Blast Airdrop Guide: How to Unlock Yield Potential
iconTin tức KuCoin
2024-06-24 08:37
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Blast is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solution designed to offer native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Blast has confirmed an airdrop for early users, offering early investors and users an opportunity to earn BLAST tokens.


Quick Take 

  1. Blast L2 lets users earn 4% interest on ETH and 5% on stablecoins, providing a significant advantage over other L2 solutions.

  2. Early users of Blast can earn and convert airdrop points and Blast Gold to BLAST tokens, enhancing user engagement.

  3. Blast has raised $20 million from prominent investors like Paradigm and Standard Crypto, ensuring strong financial backing.

What Is Blast Ethereum L2 Network? 

Unlike other L2s with a default interest rate of 0%, Blast stands out by providing a 4% interest rate for ETH and 5% for stablecoins. This unique feature, combined with a robust ecosystem and significant investor backing, positions Blast as a game-changer in the blockchain industry. 


Blast’s integration with Dune enhances data accessibility. Users can generate dashboards and queries, exploring transaction volumes and smart contract interactions within the Blast network.


Read more: Top Crypto Projects in the Blast Layer-2 Network


All About the Blast Airdrop 

Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Blast is all set to launch its airdrop on June 26, 2024, To qualify, you need to bridge ETH or supported stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI) to the Blast Layer 2 network before the mainnet launch. Use an invite code to access the platform, connect your Twitter and Discord accounts, and engage with the Blast ecosystem

When to Claim Blast Token Airdrop 

  1. June 25th: Deadline for dApps to ensure all Gold and Points are allocated to users.

  2. June 26th: Conversion of earned airdrop points and Blast Gold to BLAST tokens.

How to Qualify for the Blast Airdrop 

To qualify for the airdrop:


  • Log In to the Blast Dashboard: Ensure you log in at least once with your EOA and link any embedded EVM-compatible wallets, such as MetaMask.

  • Secure Your Entitlement: This ensures your points and Gold holdings are accurately accounted for.

How to Participate in Blast Airdrop 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you maximize your airdrop rewards:


  1. Visit the Blast Website: Start by visiting the official Blast website.

  2. Use an Invite Code: Enter an invite code to access the platform.

  3. Connect Your Wallet: Follow Blast on Twitter and Discord, then connect your web3 wallet.

  4. Bridge Your Assets: Transfer ETH or supported stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI) from the Ethereum network to Blast L2 using the bridge on the Blast platform. Ensure you have enough ETH to cover transaction fees.  

  5. Earn Points and Interest: Once your assets are bridged, you start earning Blast points based on the amount bridged and a 4% interest rate on ETH and 5% on stablecoins. Participate in the Early Access campaign for a 10x multiplier on points. Interact with dApps on Blast to earn Blast Gold.

  6. Participate in Multiplier Campaigns: Engage with highlighted dApps on Blast to earn multipliers that boost your points. Ensure all Privy wallets for dApps are linked to your Blast dashboard profile.

  7. Invite Friends: Use the referral system to invite friends. You earn additional points from their activity.

  8. Earn Blast Gold: Interact with dApps to earn Blast Gold, which can be converted to BLAST tokens along with your points on June 26th.

  9. Monitor Your Progress: Track your points and Blast Gold on the Blast dashboard. Engage with the platform regularly to maximize your rewards.

Read more: How to Connect to Blast Mainnet


Remember to verify your transactions and check your balance within the Blast platform. Be cautious of phishing attempts and only interact with official channels to avoid scams. 


Closing Thoughts 

Blast is setting new standards in the blockchain ecosystem with its innovative yield offerings and robust user rewards. With substantial investor backing and a clear roadmap, Blast has the potential to redefine how users interact with L2 solutions. 


While the opportunities to maximize earnings are enticing, it is essential to remember that all investments carry risks. Ensure that you thoroughly research and consider your risk tolerance before participating. Stay informed and make the most of what Blast has to offer by staying engaged and proactive.


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