At the top of each hour, lenders' assets are lent out based on the net amount to be borrowed (total amount to be borrowed - amount paid back). Lending is conducted as follows:
Interest rate bidding is conducted each hour based on Minimum Lending APY, with the highest bid value being used as the Current Lending APY:
If, Minimum Lending APY < Current Market Lending APY, then assets will be successfully lent out using the Current Lending APY.
If, Minimum Lending APY > Current Market Lending APY, then assets will not be lent out, and no interest will be earned.
If, Minimum Lending APY = Current Market Lending APY, then either a portion of the assets will be lent out or no assets will be lent out.
During this hour, the interest rate borrowers will pay is based on the Current Market Lending APY. When the Minimum Lending APY <= Current Market Lending APY, and assets are successfully lent out, the user lending out their assets will receive interest based on the Current Market Lending APY.
The system deducts a certain percentage from the current market's lending APY based on your minimum lending APY and the platform's fundraising amount.
Your actual lending APY may be lower than the minimum lending APY, with returns on interest finalized by the actual lending rate.