While we cannot offer an accurate BASE coin price prediction, you could monitor the following factors to gain a better understanding of price action drivers in this token:
Crypto Market Volatility and Market Cap
The price of BASE is pegged to the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies at a ratio of 1:1 trillion. Fluctuations in the overall market capitalization can impact the price of BASE as it strives to maintain the price peg.
Rebasing Mechanism of Base Protocol
Base Protocol utilizes a rebasing mechanism to adjust its token supply in response to price movements. The rebasing mechanism aims to maintain the price of BASE in line with the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Changes in the rebasing process and market conditions can influence the price of BASE.
External Factors Impacting the Overall Crypto Market
Like other cryptocurrencies, the price of BASE can also be affected by external factors such as regulatory developments, market sentiment, technological advancements, and broader economic conditions. Positive developments could support the BASE to USD price. However, negative news could drive selloffs in the crypto market, weakening the BASE price.