Cookie Price

Cookie (COOKIE) Live Price Chart

Cookie Live Price Data

The live price of Cookie is $0.12507, with a total trading volume of $ 269,152 in the last 24 hours. The price of Cookie changed by +0.14% in the past day, and its USD value has decreased by -2.34% over the last week. With a circulating supply of 48,407,402 COOKIE, the market cap of Cookie is currently 1.3M USD, marking a --% increase today. Cookie currently ranks #-- in market cap.
How do you feel about Cookie today?
Note: This data is for reference only.

Cookie(COOKIE) Profile

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Code & Community


How can I buy Cookie (COOKIE)?

Buying COOKIE on KuCoin is fast and simple. Create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and start your trading. It's that simple! See How to Buy Cookie (COOKIE) for more information.

What Is Cookie3 (COOKIE) Crypto?

Cookie3 (COOKIE) is a MarketingFi ecosystem token. It aims to revolutionize digital marketing by transferring value from advertising giants to individual users. The Cookie3 platform uses AI and analytics to help marketers understand user behavior and tailor their campaigns.

You earn COOKIE tokens by engaging with Web3 projects, which can be used for rewards, voting in the Cookie DAO, and accessing exclusive features. The platform integrates with over 170 dApps, offering a transparent marketing economy for users, creators, and businesses.

How Does Cookie3 Work?

Cookie3 leverages AI and blockchain technology to improve digital marketing. Cookie3 collects data from both on-chain and off-chain activities. It uses AI to analyze user behavior and determine valuable interactions.

Users earn COOKIE tokens by engaging with Web3 projects. These tokens can be used for rewards, governance, and exclusive features within the Cookie3 ecosystem.

Marketers get detailed insights into user behavior, helping them tailor campaigns more effectively. The platform ensures marketing budgets are spent on quality users.

Cookie3 offers three platforms:

  • Cookie3 Analytics: Provides marketers with user insights.
  • Cookie3 Affiliate: Rewards creators for bringing quality audiences.
  • Cookie3 Score: Allows users to see their reputation score based on their activity.

The platform uses advanced AI to distinguish between real users and bots, ensuring that only genuine users benefit from the rewards. By focusing on rewarding genuine user engagement, Cookie3 aims to shift marketing value from big advertising firms to individual users and creators.

History of Cookie3 and COOKIE Coin

Cookie3 (COOKIE) launched in 2024. It was co-founded by Filip Wielanier, who is also the CEO. The project focuses on MarketingFi, using AI and blockchain to transfer marketing value to individual users and creators.

The roadmap includes three main platforms: Cookie3 Analytics, Cookie3 Affiliate, and Cookie3 Score. These platforms help marketers understand user behavior, reward creators for bringing quality audiences, and allow users to earn rewards based on their activities.

What Is COOKIE Token Used for?

The $COOKIE token is used for several purposes within the Cookie3 ecosystem:

  1. Rewards and Incentives: You earn COOKIE tokens by engaging with Web3 projects. This includes participating in activities that benefit the ecosystem, such as bringing quality audiences to projects.
  2. Governance: Holding COOKIE tokens grants you voting rights within the Cookie DAO. You can influence decisions on treasury matters and future developments of Cookie3 products and platforms.
  3. Exclusive Features: The token provides access to special features within the Cookie3 ecosystem. This includes token-gated content and opportunities to participate in exclusive campaigns and offerings.
  4. MarketingFi Tools: COOKIE tokens are integrated into various Cookie3 platforms like Cookie3 Analytics, Cookie3 Affiliate, and Cookie3 Score. These platforms help marketers understand user behavior, tailor their campaigns, and ensure their marketing budgets reach quality users.
  5. Trade COOKIE on KuCoin: Trade Cookie3 coin against other digital assets on the KuCoin Spot Market after doing your own research. You can buy, sell, or HODL $COOKIE based on market conditions, and your investment goals and risk tolerance.

What Is Cookie3 Tokenomics?

The total supply of COOKIE tokens is 100,000,000. The COOKIE token distribution is as follows:

  • Private Sale: 30% of the total supply.
  • Ecosystem: 16.33%.
  • Marketing: 18%.
  • Staking: 9.5%.
  • Liquidity: 12%.
  • Team: 7.5%.
  • Advisors: 10%.

The initial sale price was set at $0.2 per token during the Cookie3 IDO. The project successfully raised $2.5 million during its initial offerings.

Cookie (COOKIE) Price Movements ($)
PeriodChangeChange (%)
7 Days$-0.00305-2.38%
30 Days$0.09708347.32%
3 Months$0.09708347.32%
24H Investment Barometer
The Investment Barometer represents the current sentiment of the majority of KuCoin users. It is based on multiple indicators, and can be used as an aspect to take into consideration when planning investments.
Risk warning:Please note that the Investment Barometer is provided for informational purposes only and is not an investment advice. Investing carries risk. Please make investment decisions cautiously and based on your own judgement.
Strong SellSellNeutralBuyStrong Buy
Ratio of No. of Users Increased/Decreased Their HoldingsQuestionIcon
Ratio of Increased/Decreased AmountQuestionIcon
Ratio of No. of TradersQuestionIcon
Ratio of Trading VolumeQuestionIcon
Ratio of Buy/Sell OrdersQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Ratio of Buy/Sell Order ValueQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Cookie Conversion Rate
  • 1 COOKIE to USD$0.12507701
  • 1 COOKIE to EUR€0.11675138
  • 1 COOKIE to AUD$0.18752921
  • 1 COOKIE to KRW₩172.79
  • 1 COOKIE to JPY¥20.12
  • 1 COOKIE to GBP£0.09891065
  • 1 COOKIE to INR₨10.42
  • 1 COOKIE to IDRRp2,045.27
  • 1 COOKIE to CAD$0.17109784
  • 1 COOKIE to RUB₽10.72


How much is 1 Cookie (COOKIE) worth?
KuCoin provides real-time USD price updates for Cookie (COOKIE). Cookie price is affected by supply and demand, as well as market sentiment. Use the KuCoin Calculator to obtain real-time COOKIE to USD exchange rates.
Is Cookie3 (COOKIE) a Good Investment?

Investing in Cookie3 crypto could be beneficial due to its innovative approach, strong support, and potential for growth in the digital marketing space:

  1. Innovative MarketingFi: Cookie3 combines AI, blockchain, and DeFi to create a unique MarketingFi platform. This allows businesses to connect with quality audiences more efficiently, enhancing marketing campaigns and ensuring better budget utilization.
  2. Rewards and Incentives: You can earn rewards through the COOKIE token by participating in the ecosystem. This includes airdrops, exclusive campaigns, and governance rights within the Cookie DAO, giving you a say in the platform’s future.
  3. Strong Backing: Cookie3 is supported by reputable investors and strategic partners, including Spartan Group, GSR, and Polkastarter. This strong backing adds credibility and potential stability to the project.
  4. Advanced Analytics: Cookie3 uses advanced analytics to provide valuable insights into user behavior. This helps marketers tailor their campaigns more effectively, leading to better engagement and higher ROI.
  5. Growing Ecosystem: The platform already integrates with over 170 dApps and continues to expand, creating more opportunities for users, creators, and businesses within the ecosystem.
What is Cookie3 Price Prediction?

Several factors influence the COOKIE price prediction:

  1. Supply and Demand of COOKIE Tokens: The basic principle of supply and demand affects COOKIE's price. Limited supply and high demand can drive the Cookie3 price up, while an oversupply can lead to a decrease in value.
  2. Market Sentiment: Positive news, partnerships, and technological advancements can boost market sentiment, leading to increases in the COOKIE to USD price. Conversely, negative news can result in COOKIE crypto price drops.
  3. Usage and Utility of Cookie3 Platform: The practical applications and real-world use cases of COOKIE influence its value. Tokens that offer significant utility within their ecosystems tend to maintain or increase in value.
  4. Technological Developments in the Cookie3 Ecosystem: Ongoing improvements and innovations in the Cookie3 ecosystem can positively impact the COOKIE token price. This includes new features, updates, and integrations with other platforms.
  5. Market Liquidity: Higher liquidity, meaning the ease with which the token can be bought or sold, generally leads to more stable prices. Lower liquidity can cause higher volatility.
  6. Media Influence: Media coverage and public perception can significantly impact the price of COOKIE. Positive coverage can attract more investors, while negative publicity can drive down the COOKIE coin price.
How to Earn COOKIE on Cookie3

By leveraging these methods, you can actively earn COOKIE tokens and benefit from the various rewards and incentives offered within the Cookie3 ecosystem:

  1. Airdrops: Participate in the COOKIE airdrop campaigns by connecting your wallet to the Cookie Community page. Earn points through referrals, interacting with Cookie3's social media content, and completing special missions. These points can be converted into COOKIE tokens during the airdrop.
  2. Engagement and Interaction: Engage with the Cookie3 ecosystem by using their platforms such as Cookie3 Analytics and Cookie3 Score. Being an active user of these platforms can earn you rewards and exclusive campaign access
  3. Staking: Stake your COOKIE tokens to earn additional rewards. This also grants you voting rights within the Cookie DAO, allowing you to participate in governance decisions.
  4. Referrals: Refer friends to the Cookie Community and earn a percentage of the points they accumulate. This can significantly boost your point total, leading to more rewards during airdrop events.
What is the all-time high price of Cookie (COOKIE)?
The all-time high price of Cookie (COOKIE) is $0.02800. The current price of COOKIE is down 3.47% from its all-time high.
How much Cookie (COOKIE) is there in circulation?
As of 6 30, 2024, there is currently 48,407,402 COOKIE in circulation. COOKIE has a maximum supply of 1B.
What is the market cap of Cookie (COOKIE)?
The current market cap of COOKIE is $1.3M. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of COOKIE by its real-time market price of $1.3M.
How do I store Cookie (COOKIE)?
You can securely store your Cookie in the custodial wallet on the KuCoin exchange without having to worry about managing your private keys. Other ways to store your COOKIE include using a self-custody wallet (on a web browser, mobile device, or desktop/laptop computer), a hardware wallet, a third-party crypto custody service, or a paper wallet.
How do I convert Tron (TRX) to cash?
You can instantly exchange your Tron (TRX) for cash using KuCoin's Fast Trade feature. This feature enables you to convert TRX to your local fiat currency in just a few clicks. However, make sure to complete Identity Verification first to enjoy all the features you may need.
Fear & Greed Index
Note: Data is for reference only.
-- USD