NexGami Price

NexGami (NEXG) Live Price Chart

NexGami Live Price Data

The live price of NexGami is $0.01715, with a total trading volume of $ 229,813 in the last 24 hours. The price of NexGami changed by +7.04% in the past day, and its USD value has decreased by -20.49% over the last week. With a circulating supply of -- NEXG, the market cap of NexGami is currently -- USD, marking a --% increase today. NexGami currently ranks #-- in market cap.
How do you feel about NexGami today?
Note: This data is for reference only.

NexGami(NEXG) Profile

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About NEXG

How can I buy NexGami (NEXG)?

Buying NEXG on KuCoin is fast and simple. Create an account, verify your identity, deposit funds, and start your trading. It's that simple! See How to Buy NexGami (NEXG) for more information.

What Is NexGami (NEXG) Crypto?

NexGami (NEXG) is a Web3 gaming platform designed to bring traditional gamers into the Web3 sector. It hosts competitive gaming events and allows players to earn rewards. Developers can integrate their games easily, and content creators can share their experiences.

The platform redistributes revenue to users involved in creating and sharing content. NexGami also supports BRC-20 tokens and aims to become the largest Initial Game Offering (IGO) platform. It aspires to revolutionize game distribution by merging traditional and Web3 gaming.

How Does NexGami Work?

NexGami (NEXG) is a Web3 gaming platform that connects traditional gamers to the Web3 ecosystem. It enables you to participate in competitive gaming events and earn rewards. As a developer, you can easily integrate your games into the platform. Players can compete in tournaments, and content creators can share their experiences.

The NexGami platform redistributes revenue to those who create, share, and engage with content. It also functions as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where users can govern and benefit from the ecosystem using NFTs.

NexGami strongly emphasizes social interaction, encouraging cooperation and competition among guilds within the games. This social aspect helps keep players engaged and active on the platform.

History of NexGami and NEXG Coin

NexGami was founded by Brice Bian, who serves as the CEO. The company completed its seed round in May 2024, raising $2.5 million. This follows a successful pre-seed round in November 2023, which raised $2 million.

NexGami's roadmap includes several key milestones:

  • 2023: Pre-seed funding and development of initial game demos.
  • 2024: Launch of playable demos, Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) on multiple launchpads, and the NexGami token (NEXG) integration on KuCoin's BurningDrop.
  • 2025 and beyond: Official launch, expansion of game clusters, and the introduction of VR and AR interactions.

What Is NEXG Token Used for?

The $NEXG token serves multiple purposes within the NexGami Web3 gaming platform:

  1. Rewards: You can earn NEXG tokens by participating in and winning tournaments. The platform redistributes revenue to users who create and share content, ensuring active participants benefit financially.
  2. Governance: As a holder of NEXG tokens, you can participate in the platform's governance through a DAO. This allows you to vote on important decisions and proposals, influencing the platform's development and future.
  3. In-Game Purchases: You can use NEXG tokens to make purchases within games on the platform. This includes buying game assets, participating in exclusive events, and accessing premium features.
  4. Staking and Rewards: By staking your NEXG tokens, you can earn additional rewards. This incentivizes long-term holding and engagement with the platform.
  5. Trade NEXG on KuCoin: Trade NexGami token against other cryptocurrencies on the KuCoin Spot Market to make the most of changing market conditions and volatility, but only after you DYOR. Buy or sell $NEXG or HODL if you believe in the future potential of the NextGame GameFi platform based on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

What Is NexGami Tokenomics?

NexGami has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 NEXG tokens. The NEXG token distribution is as follows:

  • DAO Fund: 29.44% (294,350,509 NEXG)
  • Early Backers: 22.43% (224,338,119 NEXG)
  • Ecosystem & Strategic Backers: 11.24% (112,352,000 NEXG)
  • Team: 11.61% (116,097,420 NEXG)
  • Proxima Labs: 3.78% (37,783,010 NEXG)
  • NexGami Airdrop: 10.56% (105,631,496 NEXG)

Early backers, team members, and strategic backers have their tokens subject to a 1-year lockup followed by a linear release over the next 24 months. 50% of the airdrop tokens are also subject to this lockup and release schedule.

NexGami (NEXG) Price Movements ($)
PeriodChangeChange (%)
7 Days$-0.00443-20.50%
30 Days$-0.00282-14.10%
3 Months$-0.00282-14.10%
24H Investment Barometer
Strong Buy
The Investment Barometer represents the current sentiment of the majority of KuCoin users. It is based on multiple indicators, and can be used as an aspect to take into consideration when planning investments.
Risk warning:Please note that the Investment Barometer is provided for informational purposes only and is not an investment advice. Investing carries risk. Please make investment decisions cautiously and based on your own judgement.
Strong SellSellNeutralBuyStrong Buy
Ratio of No. of Users Increased/Decreased Their HoldingsQuestionIcon
Ratio of Increased/Decreased AmountQuestionIcon
Ratio of No. of TradersQuestionIcon
No data
Ratio of Trading VolumeQuestionIcon
No data
Ratio of Buy/Sell OrdersQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
Ratio of Buy/Sell Order ValueQuestionIcon
Buy Orders
Sell Orders
NexGami Conversion Rate
  • 1 NEXG to USD$0.01715079
  • 1 NEXG to EUR€0.01600917
  • 1 NEXG to AUD$0.02571436
  • 1 NEXG to KRW₩23.69
  • 1 NEXG to JPY¥2.75
  • 1 NEXG to GBP£0.01356281
  • 1 NEXG to INR₨1.42
  • 1 NEXG to IDRRp280.45
  • 1 NEXG to CAD$0.02346126
  • 1 NEXG to RUB₽1.47


How much is 1 NexGami (NEXG) worth?
KuCoin provides real-time USD price updates for NexGami (NEXG). NexGami price is affected by supply and demand, as well as market sentiment. Use the KuCoin Calculator to obtain real-time NEXG to USD exchange rates.
Is NexGami (NEXG) a Good Investment?

The following factors make NexGami an attractive investment opportunity, combining the best aspects of traditional gaming with the innovative potential of Web3.

  1. Integration of Traditional and Web3 Gaming: NexGami bridges the gap between traditional gaming and Web3, creating new opportunities for gamers and developers. This integration fosters a broader audience and innovative gaming experiences​.
  2. Revenue Redistribution: The platform redistributes all revenue to users who create, share, and engage with esports content. This ensures that active participants benefit directly from the ecosystem​.
  3. Seamless Developer Integration: Developers can easily integrate their games into the NexGami platform. This allows for the organization of tournaments and the sharing of gaming experiences, enhancing the overall user experience​.
  4. Social Interaction and Guild Systems: NexGami places a strong emphasis on social interaction. Guild members can cooperate and compete, leading to a more engaging and longer-lasting gaming experience​.
  5. First and Largest IGO Platform: NexGami aims to be the first and largest IGO platform for inscriptions games, positioning itself at the forefront of the gaming distribution landscape.
What Is NexGami Price Prediction?

These factors combined determine the market dynamics for NexGami (NEXG) and influence the NEXG price prediction:

  1. Market Demand and Supply of NEXG Tokens: The fundamental economic principles of supply and demand significantly impact the NexGami price. High demand with limited supply tends to drive prices up, while excess supply with lower demand can push the NEXG to USD price down​.
  2. NexGami’s Adoption and Usage: Increased usage and adoption of the NexGami platform can positively affect the NEXG price. As more developers integrate their games and more users participate in tournaments, the demand for NEXG tokens can increase​.
  3. Revenue Redistribution: NexGami redistributes revenue to users who engage with and create content. This mechanism can enhance user participation and loyalty, thereby supporting the NEXG token price by creating a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem​.
  4. Market Sentiment and Speculation: Market sentiment, including news, social media trends, and general investor perception, can cause fluctuations in the $NEXG price. Positive developments or partnerships can drive up the price, while negative news can lead to declines​ in the NEXG crypto price.
  5. NEXG Tokenomics and Vesting Schedules: The structured release of tokens through vesting schedules ensures a controlled supply, which can prevent sudden market saturation and stabilize the NEXG coin price. Periodic unlocking of tokens can impact short-term price movements as well​.
  6. External Economic Factors: Broader economic factors, such as changes in the overall cryptocurrency market, regulatory news, and macroeconomic trends, also influence the NexGami token price. Market-wide bullish trends can lift NEXG's price, while bearish trends can have the opposite effect.
How to Earn on NexGami

To earn on NexGami (NEXG), you have several options:

  1. Participate in NexGami Tournaments: Join and compete in gaming tournaments on the NexGami platform. Winning these competitions can earn you NEXG tokens as rewards.
  2. Engage in Content Creation on NexGami: Create and share gaming content. NexGami redistributes revenue to users who actively create and engage with content on the platform, offering another way to earn NEXG tokens.
  3. NEXG Airdrops: Participate in airdrop events. NexGami often runs campaigns where you can earn tokens by completing simple tasks like joining their social media channels, retweeting posts, or referring friends.
  4. Develop Games: If you are a developer, integrate your games into NexGami. The platform supports game developers by offering comprehensive Web3 services and revenue-sharing models, allowing you to earn from game transactions and engagement.
What is the market cap of NexGami (NEXG)?
The current market cap of NEXG is $100.13M. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of NEXG by its real-time market price of $100.13M.
How do I store NexGami (NEXG)?
You can securely store your NexGami in the custodial wallet on the KuCoin exchange without having to worry about managing your private keys. Other ways to store your NEXG include using a self-custody wallet (on a web browser, mobile device, or desktop/laptop computer), a hardware wallet, a third-party crypto custody service, or a paper wallet.
How do I convert Bitcoin (BTC) to cash?
You can instantly exchange your Bitcoin (BTC) for cash using KuCoin's Fast Trade feature. This feature enables you to convert BTC to your local fiat currency in just a few clicks. However, make sure to complete Identity Verification first to enjoy all the features you may need.
Fear & Greed Index
Note: Data is for reference only.
-- USD