KuCoin Spotlight
Spotlight'ta Token Arz Fiyatı
0,00625 USDT
Spotlight'ta Sunulan Token Miktarı
Kullanıcı Başına Üst Sınır
16.000 VCORE
Katılım Başlangıcı
16.06.2023 00:00:00
Katılımın Bitişi
19.06.2023 00:00:00
Hesaplaması ve Doğrulanma Sonucu
19.06.2023 07:00:00
Sonuçların Açıklanması
19.06.2023 14:00:00
Token Dağıtımı
20.06.2023 02:00:00


Bireysel kimlik doğrulamasını yapmak.(Kimlik doğrulamanızı katılım döneminin kapanmasından en az 6-8 saat önce gönderin).
Görmek için giriş yapın
Desteklenen bir ülkede/bölgede bulunmak.
Token Satış Sözleşmesini kabul edip imzalamak.

lineiconToken Satış Detayları

Subscription Start
2023-6-16 00:00:00 (UTC)
Subscription End
2023-6-19 00:00:00 (UTC)
Total Token Supply
8,000,000,000 VCORE
Token Sale Price
0.00625 USDT
Spotlight Allocation
40,000,000 VCORE
Spotlight Hard Cap
Individual Allocation
16,000 VCORE (100 USDT)
Purchase Token Supported
Price Ratio
The actual price ratio of KCS will be announced on the day of the Token Sale
Token Type
Spotlight Vesting Period
1/2 will be unlocked on the Token Generation Event (TGE). After 30 days, an additional 1/2 shall be released, such that all Spotlight allocations are released within one month from the TGE date.


IMVU is a pioneer in the metaverse space, operating community-run virtual worlds since 2004 with millions of global monthly active users and a dynamic community lead economy. The VCORE token, developed by MetaJuice, IMVU's blockchain division, aims to unlock metaverse value through blockchain-driven assets. As an ERC-20 token, VCORE launches into the IMVU metaverse with a number of capabilities/upgrades that VCORE will enable for IMVU's global community. VCORE will do this by becoming an important part of: the IMVU metaverse economy, the game/social play reward system, NFT minting and purchasing, paying earners, and delivering community-led governance.

Token Dağıtımı

AmountShareLock-up Schedule
1 to 12 months cliff, variable unlock over 12 to 20 months
KuCoin Spotlight
TGE 50%, unlock 50% 1 month later
Liquidity Provision
TGE 25%, unlock 25% quarterly
Community & Ecosystem Development
TGE 1.33%, 3 months cliff, unlock over 95 months
Core Contributors
6 to 12 months cliff, variable unlock over 8 years
3 months cliff, then linearly unlock in 8 years
18 months cliff, then linearly unlock in 8 years

Dağıtım Tablosu

KuCoin Spotlight
Liquidity Provision
Community & Ecosystem Development
Core Contributors

lineiconSık Sorulan Sorular

1. Is there any notification if I won the lottery Ticket?

Yes, you can check it via spotlight activity page and KuCoin will send App push notification to all users who win the Lottery Ticket.

2. When will the token be distributed and will there be a notification?

With the App push notification, KuCoin will distribute VCORE tokens from 02:00 on June 20, 2023 to 09:00 on June 20, 2023 (UTC).

3. Will the deduction be supplemented if the deduction fails? Will there be a notification?

Yes, the deduction be supplemented with App push notification if the deduction fails. At least 20 KCS is recommended in your TRADING ACCOUNT to ensure a successful deduction.

4. Important notice:

Persons and residents from U.S. and Mainland China are not eligible for participation in the sale or distribution of VCORE.

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