As reported by CoinGabbar, the term 'What Is Uniswap' became a trending topic on December 21, 2024, following its inclusion in the BLUM Daily Video Code on December 20. This feature is part of a tap-to-earn game on Telegram, where players answer questions to earn cryptocurrency rewards. The correct answer for the day was 'BLUMSHINE,' leading to a surge in online searches for related terms like 'crypto blum code' and 'blum crypto code.' The game emphasizes cryptocurrency education, resonating with both players and enthusiasts, and highlighting the significance of decentralized exchanges like Uniswap. The BLUM game allows participants to engage with videos and quizzes, enhancing their earnings and understanding of crypto concepts.
Uniswap Gains Attention Through BLUM Daily Video Code on December 20, 2024
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