What Is Sweatcoin (SWEAT): The Trending Move-to-Earn Game in 2024?

What Is Sweatcoin (SWEAT): The Trending Move-to-Earn Game in 2024?

Sweatcoin is a move-to-earn gaming app that converts physical steps into digital currency, incentivizing healthier lifestyles while introducing users to the world of cryptocurrencies. The article details how Sweatcoin works, its unique features, privacy measures, tokenomics, and its potential impact on the broader crypto market.

Sweatcoin is an innovative app that turns your physical activity into digital currency. By tracking your steps, Sweatcoin rewards you with "Sweatcoins," which you can spend on various goods and services in their marketplace. The app aims to motivate people to be more active, leveraging the economic value of physical movement. As of May 2024, over 120 million users of the Sweatcoin app globally have collectively minted over 50 billion SWEAT tokens. 


In the crypto gaming world, Sweatcoin is unique because it bridges the gap between fitness and cryptocurrency. While most cryptocurrencies are mined digitally, Sweatcoin uses physical activity as its mining mechanism. This model not only encourages healthier lifestyles but also introduces a broader audience to the world of digital currency.


What Is Sweatcoin (SWEAT)?


Sweatcoin is a move-to-earn (M2E) fitness app that converts your steps into digital currency units called Sweatcoins. You earn these coins by walking or running, with the app tracking your physical activity using GPS and your smartphone's health data. For every 1,000 steps, you earn 0.95 Sweatcoins, which you can then use to buy goods and services from the app's marketplace.


Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are mined using computational power, Sweatcoin "mines" its currency through physical activity. This unique approach not only incentivizes users to stay active but also avoids the high energy consumption typically associated with crypto mining.


The Role of SWEAT Tokens

Sweatcoin has significantly expanded its ecosystem by introducing SWEAT tokens, leveraging blockchain technology to enhance user engagement and reward mechanisms. These tokens provide additional functionalities, including trading on decentralized exchanges, staking for rewards, and purchasing NFTs. This integration moves Sweatcoin deeper into the crypto world, offering users more avenues to utilize their earned coins effectively.


The Sweat Wallet app from Sweatcoin is a dedicated cryptocurrency wallet designed to manage and store SWEAT tokens, which users earn through physical activity tracked by the Sweatcoin app. The wallet allows users to stake their SWEAT tokens for rewards, participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities, and engage in future developments such as NFT games and additional fitness activities like cycling or swimming. The wallet integrates seamlessly with the Sweatcoin app, making it easy for users to convert their steps into SWEAT tokens, manage their holdings, and explore various uses and benefits of their earned cryptocurrency​. 


By using Sweatcoin tokens, you not only earn rewards for your physical activity but also get a taste of how cryptocurrencies can integrate into everyday life. This unique model promotes health while introducing the benefits and functionalities of digital currencies to a wider audience.


SWEAT tokens can be used or traded in the following ways: 


  • Marketplace Purchases: Use SWEAT tokens to buy goods and services in the app’s marketplace. This includes fitness gear, electronics, and gift cards.

  • Trading: SWEAT tokens can be transferred to crypto wallets and traded on exchanges. Users can also stake their tokens to earn rewards.

  • Charity: Donate SWEAT tokens to various charitable causes supported by Sweatcoin.

Sweatcoin (SWEAT) Tokenomics

SWEAT tokens are part of the Sweat Economy, designed to incentivize physical activity. The tokenomics model includes:


  • Initial Supply: Launched in September 2022, SWEAT tokens are minted based on user activity.

  • Minting Rate: Initially, you earned 1 SWEAT for every 1,000 steps. To manage the token supply, this rate decreases over time. After one year, the rate drops to 0.33 SWEAT per 1,000 steps, and after five years, it further reduces to 0.02 SWEAT per 1,000 steps​. 

  • Daily Limit: Users can mint a maximum of 5 SWEAT tokens daily to prevent inflation. This limit can be increased by staking tokens. 


How Sweatcoin Works

To earn SWEAT, you simply need to walk. The Sweatcoin app tracks your steps using the GPS and motion sensors in your smartphone. For every 1,000 steps you take, you earn 0.95 Sweatcoins. These coins accumulate as you move throughout the day, providing a continuous incentive to stay active. The app is designed to encourage outdoor activities to ensure the steps counted are genuine.  


Initially, Sweatcoin rewards users with its in-app currency, Sweatcoins. Recently, they introduced SWEAT tokens, a cryptocurrency that users can mint by connecting their Sweatcoin app to a crypto wallet. The conversion rate adjusts over time; currently, users need 3,623 steps to mint one SWEAT token, and this rate will increase significantly by 2028. The app also takes a 5% commission on the steps converted to cover bonuses and other operational costs. 


Sweatcoin integrates seamlessly with your smartphone's health data and can sync with popular fitness apps and wearables. This integration ensures accurate tracking of your physical activities, whether you're walking in the park, running on a treadmill, or exercising at the gym. Sweatcoin plans to expand compatibility with devices like Fitbit and Garmin. Additional planned developments include:


  • NFT Integration: Future plans include an NFT marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs using SWEAT tokens.

  • Expanding Activities: Sweatcoin aims to extend beyond walking, allowing activities like cycling and swimming to earn SWEAT tokens.

  • Decentralized Governance: There are plans to transition to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), giving users more control over the ecosystem.

Sweatcoin vs. STEPN 

Both Sweatcoin and STEPN are move-to-earn apps that reward users for physical activity. However, STEPN requires users to purchase NFT sneakers to earn rewards, whereas Sweatcoin is free to use. STEPN offers dual tokens, GST and GMT, for utility and governance, providing more functionality compared to Sweatcoin’s single SWEAT token. While STEPN's decentralized approach offers higher earning potential and more ways to spend rewards, it also requires a higher level of understanding of crypto wallets and NFTs. 


Here’s more about how to earn on STEPN game.


Sweatcoin’s Key Features and Benefits

Here’s a look at all the benefits Sweatcoin offers to its users and investors: 


  1. Incentivizing Healthy Lifestyles: Sweatcoin turns your daily steps into a rewarding experience. By offering a financial incentive for physical activity, the app motivates users to walk more, which can lead to improved health and well-being. A 2018 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine observed that users had reported a 20% increase in physical activity after using the app for just six months.

  2. Benefits for Users and Potential for Mass Adoption: Users can spend their earned Sweatcoins and SWEAT tokens on a wide range of products and services in the app’s marketplace. From fitness gear and electronics to gift cards and donations to charities, there are numerous ways to use your rewards. This diverse offering makes Sweatcoin appealing to a broad audience, driving its potential for mass adoption. Some of the businesses where users can spend their SWEAT tokens include Audible, Apple, headspace, TIDAL, and Yoga Club. Charities supported by Sweatcoin include Save the Children, Cancer Research UK, and African Wildlife. 

  3. Sweatcoin’s Partnerships and Collaborations: Sweatcoin has established partnerships with over 600 brands and organizations, including health insurance companies, fitness apparel brands, and tech companies. These partnerships enrich the marketplace with valuable rewards and enhance the app's credibility. Notable collaborations include the UK's National Health Service, promoting health and fitness among users.

By leveraging these features, Sweatcoin not only promotes healthier lifestyles but also integrates the concept of digital currency into everyday activities, making it a unique and engaging platform for users around the world.


How to Get Started with Sweatcoin 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating an account on Sweatcoin and getting started. By following these steps, you can fully leverage the benefits of Sweatcoin and its SWEAT tokens to promote a healthier lifestyle while participating in the growing crypto economy: 


Step 1: Download the Sweatcoin App 

Go to your device's app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store). Search for "Sweatcoin" and download the app.



Step 2: Install and Open the App

Once downloaded, open the app on your device.


Step 3: Create an Account on Sweatcoin

Follow the on-screen instructions to sign up. You can sign up using your email address, Google account, or mobile phone number. Verify your email if required.



Step 4: Set Up Your Sweatcoin Profile 

Fill in your basic details like name and preferred settings. Allow necessary permissions for the app to track your steps.



Here’s how to link your fitness tracker or smartphone’s health apps:


  1. Grant Permissions: Ensure you allow the app to access your location and motion sensors. This is crucial for accurate step tracking.

  2. Sync with Health Apps: The app can sync with your phone's health data (e.g., Google Fit on Android or HealthKit on iOS). Go to the settings in the Sweatcoin app and link it to these apps for better tracking.

  3. Use Wearables: If you have fitness wearables like Fitbit or Apple Watch, make sure they are linked to your phone’s health app. Sweatcoin will automatically pull data from these devices.

Tips for Maximizing SWEAT Earnings

  1. Walk More: Aim to walk as much as possible. Outdoor steps are verified more accurately. Try to hit daily step goals to maximize your earnings.

  2. Utilize Daily Boost: Use the app’s 2x Daily Boost feature. Select a 20-minute interval when you are most active to earn double the Sweatcoins during this period.

  3. Engage in Challenges: Participate in daily challenges and activities. Completing these can earn you extra Sweatcoins.

  4. Invite Friends: Refer friends to join Sweatcoin. You earn additional Sweatcoins for each referral.

  5. Stay Consistent: Use the app daily to accumulate more Sweatcoins and take advantage of bonuses and rewards.

How Sweatcoin App Ensures Your Security and Privacy 

Sweatcoin places a high priority on user privacy and security. The app ensures that no user data is shared or sold to third parties. Your steps and other activity data are anonymized to maintain privacy. Additionally, the app employs robust encryption methods to secure data transmission and storage. Sweatcoin also uses a second-level verification algorithm to validate steps and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring that the rewards are based on genuine physical activity​. 


Some users may worry about their location and movement data being tracked. Sweatcoin addresses these concerns by collecting only the necessary data to track your steps and convert them into rewards. They do not sell user data to advertisers or other third parties. Furthermore, the app does not require any sensitive personal information beyond your first name and phone number for verification purposes. For additional security, users can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on their accounts. 


What Does the Future Hold for SWEAT Coin Investors? 

Since its launch, the SWEAT token has seen considerable interest. As the ecosystem matures, this rate will decrease, making the tokens more scarce and potentially more valuable. Initially, 1 SWEAT was earned for every 1,000 steps. This rate decreases over time to control supply, with the minting rate reducing to 0.33 SWEAT after one year and further down to 0.02 SWEAT after five years.


However, with the increasing circulating supply, the value of Sweatcoin might face challenges in sustaining its worth for players who are engaged in the game to earn free crypto. Similar to other move-to-earn games like STEPN, maintaining the value of its token while ensuring the game remains enjoyable is a key challenge the Sweatcoin project must address.


Experts predict that SWEAT has the potential to grow as more users join the platform and as the app expands its functionalities. With plans to integrate with more wearables and enhance its marketplace offerings, SWEAT is expected to gain traction. The move towards decentralizing the Sweat Economy, allowing other validators to run nodes, could also increase the token’s utility and adoption​. 



Sweatcoin occupies a unique niche in the crypto market by combining fitness with blockchain technology. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which often require significant computational power to mine, SWEAT is earned through physical activity. This move-to-earn model promotes a healthier lifestyle while integrating users into the crypto ecosystem. As more users become health-conscious and interested in digital currencies, Sweatcoin's approach could see wider adoption and influence in the market​. 


Further Reading