

    OpenSea is the leading web3 marketplace where users can mint, buy, or sell NFTs and digital collectibles designed on the blockchain. The decentralized marketplace allows users to mint and trade NFTs and crypto-based collectibles with value, such as gaming items and other virtual assets.


    Founded by Devin Finzer and Alex Atallah in 2017, the OpenSea NFT marketplace is headquartered in New York City. While OpenSea was initially developed on the Ethereum blockchain to support ERC-721 tokens, it has since expanded to support Polygon, KIP-7 tokens on Klaytn, and SPL tokens based on the Solana blockchain as well.

  is home to some of the most valuable NFT collections worldwide, including CryptoPunks, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). As of September 2023, the platform boasts over 1 million users who conduct more than 21,000 transactions daily, with a trading volume of over $2 million.


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