Empire 일일 콤보, 수수께끼 및 그림 퍼즐  

12시간 전
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Answers for September 16, 2024

As X Empire approaches the end of its mining phase on September 30, 2024, excitement builds for the $X airdrop set for October. With over 35 million active players, X Empire continues to introduce new features, including pre-market trading with NFT vouchers. Below are the latest Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus answers to help you maximize rewards and stay competitive. The $XEMP airdrop is expected to boost interest in the growing X Empire community.   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Game Development, Real Estate in Nigeria, and Space Companies.  Riddle of the Day: The answer is “Block.” Rebus of the Day: The answer is “Scalability.” 650,000 NFT voucher requests have been submitted as pre-market trading continues. 14 days left until the mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire Daily Combo for September 16, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are:   Game Development  Real Estate in Nigeria Space Companies   How to Mine More Coins with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Navigate to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards and set your investment amount. Watch as your in-game currency grows. Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so check them regularly to maximize earnings. Making strategic investments can significantly boost your in-game wealth.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 16, 2024 Today’s answer is “Block.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 16, 2024 The answer is “Scalability.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     X Empire Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers on GetGems Since September 11, 2024, X Empire players have been able to engage in pre-market trading by minting and trading NFT vouchers on GetGems. These vouchers represent $X tokens, and players who participated in mining, invited friends, or completed campaigns have minted vouchers worth 69,000 $X. To mint vouchers, go to the "Mint NFT" section under the "City" tab in the app.   Trading fees: Each voucher sale comes with a 20% royalty fee, supporting liquidity for the $X token listing. Market volatility: The initial price of $X tokens remains uncertain and could be volatile, so trade carefully. Pre-market trading runs until September 30, 2024, when the mining phase ends, and voucher holders can exchange their NFTs for $X tokens post-launch. Read more: X Empire Launches Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Ahead of Token Airdrop   X Empire Reaches 650,000 Voucher Requests X Empire has reached 650,000 voucher requests, closing the minting option. If you’ve submitted a request, it will be processed soon. Those who minted but didn’t sell will have their vouchers converted to $X tokens at a 1:1 ratio, while sold vouchers will reduce the amount of tokens received during the airdrop. Trading continues on GetGems.   $X Token Airdrop and Distribution The $XEMP airdrop is scheduled for October 2024. Ensure you’ve linked your wallet, as factors such as in-game earnings and referrals will affect token distribution. Regular currency burns, including a recent burn of 5.4 trillion inactive coins, aim to boost rewards for active players.   X Empire ($X) Tokenomics Total Supply: 690,000,000,000 $X Miners and Vouchers: 483,000,000,000 $X (70%) New Users and Future Phases: 207,000,000,000 $X (30%) Further details about token distribution will be shared soon.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $X Tokens   When Is the X Empire Airdrop?  The airdrop is expected in October 2024, following the mining phase ending on September 30. Players will receive tokens based on their in-game achievements. Interest is expected to surge with pre-market listings on major exchanges.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     Conclusion With just 14 days left in the mining phase, the time to prepare for the $XEMP airdrop is now. Whether you’re solving riddles, minting NFT vouchers, or making strategic investments, staying engaged in X Empire will help you maximize your rewards. Keep an eye out for additional updates, including exclusive features and bonuses for loyal users as the platform continues to grow.   Stay tuned for more daily updates and answers to X Empire’s Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus challenges, and be ready for the next big milestone: the $X airdrop! Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 15, 2024

2024. 09. 16.
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Solutions, September 15, 2024

As the final phase of mining in X Empire nears its end on September 30, 2024, excitement continues to build for the highly anticipated X Empire ($X) airdrop set for October. With over 35 million players actively engaged, X Empire has rapidly expanded, introducing new features like pre-market trading with NFT vouchers. In this guide, we’ll keep you updated with the latest Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day answers to help you maximize your rewards and stay competitive. Prepare to unlock even more rewards with the $XEMP airdrop, which is sure to inject further excitement into the X Empire community.   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Blockchain Projects, Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, and Real Estate in Nigeria.  Riddle of the Day: Answer is “Ledger.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Recession.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  15 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire pre-market trading started from September 11, 2024 with NFT vouchers, allowing players to trade $X tokens using minted vouchers.  Since pre-market trading started, 650,000 NFT voucher requests have been submitted by X Empire players.  X Empire Daily Combo for September 15, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are:   Blockchain Projects Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Real Estate in Nigeria     How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Go to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards and set the investment amount. Watch your in-game currency grow through instant returns. Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so check them regularly to maximize earnings. Making strategic investments can significantly boost your in-game wealth.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 15, 2024 Today’s answer is “Ledger.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 15, 2024 The answer is “Recession.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     X Empire Starts Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Since September 11, 2024, X Empire players have been able to engage in pre-market trading by minting and trading NFT vouchers on GetGems. These vouchers represent $X tokens, and players who participated in mining, invited friends, or completed campaigns have minted vouchers worth 69,000 $X. To mint vouchers, go to the "Mint NFT" section under the "City" tab in the app.   Trading fees: Each voucher sale comes with a 20% royalty fee, supporting liquidity for the $X token listing. Market volatility: The initial price of $X tokens remains uncertain and could be volatile, so trade carefully. Pre-market trading runs until September 30, 2024, when the mining phase ends, and voucher holders can exchange their NFTs for $X tokens post-launch. Read more: X Empire Launches Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Ahead of Token Airdrop   X Empire Reaches 650,000 Voucher Requests X Empire has reached a significant milestone, with over 650,000 voucher requests submitted. As a result, the option to mint NFT vouchers is now closed. If you have already submitted a request, it will be processed shortly.   If you missed the opportunity to mint, you will still receive the number of tokens planned for you during the airdrop. If you minted vouchers but did not sell them, they will convert into $X tokens at a 1:1 ratio. For those who sold their vouchers, you will receive $X tokens during the airdrop, minus the amount of vouchers sold.   Trading of NFT vouchers continues on the GetGems marketplace. If you want to increase your $X token count before the airdrop, now is the time to acquire more vouchers.   $X Token Airdrop and Distribution As the $XEMP airdrop approaches in October 2024, several factors will affect your token distribution:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is linked to your X Empire account. In-Game Profit per Hour: Your level of activity will determine the number of tokens you receive. Referral Program: Inviting friends can increase your share of the airdrop. To ensure fair distribution and prevent bot exploitation, X Empire is conducting regular currency burns. On September 1, 2024, the platform burned 5.4 trillion in-game coins from inactive accounts, redistributing value to active players and boosting airdrop rewards.   X Empire Tokenomics Total Supply: 690,000,000,000 $X Miners and Vouchers: 483,000,000,000 $X (70%) allocated to the community, with no lockups or vesting. New Users and Future Phases: 207,000,000,000 $X (30%) reserved for new users, future developments, listings, liquidity, and community incentives. Further details about the distribution of the remaining tokens will be shared in a future announcement.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $X Tokens   When Is the X Empire Airdrop?  The $X airdrop is scheduled for October 2024, following the conclusion of the mining phase on September 30. Players will receive tokens based on their in-game achievements and earnings during the mining period. The airdrop is expected to generate significant interest, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.   X Empire will continue to evolve, with new updates and releases planned for September. If you're new to the platform, there’s still time to join and benefit from the upcoming airdrop.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     Conclusion With just 15 days left in the mining phase, the time to prepare for the $XEMP airdrop is now. Whether you’re solving riddles, minting NFT vouchers, or making strategic investments, staying engaged in X Empire will help you maximize your rewards. Keep an eye out for additional updates, including exclusive features and bonuses for loyal users as the platform continues to grow.   Stay tuned for more daily updates and answers to X Empire’s Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus challenges, and be ready for the next big milestone: the $X airdrop!   Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 14, 2024

2024. 09. 15.
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Answers for September 14, 2024

As the final phase of mining in X Empire concludes on September 30, 2024, anticipation is building for the upcoming $X airdrop in October 2024. With over 35 million players now engaged in the game, X Empire is on the rise, introducing new features such as pre-market trading with NFT vouchers. In this guide, we’ll help you stay updated with the Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day answers to maximize your rewards and ensure you stay ahead in this competitive landscape. Prepare to unlock more rewards with the $XEMP airdrop, which is set to drive even more excitement into the X Empire community.   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Artificial Intelligence, Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, and Space Companies. Riddle of the Day: Answer is “Exchange.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Rally.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  16 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire pre-market trading started from September 11, 2024 with NFT vouchers, allowing players to trade $X tokens using minted vouchers.  X Empire Daily Combo for September 14, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are:   Artificial Intelligence Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Space Companies   How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Go to the "City" tab and choose "Investments." Select your daily stock cards and set the investment amount. Watch as your in-game currency grows through instant returns. Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so be sure to check them regularly to maximize your in-game earnings. Remember, the daily investment cards change each day, and making strategic investments can significantly boost your in-game wealth.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 14, 2024 Today’s answer is “Exchange.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 14, 2024 The answer is “Rally.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     X Empire Starts Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Since September 11, 2024, X Empire players have been able to engage in pre-market trading by minting and trading NFT vouchers on GetGems. These vouchers represent $X tokens, and players who have participated in mining, invited friends, or completed campaigns can mint vouchers worth 69,000 $X. You can mint vouchers by going to the Mint NFT section under the "City" tab in the app. Once minted, the vouchers can be traded on GetGems.   Keep in mind, each voucher sale comes with a 20% royalty fee, which supports liquidity for the $X token listing. The initial price of $X tokens is uncertain and could be volatile, so trade your vouchers carefully. The pre-market trading phase continues until September 30, 2024, when the mining phase ends, and voucher holders will be able to exchange their NFTs for $X tokens post-launch.   Read more: X Empire Launches Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Ahead of Token Airdrop   $X Token Airdrop and Distribution As we approach the $XEMP airdrop in October 2024, several key factors will influence your token distribution:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is linked to your X Empire account. In-Game Profit per Hour: This will measure your activity and impact your airdrop allocation. Number and Quality of Friends: Referrals can increase your share of the airdrop. Additionally, X Empire is taking steps to prevent bot exploitation and ensure fair distribution to genuine players. Regular currency burns are also underway, redistributing in-game value to active players. In fact, on September 1, 2024, X Empire burned 5.4 trillion in-game coins from inactive accounts to boost airdrop rewards for active participants.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $X Tokens   When Is the X Empire ($X) Airdrop?  The highly anticipated X Empire airdrop is scheduled to take place in October 2024, following the end of the game's mining phase on September 30, 2024. Players can expect to receive tokens based on their in-game currency and achievements during the mining period, which is tied to the game’s "tap-to-earn" mechanics. This airdrop is expected to generate significant interest within the X Empire community, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.    In addition, the X Empire app will soon launch a new product, which will continue to evolve alongside the community, becoming a permanent fixture in the platform. Players are encouraged to take full advantage of this time, while newcomers can also join and benefit from the upcoming developments. September promises significant updates and releases in the Telegram Mini Apps market, offering exciting opportunities for all participants.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     How to Participate in X Empire Airdrop  Here are the various ways you can mine X Empire before the end of the mining phase and prepare for the upcoming $X airdrop campaign:    Tap and Earn: Start by tapping the cartoon Elon Musk to generate coins, which can be used to upgrade Musk’s ventures and boost passive income. Complete Daily Quests: Earn extra rewards and unlock bonuses through daily challenges. Invite Friends: Bring new players into the game and earn referral bonuses. Strategic Investments: Use Daily Combo cards for smart investments. Negotiate Deals: Engage in player negotiations to win more coins. Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 13, 2024   Conclusion With just 17 days left in the mining phase, the time to prepare for the $XEMP airdrop is now. Whether you’re solving riddles, minting NFT vouchers, or making strategic investments, staying engaged in X Empire will help you maximize your rewards. Keep an eye out for additional updates, including exclusive features and bonuses for loyal users as the platform continues to grow.   Stay tuned for more daily updates and answers to X Empire’s Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus challenges, and be ready for the next big milestone: the $X airdrop!   Read More: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 14.
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Answers: September 13, 2024

Welcome, X Empire fans! As the mining phase concludes on September 30 and the much-anticipated $XEMP airdrop approaches in October 2024, the game has crossed 35 million players and introduced pre-market trading with NFT vouchers. Stay informed to maximize your rewards and maintain your competitive advantage as we head into the next phase of X Empire!   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Classic Cars, Hamster Breeding, and Unicorn Breeding. Riddle of the Day: Answer is “Fiat.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Portfolio.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  17 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire pre-market trading started from September 11, 2024 with NFT vouchers.  X Empire Daily Combo for September 13, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are: Classic Cars Hamster Breeding Unicorn Breeding   How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Navigate to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards from the recommended options. Set your investment amount. Enjoy instant returns and watch your in-game currency grow! Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so stay updated to make the most of each day’s opportunities.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 13, 2024 Today’s answer is “Fiat.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 13, 2024 The answer is “Portfolio.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     X Empire Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers on Getgems For the first time, X Empire players can buy and sell $X tokens before the official launch. If you've excelled in mining, invited friends, or actively participated in campaigns, you can now mint vouchers worth 69,000 $X and trade them on Getgems. Simply visit the MINT NFT section under the City tab in the app to see your available vouchers. These can be exchanged for $X after the token launch, or you can convert your in-game activity into $X during the airdrop.   Keep in mind, the listing price of $X is uncertain and could even be zero, so trade vouchers carefully. If you can't mint vouchers yet, continue progressing in the game to unlock the feature. Also, 20% of NFT purchases go toward liquidity to support the $X token listing. The vouchers represent only a portion of your airdrop entitlement, with more tokens to follow later. Minting may take up to 24 hours to process.   Read more: X Empire Launches Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Ahead of Token Airdrop   $X Token Airdrop Distribution: Key Factors As the X Empire airdrop approaches, token distribution will be determined by several key factors:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is connected; without it, you won’t be eligible for the airdrop. In-Game Profit per Hour: This metric gauges your activity in the game and will heavily influence your token allocation. Number and Quality of Friends: Bringing new players or followers into X Empire boosts your token share, rewarding those who help grow the community. In addition, undisclosed criteria will be implemented to prevent bot exploitation, ensuring a fair distribution for genuine players. To reward loyal users, X Empire conducted its first currency burn on September 1, 2024, focusing on accounts that had been inactive for over 30 days. This burn eliminated 5.4 trillion in-game coins, redistributing value to active players. Regular burns targeting inactive accounts will continue, boosting airdrop rewards for active participants once the token launches.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $X Tokens   When Is the X Empire ($X) Airdrop?  The highly anticipated X Empire airdrop is scheduled to take place in October 2024, following the end of the game's mining phase on September 30, 2024. Players can expect to receive tokens based on their in-game currency and achievements during the mining period, which is tied to the game’s "tap-to-earn" mechanics. This airdrop is expected to generate significant interest within the X Empire community, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.    In addition, the X Empire app will soon launch a new product, which will continue to evolve alongside the community, becoming a permanent fixture in the platform. Players are encouraged to take full advantage of this time, while newcomers can also join and benefit from the upcoming developments. September promises significant updates and releases in the Telegram Mini Apps market, offering exciting opportunities for all participants.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     How to Prepare for X Empire Airdrop  Here are the various ways you can mine X Empire before the end of the mining phase and prepare for the upcoming $X airdrop campaign:    Tap and Earn: Start by tapping the cartoon Elon Musk to generate coins, which can be used to upgrade Musk’s ventures and boost passive income. Complete Daily Quests: Earn extra rewards and unlock bonuses through daily challenges. Invite Friends: Bring new players into the game and earn referral bonuses. Strategic Investments: Use Daily Combo cards for smart investments. Negotiate Deals: Engage in player negotiations to win more coins. Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 12, 2024   Conclusion With new characters, a regular currency burn feature, the final mining phase, and the $X token airdrop just around the corner, now is the perfect time to double down on your X Empire strategy. Stay tuned to maximize your in-game earnings and dominate the X Empire leaderboard!   For more updates, bookmark this page and follow our X Empire hashtag for daily combos, riddle answers, and more!   Read More: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 13.
Answers for X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day: September 12, 2024

Welcome, X Empire fans! As the mining phase concludes on September 30 and the much-anticipated $XEMP airdrop approaches in October 2024, the game’s developers have revealed key details about $X token allocation and pre-market trading via NFT vouchers. Stay informed to maximize your rewards and maintain your competitive advantage as we head into the next phase of X Empire!   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Car Rentals in Dubai, Hamster Breeding, and OnlyFans Models. Riddle of the Day: Answer is “DAO.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Liquidity.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  18 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire pre-market trading started from September 11, 2024 with NFT vouchers.  X Empire Daily Combo for September 12, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are: Car Rentals in Dubai Hamster Breeding OnlyFans Models   How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Navigate to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards from the recommended options. Set your investment amount. Enjoy instant returns and watch your in-game currency grow! Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so stay updated to make the most of each day’s opportunities.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 12, 2024 Today’s answer is “DAO.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash. X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 12, 2024 The answer is “Liquidity.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash. X Empire Announces Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers  For the first time, X Empire players can buy and sell $X tokens before the official launch. If you've excelled in mining, invited friends, or actively participated in campaigns, you can now mint vouchers worth 69,000 $X and trade them on Getgems. Simply visit the MINT NFT section under the City tab in the app to see your available vouchers. These can be exchanged for $X after the token launch, or you can convert your in-game activity into $X during the airdrop.   Keep in mind, the listing price of $X is uncertain and could even be zero, so trade vouchers carefully. If you can't mint vouchers yet, continue progressing in the game to unlock the feature. Also, 20% of NFT purchases go toward liquidity to support the $X token listing. The vouchers represent only a portion of your airdrop entitlement, with more tokens to follow later. Minting may take up to 24 hours to process.   Read more: X Empire Launches Pre-Market Trading with NFT Vouchers Ahead of Token Airdrop   Key Factors Influencing $X Token Distribution During Airdrop As the X Empire airdrop approaches, token distribution will be determined by several key factors:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is connected; without it, you won’t be eligible for the airdrop. In-Game Profit per Hour: This metric gauges your activity in the game and will heavily influence your token allocation. Number and Quality of Friends: Bringing new players or followers into X Empire boosts your token share, rewarding those who help grow the community. In addition, undisclosed criteria will be implemented to prevent bot exploitation, ensuring a fair distribution for genuine players. To reward loyal users, X Empire conducted its first currency burn on September 1, 2024, focusing on accounts that had been inactive for over 30 days. This burn eliminated 5.4 trillion in-game coins, redistributing value to active players. Regular burns targeting inactive accounts will continue, boosting airdrop rewards for active participants once the token launches.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $X Tokens   When Is the X Empire (X) Airdrop?  The highly anticipated X Empire airdrop is scheduled to take place in October 2024, following the end of the game's mining phase on September 30, 2024. Players can expect to receive tokens based on their in-game currency and achievements during the mining period, which is tied to the game’s "tap-to-earn" mechanics. This airdrop is expected to generate significant interest within the X Empire community, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.    In addition, the X Empire app will soon launch a new product, which will continue to evolve alongside the community, becoming a permanent fixture in the platform. Players are encouraged to take full advantage of this time, while newcomers can also join and benefit from the upcoming developments. September promises significant updates and releases in the Telegram Mini Apps market, offering exciting opportunities for all participants.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     How to Qualify for X Empire Airdrop  Here are the various ways you can mine X Empire before the end of the mining phase and prepare for the upcoming $X airdrop campaign:    Tap and Earn: Start by tapping the cartoon Elon Musk to generate coins, which can be used to upgrade Musk’s ventures and boost passive income. Complete Daily Quests: Earn extra rewards and unlock bonuses through daily challenges. Invite Friends: Bring new players into the game and earn referral bonuses. Strategic Investments: Use Daily Combo cards for smart investments. Negotiate Deals: Engage in player negotiations to win more coins. Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 11, 2024   Conclusion With new characters, a regular currency burn feature, the final mining phase, and the $X token airdrop just around the corner, now is the perfect time to double down on your X Empire strategy. Stay tuned to maximize your in-game earnings and dominate the X Empire leaderboard!   For more updates, bookmark this page and follow our X Empire hashtag for daily combos, riddle answers, and more!   Read More: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 12.
X 엠파이어, 토큰 에어드롭을 앞두고 NFT 바우처를 통한 사전 시장 거래 개시

X Empire, 텔레그램에서 인기 있는 tap-to-earn 게임이 맞춤형 NFT 바우처를 통해 사전 시장 거래를 도입했습니다. 이를 통해 플레이어들은 기대를 모으는 X 토큰에 조기 접근할 수 있습니다. 이 출시로 사용자는 공식 X Empire 에어드롭 전에 게임의 토큰 경제에 참여할 수 있으며, 전체 토큰 출시 전에 새로운 방식으로 투기하고 거래할 수 있습니다. 전통적인 사전 시장 거래와 달리, 이는 중앙화된 거래소를 의존하지 않고 NFT를 사용하여 분산화된 접근 방식을 제공합니다. 이 NFT는 The Open Network (TON)에서 민트되며, 올해 초 Notcoin에 의해 처음 설정된 모델을 따라 Getgems 마켓플레이스에서 거래할 수 있습니다.   요약 플레이어는 X Empire 토큰에 조기 접근을 나타내는 NFT를 민트하고 Getgems에서 거래할 수 있습니다. NFT 민팅에는 TON 가스 요금과 2차 판매에 대한 20% 로열티가 포함됩니다. X Empire는 거래를 위해 TON의 맞춤형 NFT를 사용하며, 다른 게임에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 거래소 상장과는 차별화됩니다. 개발자는 게임 내 코인과 토큰 간의 전체 변환 비율을 아직 명확히 하지 않아 플레이어에게 복잡함을 더하고 있습니다. 플레이어는 2024년 9월 30일 채굴 단계가 끝난 직후 토큰 에어드롭을 기대할 수 있습니다. 사전 시장에서 X Empire NFT 바우처란 무엇인가?  출처: 텔레그램의 X Empire    성공적인 Notcoin 모델을 모방한 X Empire는 2024년 9월 11일에 사전 시장 거래를 시작하여 플레이어가 NFT 바우처를 민팅할 수 있도록 했습니다. 이 바우처는 플레이어가 토큰 에어드롭 후 받을 미래의 X 토큰 일부를 나타냅니다.   비슷한 게임인 Hamster Kombat와 Catizen는 전통적인 거래소를 사용하여 사전 시장 거래를 했지만, X Empire는 NFT 바우처를 도입하여 다른 접근 방식을 취했습니다. 이를 통해 플레이어는 일부 에어드롭 할당량을 미리 교환하고 Getgems에서 이 NFT들을 거래할 수 있습니다.   사전 시장 거래 전략은 Notcoin에 의해 처음으로 대중화되었으며, 플레이어가 NFT를 통해 획득한 코인을 현금화할 수 있게 하여 초기 거래자들이 토큰의 미래 가치를 예측할 수 있는 방법을 제공했습니다. X Empire는 이 전략을 따르지만, 더 정교한 게임 요소를 추가하여 복잡성을 더했습니다.   X Empire 에어드롭 불확실성과 변환 비율 Notcoin은 게임 내 코인에서 온체인 토큰으로 단순히 1,000대 1의 변환 비율을 가졌지만, X Empire는 더 복잡한 게임 플레이를 제공합니다. 플레이어는 탭핑 외에도 아바타를 업그레이드하고 허구의 주식에 베팅하며 가위바위보 협상을 할 수 있습니다.   이 확장된 게임 플레이로 인해 단순한 변환 비율을 설정하는 것이 어려워졌으며, 플레이어는 게임 내 코인이 결국 얼마나 많은 $X 토큰으로 변환될지에 대해 불확실합니다. 현재 개발자는 에어드롭 할당이 어떻게 처리될지 공개하지 않았습니다.   예를 들어, 일부 고레벨 계정은 각각 69,000개의 온체인 토큰을 나타내는 두 개의 NFT 바우처를 민팅할 수 있지만, 이는 플레이어가 받을 수 있는 총 토큰 수를 반영하지 않을 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 많은 플레이어가 바우처를 민팅할지 아니면 전체 에어드롭을 기다릴지에 대해 혼란을 겪고 있습니다.   X Empire의 NFT 바우처 민팅 방법  NFT 바우처를 민팅하는 것은 선택 사항이지만, 플레이어가 Getgems에서 초기 거래에 참여할 수 있게 해줍니다. 바우처를 민팅하려면 플레이어는 TON 호환 지갑에 연결하고 소액의 가스비(약 0.06 TON)를 지불해야 합니다. 민팅이 완료되면, 바우처는 Getgems에 판매로 등록할 수 있으며, 플레이어가 자신의 가격을 설정합니다.   그러나 NFT를 민팅하면 모든 이차 시장 판매에 대해 20%의 로열티가 부과됩니다. 이 로열티는 곧 출시될 X Empire (X) 토큰 상장을 위한 유동성을 구축하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 플레이어는 바우처를 일찍 거래하거나 공식 에어드롭을 위해 보유할 수 있습니다.   더 읽기: X Empire (Musk Empire) 에어드롭 가이드: $X 토큰을 얻는 방법   X Empire ($X) 토큰 공급 및 에어드롭 일정 X Empire는 X 토큰의 총 공급량이 6900억 개가 될 것이라고 발표했지만, 토크노믹스에 대한 자세한 내용은 아직 기다려야 할 것 같습니다. 플레이어가 게임 내 코인을 얻는 채굴 단계는 2024년 9월 30일에 종료될 예정입니다. 그 직후 X 토큰의 에어드롭이 진행되어 플레이어는 할당된 전량을 청구할 수 있게 됩니다.   현재 사전 시장 거래에 이용할 수 있는 NFT 바우처는 총 에어드롭 할당량의 일부만을 나타냅니다. 채굴 단계가 완료된 후, 플레이어들은 에어드롭을 통해 남은 토큰을 받게 됩니다.   사전 시장 거래의 위험과 투기적 성격 X Empire는 플레이어들에게 사전 시장 거래가 위험을 수반한다고 경고했습니다. X 토큰의 출시 가격은 크게 변동할 수 있으며, 토큰의 가치가 유지될 것이라는 보장은 없습니다. 사실, 토큰 가격이 0으로 떨어질 가능성도 있으므로, 플레이어들은 향후 토큰 가치에 대한 투기에 기반하여 NFT를 거래할 때 신중해야 합니다.   참여를 희망하는 플레이어들은 초기 사전 시장 거래에 참여하는 위험을 잠재적 보상과 비교해 신중하게 고려해야 합니다. NFT 바우처를 민팅하면 X 토큰에 조기 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있지만, 전체 에어드롭과 토큰 출시가 토큰의 진정한 가치를 보다 명확히 보여줄 것입니다.   결론: 텔레그램 탭투언 게임의 새로운 장 X Empire의 토큰 에어드롭에 앞서 NFT 바우처 도입은 텔레그램의 탭투언 게임 세계에서 흥미로운 발전을 나타냅니다. 3천만 명 이상의 플레이어와 추가 성장 가능성을 지닌 X Empire는 게임 및 암호화폐 분야에서 빠르게 주요 플레이어로 자리잡고 있습니다.   그러나 변환율을 둘러싼 불확실성과 사전 시장 거래의 투기적 특성 때문에 플레이어는 신중할 필요가 있습니다. 에어드랍 날짜가 다가오면서, 게임 개발자들은 에어드랍 할당이 어떻게 작동하는지와 각 플레이어가 받을 수 있는 토큰 수에 대해 더 명확하게 알려줄 것입니다.   현재로서는, NFT를 민팅하고 거래할 수 있는 옵션이 플레이어들에게 공식 출시 전에 X Empire의 토큰 경제에 참여할 수 있는 독특한 기회를 제공합니다.   더 읽어보기: 암호화폐 사전 시장 거래란 무엇이며 어떻게 작동합니까?

2024. 09. 12.
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Answered: September 11, 2024

Welcome, X Empire fans! As the mining phase concludes on September 30 and the much-anticipated X Empire airdrop approaches in October 2024, the game’s developers have revealed key details about $X token allocation and how you can increase your in-game earnings. They’ve also announced the beginning of the X Empire (X) pre-market trading starting today. Stay informed to maximize your rewards and maintain your competitive advantage as we head into the next phase of X Empire!   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, OnlyFans Models, and Real Estate in Nigeria. Riddle of the Day: Answer is “Validator.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Leverage.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  19 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire team to burn 5% of coins from inactive players starting from September 1, 2024. X Empire Daily Combo for September 11, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are:   Electric Vehicle Manufacturers  OnlyFans Models Real Estate in Nigeria   How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Navigate to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards from the recommended options. Set your investment amount. Enjoy instant returns and watch your in-game currency grow! Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so stay updated to make the most of each day’s opportunities.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 11, 2024 Today’s answer is “Validator.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 11, 2024 The answer is “Leverage.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     X Empire Pre-Market Starts on September 11, 2024 Source: X Empire on Telegram   For the first time, X Empire players can buy and sell $X tokens before the official launch. If you've excelled in mining, invited friends, or actively participated in campaigns, you can now mint vouchers worth 69,000 $X and trade them on Getgems. Simply visit the MINT NFT section under the City tab in the app to see your available vouchers. These can be exchanged for $X after the token launch, or you can convert your in-game activity into $X during the airdrop.   Keep in mind, the listing price of $X is uncertain and could even be zero, so trade vouchers carefully. If you can't mint vouchers yet, continue progressing in the game to unlock the feature. Also, 20% of NFT purchases go toward liquidity to support the $X token listing. The vouchers represent only a portion of your airdrop entitlement, with more tokens to follow later. Minting may take up to 24 hours to process.   $X Token Distribution Details: Key Factors As the X Empire airdrop approaches, token distribution will be determined by several key factors:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is connected; without it, you won’t be eligible for the airdrop. In-Game Profit per Hour: This metric gauges your activity in the game and will heavily influence your token allocation. Number and Quality of Friends: Bringing new players or followers into X Empire boosts your token share, rewarding those who help grow the community. Additionally, undisclosed criteria will be applied to prevent bot exploitation, ensuring fair distribution for genuine players. To further support loyal users, X Empire initiated its first currency burn on September 1, 2024, targeting inactive accounts (over 30 days inactive). This burn removed 5.4 trillion in-game coins, reallocating value to active players. Continuous burns for inactive accounts will enhance airdrop rewards for regular participants once the token launches.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $XEMP Tokens   When Is the X Empire (XEMP) Airdrop?  The highly anticipated X Empire airdrop is scheduled to take place in October 2024, following the end of the game's mining phase on September 30, 2024. Players can expect to receive tokens based on their in-game currency and achievements during the mining period, which is tied to the game’s "tap-to-earn" mechanics. This airdrop is expected to generate significant interest within the X Empire community, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.    In addition, the X Empire app will soon launch a new product, which will continue to evolve alongside the community, becoming a permanent fixture in the platform. Players are encouraged to take full advantage of this time, while newcomers can also join and benefit from the upcoming developments. September promises significant updates and releases in the Telegram Mini Apps market, offering exciting opportunities for all participants.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!   How to Prepare for the X Empire ($X) Airdrop  Here are the various ways you can mine X Empire before the end of the mining phase and prepare for the upcoming $X airdrop campaign:    Tap and Earn: Start by tapping the cartoon Elon Musk to generate coins, which can be used to upgrade Musk’s ventures and boost passive income. Complete Daily Quests: Earn extra rewards and unlock bonuses through daily challenges. Invite Friends: Bring new players into the game and earn referral bonuses. Strategic Investments: Use Daily Combo cards for smart investments. Negotiate Deals: Engage in player negotiations to win more coins. Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 10, 2024   Conclusion With new characters, a regular currency burn feature, the final mining phase, and the $X token airdrop just around the corner, now is the perfect time to double down on your X Empire strategy. Stay tuned to maximize your in-game earnings and dominate the X Empire leaderboard!   For more updates, bookmark this page and follow our X Empire hashtag for daily combos, riddle answers, and more!   Read More: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 11.
X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day Answers, September 10, 2024

Welcome, X Empire fans! With the mining phase ending on September 30 and the highly anticipated $XEMP airdrop expected in October 2024, the game’s developers have shared important details regarding $XEMP token allocation and ways to boost your in-game earnings. Developers have introduced key factors that will impact how much each player receives, making these updates essential as the mining phase draws to a close. Stay informed to maximize your rewards and maintain your competitive edge.   Quick Take Top Investment Cards: Hamster Breeding, Real Estate in Nigeria, and OnlyFans Models. Riddle of the Day: Answer is “Stablecoin.” Rebus of the Day: Answer is “Influencer.” Developers share X Empire airdrop allocation details.  20 days to go: X Empire mining phase ends on September 30, 2024. X Empire team to burn 5% of coins from inactive players starting from September 1, 2024. X Empire Daily Combo for September 10, 2024 Today’s top Stock Exchange investment cards are: Hamster Breeding Real Estate in Nigeria OnlyFans Models   How to Earn More Rewards with X Empire Daily Combo Cards Open the X Empire Telegram mini-app. Navigate to the "City" tab and select "Investments." Choose your daily stock cards from the recommended options. Set your investment amount. Enjoy instant returns and watch your in-game currency grow! Pro Tip: Stock picks refresh daily at 5 AM ET, so stay updated to make the most of each day’s opportunities.   Read more: What Is Musk Empire Telegram Game and How to Play?   X Empire Riddle of the Day: Answer for September 10, 2024 Today’s answer is “Stablecoin.” Solve it by accessing the "Quests" button at the bottom of your screen and entering the correct answer to earn free in-game cash.     X Empire Rebus of the Day: Solution for September 10, 2024 The answer is “Influencer.” Solve this by navigating to the "Quests" section, entering the correct answer, and earning extra in-game cash.     $XEMP Token Distribution Details: Key Factors As the X Empire airdrop approaches, token distribution will be determined by several key factors:   Wallet Connection: Ensure your wallet is connected; without it, you won’t be eligible for the airdrop. In-Game Profit per Hour: This metric gauges your activity in the game and will heavily influence your token allocation. Number and Quality of Friends: Bringing new players or followers into X Empire boosts your token share, rewarding those who help grow the community. Additionally, undisclosed criteria will be applied to prevent bot exploitation, ensuring fair distribution for genuine players. To further support loyal users, X Empire initiated its first currency burn on September 1, 2024, targeting inactive accounts (over 30 days inactive). This burn removed 5.4 trillion in-game coins, reallocating value to active players. Continuous burns for inactive accounts will enhance airdrop rewards for regular participants once the token launches.   Related Guide: X Empire Airdrop Guide: How to Earn $XEMP Tokens   When Is the X Empire (XEMP) Airdrop?  The highly anticipated X Empire airdrop is scheduled to take place in October 2024, following the end of the game's mining phase on September 30, 2024. Players can expect to receive tokens based on their in-game currency and achievements during the mining period, which is tied to the game’s "tap-to-earn" mechanics. This airdrop is expected to generate significant interest within the X Empire community, especially with the upcoming pre-market listings on major exchanges.    In addition, the X Empire app will soon launch a new product, which will continue to evolve alongside the community, becoming a permanent fixture in the platform. Players are encouraged to take full advantage of this time, while newcomers can also join and benefit from the upcoming developments. September promises significant updates and releases in the Telegram Mini Apps market, offering exciting opportunities for all participants.   Exciting News! Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) is now available for Pre-Market Trading. Place your buy or sell orders before the official spot market listing and get a head start. Trade HMSTR today before the Hamster airdrop on September 26!     How to Prepare for the X Empire ($XEMP) Airdrop  Here are the various ways you can mine X Empire before the end of the mining phase and prepare for the upcoming XEMP airdrop campaign:    Tap and Earn: Start by tapping the cartoon Elon Musk to generate coins, which can be used to upgrade Musk’s ventures and boost passive income. Complete Daily Quests: Earn extra rewards and unlock bonuses through daily challenges. Invite Friends: Bring new players into the game and earn referral bonuses. Strategic Investments: Use Daily Combo cards for smart investments. Negotiate Deals: Engage in player negotiations to win more coins. Read more: X Empire Daily Combo, Riddle, and Rebus of the Day for September 9, 2024   Conclusion With new characters, a regular currency burn feature, the final mining phase, and the XEMP token airdrop just around the corner, now is the perfect time to double down on your X Empire strategy. Stay tuned to maximize your in-game earnings and dominate the X Empire leaderboard!   For more updates, bookmark this page and follow our X Empire hashtag for daily combos, riddle answers, and more!   Read More: Hamster Kombat Announces Token Airdrop and Launch on The Open Network for September 26

2024. 09. 10.
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