May WIN Airdrop Distribution for TRX Holders Completed

May WIN Airdrop Distribution for TRX Holders Completed

06/03/2020, 06:06:00

Dear KuCoin Users,

KuCoin has distributed all WIN for TRX holders for the month of May 2020. Users can check their accounts by going to Assets >My Bonus and check the Other Rewards.


  • TRX in user margin accounts will not be included in each snapshot.
  • The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account for each snapshot.
  • TRX balances under 100 (including those in open orders) will not be included into the monthly WIN calculations.

For more information please refer to the following: WINk (WIN) Monthly Airdrop Program Instructions

Thanks for your support!

The KuCoin Team