Join Polkadex Crowdloan to Win 2 PDEX per DOT!

Join Polkadex Crowdloan to Win 2 PDEX per DOT!

04/07/2022, 09:41:22

Dear KuCoin Users,

The Polkadex Crowdloan is live again! In this batch, contributors will receive:

1. Basic Bonus: At least 2 PDEX per DOT each contributor if success. 

2. Top contributor NFTs Bonus: Utility-based NFTs for the top 1000 Crowdloan contributors if success. You can enjoy a 20%-50% discount on Polkadex Orderbook trading fees (subject to a maximum limit) by holding the NFTs.* 

Bonuses Distribution

PDEX reward distribution will start once Polkadex becomes a Polkadot Parachain project. KuCoin will send the corresponding PDEX to the participants’ KuCoin Main account once the rewards have been claimable. 

Join Polkadex Crowdloan Now! 

About Polkadot:

Polkadex is a fully decentralized peer-to-peer orderbook-based cryptocurrency exchange for the DeFi ecosystem built on Substrate. 

*The discount structure may be subject to change at the time of the launch. While the NFTs will be distributed soon after Polkadex secures a parachain spot, their utility is subject to changes and will not be applied until 2023. 

The KuCoin Team