Announcement Regarding the Adjustment of the Daily KCS Lockup Time

Announcement Regarding the Adjustment of the Daily KCS Lockup Time

08/01/2019, 06:21:04

Dear KuCoin User,

To ensure a fair and equitable KCS lockup program for all of our users, KuCoin will adjust the KCS daily lockup time to be 22:00:00 the previous day to 21:59:59 (UTC+8) the current day.

For example: The KCS lockup time of August 2, 2019 is from 22:00:00 on August 1, 2019 to 21:59:59 on August 2, 2019 (UTC+8)

This adjustment will not affect the Guaranteed Service, and we will still repurchase the user's locked KCS at the price of 10% off the average KCS price (USDT price) on the day of the user's lockup.

Thanks for your support!

The KuCoin Team