KuCoin Adds Support for Purchasing Crypto With 11 Fiat Currencies

KuCoin Adds Support for Purchasing Crypto With 11 Fiat Currencies

05/27/2020, 09:01:55

Dear KuCoin Users,

We are delighted to announce that KuCoin users are now able to buy crypto using Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Nigerian Naira (NGN), Singapore Dollar (SGD), New Taiwan Dollar (TWD), Bulgarian Lev (BGN), Brazilian Real (BRL), Moroccan Dirham (MAD), Romanian Leu (RON), Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) and Mexican Peso (MXN) on the Simplex platform, along with the 22 fiat currencies already supported!

To access this service, users can visit the “Buy Crypto with Credit Card” page, select the Simplex platform, click next, and set the payment currency to any of the above fiat currencies. You can also use fiat currency to buy crypto directly.

The fiat currencies now supported by Simplex, Banxa and OTC include:

1USDAmerican Dollar
3GBPPound Sterling
4RUBRussian Ruble
5CNYChinese Yuan
6AUDAustralian Dollar
7KRWSouth Korean Won
8JPYJapanese Yen
9TRYTurkish Lira
10VNDVietnamese Dong
11IDRIndonesian Rupiah
12CADCanadian Dollar
13ZARSouth African Rand
14NZDNew Zealand Sollar
15HUFHungarian Forint
16ILSIsraeli Shekel
17PLNPolish Złoty
18SEKSwedish Krona
19CHFSwiss Franc
20CZKCzech Koruna
21DKKDanish Krone
22NOKNorwegian Krone
23HKDHong Kong Dollar
24MYRMalaysian Ringgit
25NGNNigerian Naira
26SGDSingapore Dollar
27TWDNew Taiwan Dollar
28BGNBulgarian Lev
29BRLBrazilian Real
30MADMoroccan Dirham
31RONRomanian Leu
32UAHUkrainian Hryvnia
33MXNMexican Peso

Thanks for your support!

The KuCoin Team