BEERCOIN (BEER) Live Price Chart

BEERCOIN Live Price Data

The live price of BEERCOIN is $0.00003983, with a total trading volume of $ 1.3M in the last 24 hours. The price of BEERCOIN changed by -6.86% in the past day, and its USD value has decreased by -33.94% over the last week. With a circulating supply of 549.76B BEER, the market cap of BEERCOIN is currently 22.6M USD, marking a --% increase today. BEERCOIN currently ranks #-- in market cap.
How do you feel about BEERCOIN today?
Note: This data is for reference only.


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Code & Community

About BEER

How can I buy BEERCOIN (BEER)?

Buying BEER on KuCoin is fast and simple. Create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and start your trading. It's that simple! See How to Buy BEERCOIN (BEER) for more information.

What Is BEERCOIN (BEER) Crypto?

Beercoin (BEER) is a memecoin built on the Solana blockchain. It aims to be a universal currency for fun and social gatherings. BEER is often referred to as "liquid gold" because it encourages people to come together and enjoy good times.

Beercoin has gained attention with its ambitious marketing and strong community. It recently raised over $5 million in a token sale, demonstrating significant investor interest. The coin is used for transactions at events and social settings, and some breweries and bars accept it as a payment method.

How Does BEERCOIN Work?

Beercoin aims to create a universal currency for social enjoyment and has already seen adoption in various beer-related events and businesses.

Beercoin is a Solana-based memecoin, ensuring fast and secure transactions. This blockchain records all transactions, making them transparent and tamper-proof. Beercoin is decentralized, meaning no single entity controls it. This makes it resistant to censorship and manipulation.

Transactions with Beercoin incur minimal fees compared to traditional payment methods, making it cost-effective for users. Beercoin is designed for use in social settings like events, concerts, and bars. Some breweries accept Beercoin as a payment method, enhancing its practical use. Businesses, particularly breweries, can use Beercoin to run loyalty programs and reward customers, fostering a strong community.

History of BEERCOIN and BEER Coin

Beercoin was founded by a team with over 30 years of experience in running businesses, including those owned by Berkshire Hathaway. The team aims to bridge the gap between Web3 and real-life (IRL) applications, making it more than just a digital asset.

Beercoin was officially launched in Q2 2024 and has quickly gained attention in the crypto community. It completed a successful token sale, raising over $5 million by selling 30,000 SOL tokens.

The roadmap for Beercoin includes several key milestones:

  1. Community Building: Establish a strong community of beer enthusiasts and crypto users.
  2. Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships with breweries and bars to accept Beercoin as a payment method.
  3. Real-Life Integration: Acquire and integrate physical breweries and bars, allowing Beercoin holders to own part of these establishments.
  4. Events: Organize and participate in beer-related events and festivals to promote the use of Beercoin.
  5. Technological Enhancements: Continuously improve the platform and expand its use cases within the social and beverage industries.

What Is BEER Token Used for?

The $BEER coin is primarily used as a fun and social utility token within the beer community:

  1. Payment Method: Use Beercoin to pay at partnered breweries, bars, and events. This makes it convenient for beer lovers to make purchases.
  2. Social Transactions: You can use Beercoin for transactions at social gatherings, concerts, and beer festivals, enhancing the fun of these events.
  3. Loyalty Programs: Breweries and bars use Beercoin to run loyalty and reward programs, incentivizing repeat customers and building community.
  4. Investment: Holders of Beercoin can invest in brewery-backed tokens, potentially earning rewards based on the brewery’s performance.
  5. Token Burns: Participate in events like the BEERNING MAN, where part of the tokens you send get burned, reducing supply and potentially increasing the value of remaining tokens. These events often come with the chance to win more tokens.
  6. Trade $BEER on KuCoin: Trade Beercoin against other cryptocurrencies on the KuCoin Spot Market after you DYOR to profit from changing market conditions. Buy, sell, or HODL $BEER token based on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

What Is BEERCOIN Tokenomics?

Beercoin has a maximum supply of 888,888,888,888 tokens. The $BEER token allocation is given below:

  • Pre-sale: 33% of the tokens (293,333,333,333 BEER) were allocated for the pre-sale.
  • Liquidity, Centralized Exchanges (CEX), and Market Making (MM): Another 33% is reserved for providing liquidity and for use on centralized exchanges and market making.
  • Treasury and Marketing: 22% of the tokens (195,555,555,555 BEER) are allocated for the treasury and marketing purposes.
  • Early Contributors: 11% (97,777,777,778 BEER) is set aside for early contributors.
  • Airdrop: 1% (8,888,888,889 BEER) is designated for airdrops to the community.

Beercoin implements a token burn mechanism where 10% of the tokens from each transaction are burned, reducing the total supply over time and potentially increasing the value of the remaining tokens. There is a 5% fee on both buying and selling transactions, which is relatively low to encourage trading and holding.

BEERCOIN (BEER) Price Movements ($)
PeriodChangeChange (%)
7 Days$-0.00002183-35.14%
30 Days$-0.00033909-89.38%
3 Months$-0.00033909-89.38%
24H Investment Barometer
The Investment Barometer represents the current sentiment of the majority of KuCoin users. It is based on multiple indicators, and can be used as an aspect to take into consideration when planning investments.
Risk warning:Please note that the Investment Barometer is provided for informational purposes only and is not an investment advice. Investing carries risk. Please make investment decisions cautiously and based on your own judgement.
Strong SellSellNeutralBuyStrong Buy
Ratio of No. of Users Increased/Decreased Their HoldingsQuestionIcon
Ratio of Increased/Decreased AmountQuestionIcon
Ratio of No. of TradersQuestionIcon
Ratio of Trading VolumeQuestionIcon
Ratio of Buy/Sell OrdersQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Ratio of Buy/Sell Order ValueQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
BEERCOIN Conversion Rate
  • 1 BEER to USD$0.00003983
  • 1 BEER to EUR€0.00003718
  • 1 BEER to AUD$0.00005972
  • 1 BEER to KRW₩0.05502735
  • 1 BEER to JPY¥0.00640792
  • 1 BEER to GBP£0.0000315
  • 1 BEER to INR₨0.00332092
  • 1 BEER to IDRRp0.65133963
  • 1 BEER to CAD$0.00005449
  • 1 BEER to RUB₽0.00341536


How much is 1 BEERCOIN (BEER) worth?
KuCoin provides real-time USD price updates for BEERCOIN (BEER). BEERCOIN price is affected by supply and demand, as well as market sentiment. Use the KuCoin Calculator to obtain real-time BEER to USD exchange rates.
Is BEERCOIN (BEER) a Good Investment?

Investing in Beercoin can offer both financial returns and social benefits, making it a unique addition to your investment portfolio:

  1. Community and Social Engagement: Beercoin aims to bring people together. You can use it for transactions at events, bars, and festivals, making it a socially engaging investment.
  2. Potential High Returns: Beercoin has shown significant price increases since its launch. Early investors have seen substantial gains, driven by active community support and strategic marketing.
  3. Burn Mechanism: Beercoin implements a token burn mechanism where 10% of the tokens from each transaction are burned. This reduces the total supply over time, potentially increasing the value of remaining tokens.
  4. Incentives and Rewards: Holders of Beercoin can benefit from various rewards, including opportunities to win prizes such as a Tesla CyberTruck, VIP tickets to events, and shares in breweries like Heineken.
  5. Growing Market Presence: Beercoin has quickly gained traction in the crypto market, trending on major platforms and achieving high trading volumes. This visibility can attract more investors and boost demand.
What Is BEERCOIN Price Prediction?

Understanding these factors can help you better gauge the potential BEER coin price prediction:

  1. Market Demand: High demand for Beercoin, driven by community interest and hype, can increase its price. When more people buy BEER, the BEERCOIN price goes up.
  2. Token Supply and Burns: The supply of Beercoin is capped at 888,888,888,888 tokens. Regular token burns reduce the total supply, potentially increasing the value of remaining tokens.
  3. Exchange Listings: Being listed on major exchanges like KuCoin boosts accessibility and trading volume, positively impacting the BEER to USD price.
  4. Community and Social Media Hype: Strong social media presence and community engagement drive interest and investments in Beercoin. Viral trends and promotions also play a significant role in influencing the $BEER price.
  5. Market Sentiment: Overall market trends and investor sentiment toward cryptocurrencies, especially meme coins, significantly affect the BEER coin price. Positive market sentiment can drive up prices, while negative sentiment can lead to declines.

To earn on Beercoin (BEER), you can explore the following methods:

  1. Trading: Buy BEER at a low price and sell it when the price increases. This involves regular monitoring of the market to take advantage of price fluctuations.
  2. Participating in Events: Beercoin often organizes events like the BEERNING MAN event, where participants can win additional BEER tokens. These events can also include token burns, which may increase the value of remaining tokens.
  3. BEERCOIN Airdrops and Rewards: Occasionally, Beercoin distributes free tokens through airdrops. Staying active in the community and participating in promotional activities can increase your chances of receiving these rewards.
  4. Holding for Long-Term Gains: Given Beercoin's potential for growth, holding the tokens long-term could yield significant returns if the project continues to develop and gain popularity.

By combining these methods, you can maximize your earnings from Beercoin. Always ensure to do your own research and stay updated on the latest developments within the Beercoin ecosystem.

What is the all-time high price of BEERCOIN (BEER)?
The all-time high price of BEERCOIN (BEER) is $0.00057976. The current price of BEER is down 0.93% from its all-time high.
What is the all-time low price of BEERCOIN (BEER)?
The all-time low price of BEERCOIN (BEER) is $0.00003881. The current price of BEER is up 0.03% from its all-time low.
How much BEERCOIN (BEER) is there in circulation?
As of 6 30, 2024, there is currently 549.76B BEER in circulation. BEER has a maximum supply of 888.89B.
What is the market cap of BEERCOIN (BEER)?
The current market cap of BEER is $22.6M. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of BEER by its real-time market price of $22.6M.
How do I store BEERCOIN (BEER)?
You can securely store your BEERCOIN in the custodial wallet on the KuCoin exchange without having to worry about managing your private keys. Other ways to store your BEER include using a self-custody wallet (on a web browser, mobile device, or desktop/laptop computer), a hardware wallet, a third-party crypto custody service, or a paper wallet.
Fear & Greed Index
Note: Data is for reference only.
-- USD