Announcement Regarding the POL Mining Computing Power Evaluation System and Partial Adjustment of the Staking Products

Announcement Regarding the POL Mining Computing Power Evaluation System and Partial Adjustment of the Staking Products

06/18/2020, 10:28:21

Dear Pool-X Users,

To provide more equality and better maintain balance in the distribution of POL for users with longer redemption periods, the original "Liquidity Evaluation System" has been upgraded to the new "POL Mining Computing Power Evaluation System" as of June 18, 2020.

POL Mining Computing Power is obtained by participating in staking mining and calculated based on the market value of the staking and the computing power adjustment coefficient. The computing power adjustment coefficient is affected by the liquidity adjustment coefficient and the adjustment coefficient during the product redemption period.

For more information, see the POL Mining Computing Power Evaluation System

Meanwhile, Pool-X will be adjusting part of the staking products. The specific adjustments are as follows:

Staking ProductsStaking APR
(excluding POL mining)
Redemption Period
KCS-Staking(Beta)Remains Unchanged14 Days
TRX-Staking7%Remains Unchanged
EOS-Staking3%Remains Unchanged
XTZ-Staking6%Remains Unchanged

Note: There are two reasons why the staking earnings of “TRX-Staking”, “EOS-Staking” and “XTZ-Staking” are being enhanced. Firstly, the platform has optimized the staking efficiency and main node type which in turn enhances staking earnings. Secondly, the platform will be subsidizing part of the earnings to attract more users to participate.

Thank you for your support!

Pool-X Team