Proof of Work (PoW)

Proof of Work (PoW)


    blockchain networks to validate transactions and create new blocks within the decentralized environment of the blockchain. A blockchain utilizing the proof of work consensus algorithm depends on nodes known as miners to provide computational resources for solving complex mathematical problems while verifying transactions and contributing to block production.


    In exchange for their contribution of computing power - known as the mining hashrate, the miners are rewarded in cryptocurrencies that get mined due to block production. Over time, the complexity of the mathematical calculations increases, causing the mining hashrate to rise, making it more challenging to add new blocks and mine new cryptocurrencies.


    This is one of the key reasons why proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin have come under severe criticism, as they have high energy requirements for operations. The cost of keeping a PoW blockchain is exceptionally high, but it is a compromise as the increased complexity also increases such a network's security level.


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