Join the KuCoin AMA with DigiByte(DGB), 28,000 DGB to Give Away!

Join the KuCoin AMA with DigiByte(DGB), 28,000 DGB to Give Away!

06/12/2020, 04:00:00

Dear KuCoin Users,

Starting at 20:00 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 (UTC+8), in the KuCoin Official AMA Telegram Group, we will be holding a KuCoin AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session with DigiByte.

Our honored guest for the AMA:

Rudy Bouwman,Sectetary & Vice Chairman DigiByte Foundation

Rudy has been working in the Information Technology for more than 30 years. He has an education in Information Technology and finished a study Senior Management at the Institute of Social Sciences in The Netherlands. Starting as a computer engineer, Rudy developed his career in different management positions and the last 20 years he has a position as shareholder and Director in a IT Maintenance company. In 2017 Rudy started learning about Blockchain Technology and was convinced about the revolutionary impact on society and felt the need to be involved. Rudy has applied his knowledge and business experiences as core member of DigiByte by reaching out to companies, building and maintaining international relations, and looking for integration opportunities and development of real-world use cases for DigiByte. Rudy was also involved as CMO and Co-Founder of the DigiByte Awareness Team back in May 2018. Together with Hans and Rutger he is one of the Founding board members of the DigiByte Foundation. As a volunteer, Rudy joined as Secretary and Vice Chairman. The Foundation is here to empower the DigiByte community, to be a voice of the community as a whole and to protect the principles of true decentralization. The DigiByte Foundation is still very young and therefore rapidly developing.

Introduction to DigiByte:

DigiByte is a rapidly growing open-source blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6,5 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and most decentralized UTXO blockchain in existence.

DigiByte focuses on speed, security, and scalability. It prides itself with being “faster, more secure, forward thinking”. With significantly faster block timings than any other UTXO blockchain to date (15 seconds).

DigiByte has encountered and overcome a number of issues that many other blockchains such as Bitcoin will not face until the advent of the next century. It is due to this forward thinking nature that DigiByte adopted the SegWit protocol through a soft-fork consensus

in 2017, being the first major blockchain to do so, well before Litecoin or Bitcoin adopted the upgrade.

While other blockchains only utilize a single mining algorithm to mine new blocks and introduce new assets into circulation, DigiByte has employed five unique and independent algorithms in a “MultiAlgo” solution. DigiByte holds the dominant hash-power in 3 of its 5 algorithms globally, by an order of magnitude more than any other competing blockchain. DigiByte also has pionered with Multishield, creating real time difficulty adjustment across the 5 mining algorithms for easy dealing of hashpower fluctuations.

The four pillars of DigiByte applications are:

First: DigiByte is the ultimate merchant coin: you can actually use it at the point of sale, because its so fast and cheap to use, while still maintaining the utmost security possible.

Next to that, the global DigiByte community is growing fast, creating adoption for DigiByte. We also work together with parties that do great for global crypto adoption and parties to create further adoption!

Second: Authentication: Digi-ID is a very secure method of Authentication. It uses the same cryptographic signing methods as used for securing the DigiByte transactions.

The beauty of it is that you don't need any usernames and passwords. So they are also not stored on any server. So they cannot be exposed when a third party is hacked as we have seen so often, leaving all usernames and passwords exposed! See: https://www.digi-id.io/

Third: Proof of Authenticity: proof of authenticity of electronic content. You can use the DigiByte blockchain to put a checksum of any electronic content on it to proof that is is the original.

Fourth: DigiAssets. The DigiAssets innovation has just left the station and we can expect great things of that. DigiByte has recently developed and released DigiAssets! DigiAssets are a simple form of a smart contract, yes, its limited, but it is highly secure and fast. The use cases for DigiAssets are just starting to show and will amaze us in the future.

Giveaway Section:

28,000 DGB will be presented to users as red envelope giveaways during or after the AMA session (including random and lucky red envelopes)!

Official Website: https://digibyte.io/?lang=en

Whitepaper: Click to View

KuCoin Official AMA Telegram Group: https://t.me/kucoin_AMA

Thanks for your support!

The KuCoin Team