Laika AI Price

Laika AI (LKI) Live Price Chart

Laika AI Live Price Data

The live price of Laika AI is $0.009970, with a total trading volume of $ 516,477 in the last 24 hours. The price of Laika AI changed by -9.95% in the past day, and its USD value has decreased by -5.02% over the last week. With a circulating supply of -- LKI, the market cap of Laika AI is currently -- USD, marking a --% increase today. Laika AI currently ranks #-- in market cap.
How do you feel about Laika AI today?
Note: This data is for reference only.

Laika AI(LKI) Profile

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About LKI

How can I buy Laika AI (LKI)?

Buying LKI on KuCoin is fast and simple. Create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and start your trading. It's that simple! See How to Buy Laika AI (LKI) for more information.

What Is Laika AI (LKI) Crypto?

Laika AI combines AI and blockchain technology to offer advanced tools and insights for crypto investors. It provides features like token contract analysis, wallet analysis, DeFi research, NFT authenticity checks, and AI-driven market analytics. This helps users make informed and strategic investment decisions.

Laika AI uses the BEP-20 token standard and has a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens. The platform emphasizes security, offering smart contract evaluations and phishing detection to protect users' assets. Laika AI empowers you with tools to navigate the complex world of crypto investments safely and efficiently by leveraging AI and blockchain technologies.

Laika AI aims to empower users with tools for DeFi analysis, NFT tracking, smart contract security, and more, leveraging partnerships with Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas to drive innovation in the blockchain ecosystem.

How Does Laika AI Work?

Laika AI harnesses the power of AI and blockchain technology to provide advanced tools and insights for cryptocurrency users. It helps you analyze market trends, assess risks, and make informed decisions.

Laika AI uses AI models to analyze historical and real-time market data. This helps you predict market trends and identify investment opportunities. It also provides tools for evaluating the security of smart contracts and detecting phishing attempts, which enhances the safety of your investments.

The platform integrates with various blockchain technologies, including Ethereum and Polygon, to offer real-time analytics on NFTs and DeFi projects. It also collaborates with other platforms like Chainlink for cross-chain data integration and Infura for scalable API access.

History of Laika AI and LKI Coin

Laika AI was created by a team of AI and blockchain experts. The platform was officially launched with its token sale ending on May 24, 2024.

Laika AI has a detailed roadmap focused on continuous innovation and community engagement. Key milestones include:

Future plans involve adding new AI-powered features, integrating with emerging Web3 technologies, and actively engaging with the community for feedback and development.

What Is LKI Token Used for?

The $LKI token is used within the Laika AI ecosystem to unlock various features and services:

  1. Access to Premium Features: Use LKI tokens to access advanced AI tools and services, including detailed market analysis, personalized trading tips, and forecast data.
  2. Staking Rewards: Stake your LKI tokens to earn rewards, such as lower transaction fees and higher priority for AI responses.
  3. Governance: Participate in platform governance by voting on new features, fee adjustments, and the direction of AI development.
  4. Discounts: Get discounts on subscription plans, educational content, and other services when you pay with LKI tokens.
  5. AI-Enhanced Portfolio Management: Pay with LKI tokens for AI-powered portfolio management services, including automated trading strategies and risk assessment.
  6. Tiered User Status: Holding more LKI tokens can increase your user status, unlocking benefits like advanced customer support and access to beta features.
  7. Rewards Programs: Earn LKI tokens by referring new users, participating in community discussions, and completing training modules.
  8. Trade LKI on KuCoin: Trade Laika AI token against other cryptocurrencies on the KuCoin Spot Market to profit from changing market conditions and volatility, but only after you DYOR. Buy, sell, or HODL $LKI based on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

What Is Laika AI Tokenomics?

The total supply of LKI tokens is capped at 1 billion. Laika AI’s token distribution is given below:

  • Seed Round: 8% (80,000,000 LKI), with an 8% initial release and a 12-month vesting period after a 3-month cliff.
  • Private Round: 12% (120,000,000 LKI), with an 11% initial release and a 12-month vesting period after a 3-month cliff.
  • Public Sale: 8% (80,000,000 LKI), with a 33% initial release and a 3-month vesting period.
  • Liquidity: 17% (170,000,000 LKI), unlocked linearly over 1 month.
  • Advisors: 5% (50,000,000 LKI), with a 3-month cliff and a 12-month vesting period.
  • Treasury: 10% (100,000,000 LKI), with a 1-month cliff and a 15-month vesting period.
  • Protocol Development: 10% (100,000,000 LKI), with a 6-month cliff and a 24-month vesting period.
  • Protocol Rewards: 13% (130,000,000 LKI), with a 2.7% initial release and a 36-month vesting period.
  • Team: 10% (100,000,000 LKI), with a 3-month cliff and a 12-month vesting period.
Laika AI (LKI) Price Movements ($)
PeriodChangeChange (%)
7 Days$-0.000528-5.02%
30 Days$0.00298142.67%
3 Months$0.00298142.67%
24H Investment Barometer
The Investment Barometer represents the current sentiment of the majority of KuCoin users. It is based on multiple indicators, and can be used as an aspect to take into consideration when planning investments.
Risk warning:Please note that the Investment Barometer is provided for informational purposes only and is not an investment advice. Investing carries risk. Please make investment decisions cautiously and based on your own judgement.
Strong SellSellNeutralBuyStrong Buy
Ratio of No. of Users Increased/Decreased Their HoldingsQuestionIcon
Ratio of Increased/Decreased AmountQuestionIcon
Ratio of No. of TradersQuestionIcon
No data
Ratio of Trading VolumeQuestionIcon
No data
Ratio of Buy/Sell OrdersQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Ratio of Buy/Sell Order ValueQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Laika AI Conversion Rate
  • 1 LKI to USD$0.00997002
  • 1 LKI to EUR€0.00930638
  • 1 LKI to AUD$0.01494815
  • 1 LKI to KRW₩13.77
  • 1 LKI to JPY¥1.6
  • 1 LKI to GBP£0.00788427
  • 1 LKI to INR₨0.83122866
  • 1 LKI to IDRRp163.03
  • 1 LKI to CAD$0.01363839
  • 1 LKI to RUB₽0.85486658


How much is 1 Laika AI (LKI) worth?
KuCoin provides real-time USD price updates for Laika AI (LKI). Laika AI price is affected by supply and demand, as well as market sentiment. Use the KuCoin Calculator to obtain real-time LKI to USD exchange rates.
Is Laika AI (LKI) a Good Investment?

Investing in Laika AI coin offers several potential advantages:

  1. Advanced AI Tools: Gain access to cutting-edge AI-driven tools for market analysis, DeFi research, NFT authenticity checks, and smart contract security. These tools provide valuable insights and help you make informed investment decisions.
  2. Staking Rewards: By staking LKI tokens, you support the network and earn rewards, incentivizing long-term participation and contributing to the platform's stability.
  3. Exclusive Access and Discounts: LKI token holders enjoy exclusive access to premium features and services, discounts on subscription plans, and priority access to future products and events. This enhances the value proposition for token holders.
  4. Governance Participation: As an LKI token holder, you can participate in governance decisions, influencing the development and direction of the platform. This includes voting on new features and adjustments to transaction fees.
  5. Partnerships and Integrations: Laika AI has strategic partnerships with major platforms like Google Cloud, MongoDB Atlas, Chainlink, and Polygon, which strengthen its technological infrastructure and expand its capabilities.
  6. Enhanced Security and Efficiency: The platform's security features protect against phishing threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring a safer investment environment. Automated tools and alerts save time and improve investment efficiency.
What Is Laika AI Price Prediction?

By understanding these factors, you can better anticipate the LKI price prediction:

  1. Market Demand and Supply of LKI Tokens: Like any other cryptocurrency, the Laika AI price is influenced by the balance between buyers and sellers. High demand with limited supply can drive the $LKI price up, while low demand with high supply can lower the LKI to USD price.
  2. Laika AI’s Adoption and Usage: Increased use of Laika AI's tools and services can boost the token's value. As more users and developers adopt Laika AI for its advanced AI and blockchain capabilities, the demand for LKI tokens rises, supporting the LKI to USD price.
  3. $LKI Staking and Rewards Programs: LKI tokens can be staked to earn rewards, incentivizing long-term holding. This reduces the circulating supply and can positively affect the LKI token price.
  4. Partnerships and Integrations: Strategic partnerships with well-known platforms like Google Cloud, Chainlink, and Polygon enhance Laika AI's credibility and functionality, attracting more investors and users, which can drive the LKI to USD price higher.
  5. Market Sentiment: General market sentiment towards cryptocurrencies and AI-driven projects can impact the LKI crypto price. Positive news, technological advancements, or successful implementation of features can improve sentiment and drive the LKI coin price up.
  6. Economic Events and Regulations: Broader economic conditions and regulatory changes in the crypto space can affect the price of Laika AI. Favorable regulations and a stable economic environment can boost investor confidence.
How to Stake LKI on Laika AI

Laika AI provides various benefits for staking, including earning rewards and supporting the network's growth and stability. The platform integrates advanced AI models to ensure a secure and efficient staking process. Here’s how LKI staking on Laika AI works:

  1. Access Staking Platform: Go to the Laika AI staking platform on their official website or through their browser extension.
  2. Select the Project: Review the available projects and click on the project you wish to support.
  3. Acquire Tokens: Purchase the necessary tokens for staking on the project of your choice. You can buy them on exchanges like KuCoin and transfer your tokens to a compatible crypto wallet, e.g., MetaMask.
  4. Stake Tokens: Connect your wallet to Laika AI’s staking platform and select the staking option. Enter the number of tokens you want to stake and confirm the transaction.
  5. Earn Rewards: After staking, you will start earning rewards based on the amount of tokens staked and the duration of the staking period.
What is the all-time high price of Laika AI (LKI)?
The all-time high price of Laika AI (LKI) is $0.016389. The current price of LKI is down 0.39% from its all-time high.
What is the all-time low price of Laika AI (LKI)?
The all-time low price of Laika AI (LKI) is $0.007518. The current price of LKI is up 0.33% from its all-time low.
What is the market cap of Laika AI (LKI)?
The current market cap of LKI is $44.28M. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of LKI by its real-time market price of $44.28M.
How do I store Laika AI (LKI)?
You can securely store your Laika AI in the custodial wallet on the KuCoin exchange without having to worry about managing your private keys. Other ways to store your LKI include using a self-custody wallet (on a web browser, mobile device, or desktop/laptop computer), a hardware wallet, a third-party crypto custody service, or a paper wallet.
How do I convert Polygon (MATIC) to cash?
You can instantly exchange your Polygon (MATIC) for cash using KuCoin's Fast Trade feature. This feature enables you to convert MATIC to your local fiat currency in just a few clicks. However, make sure to complete Identity Verification first to enjoy all the features you may need.
Fear & Greed Index
Note: Data is for reference only.
-- USD