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  • 美國 GDP 強勁增長引發股市不確定性和比特幣拋售

    在美國發佈強於預期的經濟數據後,金融市場今天開盤時承受壓力。根據The Block的報導,第二季度的GDP增長率年化達到2.8%,遠高於預期的2%。這是從第一季度1.4%的增長率中顯著跳升。   快速概述 第二季度GDP飆升至2.8%,超過預期的2%。PCE物價指數上升至2.9%,高於預測的2.7%。 FedWatch工具顯示9月份降息的機率為100%。 大型科技股和加密貨幣經歷了拋售。比特幣接近其50日移動平均線,加密市場也陷入低迷。  PCE物價指數飆升至2.9%,聯儲會何時降息?  此外,作為關鍵的通脹指標,個人消費支出(PCE)物價指數上升至2.9%,超出預期的2.7%。這一數據對聯邦儲備局的利率決策有重大影響。Hargreaves Lansdown的投資分析主管Emma Wall指出,強勁的經濟增長加上略高的通脹可能會減少聯儲會在短期內降息的迫切性。   聯儲會會在11月降息嗎? | 來源:CME FedWatch    根據最近的路透社調查,經濟學家預計美聯儲不會在11月之前降息,維持目前5.25-5.5%的區間。CME FedWatch工具也反映了這一情緒,顯示11月降息的機率為60%。   市場經歷大幅拋售,隨著Alphabet股價下跌5%,科技板塊受挫 S&P 500, 道瓊斯和納斯達克經歷拋售 | 資料來源:雅虎財經    結果,美國主要股票指數開盤時呈負面,但略有回升。S&P、道瓊斯和納斯達克後來都重回正值。然而,加密貨幣和貴金屬繼續在負面區域交易。例如,比特幣下跌至$64,723,24小時內下降了2.56%。黃金和白銀也出現下跌,其中白銀價格達到自5月以來的最低點。   儘管經濟數據強勁,市場仍面臨廣泛拋售。投資者正在重新評估大科技股的高估值以及人工智慧投資的回報時間。Nuklai產品主管Daniel Van Der Woude強調了對Alphabet混合結果的關注,儘管其收益超過預期。由於廣告收入疲弱和資本支出增加,該股下滑了5%,儘管對Alphabet的人工智慧和雲技術保持樂觀。   Stocklytics 的分析師 Neil Roarty 指出,白銀最近的下跌可能是由於在年初顯著增長後的獲利回吐。他還提到,唐納德·特朗普在即將到來的美國選舉中勝選對白銀的綠色能源需求可能產生的影響。   閱讀更多: 比特幣在特朗普暗殺未遂後飆升至 62,000 美元:特朗普效應   比特幣接近 50 天移動平均線,隨著加密貨幣市場下跌  BTC/USDT 價格圖表 | 來源: TradingView    在加密貨幣市場中,更廣泛的拋售也產生了影響。根據 FxPro 的高級市場分析師 Alex Kuptsikevich 的說法,傳統金融市場的壓力已經蔓延到加密貨幣。市場在過去 24 小時內下跌了 3.5%,比特幣接近其 50 天移動平均線,這是一個關鍵的支撐位。   然而,Kuptsikevich 指出比特幣仍有一線希望。技術分析工具 Hash Ribbons 指標顯示了潛在的買入機會。該指標最近剛剛脫離「投降」階段,歷史上這通常預示著價格將大幅上升。   以太坊,第二大加密貨幣,也受到了影響。它下跌超過9%至3,150美元,測試其200天移動平均線。最近推出的以太坊ETF與納斯達克指數大幅下跌同時發生,也加劇了拋售情緒。   閱讀更多:SEC 批准現貨以太坊 ETF 後的以太坊價格預測?   中國人民銀行將利率下調至2.3%,令市場意外 加劇不確定性的是,中國人民銀行(PBOC)意外地提前降息,將一年期中期貸款便利利率從2.5%下調至2.3%。此舉向市場注入了2000億元人民幣(275億美元),引發了對中國經濟不穩定的擔憂。   結論 儘管市場動盪,一些分析師認為經濟數據顯示美國經濟潛在的強勁。ING 銀行經濟學家 James Knightly 建議,個人消費支出(PCE)數據可能表明朝著聯儲會 2% 通脹目標的進展,這可能支持今年晚些時候降息的理由。   6 月耐用品訂單呈現混合狀況,整體訂單顯著下降,但扣除交通工具後的訂單則略有上升。這些數據反映了持續的經濟不確定性,這可能會增強比特幣作為對傳統市場波動避險的吸引力。   總結來說,儘管強勁的 GDP 增長和上升的 PCE 數據引發了對未來降息的更多猜測,但市場反應謹慎。大型科技股、加密貨幣和貴金屬都因全球經濟發展和投資者情緒影響而出現拋售。未來幾周將是決定這些趨勢是否會持續或市場是否會穩定的關鍵。

  • 比特幣現貨ETF打破連續12天流入紀錄,比特幣仍保持在66,000美元以上

    比特幣現貨交易所交易基金 (ETFs) 在週二出現了7800萬美元的淨流出,結束了12天的淨流入趨勢。Bitwise的BITB領導了淨流出,達到7000萬美元,其次是Ark的ARKB,達到5200萬美元,而Grayscale的GBTC為2700萬美元。相比之下,BlackRock的IBIT ETF 則出現了7200萬美元的淨流入,推動其管理資產(AUM)首次超過220億美元。   簡要概述  比特幣ETF出現7800萬美元的淨流出,結束了12天的淨流入趨勢。Bitwise的BITB領導了7000萬美元的淨流出,而BlackRock的IBIT則出現了7200萬美元的淨流入。BTC價格穩定在66000美元以上。 以太坊ETF啟動,淨流入達到1.07億美元。 市場等待美國總統候選人關於潛在加密貨幣監管更新的消息。 知名分析師Willy Woo提出了一份平衡的比特幣技術分析,包含了看漲和看跌的指標。   市場在此活動中看到以太坊ETF啟動,淨流入達到1.07億美元,交易量超過10億美元。儘管比特幣ETF出現淨流出,但BTC價格穩定在66000美元以上,過去24小時內小幅下跌0.5%。   閱讀更多: 現貨以太坊ETF大放異彩:首日交易量達10.8億美元   比特幣在7月25日納什維爾比特幣會議前將迎來低波動性 交易員預計,在美國總統候選人提供更多有關未來加密貨幣法規的評論之前,BTC 價格走勢將持續低迷。   CoinMarketCap 的研究主管劉愛麗指出:“市場目前處於『觀望』模式,等待特朗普7月25日在納什維爾會議上的演講,預計他可能宣布將 BTC 用於國家儲備。”   劉補充說:“如果這樣的情況發生,將會引發比特幣價格的拋物線上漲。” 與此同時,新加坡的 QCP Capital 在Telegram 廣播中提到,在選舉前動力累積之前,價格可能會保持低迷,因為潛在的賣壓來自美國政府和 Mt. Gox。   閱讀更多:比特幣因特朗普猜測和 ETF 流入而飆升:它能突破71,500美元嗎?   Mt. Gox 轉移了價值 28 億美元的 BTC 儲備 倒閉的比特幣交易所 Mt. Gox 於週三將新一批資產轉移到新錢包,可能會抑制價格反彈的機會。Arkham 數據顯示,Mt. Gox 將其主錢包中的 37,400 BTC(價值 25 億美元)轉移到新錢包“12Gws9E”,並將另外 3 億美元轉移到現有的冷錢包。額外的 1.3 億美元被轉移到加密貨幣交易所 Bitstamp。儘管有這些變動,BTC 價格仍保持穩定。   Mt. Gox 目前持有價值 60 億美元的 BTC,低於 7 月初的 90 億美元。這些變動反映了週二的轉移,其中 1.3 億美元移至 Bitstamp,並在錢包之間轉移了 25 億美元。數位在 Kraken 的債權人報告說,他們的個人帳戶中已收到比特幣償還。   閱讀更多: Mt. Gox 的 100 億美元比特幣償還會削弱 BTC 價格嗎?   Willy Woo 的比特幣技術分析:預期價格短期內將壓縮至 77,000 美元?  領先的加密分析師 Willy Woo 最近提供了對比特幣的深入分析,強調了影響他對這一頂級數字資產看法的五個宏觀信號。他的分析包括三個看漲和看跌的指標,這些指標可能會影響比特幣的走向。   看漲信號 比特幣的看漲信號 | 來源:Willy Woo on X   礦工投降結束:Woo指出,礦工投降的結束是一個重要的看漲指標。在這個階段,礦工停止大量出售比特幣,通常會導致價格上漲。比特幣哈希率,反映了挖礦的計算能力,正在因M66s和S21 Pros等新硬件的驅動下回升。 Puell Multiple:這個指標衡量礦工的相對利潤與過去的收入。Woo將其解釋為一個雙重的宏觀信號。首先,當盈利能力處於最低點時,會出現宏觀底部。其次,當比特幣減半將礦工收入減少50%時,會出現信號底部,為牛市提供了條件。根據Woo的說法,我們目前處於第二階段,這表明礦工很快會獲得良好的利潤,可能會導致公開上市礦工股票的突破。 全球流動性:全球流動性的增加支撐了市場樂觀情緒。貨幣供應的增加通常會導致傳統金融(TradFi)等部門將資金分配給比特幣等風險資產。初步跡象表明,這方面正在突破,吸引更多投資流入比特幣和其他加密貨幣。 看跌信號 比特幣流入現貨交易所:Woo強調,比特幣流入現貨交易所的大幅增加是拋售的常見前兆。值得注意的是,最近有50,000 BTC從Mt. Gox轉移到Kraken,表明可能即將出現拋售。 以太坊現貨ETF的推出:以太坊現貨ETF的推出可能會暫時將資本從比特幣現貨ETF轉移到以太坊,對比特幣構成看跌的發展。 儘管有這些看跌信號,Woo仍然保持樂觀。他表示,“總的來說,我們在需求和供應方面進行拉鋸戰。依我看,看漲因素超過看跌因素。在短期內,比特幣只需突破73,000美元即可點燃短期逼空至77,000美元的導火索,超過這個水平後,將沒有任何阻礙價格發現的因素。”   比特幣價格走勢:賣方擔憂使比特幣保持在68,000美元以下 BTC/USDT價格圖 | 來源:KuCoin    BTC 的價格走勢在較低的時間框架內仍處於波動狀態,此前的反彈最初將市場推升至 $68,000 以上。然而,由於持續向 Mt. Gox 債權人的支付以及市場對美國現貨以太坊 ETF 的接受程度,賣方的擔憂仍然存在。根據 MiningPoolStats 的監控資源,截至 7 月 22 日,比特幣的算力為每秒 676 exahashes。   儘管市場仍在等待監管更新和潛在的催化劑,但 BTC 的長期前景看起來樂觀,特別是最近的哈希絲帶指標發出的買入信號,表明價格可能會大幅上升。   結論 最近比特幣 ETF 的資金流出突顯了市場在等待美國政治環境的關鍵監管更新時的謹慎態度。儘管出現這些資金流出,BTC 價格的穩定性和 Willy Woo 分析中傳達的樂觀信號為比特幣的未來表現提供了希望的前景。投資者保持警惕,關注可能推動市場進入下一個牛市階段的重要公告。

  • 比特幣因特朗普猜測和ETF資金流入飆升:它能突破$71,500嗎?

    比特幣價格週三飆升,延續了近期因圍繞唐納德·特朗普可能當選總統及以太坊ETF獲批的猜測而引發的反彈。比特幣在過去24小時內上漲2%,截至東部時間01:41達到65,803.3美元。   快速觀察  比特幣價格在特朗普猜測和機構資金流入的推動下升至65,000美元以上。 Mt Gox動用28億美元的比特幣,但市場吸收了其影響。 現貨比特幣ETF在過去一週內的淨流入超過13億美元。 黑石的比特幣ETF在7月16日錄得2.6億美元的顯著流入,這是連續第八天的資金流入。 特朗普激發樂觀情緒,Mt. Gox將28億美元BTC轉至交易所 特朗普贏得第二個任期的前景為加密市場注入了樂觀情緒。以其親加密立場著稱的特朗普將在納什維爾的比特幣會議上發表演講。其最近在未遂刺殺事件後的受歡迎程度激增,進一步提振了市場情緒。特朗普的競選活動接受加密捐款,並計劃發行更多的NFT。   閱讀更多: 特朗普計劃發行第四批NFT系列,儘管PolitiFi硬幣仍備受關注    與此同時,已倒閉的加密交易所Mt Gox已將約28億美元的比特幣轉至交易所,可能是為了計劃中的分配。這一舉動最初令市場感到恐慌,導致比特幣在7月初跌至四個月低點。然而,市場隨後反彈,四天內收復了所有損失。   閱讀更多:Mt. Gox 的 100 億美元比特幣償還會削弱 BTC 價格嗎?   美國現貨比特幣 ETF 在 7 月 16 日淨流入超過 4.22 億美元 美國現貨比特幣 ETF 流入和流出 | 資料來源:Glassnode    機構投資者的興趣也在比特幣的復甦中發揮了至關重要的作用。ETF 流入激增,7 月 8 日至 7 月 12 日期間,比特幣投資產品錄得 13.47 億美元的流入。CoinShares 的數據證實了這一點,顯示出重大的每週流入量。現貨比特幣 ETF 已連續七天錄得淨流入,7 月 15 日有超過 3 億美元流入了 11 隻美國 ETF。   BlackRock 的 iShares 比特幣信託基金在 7 月 16 日從投資者那裡籌集了 2.6 億美元,對現貨比特幣 ETF 的淨流入貢獻了大量資金。這標誌著美國現貨比特幣 ETF 的淨流入連續第八天為正,總計 4.225 億美元,這是自 6 月 5 日以來的最佳表現。   其他值得注意的流入包括Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund,流入6100萬美元,以及ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF,流入2980萬美元。儘管這些基金有大量流入,但像Grayscale和WisdomTree發行的現貨比特幣ETF未能登記任何流入。   閱讀更多:比特幣ETF投資者逢低買入:交易者利用市場下跌流入3億美元   比特幣突破65,000美元,下個目標71,500美元?  比特幣技術分析,由Rekt Capital提供 | 來源:X    根據KuCoin數據,比特幣價格目前為65,300美元。分析師預測,比特幣在突破65,000美元後可能向71,500美元邁進。從歷史上看,突破這一障礙通常會導致顯著的上升運動。   加密貨幣交易員Rekt Capital指出,突破$65,000可能會使比特幣在$65,000-$71,500之間波動。今年這個區間已經多次被測試,通常會導致進一步的增長。   閱讀更多: 為什麼比特幣價格今天上漲?   比特幣技術前景:NVT金叉在-1.8,暗示潛在反彈  CryptoQuant最近的分析指出,比特幣的網絡價值與交易量(NVT)金叉目前處於一個暗示BTC可能被低估的水平。NVT比率衡量比特幣市值與其交易量之間的比率。高值表明資產可能被高估,而低值則表明其可能有增長空間。   NVT金叉是NVT比率的修改版本,將其短期趨勢(10日移動平均線)與其長期趨勢(30日移動平均線)進行比較。這有助於識別潛在的頂部和底部。歷史上,當NVT金叉跌破-1.6線時,比特幣被認為是被低估的。   下圖顯示了過去幾年比特幣NVT黃金交叉的趨勢:   比特幣NVT黃金交叉 | 資料來源:CryptoQuant    最近,NVT黃金交叉下降至低估區域,類似於今年早些時候現貨ETF批准後的市場下跌。這一下降隨後迎來了新高點 (ATH) 的反彈。目前NVT黃金交叉的值為-1.8,這表明比特幣可能仍處於低估狀態,有潛力進一步上漲。   $14.7億美元的空頭倉位在$71,500面臨強制平倉風險 比特幣未平倉合約 (OI) | 資料來源:CoinGlass    儘管市場看漲情緒濃厚,但在$71,500可能會有大量空頭倉位被清算。根據CoinGlass數據,大約有14.7億美元的空頭倉位處於風險之中,這表明交易者有信心價格近期不會達到這一水平。然而,未平倉合約(OI)在過去五天內激增了13%,顯示出未來交易者的興趣重新增強。   鏈上數據顯示賣家已經力竭:Glassnode  德國政府用盡其比特幣供應 | 資料來源:Glassnode    市場情報公司Glassnode將比特幣近期價格上漲歸因於“德國政府賣方壓力的完全耗盡”。德國政府曾是重要賣家,迅速耗盡了其48.8k BTC的餘額。這些賣出大多發生在比特幣約54,000美元時,表明市場已經將這次拋售計入價格中。   此外,交易所流量的下降表明賣壓減少。Glassnode報告自3月創下歷史新高以來,交易所交易量顯著下降。目前交易量已穩定在約每天15億美元,進一步緩解了賣方壓力。   結論 比特幣最近的價格上漲是多種因素共同作用的結果,包括對特朗普總統任期的投機、機構資金流入,以及來自Mt Gox和德國政府的減少賣壓。在機構投資者的積極情緒和潛在的監管變化的推動下,比特幣可能會進一步上漲,測試新的阻力位。然而,必須記住,加密貨幣市場波動性極高。在做出任何投資決策之前,請務必自行研究並考慮風險。  

  • 特朗普計劃推出他的第四個NFT收藏,即使PolitiFi硬幣仍然備受關注

    唐納德·特朗普計劃發布第四個NFT系列,顯示出他對加密行業日益增長的舒適感和參與度。同時,PolitiFi 代幣在特朗普在週末的暗殺未遂事件後繼續在加密市場發光,他選擇了一位對加密友好的競選夥伴J.D. Vance。   快速摘要  前總統唐納德·特朗普計劃發布第四個NFT系列。 特朗普對加密貨幣的舒適度正在增加,他繼續接受數字貨幣捐款,並為他的競選活動籌集了300萬美元的加密捐款。 俄亥俄州參議員J.D. Vance,一個該行業的聲音擁護者,被選為特朗普的競選夥伴,表明他們強烈支持加密貨幣。 美國的加密場景可能見證向一個受監管但整合的加密經濟的潛在轉變,有積極的市場反應和支持該行業的立法努力。 特朗普的下一個NFT系列即將推出? 在接受《彭博商業周刊》採訪時,特朗普對他之前的NFT系列的成功表示滿意,這些系列迅速售罄。“整個事情賣光了:45,000張卡片。我做了三次,現在會再做一次,因為人們希望我再做一次。這是不可思議的精神。非常美好,”特朗普表示。   這位前總統此前在五月份為他的頭像NFT持有者在海湖莊園舉行的一場晚宴上曾暗示過可能會有另一個NFT系列。最初沒有明確承諾的特朗普現在顯得更加果斷,受供需原則的驅動。“一個做得很好,兩個做得很好,三個做得很好。也許某個時候可能會轉變,”他當時提到。   看看特朗普迄今為止的親加密競選活動  特朗普的競選活動從5月開始接受加密貨幣捐款,並且得到了加密貨幣社區的大力支持。《華爾街日報》的一份報告指出,在上季度特朗普競選活動籌集的3.31億美元中,有300萬美元來自加密貨幣捐款。這一可觀的數額突顯了加密貨幣在政治籌款中日益增加的接受度和整合度。   從特朗普在籌款活動中與主要參與者的互動可以看出他對加密貨幣行業的日益熟悉。特朗普告訴《彭博商業週刊》:“我在籌款活動中認識了很多來自加密貨幣行業的人,稱他們為‘頂尖人物’。”曾經是懷疑論者的特朗普現在認為,擁抱加密貨幣對於美國保持競爭優勢至關重要,尤其是對抗像中國這樣的國家。   閱讀更多: 隨著特朗普躲過暗殺企圖,PolitiFi 代幣獲得牽引力   支持加密貨幣的競選夥伴 特朗普選擇俄亥俄州參議員J.D. Vance作為他的競選夥伴,這是他對加密貨幣行業承諾的另一個明確指示。Vance以支持加密貨幣而聞名,一直是該行業的積極倡導者。他批評了美國的“通過執法進行監管”制度,並且在起草對加密貨幣友好的立法方面發揮了重要作用。Vance不僅在政治上參與加密貨幣,他還個人投資了比特幣,這凸顯了他對這項技術的信念。   2023年,Vance提出了一項法案,旨在保護銀行免受監管壓力,避免其與加密貨幣平台斷絕關係。他還對美國證券交易委員會(SEC)對去中心化金融(DeFi)協議的激進行動發表了看法。他起草的參議院立法被認為比眾議院的《21世紀金融創新與技術法案》(FIT21)更加支持加密貨幣。   美國加密貨幣的未來 在特朗普和范斯領導下的白宮對加密貨幣友好的重要性不容小覷。目前,美國的監管環境常被視為抑制加密貨幣領域創新。一個明確支持加密貨幣的特朗普政府可能會帶來迫切需要的監管透明,從而促進區塊鏈技術在金融系統中的更大整合。   歷史上,美國監管機構對區塊鏈協議實施了任意和懲罰性的執法行動,導致了一個分裂的系統。這導致了一個由未受監管的Web3協議和緩慢進展的受監管機構組成的自由放任的生態系統。解決方案在於監管透明,這是特朗普政府可能追求的目標。   美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 可以在符合現有披露要求的情況下接受代幣化證券的發行,而商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) 則可以監管加密貨幣現貨市場和區塊鏈網絡,包括去中心化交易所。對安全透明的美元支持穩定幣(如 Circle 的USD Coin (USDC))的明確指導,可能會引發鏈上美元化的激增,鞏固美國在數字經濟中的領先地位。   PolitiFi Coins 繼續看漲:MAGA (TRUMP) 週漲幅超過36% TRUMP 價格走勢圖 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    特朗普對加密貨幣的不斷變化的立場也影響了PolitiFi幣的表現,特別是MAGA (TRUMP) 代幣。在宣布范斯作為其競選夥伴後,這些代幣出現了顯著的飆升。特別是MAGA (TRUMP) 代幣,其價值顯著上升,反映了市場對親加密貨幣政府的積極反應。    過去一周內,MAGA (TRUMP) 代幣上升了約36%,目前交易價格約為$7.79,市值超過$3.67億。這一表現強調了政治發展與加密市場動態之間的緊密聯繫。   閱讀更多:特朗普迷因幣MAGA價格在暗殺企圖後飆升64%   結論 特朗普轉向擁抱加密貨幣不僅僅是關於創新,也是關於國家安全。特朗普強調了在這一領域領先的戰略重要性,他說:“如果我們不這麼做,中國會接手,中國會擁有它——或者其他人,但最有可能是中國。”   特朗普計劃發行第四個NFT系列,接受加密貨幣捐款,以及選擇J.D. Vance作為他的競選夥伴,這些都表明未來可能會更加友好於加密貨幣。隨著潛在的監管明確化,美國的加密貨幣行業可能即將迎來更多的整合和發展。觀察者將密切關注這些進展,因為它們可能會重塑全球加密貨幣的格局。  閱讀更多: 美國總統大選期間值得關注的頂級PolitiFi代幣

  • 為什麼比特幣價格今天上漲?

    比特幣最近經歷了顯著上漲,價格突破了64,000美元,這一切受到了多種有影響力的因素驅動,引起了投資者和更廣泛的加密貨幣社區的關注。主要發展包括ARK投資管理公司和貝萊德管理的比特幣ETF的大量資金流入,Mt. Gox的比特幣轉移以及MetaPlanet的大量購買。此外,在即將到來的美國總統選舉中,特朗普勝選的可能性增加,也進一步推動了比特幣的上漲。 快速摘要 由於ARK和貝萊德的ETF流入3億美元,比特幣上漲了12%。 比特幣從Mt. Gox償還和德國29億美元比特幣出售中強勁復甦。 特朗普勝選的可能性增加顯著推動了比特幣的價值 ETF單日流入超過3億美元 比特幣價格上漲的主要催化劑之一是大量資金流入比特幣ETF。ARK投資管理公司和貝萊德這兩家知名資產管理公司旗下的比特幣ETF各自吸引了超過1億美元的資金流入。這些金融工具允許投資者在不需要直接擁有加密貨幣的情況下,獲得比特幣價格變動的敞口。這些ETF資金流入表明了機構和零售投資者對比特幣作為投資資產的興趣和信心日益增長。 來源:Cointelegraph    最新數據顯示,7月15日比特幣ETF單日流入量令人震驚地達到了3億美元。十一隻現貨比特幣基金共計凈流入3.009億美元,其中貝萊德和ARK投資管理公司領先,當天各自吸引了1.172億美元的流入。 比特幣從Mt. Gox償還和德國29億美元比特幣出售中復甦 Mt. Gox,這家臭名昭著的加密貨幣交易所在2014年遭遇重大黑客攻擊,最近從冷錢包轉移了47200個比特幣,價值近30億美元,至一個未知的錢包。這筆大量比特幣的轉移引起了加密社區的好奇和猜測。雖然這次轉移的具體原因尚不清楚,但它在過去一週內壓低了比特幣價格。   此外,德國完成29億美元的比特幣銷售後,比特幣擺脫了下行壓力。德國政府最近完成了其在司法扣押期間獲得的大量比特幣的清算。這一大規模操作於7月12日結束,最後銷售了3846個BTC,共計近50000個BTC被出售。儘管這次大規模清算帶來了下行壓力,但比特幣表現出顯著的韌性,機構投資者抓住了這一機會,這可以從大量資金流入美國的比特幣ETF中看出。分析師預測即將出現看漲突破,目標高達70000美元,這表明比特幣將迎來強勁的復甦和潛在的新看漲階段。   MetaPlanet 投資2億日元於比特幣 在另一項重大發展中,比特幣投資公司MetaPlanet購買了價值約2億日元的比特幣。這一舉動反映了大型公司對加密貨幣的興趣和信心日益增加。MetaPlanet的投資強調了比特幣作為企業投資組合中有價值資產的日益認可,進一步強化了其作為主流投資的潛力。   特朗普勝選概率增加提振比特幣價格  由於市場認為特朗普在即將到來的美國總統大選中勝選的概率增加,比特幣的價值也隨之上升。博彩市場顯示,在對前總統進行的劇烈暗殺企圖之後,支持加密貨幣的候選人唐納德·特朗普的勝選概率更高。儘管過去曾持懷疑態度,但特朗普最近表現出對加密貨幣行業的支持。他將於本月晚些時候在一場重要的年度比特幣會議上發表演講。 分析師認為,特朗普的總統任期可能會為加密行業創造更加有利的監管環境。特朗普的競選活動自5月起接受來自加密行業的捐款,他的訊息對數字資產的未來越來越正面。在第二個特朗普總統任期內,持續的赤字支出、美國在國際事務中的領導地位下降以及聯邦儲備獨立性減弱等因素可能會引入對美元的下行風險,間接支撐比特幣的價格。 閱讀更多:比特幣在特朗普遇刺未遂事件後飆升至62,000美元以上   比特幣短期展望  這些因素的結合在比特幣周圍創造了積極的情緒,導致其近期價格飆升。通過ETF流入的機構資金、大量比特幣持有量的顯著變動、企業投資增加以及有利的政治發展,都預示著比特幣的強勁和前景光明的未來。 此外,隨著加密貨幣市場的急劇上漲,關鍵的比特幣情緒指標迅速轉向“貪婪”和“FOMO”(害怕錯過)。比特幣在過去一周內上漲了超過12%,目前交易價格約為63,636美元。跟踪市場情緒的加密貨幣恐懼與貪婪指數在短短幾天內從“極度恐懼”轉變為“貪婪”,表明市場情緒出現看漲反轉。 隨著ETH ETF推出日期臨近,我們可以預期加密貨幣市場和ETF將進一步波動。隨著政治運動、監管行動和美聯儲的經濟措施的混合,我們需要時間來觀察比特幣在短期內是否會再次創下歷史新高。                                          

  • 比特幣飆升至62,000美元以上,特朗普遇刺未遂事件:特朗普效應

    加密貨幣市場在前美國總統兼2024年總統候選人唐納德·川普遇刺未遂後經歷了劇烈變化。事件發生在賓夕法尼亞州的一次競選集會期間,導致比特幣價格大幅上漲。在數小時內,比特幣飆升超過4%,達到60,300美元,這是過去十天的最高水平。   快速概述  在前美國總統唐納德·川普遇刺未遂後,比特幣價格飆升超過4%。 川普在2024年總統選舉中的勝算在Polymarket上激增。 川普的親加密立場影響了市場的正面情緒。像川普(MAGA)這樣的加密主題迷因幣也取得了顯著收益。分析師預測,未來的價格走勢將取決於川普的政治命運。 比特幣技術分析:BTC能否突破70,000美元?  BTC/USDT技術分析 | 資料來源:TradingView    比特幣的價格經歷了顯著上漲,突破了60,000美元的關鍵阻力水平。目前交易價格高於62,000美元,累積跡象顯示投資者對短期底部的信心。鏈上數據顯示比特幣大戶大量累積了71,000 BTC。   每日和4小時圖表分析 每日圖表:比特幣在20日簡單移動平均線(SMA)上方的反彈以及相對強弱指數(RSI)的正背離,表明可能出現看漲逆轉。持續突破 $64,602 阻力位對於確認看漲趨勢至關重要。 4小時圖表:價格目前正在測試下跌趨勢線阻力。果斷突破該阻力並持續移動至20-SMA上方將表明潛在的上升趨勢朝 $64,602。相反,跌破移動平均線可能引發再次測試 $56,552 支撐位。 特朗普的選舉機會在 Polymarket 上飆升至超過 70%   在襲擊後,特朗普在基於加密貨幣的預測平台Polymarket上的選舉勝算激增。他的機會增加了11個百分點達到71%,反映了投注者對他重返白宮的信心增加。   加密社區對特朗普的支持 由於特朗普對數字資產的支持立場,他在加密貨幣社區中贏得了大量支持。他承諾保護持有比特幣的權利,甚至宣佈支持加密貨幣的自主管理。他最近接受比特幣、以太坊、Solana、狗狗幣和柴犬幣的競選捐款,進一步鞏固了他的支持加密貨幣形象。   閱讀更多: PolitiFi 代幣在特朗普倖免於刺殺事件後獲得關注   特朗普的加密貨幣持有量超過1000萬美元 以特朗普為主題的迷因幣 MAGA (TRUMP) 在事件發生後24小時內價值上漲了64%。此外,特朗普的加密貨幣錢包餘額,包括TROG、TRUMP、ETH和WETH的重大持有量,增至1080萬美元,儘管較6月初的最高峰3100萬美元有所下降。   比特幣價格預測和短期展望:關注64,602美元的阻力位 特朗普刺殺事件及其對比特幣和加密市場的影響 | 資料來源:Santiment   區塊鏈情報平台 Santiment 的分析師將價格飆升歸因於圍繞特朗普的看漲情緒。市場的積極反應反映了對他潛在勝利及其支持比特幣和加密貨幣立場的信心。   比特幣的價格走勢在多頭和空頭之間保持平衡。突破 $64,602 阻力位對確認看漲趨勢並有可能引發更廣泛的加密貨幣市場上漲至關重要。然而,如果未能保持在 20 日移動平均線之上,可能會重新測試較低的支撐位。   短期內,比特幣預計將在 $61,000 和 $62,000 之間波動直到週一。突破 $63,000 可能會推動價格走向交易區間的上端。相反,如果在 $61,000-$62,000 水平遭到拒絕,可能會引發價格下跌至 $55,000,甚至可能是 $52,000。   結論 最近對唐納德·特朗普的暗殺未遂事件導致比特幣價格顯著上漲,同時也增加了他在 2024 年總統選舉中的勝算。市場的積極反應反映了對特朗普支持加密貨幣立場的信心,以及他對數字資產未來潛在影響的信任。隨著事態發展,比特幣的價格走勢可能繼續受到特朗普政治前景和更廣泛市場情緒的影響。  

  • 貝萊德(BlackRock)的 IBIT 增加了 2134 BTC,比特幣 ETF 流入達到 2.16 億美元

    BlackRock 比特幣 ETF IBIT 在 7 月 10 日登記了 1.21 億美元的流入,根據 CoinGape 的新聞報導,增加了 2134 BTC。前一天,BlackRock IBIT 看到 1.87 億美元的流入,獲得了超過 3,300 BTC,因為 比特幣價格 在週一跌至 53,500 美元。   快速摘要 在過去兩天內,BlackRock IBIT 的流入超過 3 億美元。 BlackRock 的 IBIT ETF 股價在 7 月 9 日上漲 2.49%,從上月的拋售中恢復。 Grayscale 的 GBTC 在週二看到 3700 萬美元的流出。 BlackRock 的 IBIT 持倉增加 2134 BTC BlackRock 的 IBIT 現貨比特幣 ETF 總流入量 | 來源:X   這些事件顯示,比特幣 ETF 正在吸收德國政府最近銷售所造成的賣壓。美國 BTC ETF 的總流入量達到三週高點。長期持有者將價格下跌視為購買機會。   這週,貝萊德(BlackRock)的IBIT領跑所有美國現貨比特幣ETF的淨流入量。7月9日,比特幣ETF的淨流入達到2.16億美元,其中貝萊德的IBIT貢獻了1.21億美元。富達(Fidelity)的FBTC緊隨其後,淨流入量為9,095萬美元。相反,Grayscale的GBTC單日資金外流達3,750萬美元。   比特幣ETF連續三天錄得資金流入  2024年6月至7月現貨比特幣ETF流入 | 來源: Watcher Guru   美國比特幣ETF利用了近期比特幣價格下跌的機會。現貨ETF的股價在本週早些時候比特幣達到四個月低點時有所下降。然而,隨著資金強勁流入,比特幣ETF的股價在過去兩天內回升了2-5%。週二,iShares Bitcoin Trust(NASDAQ: IBIT)上漲了2.49%,達到32.96。   儘管在月度圖表上交易折扣達到17%,IBIT的股價今年迄今已上漲23.77%。美國的其他現貨比特幣ETF也有類似的回升。   十一支美國現貨比特幣ETF在週二連續第三天出現資金流入,總額達2.1633億美元。其中,貝萊德的IBIT表現最佳,獲得了1.2103億美元。截至週三,IBIT持有312,565個比特幣,價值182.6億美元。富達的FBTC緊隨其後,獲得了9,095萬美元,其持有量增加到171,857個比特幣,價值超過100億美元。   富達的FBTC和貝萊德的IBIT推動比特幣ETF增長 根據sosovalue.xyz的統計數據,最近的資金流入使美國現貨比特幣ETF的總淨流入達到152.7億美元。貝萊德的IBIT獲得了1.2103億美元,其次是富達的FBTC,獲得了9,095萬美元。Ark Invest和21shares的ARKB累積了4,330萬美元,而Vaneck的HODL獲得了327萬美元。   相反,Grayscale的比特幣信託(GBTC)損失了3,750萬美元,其儲備減少到274,142個比特幣,價值160億美元。Bitwise的BITB基金減少了472萬美元。BTCO、BRRR、EZBC、BTCW和DEFI保持中立,沒有資金進出。7月9日的交易量約為11.9億美元。所有11支現貨比特幣ETF的總持有量為507.9億美元,占比特幣總市值的4.45%。   信託聯盟購入貝萊德比特幣ETF 投資顧問公司Fiduciary Alliance LLC成為2024年第二季度貝萊德iShares比特幣ETF(IBIT)的最大買家之一。根據7月10日的美國證券交易委員會文件顯示,該公司增加了188,668單位的IBIT,價值664萬美元。   受託聯盟還購買了價值 348 萬美元的 Grayscale 比特幣信託基金(GBTC)單位。由於多家機構投資者的 13-F 申報,Grayscale 最近增加了 2500 萬美元的資金流入。城市州立銀行也通過 IBIT 和 GBTC ETF 揭露了其對比特幣的敞口。   此外,受託聯盟還收購了與加密貨幣相關的公司股份,包括 Coinbase、MicroStrategy 和特斯拉。他們增持了 8,332 股價值 189 萬美元的 Coinbase 股票、價值 170 萬美元的 MicroStrategy 股票以及價值 744,426 美元的特斯拉股票。    管理著 50 億美元資產的西北資本管理公司也通過貝萊德的 iShares 比特幣信託基金(IBIT)進入了比特幣市場。   拋售潮中比特幣多頭變得更強 BTC/USDT 價格圖表 | 來源:KuCoin    機構投資者正在逢低買入,比特幣多頭占據主導地位。Mt. Gox 的償還和德國政府的拋售正拉低比特幣價格。根據CryptoQuant首席執行官Ki Young Ju的說法,託管錢包在一個月內累積了85K BTC。“這些錢包既不是ETF,也不是交易所,更不是礦工。在同一時期,16K BTC從ETF持有量中流出,”他說。   在過去的24小時內,BTC價格上漲了0.50%,交易價格為57,748美元。24小時低點和高點分別為57,014美元和59,416美元。由於即將發布的CPI通脹數據,交易量在過去24小時內減少了7%。   衍生品交易者正在買入,期貨未平倉總額超過280億美元。CME BTC期貨未平倉額上升至82.7億美元,過去24小時增長了超過2.50%。總BTC期權未平倉額持續反彈,目前價值165億美元。   結論 加密市場一直很不穩定,最近的比特幣ETF流入和DeFi市場趨勢具有重大影響。根據Watcher Guru的一份報告,從2024年6月到7月,比特幣ETF流動模式顯示,頂級美國現貨比特幣ETF湧入了6.5億美元。此舉恰逢德國聯邦警察拋售其查獲的比特幣。   最近的比特幣ETF流動數據顯示,不同基金在各個時期都有正負兩方面的活動。儘管市場波動,但加密生態系統繼續增長和適應。美國追踪比特幣的ETF的推出加強了加密貨幣與傳統金融之間的聯繫。然而,必須意識到這個不斷演變的領域可能帶來的潛在風險和不確定性。  

  • 比特幣ETF投資者逢低買入:交易者利用市場下跌,資金流入達3億美元

    比特幣 (BTC),這種按市值計算的領先加密貨幣,在過去四週內經歷了超過 17% 的急劇下降,跌至 57,200 美元。這一下降導致模因幣和其他高風險數字資產出現顯著波動。然而,整體市場前景仍然樂觀,幾個宏觀經濟支持因素表明,一旦當前供應壓力減少,可能會迎來復甦。   快速了解  比特幣 ETF 在 7 月 8 日淨流入近 3 億美元,儘管近期市場下跌,但顯示出投資者的強烈信心。 G7 經濟體正處於擴張階段,鼓勵對比特幣等增長敏感型資產的投資。 美國 CPI 放緩可能導致美聯儲降息,這可能會推動對比特幣的需求。 技術分析表明,BTC 可能很快獲得上升動力,並在即將到來的 58,000 美元阻力位進行關鍵再測試。 比特幣 ETF 流入近 3 億美元 現貨比特幣 ETF 7 月 8 日流入 | 來源:CoinDesk    根據 CoinDesk 的報告,7 月 8 日,現貨比特幣交易所交易基金 (ETF) 淨流入近 3 億美元,創下自 6 月初以來最高的購買活動。BlackRock 的 IBIT 領先於流入,其次是 Fidelity 的 FBTC。儘管受到 Mt. Gox 償還和德國政府 BTC 轉移等來源的顯著賣壓,投資者仍將這些視為購買機會。CoinShares 報告稱,數字資產投資產品的流入總計 4.41 億美元,反映出市場韌性方面的信心。   閱讀更多: Mt. Gox 在市場不確定性中恢復比特幣和比特幣現金的償還   比特幣的歷史顯示七月平均回報率為9% 根據CoinDesk的一份報告,歷史上,七月一直是加密貨幣市場的牛市月份,平均回報率為9%。預計這一趨勢將繼續下去,受到正面的宏觀經濟指標和對比特幣ETF重新興趣的支持。最近進入BTC ETF的資金流入表明,即使市場動盪不安,投資者信心依然強烈。   比特幣主導地位 | 來源: TradingView    與此同時,過去六個月內比特幣的主導地位穩步上升。自2024年4月第四次比特幣減半以來,這一數字尤其在上升。截至寫作時,比特幣主導地位超過54%,這表明在最近的市場下行情緒中,投資者對這一領先加密貨幣的信心日益增強。   比特幣面臨$58,000的關鍵阻力 比特幣的價格仍然處於看跌區域,目前低於200日指數移動平均線(EMA)。價格正試圖超越$57,000的較弱阻力。如果成功,BTC可能會上漲並重新測試與200日EMA一致的$58,000的強阻力。   上升動能在地平線上 BTC/USDT價格圖表 | 資料來源:TradingView    在週線時間框架內,BTC面臨著可能拒絕任何反彈的重大阻力。然而,隨機RSI,一個關鍵指標,顯示出從底部看漲交叉的跡象,這大約每六個月發生一次。這次交叉現在正在發生,表明比特幣可能會迎來動能增強。   週線圖上的隨機RSI雙底是一個值得注意的事件。這種模式可以提供顯著的動能增強,可能將比特幣重新拉回到牛市上升趨勢。儘管在六月初出現了一次假突破,但目前的設置表明,這次動能轉變可能會開始復甦。   支持比特幣上漲的其他宏觀經濟因素 以下是來自世界各地的一些其他支撐比特幣回升至57,000美元以上的宏觀經濟因素:   G7經濟體進入擴張階段 OECD綜合領先指標 | 資料來源:CoinDesk    根據OECD的綜合領先指標,G7這一組先進經濟體目前處於商業周期的擴張階段。這一階段通常鼓勵投資者將資金投入到像比特幣和股票這樣的高風險、增長敏感型資產中。該指標已經突破100,表明增長率高於趨勢並加速,這對比特幣和其他風險資產來說是個好兆頭。   CPI 增長放緩和美聯儲潛在的降息 美國勞工統計局預計將報告6月份消費者價格指數(CPI)同比增長3.1%,低於5月份的3.3%。這一放緩表明向聯邦儲備局2%的通脹目標取得進展,增加了降息的可能性。這種降息可能進一步推動比特幣的需求。歷史上,低於預期的CPI數據已經增加了比特幣ETF的流入,支持了加密貨幣的市場價值。   閱讀更多: 比特幣價格在美聯儲決定和CPI數據後略有下跌   華爾街的科技樂觀情緒 NDX/SPX 比率處於歷史高點,對比特幣是看漲信號嗎? | 來源: CoinDesk    華爾街的科技領域依然高度樂觀,這體現在納斯達克指數(NDX)和更廣泛的標準普爾500指數(SPX)之間比率創下新高。自2017年以來,比特幣常常與這一比率同步移動,當科技股表現優於大盤時,比特幣經常走高。目前NDX/SPX比率的飆升表明對比特幣的看漲前景。   投資者擔憂與市場現實 儘管對美國股票可能崩盤的擔憂存在,但指標顯示股市並未處於泡沫之中。保證金債務增長仍低於股票市值,且投資者在標普500和納斯達克期貨中的定位為中性。這種穩定性,加上黃金的穩定表現,支持了更廣泛的宏觀經濟環境,利好比特幣等資產。   看好比特幣的前景 儘管比特幣價格的近期下跌引發了擔憂,但更廣泛的經濟指標和投資者行為表明可能會復甦。七國集團經濟體的擴張期、預期中的CPI減速,以及華爾街對科技行業的樂觀情緒,為比特幣提供了支持的背景。此外,大量資金流入BTC ETF表明對加密貨幣的興趣重新燃起。隨著市場應對當前挑戰,比特幣的韌性和增長潛力依然強勁。  

  • Mt. Gox 在市場不確定性中恢復比特幣和比特幣現金的償還

    臭名昭著的加密交易所Mt. Gox已開始以比特幣(BTC)和比特幣現金(BCH)向重建債權人償還債務。這些償還通過指定的加密交易所進行,遵守重建計劃。根據MtGoxBalanceBot的X貼文,Mt. Gox受託人持有94,457 BTC,自這些地址中已移動了47,288 BTC。   快速看點 重建債權人通過指定的交易所從Mt. Gox獲得比特幣和比特幣現金的償還。 償還將在確認賬戶有效性和債權人接受代理收據協議後進行。 比特幣價格在7月5日因償還消息和市場恐懼下跌超過5%。 分析師預測可能進一步下跌,但長期看漲前景依然存在。 Mt. Gox的興衰 Mt. Gox由Jed McCaleb於2010年創立,曾是最大的BTC交易所,處理了全球70%的BTC交易。2011年,McCaleb將交易所賣給了Mark Karpelès。然而,在2014年初,Mt. Gox因技術問題暫停了所有BTC提現,隨後透露出長期的安全漏洞導致約850,000 BTC的損失。該交易所在2014年2月申請破產,案件在2018年轉為民事重建。2019年,Karpelès因偽造財務記錄被判有罪。   Reddit用戶報告收到BTC、BCH償還  Reddit用戶確認Mt. Gox償還的例子 | 來源:Cointelegraph    一些Reddit用戶報告,他們的賬戶已收到BTC和BCH的償還。一位用戶分享了一封來自Mt. Gox的電子郵件,詳細說明了可償還BTC/BCH金額的區塊鏈轉賬,作為基本償還和提前一次性償還或中期償還的一部分。電子郵件列出了"MtGox Co., Ltd."作為重組債務人,並列出了律師Kobayashi Nobuaki作為重組受託人。   Mt. Gox的償還條件 Mt. Gox關於BTC、BCH償還的官方確認 | 來源: Mt. Gox    剩餘的重組債權人將在滿足若干條件後收到償還金額。這些條件包括確認賬戶的有效性以及債權人接受指定交易所的代理收款協議意圖。此外,重組受託人和交易所之間的償還程序必須完成,以確保交易的安全和安全性。   在Mt. Gox償還過程中,比特幣下跌超過5% BTC/USDT 價格圖表 | 資料來源: KuCoin   比特幣面臨巨大的市場壓力,因為Mt. Gox的償還觸發了一次大規模的清算。7月5日,比特幣價格下跌5%,在KuCoin上觸及53600美元的低點。交易員現在專注於52000美元的支撐位,這是比特幣在每週時間框架內的超級趨勢指標的關鍵點。   知名交易員馬修·海蘭指出,這一支撐位自3月中旬比特幣達到73800美元的歷史高點以來一直是比特幣價格的基礎。使用平均真實範圍來劃分買入和賣出階段的超級趨勢線,自2022年底以來一直將BTC/USD保持在其上方。   閱讀更多: 比特幣下跌至59,000美元以下,隨著Mt. Gox償還開始:是時候買入跌幅了嗎?   分析師警告不要對下跌反應過度  BTC/USD 圖表 | 來源:Rekt Capital    Blockstream 創辦人兼 CEO Adam Back 建議投資者保持冷靜並增加對比特幣和 MicroStrategy 股票的敞口,他強調歷史上的牛市曾經有過多次 30% 的回調。同樣,分析師 Rekt Capital 觀察到目前的回調在深度上是平均的,但在持續時間上是高於平均水平的,這表明比特幣的價格歷史正在重演。   比特幣的長期看漲前景依然存在 儘管短期內看空情緒濃厚,但一些分析師對比特幣的長期前景仍持樂觀態度。來自 eToro 的 Josh Gilbert 指出,聯邦儲備利率的減少以及美國證券交易委員會(SEC)批准的以太坊 ETF等潛在催化劑可能會大幅推動加密市場。Swyftx 分析師 Pav Hundal 也贊同這種看法,強調儘管短期前景可能具有挑戰性,但長期宏觀條件仍然積極。   結論 Mt. Gox 的還款過程標誌著這個曾經主導市場的交易所在復甦方面邁出了重要一步。雖然市場的即時反應波動較大,但比特幣的長期前景依然積極,並且有潛在的催化劑即將出現。隨著加密市場應對這些發展,建議投資者保持資訊靈通,並考慮短期風險和長期機會。  

  • 比特幣跌破59,000美元,Mt. Gox 開始償還:是否應該逢低買入?

    比特幣市場今天遭遇重大下跌。這種加密貨幣從61,055美元的高點跌至57,800美元的低點。截至目前,比特幣的交易價格為58,854.99美元,下降了3.60%。以太坊和Solana也隨之下跌,分別下跌了4.40%和8.96%。   快速摘要 比特幣暴跌至57,800美元,影響了整個加密市場。 加密貨幣恐懼和貪婪指數顯示投資者的恐懼情緒增加。 儘管在加密鯨魚拋售的情況下下跌,零售投資者正在逢低買入。 即將到來的Mt. Gox償還預計將影響市場。 Fundstrat的Tom Lee對比特幣的長期潛力仍持樂觀態度。 比特幣受挫 BTC/USDT 價格圖表 | 來源: KuCoin    比特幣 目前比2024年3月創下的73,750.07美元的歷史高點低20.2%。這次下跌使比特幣達到兩個月以來的最低點。專家將這次下跌歸因於即將到來的Mt. Gox資金償還,這些償還將以比特幣和比特幣現金的形式進行。這些償還可能會對市場造成拋售壓力。   閱讀更多:Mt. Gox 100億美元的比特幣償還會削弱BTC價格嗎?   BTC價格會跌至48-50K美元嗎? 並非所有人都對Lee的樂觀態度持相同看法。GCM Investment的研究經理Kudret Ayyldr表示,比特幣無法保持在67,500美元以上可能會導致進一步下跌至48-50K美元區間。這一預測反映了當前市場的不確定性以及進一步調整的可能性。   加密巨鯨賣出數百萬BTC,但散戶投資者逢低買入  ‘逢低買入’在社交媒體上流行 | 資料來源:Santiment    市場見證了< a href="https://www.kucoin.com/learn/glossary/whale">加密巨鯨的大量拋售。根據BeInCrypto的報導,一個鯨魚錢包向Binance存入了1,800 BTC,價值1.0608億美元。這筆大額存款表明了潛在的出售意圖。在過去一週內,該鯨魚已將5,281 BTC,約價值4.23億美元,轉移至Binance。   儘管市場看跌,散戶投資者仍積極逢低買入。Santiment 的數據顯示,在 Reddit、X(前身為 Twitter)、4chan 和 Bitcoin Talk 等社交平台上提到「逢低買入」的次數翻了一番。Santiment 的數據表明,散戶投資者將此視為以低於 60,000 美元的價格累積比特幣的機會。這種行為表明,許多人認為當前的回調是買入機會。   加密貨幣恐懼和貪婪指數 | 來源:Alternative    加密貨幣恐懼和貪婪指數為 44,表明市場存在恐懼情緒。6 月 25 日,該指數達到 18 個月來的最低點 31。該指數反映了投資者的情緒,目前的分數表明市場環境謹慎。   Mt. Gox 還款壓低市場  Fundstrat 創始人 Tom Lee 將負面情緒歸因於即將到來的 Mt. Gox 還款。Mt. Gox 將於 7 月向其債權人返還價值 90 億美元的比特幣。這種情況引發了擔憂,即如果債權人決定清算他們收回的比特幣,可能會發生大規模拋售。   儘管有這些擔憂,李仍然看好。他預測比特幣可以在 2024 年底前達到 150,000 美元。他認為,Mt. Gox 事件的影響消失將導致下半年市場急劇反彈。   比特幣期貨名義未平倉合約下降 18%  比特幣開倉未平倉加權資金費率 | 資料來源:CoinGlass    期貨市場顯示出混合信號。根據CoinDesk 的報導,比特幣期貨的名義未平倉合約在過去一個月下降了 18%。然而,以 BTC 計算的未平倉合約保持穩定。這表明儘管市場上的看多押注減少了,交易者仍在進行多頭頭寸。   正向資金費率表明看多押注的偏向。這與穩定的未平倉合約相結合,表明交易者希望在賣壓減少後市場能夠反彈。   現貨和期權交易者看漲押注  現貨和期權市場的活動也表明潛在的上行趨勢。自六月下旬以來,加密巨鯨們一直在逢低買入。保證金多頭頭寸穩步增加,顯示了大投資者的持續信心。   BTC 保證金多頭頭寸 | 資料來源: CoinGlass    QCP Capital 報告稱,交易者正在期權市場中買入看漲押注,預期年底會有一波上漲。這一行為與對長期期權在更高行權價的顯著興趣觀察相一致。   結論 目前比特幣市場正經歷顯著的下跌。然而,散戶投資者和一些大玩家仍然看好,逢低買入並建立多頭頭寸。即將到來的Mt. Gox償還預計將帶來短期波動,但像Tom Lee這樣的專家仍對比特幣的長期潛力持樂觀態度。目前的市場狀況反映了一種複雜的恐懼和希望的混合體,投資者密切關注反彈的跡象。   加密貨幣分析師Cold Blooded Shiller建議保持謹慎。他建議交易者適應市場動量,但也強調耐心的重要性。他建議在如此波動的情況下避免積極交易,而應集中精力於戰略性耐心,直到市場穩定下來。  

  • 比特幣多頭盯上7月潛在反彈,歷史趨勢顯示有望上漲超過20%?

    自四月以來,比特幣的價格在59,000美元到74,000美元之間波動。該加密貨幣面臨顯著的賣壓和散戶交易者的負面情緒。歷史趨勢表明,七月可能是一個看漲的月份,為比特幣多頭提供了希望。   快速摘要 自四月以來,比特幣的價格在59,000美元到74,000美元之間波動。 七月歷史上對比特幣顯示出看漲趨勢,平均回報率超過11%。 比特幣ETF在七月一日淨流入1.3億美元,為六月初以來的最高水平。 分析師預計儘管有逆風,七月可能會有強勁反彈。 比特幣的價格受季節性週期影響。四月和五月的稅季通常會導致獲利了結和價格下跌。相反,十二月通常需求增加,稱為“聖誕老人”拉力賽。這些可預見的模式可能會影響加密貨幣價格,導致顯著變化。   閱讀更多:比特幣價格反彈至63,000美元:七月會達到70,000美元嗎?   比特幣在七月的歷史表現 比特幣在七月的歷史表現 | 資料來源:CoinGlass    數據顯示,比特幣在過去十年中的七月表現良好。平均來看,比特幣在七月上漲了超過11%,其中有七個年份的回報為正。例如,從2019年到2022年,比特幣在七月的回報分別為27%、20%和24%。   七月初,美國上市的比特幣ETF錄得近1.3億美元的流入,為自六月初以來的最高水平。此前的月份中流出了超過9億美元。這樣的流入顯示了投資者的重新興趣和信心。   分析師預測BTC價格反彈  新加坡的QCP Capital在最近的一次廣播中指出,比特幣在七月通常會在六月表現不佳後強勁反彈。他們的期權交易部門看到資金流向上升的走勢,可能是預期ETH現貨ETF的上市。   比特幣在七月的歷史收益趨勢 | 來源:X   加密基金Matrixport報告稱,比特幣在2019至2022年七月的回報率分別約為27%、20%和24%。這一歷史趨勢表明七月看漲。   根據Polymarket上的趨勢投票,78%的用戶認為比特幣價格將在7月5日前保持在61,000美元以上。另一項民調中,36%的用戶預計BTC價格在七月會觸及70,000美元。   潛在挑戰 儘管前景樂觀,一些分析師預測七月可能面臨挑戰。德國政府的大規模比特幣出售以及即將到來的Mt. Gox償還可能對比特幣價格施加壓力。償還可能會在七月的第一周開始向債權人返還約85億美元的比特幣。   閱讀更多:Mt. Gox的100億美元比特幣償還會削弱BTC價格嗎?   市場韌性:比特幣上漲4.5% BTC/USDT 價格 | 資料來源:KuCoin   儘管面臨這些挑戰,比特幣顯示出韌性。從6月28日到7月1日,比特幣上漲了4.5%,突破了63,000美元的阻力位。三個關鍵因素逆轉了看跌趨勢:   比特幣ETF的資金流入。 新主要投資者的進場。 由於傳統市場的不穩定而重拾投資者信心。 主流市場對比特幣價格趨勢的影響 億萬富翁Michael Dell,戴爾科技公司創始人兼CEO,發出了一則暗示可能進行比特幣投資的消息,引發了市場的興奮。戴爾公司的現金及等價物持有量為58.3億美元,這可能暗示著一筆重要的比特幣投資。   此外,索尼位於東京的子公司 Amber Japan 更名為 S.BLOX,專注於加密貨幣交易。該公司強調用戶友好性和擴展功能,這表明其在加密領域的戰略轉移。   由於對科技股估值過高的擔憂,一些投資者轉向比特幣。例如,英偉達的預期銷售估值在兩個月內從 12 倍跳升至 21 倍。這一轉變反映了一個更廣泛的趨勢,即投資者正在尋求包括比特幣在內的替代資產。   結論 歷史趨勢和季節性循環表明,比特幣在七月可能會有強勁反彈。儘管存在潛在挑戰,但投資者信心的重燃和比特幣 ETF 的資金流入表明了看漲前景。市場動態始終存在變數,但跡象顯示比特幣在未來幾周將有積極表現。  

  • 加密市場動向:本週需關注的關鍵事件

    本週有幾個重大事件將對加密市場產生重大影響。關鍵發展包括聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)會議紀要的發布、Etherfi 的空投第三季度的開啟,以及其他幾個可能影響去中心化金融(DeFi)部門和更廣泛加密產業的重大事件。   快速要點 聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)會議紀要和六月的非農就業數據的發布對加密市場至關重要。 Etherfi 宣布的其 ETHFI 空投第三季度是 以太坊 網絡參與者的一件大事。 SUI 代幣和其他主要代幣如 ENA 和 DYDX 的解鎖將影響各種代幣經濟。 FOMC 會議紀要和美國六月非農就業數據 本週,加密市場正準備迎接幾個宏觀經濟數據的發布,尤其是 FOMC 會議紀要和六月的非農就業數據。分析師預計六月新增18萬個就業崗位,失業率保持在4%,為自2022年2月以來的最高。五月新增了27.2萬個就業崗位,最初增強了對經濟的信心,儘管有放緩的跡象。   如果數據低於預期,投資者對美國經濟勢頭的擔憂可能會增加。六月的數據顯示,持續失業申請人數達到184萬人,為2021年11月以來的最高點,突顯了求職者的困難。焦點還將放在平均每小時收入增長上,預計將降至疫情後的最低水平,即6月份同比增長3.9%。   BTC 價格表現:觀察流動性水平 - $62,500 至 $63,500 BTC/USDT 價格圖 | 資料來源:KuCoin   分析師認為這些見解將對 比特幣(BTC) 和更廣泛的加密市場產生重大影響。據加密分析師 CrypNuevo 說,比特幣顯示出潛在市場運動的初步跡象。   CrypNuevo 觀察到兩個關鍵的流動性區域:$62,500 至 $63,500(主要短期流動性區域)和約 $67,100(重要的中期區域)。此外,CrypNuevo 注意到相反方向存在一個長影線問題,這可能會被填補以平衡未平倉利率差距。   “所以我最終提出了這個預測:不一定是針對接下來的一周,時間範圍更像是 2-3 週。衝動性上漲到清算高槓桿空頭頭寸,然後回落到填補 50% 的影線。形成一個潛在的積累範圍,”CrypNuevo 寫道。   閱讀更多:比特幣價格反彈至 $63,000:是否會在 7 月達到 $70,000?   Etherfi 宣布 ETHFI 空投第三季 Etherfi 是一個在以太坊網絡上提供流動再質押服務的協議,已經宣布了有關第三季 ETHFI 空投的詳細信息。Etherfi 承諾將分發 2500 萬個 ETHFI 代幣。這些代幣的分配將根據每個社區成員的參與程度和參與度來進行。   第三季於 7 月 1 日開始,預計將持續到九月初。季結束後,空投分發將會進行。   SUI 和其他主要代幣解鎖 以太坊上的合成貨幣協議 Ethena (ENA) 將解鎖 1489 萬個原生代幣 ENA,這些代幣專門用於生態系統發展。這些代幣佔 ENA 流通供應的 0.92%,價值約為 762 萬美元。   除了 ENA 之外,DYDX 和 SUI 也在本週早些時候進行了代幣解鎖。   閱讀更多: DYDX, IO, SUI 和其他 2024 年 7 月值得關注的主要代幣解鎖   zkSync 在 3.0 路線圖中引入彈性鏈 zkSync,一個以太坊第二層 (L2) 網絡,在其最新 zkSync 3.0 路線圖中引入了一個新的 “彈性鏈” 功能。v24 升級將 zkSync 從單一 ZK 鏈轉變為彈性鏈。這個彈性鏈由 zkSync 生態系統內的多條鏈組成,為用戶提供使用單一鏈的體驗。   Matter Labs 是 zkSync 背後的團隊,他們將彈性鏈描述為一個無限可擴展的 ZK 鏈網絡。這些鏈包括 rollups、validiums 和 volitions。這些鏈由數學證明保護並無縫互操作,提供統一、直觀的用戶體驗。   Parcl 即將推出的 PRCL 質押計劃 Parcl,一個在 layer-1 區塊鏈 Solana 上的現實世界資產 (RWA) 代幣化協議,將在本週展示其即將推出的 PRCL 質押計劃。質押將有效解鎖 Parcl 生態系統中的所有參與,包括治理、現有和未來的協議激勵以及 Parcl Labs 數據 API 訪問。   Epochs 是質押時間的一個基本原則,一個 epoch 相當於七天。第一個 epoch 將在不久後公佈。   Zero1 Labs 公佈新的社區計劃 Zero1 Labs,一個去中心化的 AI 解決方案,宣布了一項針對 Zero1 社區的重大激活計劃。這項計劃涉及超過 25 個著名社區,旨在進一步去中心化其原生代幣 DEAI。   新的社區計劃旨在促進加密社區內更多的參與,並將 Zero1 Labs 擴展為最大的AI 加密社區。通過與頂級社區項目建立戰略聯盟,它為新的支持者提供獨家獎勵。   與知名社區合作,Zero1 Labs 為用戶提供了分享 200 萬美元 DEAI 獎池的機會。參與者可以通過與社區互動並撰寫關於 Zero1 Labs 的獨特內容來獲得獎勵。他們可以通過完成各種社交任務,如在 X 上關注、加入 Discord 社區以及在 X 上討論 DEAI 來增加獲得更多獎勵的機會。   社區計劃將於 2024 年 7 月 3 日正式啟動。為了確保公平參與,將在公告前一天對特定社區進行快照。這個快照將確定資格,給予參與者有限的時間參與社交活動並最大化獎勵。   NATIX 代幣發行和上市 NATIX Network 將於 7 月 2 日發行其代幣 NATIX。同一天,包括 KuCoin 和 Gate.io 在內的主要加密交易所將在其各自平台上上市 NATIX 代幣。   此次發行預計將為交易者和投資者提供重大機會,因為它將在知名交易所上市。NATIX 是一個由去中心化物理基礎設施 (DePIN) 和駕駛員社區增強的 AI 動態地圖。   結論 本週的新聞突顯了加密領域的重要里程碑和潛在的市場變化。投資者應密切關注 FOMC 會議記錄的釋放和宏觀經濟數據,因為它們可能會影響比特幣和更廣泛的市場。參與 Zero1 Labs 的社區計劃和 Etherfi 的 ETHFI 空投第三季可能會提供豐厚的機會。NATIX 代幣的發行和主要代幣如 SUI 和 ENA 的解鎖可能會帶來交易機會。此外,zkSync 的 Elastic Chain 和 Parcl 的 PRCL 質押計劃可能意味著 DeFi 部門的重要發展。保持信息靈通,參與這些事件,並準備好應對新興趨勢,以最大化您的投資潛力。  

  • Bitcoin Price Rebounds Past $63,000: Will It Hit $70K in July?

    Week 26 saw a significant decline in the crypto market, with Bitcoin shedding around 16% of its value. Bitvavo's detailed analysis attributes this downturn to a general atmosphere of uncertainty rather than specific events.   Quick Take  Bitcoin experienced a significant decline, losing 16% of its value in Week 26, attributed by Bitvavo to a general market uncertainty. Weekend trading volumes for Bitcoin have reached historic lows, and the impending Mt. Gox repayment could further increase selling pressure. On-chain indicators suggest profit-taking among investors, but Bitcoin's 200-day average remains stable, with potential bullish reversal targets at $64,770. Bitcoin's price has been stagnant recently, with investors closely monitoring inflation metrics and anticipating potential Federal Reserve actions. Analysts predict rough waters ahead, with several bearish indicators suggesting increased selling pressure in July.   Mt. Gox Repayments of 140,000 BTC Start in July  A significant bearish event in June was the announcement of Mt. Gox repayments. Starting in early July 2024, Mt. Gox will repay 140,000 BTC (worth around $9 billion) to its creditors. This long-awaited repayment follows a decade after the exchange's collapse. Analysts fear this distribution could lead to increased selling pressure, further impacting Bitcoin's price.   Read more: Will $10 Billion in Bitcoin Repayments From Mt. Gox Weaken BTC Price?   Bitcoin’s Weekend Trading Drops to 16% in 2024  Bitcoin's trading volume on weekends has dropped to its lowest level in history, according to TheBlock. In 2019, up to 28% of Bitcoin trading occurred on weekends; in 2024, this figure has fallen to 16%. Kaiko's report suggests that the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs contributes to this decline, as ETF trading only occurs during the stock market's open hours on weekdays. Consequently, the last hour of market trading has become a popular time for Bitcoin trading.   The closures of crypto-friendly Signature and Silicon Valley banks in March 2023 have also influenced market dynamics, as per a news report on Cointelegraph. These banks operated 24/7 networks, allowing large buy and sell orders for crypto. Since their closures, market makers have been less inclined to provide liquidity in a low-volume environment.   Runes Activity Sees 90% Drop on Bitcoin Network Runes daily transactions on Bitcoin network | Source: Dune Analytics   Recent data from Dune Analytics reveals a dramatic decrease in activity for the Runes token standard on the Bitcoin blockchain, with daily transactions plummeting by over 88% from their peak in June. Between June 22-28, average daily Runes transactions dropped to 37,820, a 90% decline from the 331,040 recorded between June 9-15, and on June 24, transactions hit a low of 23,238, the lowest since the protocol’s launch on April 20, 2024.    This decline has significantly impacted Bitcoin miner fees, with Runes contributing less than 2 Bitcoin in fees over the past six days, down from 884 Bitcoin on April 24. The Runes protocol, created by Ordinals' Casey Rodarmor, was intended to efficiently create new tokens on the Bitcoin network, but recent data shows Runes transactions now account for only 4.9% to 11.1% of all Bitcoin transactions in the past week. The reduction in network fees, coupled with Bitcoin’s price decline, has led to a near-record low in Bitcoin’s hash price, a key indicator of miner revenue, and Bitcoin miner reserves have fallen to 1.90 million Bitcoin, the lowest level in over 14 years.   Increased Profit-Taking Among Bitcoin Investors?  Here’s a look at key on-chain indicators from a report in Cointelegraph and what they reveal about Bitcoin investors’ preferences:    Bitcoin’s 30-day average aSOPR | Source: Cointelegraph    Profit-Taking: On-chain indicators reveal increasing profit-taking among Bitcoin investors. The 30-day average of Bitcoin's Adjusted Spent Output Profit Ratio (aSOPR) has risen from 1 to 1.03 since May, indicating more investors are selling at a profit. This trend often precedes market corrections. Net Unrealized Profit and Loss (NUPL): The NUPL metric suggests potential upside exhaustion among Bitcoin buyers. A NUPL reading over 0 indicates investors are in profit, with an increasing trend hinting at a market correction. Currently, the 30-day average NUPL stands at 0.54. Increased Bitcoin Ownership: Glassnode data shows a consistent rise in the number of wallet addresses holding at least one Bitcoin. Over a million wallets now hold at least one Bitcoin, supporting a bullish outlook. Read more: Bitcoin’s Price Plummets to $61,000: Key Factors Behind the Recent Decline   Bitcoin Technical Analysis: Bullish Reversal to $64,770 or Drop to $56,000?  BTC/USDT price chart | KuCoin    Bitcoin's 4-hour chart indicates a possible breakdown of a bull pennant. This pattern, formed during a price consolidation following a strong downward move, suggests a potential drop to around $56,000 if the lower trendline is breached. Conversely, a bullish reversal could target $64,770 if Bitcoin breaks above the 50-4H EMA at around $61,925.   Bitvavo's Bitcoin Price Prediction: Breakout Past $76,000 on the Cards?  Bitvavo highlights that Bitcoin's drop to $57,000 marks the second time it has reached the bottom of a price range that has persisted for nearly four months. This consolidation period mirrors that observed last summer, with Bitcoin's price stabilizing for over half a year. Despite recent fluctuations, Bitcoin remains above its 200-day long-term average. Bitvavo predicts a potential breakout above $76,000, albeit with caution given the market's unpredictability.   The recent decline in Bitcoin's value is attributed to a global atmosphere of uncertainty. Investors face mixed economic signals and unpredictable market movements, leading to increased concerns and volatility. This nervousness underscores the importance of thorough market analysis and a thoughtful investment strategy.   Other Analyst Predictions for BTC Indicate Gains   Quinten Francois, an analyst and trader, predicts a 2016-2017 style bull run for Bitcoin, fueled by gains observed in previous post-halving cycles. Another analyst, @therationalroot, identifies Q3 as a crucial period for Bitcoin price gains.   Conclusion The last week of the first half year, week 26, of 2024 highlighted the volatile nature of the crypto market, with significant factors influencing Bitcoin's price movements. While bearish indicators suggest potential challenges ahead, the long-term outlook remains cautiously optimistic, with analysts predicting possible bullish reversals and significant gains in the upcoming months.  

  • Will $10 Billion in Bitcoin Repayments from Mt. Gox Weaken BTC Price?

    The long-anticipated repayment of $10 billion worth of Bitcoin to Mt. Gox creditors is set to begin in July. While many fear this could lead to a flood of Bitcoin hitting the market, analysts suggest the impact may not be as severe as expected.   Quick Take  Analysts predict the scheduled repayment of $10 billion worth of Bitcoin may not significantly impact prices. Experts believe much of the expected selling pressure from Mt. Gox repayments is already reflected in current market conditions. Many Mt. Gox creditors are long-term holders, less likely to sell immediately despite significant gains. Bitcoin is approaching crucial support levels, indicating potential stabilization or further declines. Mt. Gox, a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, collapsed in 2014 after a massive hack. The exchange lost around 940,000 BTC, worth approximately $64 million at the time. Over the years, Mt. Gox recovered 141,687 BTC to return to its creditors, which is now valued at $10 billion. These repayments are scheduled to start in early July.   Read more: Bitcoin’s Price Plummets to $61,000: Key Factors Behind the Recent Decline   Analysts Expect Only Around 50% of the BTC to Hit Markets in July  Tony Sycamore, an analyst at IG Markets, estimates that around half of the total Bitcoin — worth roughly $5 billion — could be set to hit the market in July. However, Sycamore believes much of the expected sell pressure is already priced into the current market conditions. He points out that the repayments have been anticipated for a long time and are occurring amidst deteriorating market sentiment, technical selling, and outflows from Bitcoin ETFs.   Galaxy Research suggests that only 65,000 of the total 141,000 BTC might actually hit the market. The firm predicts that about 75% of creditors will opt for an early payout, sacrificing 10% of their repayment, resulting in an approximate 95,000 BTC hitting the market initially. Additionally, 20,000 BTC is owed to claims funds, and 10,000 BTC to Bitcoinica BK, leaving just 65,000 BTC for regular creditors.   Will Mt. Gox Creditors HODL Their Bitcoins?  Sam Callahan, senior analyst at Swan Bitcoin, believes the impact on Bitcoin's price from Mt. Gox distributing Bitcoin is likely overblown. He argues that creditors who wanted to sell their Bitcoin have had more than ten years to do so through selling their bankruptcy claims to more convicted, long-term investors. Callahan also highlights that most creditors will likely hold their Bitcoin because their cost basis is less than $700 per Bitcoin.   Despite the fears, some observers believe that the concerns about the sell pressure from Mt. Gox repayments may be overblown. Alistair Milne, CIO of Altana Digital Currency Fund, noted that distressed or urgent sellers likely sold their claims years ago. He suggests that the remaining creditors are not under pressure to sell immediately.   Bitcoin to Test Levels Between $55k and $75 Bitcoin has been consolidating within a descending parallel channel since its bull run in March 2024. Analysts are closely watching the psychological support level of $60,000 and the 200-day exponential moving average at around $58,000. Independent market analyst Teddy Cleps anticipates Bitcoin could slide towards $61,000, which aligns with historical support levels.   BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   The announcement of Mt. Gox repayments has led to increased demand for short-term BTC put options, indicating renewed interest in downside protection. BTC's market dominance fell by 1.8% to 54.34%, reflecting investor apprehension about the potential impact of the repayments.    While Bitcoin's price continues to face downward pressure, some analysts remain optimistic. Michael Novogratz of Galaxy Digital Holdings predicts that Bitcoin will trade within the $55,000-75,000 range throughout Q2 2024, driven by new market events and regulatory clarity.   Read more: Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024   Conclusion The upcoming Mt. Gox repayments have stirred significant concern among Bitcoin investors. However, many analysts believe the impact may be less dramatic than feared. Much of the expected sell pressure appears to be already priced into the market, and many creditors are likely to hold their Bitcoin rather than sell immediately. As Bitcoin approaches crucial support levels, the market's reaction in the coming weeks will be critical in determining its short-term trajectory.  

  • Bitcoin's Price Plummets to $61,000: Key Factors Behind the Recent Decline

    In the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency market has experienced a significant downturn. Major tokens, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), and Solana (SOL), have all seen sharp declines. This market slide has led to over $150 million in bullish bets being liquidated.   Quick Take Major cryptocurrencies experienced a sharp decline of up to 7.5% in the past 24 hours, affecting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and Solana. Bitcoin's 3% price drop led to over $150 million in bullish bets being liquidated, causing widespread market concern. The decline is attributed to large sales from Bitcoin miners and the German government moving significant amounts of BTC to exchanges. Bitcoin prices are approaching critical support levels, indicating potential further declines if these levels are breached. Bitcoin Takes a Hit Bitcoin has been at the forefront of this downturn, losing 3% of its value. This decline has erased the gains made last week, causing concern among traders and investors. The drop in Bitcoin's price is attributed to several factors, including large sales from Bitcoin miners and the German government moving significant amounts of BTC to exchanges.   BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   Altcoins Also Suffer Altcoins have not been spared in this downturn. Ethereum, Cardano, and Binance Coin (BNB) registered similar losses to Bitcoin. Solana's SOL dropped 7%, trading at nearly $120 on Monday morning. Memecoins Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) also fell by nearly 5%.   Why Is Bitcoin Price Sliding Down?  Here’s a look at some of the key factors driving Bitcoin prices lower:    Sales from Bitcoin Miners: Bitcoin miners have been under pressure to sell due to higher breakeven prices post-halving. This has resulted in miner BTC holdings dropping to their lowest level in the past 14 years. Singapore-based QCP Capital highlighted that miner BTC reserves are lower by 50,000 from the start of the year. Miners have been selling due to the higher breakeven prices post-halving. QCP Capital noted that this has led to a significant drop in miner BTC holdings, contributing to the market decline. German Government's BTC Sales: The German government allegedly sold around 3,000 BTC recently, with plans to sell another 47,000. This large pool of supply entering the market has spooked investors, contributing to the market decline. The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) moved tens of millions worth of BTC to exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken last week. This move has created additional downward pressure on the market. Whale Activities: Bitcoin whales, entities with large holdings of the coin, sold over $1 billion worth of BTC in the first two weeks of June. This activity has added to the market's bearish sentiment. Broader Market Sentiment: The overall market sentiment has been negatively impacted by these movements, causing a broader sell-off. The CoinDesk 20, which tracks major tokens minus stablecoins, slumped just over 4%. Impact on Liquidations: The market's sharp decline has resulted in significant liquidations. Over $150 million in bullish bets (long positions) were liquidated, while bearish bets (short positions) saw a smaller $9 million in losses. Liquidation occurs when an exchange forcefully closes a trader's leveraged position due to a loss of the trader's initial margin. Read more: MicroStrategy Buys 11,931 BTC More, Total Bitcoin Holdings Worth Around $15B   Is Bitcoin Getting Ready to Test Support at $60,000?  Bitcoin is now heading toward crucial support levels, including the psychological support level of $60,000 and the 200-day exponential moving average (200-day EMA) at around $58,000. Market analysts are closely watching these levels to gauge Bitcoin's next move.   Bitcoin Price Predictions: $50,000 or $75,000?  Market analysts have varying predictions for Bitcoin's price movement. Some believe Bitcoin may find support around the $60,000 level, while others predict further declines to $50,000. Independent market analyst Teddy Cleps anticipates a slide toward $61,000, citing historical support at the 21-weekly EMA.   Bitcoin price chart exhibits double top pattern | Source: 10x Research on X   Bullish Scenarios: Despite the current bearish sentiment, some analysts remain optimistic. Michael Novogratz of Galaxy Digital Holdings predicts that Bitcoin will trade within the $55,000-75,000 range throughout Q2 2024. He believes new market events could drive prices higher after the current stagnation.   Read more: Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024   Conclusion The recent market downturn has highlighted the volatility and sensitivity of the cryptocurrency market to large-scale movements and external factors. While Bitcoin and other major tokens have experienced significant declines, the market's next move will depend on how it reacts to key support levels and upcoming economic data. Investors and traders should remain cautious and closely monitor market developments in the coming days.  

  • MicroStrategy Buys 11,931 BTC More, Total Bitcoin Holdings Worth Around $15B

    MicroStrategy, a Nasdaq-listed software firm, has made waves again by acquiring an additional 11,931 Bitcoin (BTC) for $786 million. This purchase boosts their total holdings to 226,331 BTC, valued at just under $15 billion at current prices. Michael Saylor, the company's Executive Chairman, continues to lead the charge in Bitcoin accumulation, having begun this strategic move in 2020.   Quick Take  MicroStrategy acquires 11,931 BTC for $786 million, bringing its total holdings to 226,331 BTC worth nearly $15 billion. Winklevoss twins donate $2 million in Bitcoin to support Donald Trump, highlighting the intersection of crypto and politics. Institutional interest in Bitcoin is growing, with analysts predicting prices could reach $100,000. MicroStrategy’s Bold Move: Adding 11,931 BTC MicroStrategy's latest purchase price averaged $36,798 per Bitcoin. This follows an $800 million convertible note offering to institutional investors. Initially set at $500 million, the offering size increased due to high demand, finally closing at $800 million. Earlier, in March, the company acquired 9,245 BTC for $623 million through a similar debt issuance.   Saylor's strategy aims to encourage other corporations to adopt Bitcoin as a reserve asset. While a few companies have added Bitcoin to their balance sheets, the most notable is Semler Scientific (SMLR). Recently, Semler not only acquired Bitcoin but also tapped capital markets to purchase more, echoing MicroStrategy's approach.   Read more: MicroStrategy's Bitcoin Holdings and Purchase History: A Strategic Overview   Market Reactions and MSTR Share Performance MSTR stock price | Source: TradingView    Since MicroStrategy started buying Bitcoin, its shares have soared nearly tenfold. Semler's shares have also risen by over 60% since their first Bitcoin acquisition in late May. Recently, brokerage firm Bernstein set a $2,890 price target for MicroStrategy shares, giving them an outperform rating. Currently, MSTR is trading at $1,507, up 2% premarket.   Winklevoss Twins Donate $2 Million in Bitcoin to Support Donald Trump In a notable development, cryptocurrency billionaires Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss have each donated $1 million worth of Bitcoin to support Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. This significant contribution highlights their alignment with Trump's pro-crypto stance. Tyler Winklevoss expressed his support, citing Trump's favorable policies towards Bitcoin, crypto, and business.   The donations are intended for the Trump 47 Committee, a joint fundraising committee. The Winklevoss twins' support marks a shift in Trump’s position on cryptocurrencies. Once a skeptic, Trump has embraced Bitcoin, positioning it as a defense against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This support from influential crypto figures like the Winklevoss twins underscores the growing intersection of cryptocurrency and politics.   Bitcoin Miners Diversify Into Trending Sectors Bitcoin miners are increasingly diversifying into the booming artificial intelligence (AI) sector. The transition is driven by reduced mining rewards and the high demand for energy-intensive data centers by AI firms. This shift reflects miners’ efforts to boost revenue through new channels.   Bitcoin Trades Around $65,000, Analysts Prediction $100,000 BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Bitcoin, trading around $65,715, has seen a slight increase, sparking cautious optimism. Notably, a crypto whale recently bought 6,070 BTC worth approximately $395 million, marking their first significant purchase in over 18 months. This whale's strategic buys and sells in previous market cycles indicate renewed faith in Bitcoin’s future.   Crypto analysts remain optimistic about Bitcoin's trajectory, with some forecasting a rise to $100,000. Ali Martinez notes that over 70% of open Bitcoin positions on Binance are bullish. Another analyst, Jelle, highlights Bitcoin's support levels and suggests that a bounce could propel the price to $72,000 soon, setting the stage for a potential climb to $100,000.   Increasing Institutional Interest in BTC  Institutional investors are increasingly eyeing Bitcoin, signaling broader acceptance and integration into mainstream finance. According to CoinCodex, Bitcoin's price could rise by 30% to over $85,000 in July, despite current bearish technical indicators. This potential disconnect between market sentiment and price action underscores the complex dynamics at play.   Bitcoin Faces Selling Pressures in the Short-Term Despite bullish Bitcoin price predictions, some traders and analysts point out challenges. CryptoQuant's data shows significant selling by long-term holders and miners, with over $1.2 billion worth of BTC sold in the past two weeks. This selling pressure, coupled with stablecoin liquidity slowing, indicates some hesitance among large holders.   Spot Bitcoin ETF Performance Expectations for a rate cut in September | Source: CME FedWatch    U.S.-listed Bitcoin ETFs have seen net outflows, with $600 million withdrawn last week. The CME FedWatch Tool shows a 35.9% chance of the Fed maintaining interest rates in September, affecting Bitcoin demand.   Future Outlook Despite recent price dips and selling pressures, Bitcoin's long-term outlook remains positive. Institutional interest, strategic corporate purchases, and bullish analyst predictions suggest a potential for significant price gains. As market dynamics evolve, Bitcoin's role as a reserve asset and investment vehicle continues to grow.   Conclusion MicroStrategy's latest Bitcoin purchase underscores the company's commitment to Bitcoin as a strategic asset. This move, along with bullish market sentiment and growing institutional interest, paints a promising picture for Bitcoin's future. However, market watchers should stay alert to potential challenges and shifts in investor behavior.  

  • MicroStrategy Bets Big on Bitcoin Again with $500 Million Bond Offering

    MicroStrategy has announced its plan to raise $500 million through the sale of convertible senior notes to buy more Bitcoin. This move highlights the company's strategic focus on the leading cryptocurrency. Let's dive into what this means for the crypto world.   Quick Take MicroStrategy aims to raise $500 million, with an option to increase by $75 million, through convertible senior notes maturing in 2032. The company currently holds 214,400 BTC, valued at approximately $14.52 billion, representing over 1% of Bitcoin's total circulating supply. The bond sale underlines MicroStrategy's ongoing strategy to invest heavily in Bitcoin, spearheaded by its founder and chairman, Michael Saylor. The notes provide flexibility in managing debt while benefiting from potential equity appreciation. This move could influence other companies to incorporate cryptocurrency into their treasury strategies. MicroStrategy’s New Bond Offering MicroStrategy plans to sell $500 million in convertible senior notes, due in 2032, to qualified institutional buyers. These notes, unsecured and senior obligations, will bear interest semi-annually. Investors can convert them into cash, MicroStrategy class A common stock, or both. This offering is subject to market conditions and might not be completed as planned.   The funds raised will be used to purchase additional Bitcoin, continuing MicroStrategy's aggressive investment in the cryptocurrency since 2020. This strategy has seen the company amass 214,400 BTC, making it the largest public-listed holder of Bitcoin.   Read more: MicroStrategy's Bitcoin Holdings and Purchase History: A Strategic Overview   Redemption of 2025 Convertible Notes MicroStrategy also plans to redeem $650 million worth of its 2025 convertible senior notes on July 15, 2024. Holders can convert these notes into MicroStrategy shares at a conversion rate of 2.5126 shares per $1,000 principal amount, with a conversion price of $397.99 per share.   MicroStrategy and Michael Saylor’s Bitcoin Acquisition Strategy MicroStrategy has previously used debt financing to acquire Bitcoin. For instance, in March, the company raised $600 million through a similar convertible note offering, leading to the acquisition of 9,245 BTC. In another instance, they purchased 12,000 BTC for $821.7 million using funds from a convertible debt offering.   These moves reflect the company’s belief in Bitcoin as a valuable treasury reserve asset, a stance strongly advocated by Michael Saylor.   Broader Market Implications BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    MicroStrategy's actions signal a growing trend among businesses to incorporate cryptocurrency into their financial strategies. The move to raise funds through convertible notes for Bitcoin purchases highlights the increasing institutional interest in digital assets.   Michael Saylor has been a vocal proponent of Bitcoin, viewing it as a hedge against inflation and a superior store of value compared to traditional assets. By holding over 1% of Bitcoin’s total circulating supply, MicroStrategy positions itself as a significant player in the crypto market.   While this aggressive strategy can lead to substantial gains if Bitcoin's value appreciates, it also exposes the company to high market volatility. The price of Bitcoin can fluctuate significantly, impacting the value of MicroStrategy's holdings and its stock price.   Conclusion MicroStrategy's latest move to raise $500 million through convertible notes to buy more Bitcoin underscores its unwavering commitment to the digital currency. This strategy, led by Michael Saylor, has positioned the company as a major Bitcoin holder and highlights a broader trend of integrating cryptocurrencies into corporate treasury strategies.   Investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies involves substantial risks due to their volatile nature. Investors should be aware of these risks and conduct thorough research before engaging in such investments. MicroStrategy’s significant investment in Bitcoin showcases its confidence in the cryptocurrency’s future but also highlights the potential risks associated with such a strategy.  

  • Bitcoin Price Experiences Slight Dip After Fed Decisions and CPI Data

    The latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting has sparked significant interest among cryptocurrency investors, particularly for Bitcoin (BTC) holders. The U.S. Federal Reserve's decisions on interest rates and economic projections can substantially influence Bitcoin's price. Here’s a look at the potential impact of recent macroeconomic events on Bitcoin and what investors should watch for in the coming months.    Quick Take  Benchmark rate held at 5.25%-5.50%: The Federal Reserve decided to maintain its benchmark fed funds rate range. This decision was widely anticipated by the market. Expectations of a single 25 basis point rate cut this year: The Fed's economic outlook now calls for just one rate cut in 2024, down from the previously expected three cuts. Slight improvement in inflation: The Fed noted modest progress toward its 2% inflation target, marking a change from earlier concerns about a lack of progress. May CPI data shows unexpected slowdown: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for May indicated a slowdown in inflation, with core CPI rising just 0.2%, lower than expected. Bitcoin and other assets react: Bitcoin saw an initial rise following the CPI report but later lost momentum after the Fed's economic projections were released. Bitcoin Price Swings After CPI Data and Fed Decision BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   Bitcoin initially reacted positively to the CPI report, which showed a lower-than-expected inflation increase. BTC surged to $69,400, up nearly 4% over the past 24 hours. However, the subsequent release of the Fed's economic projections tempered this enthusiasm. By 19:00 UTC, Bitcoin had settled back to $67,300, reflecting a cautious market stance.   Bitcoin's price often shows sensitivity to U.S. economic data and Federal Reserve meetings. Historically, BTC has experienced price pullbacks leading up to Fed decisions, only to resume its uptrend after the events. This pattern was evident in recent months when Bitcoin fell from its all-time high above $73,000 in March to below $57,000 in May due to hotter inflation figures and diminished hopes for rate cuts.   Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record Outflows of $200M U.S.-listed spot Bitcoin ETFs have also seen significant outflows ahead of key macroeconomic reports. For instance, on Tuesday, ETFs recorded $200 million in net outflows, reflecting a risk-off sentiment among traders. Grayscale’s GBTC accounted for the majority of these outflows, highlighting the cautious approach investors are taking in response to the Fed's announcements.   Long-Term Bullish Outlook Holds for Bitcoin  Despite the short-term headwinds, some analysts remain bullish on Bitcoin's long-term prospects. 10x Research maintains a positive outlook, expressing confidence that Bitcoin's rally will resume. Their analysis suggests that lower CPI figures tend to lift Bitcoin prices, and they anticipate this trend will continue as inflationary pressures ease.   "Our recommendation remains unchanged: to stick with the winners (Bitcoin) and avoid others (such as Ethereum). Our previous analysis has shown that a lower CPI number tends to lift Bitcoin prices, and we anticipate this trend will continue," Markus Thielen, founder of 10x Research.   Other Factors to Drive Volatility in Bitcoin’s Price  Fed's Dot Plot: The Fed's "dot plot," which shows FOMC members' interest rate projections, is crucial for understanding future rate expectations. Any indications of more rate cuts could positively impact Bitcoin and other risk assets. Global Central Bank Policies: Contrasting the U.S. outlook, several key central banks globally have started lowering benchmark rates. This divergence in monetary policy could influence the U.S. dollar index and, by extension, Bitcoin's price. U.S. Treasury Secretary's Speech: Janet Yellen's upcoming speech could also impact risk assets, including cryptocurrencies. Market participants will closely monitor her comments for any hints on economic policy changes. ETF Flows: The flow of funds into and out of Bitcoin ETFs will be a critical indicator of investor sentiment. A return to positive inflows could signal renewed confidence in Bitcoin's price trajectory. Conclusion The interplay between macroeconomic events and Bitcoin's price remains complex and dynamic. The latest FOMC meeting and CPI report have shown how sensitive Bitcoin is to U.S. economic data. While short-term volatility is expected, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin remains positive, especially as inflationary pressures ease and the potential for future rate cuts grows. Investors should stay informed about upcoming economic indicators and central bank policies to navigate the crypto market effectively.   Bitcoin's resilience and its response to macroeconomic events underline its growing importance as an asset class. As always, keeping a close eye on market developments and economic trends will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.  

  • Bitcoin Price Under Pressure Ahead of US CPI Release and Fed Meeting

    Bitcoin (BTC) is under pressure as the market anticipates significant events that could impact its price. The U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) report and the Federal Reserve meeting are set to provide critical insights into inflation and monetary policy. Here's what to watch for and how these events could affect Bitcoin.   Quick Take Core Inflation: Expected slight decrease to 3.5% from 3.6%. This slight reduction is anticipated due to a more normalized month-over-month increase of 0.2%, down from the previous 0.3%.  Housing Rent: Anticipated decline in rent prices could influence the Federal Reserve's decisions. Lower rent growth, especially in Owners' Equivalent Rent, could contribute to a decrease in core inflation, making a stronger case for potential rate cuts by the Fed. CPI Report and Fed Meeting: The CPI report will be released hours before the Federal Reserve's meeting, setting the stage for market reactions. Analysts expect the CPI to show a 0.1% increase in May, maintaining an annual inflation rate of 3.4%. Bitcoin Price Behavior: Historical patterns show that Bitcoin often experiences price pullbacks before Fed meetings, only to resume its uptrend post-event. Recently, Bitcoin dropped over 5% to around $67,350, reflecting market caution ahead of these key economic indicators. Exchange Withdrawals: Significant BTC withdrawals from Coinbase, with the total BTC balance on Coinbase Pro decreasing by 14,420 BTC ($972 million) within 24 hours.  Core Inflation and Housing Rent Investment banks predict a slight decrease in core inflation, excluding food and energy, to 3.5% from 3.6% in April. A decline in housing rent, a major component of core CPI, is expected to ease inflation pressures. RBC economists suggest that a slower increase in core services ex-rent measure, closely watched by the Fed, could boost hopes for a rate cut.   ING economists also foresee a reduction in Owners' Equivalent Rent, which holds a 40% weight in the core CPI basket. Easing shelter price pressures could support Fed rate cut expectations, potentially weakening the dollar and boosting risk assets like Bitcoin.   CPI Report and Fed Meeting Wednesday will be pivotal as the Labor Department releases the CPI report just hours before the Federal Reserve's meeting. The CPI is expected to show a 0.1% increase in May, maintaining the annual inflation rate at 3.4%. The core CPI is forecasted to rise by 0.3%, matching April's pace.   The Fed is expected to keep the benchmark borrowing cost unchanged between 5.25% and 5.5% and publish the interest rate dot plot chart. The CPI data will influence the dot plot projections and Fed Chair Jerome Powell's post-meeting statement.   Potential Scenarios Lower-than-Expected Core CPI: If the core CPI comes in lower than expected, it could strengthen the case for a Fed rate cut, leading to a weaker dollar. A weaker dollar typically supports a rally in risk assets, including Bitcoin. Higher-than-Expected Core CPI: A core CPI above 0.4% month-over-month could bolster the dollar, putting additional pressure on Bitcoin. Such a scenario would dampen expectations for rate cuts, likely impacting Bitcoin negatively. Bitcoin's Historical Behavior Around Fed Decisions BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Bitcoin has historically experienced price pullbacks leading up to Fed meetings, only to resume its uptrend after the event. As BTC traded near $67,350 recently, it had lost over 5% since Friday. The dollar index also rose by 1% to 105.20 during this period.   According to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView, BTC's price action has steadied as markets brace for the CPI report and Fed meeting. However, Bitcoin's price fell to $66,000 the day before, leading to long liquidations totaling over $50 million.   Market Reactions and Expert Insights Traders have noted Bitcoin's weak price behavior ahead of these key events. Popular trader Follis pointed out that BTC has been trading in a range for three months, and some analysts predict further downside if market dynamics do not change.   Rekt Capital, a well-known trader and analyst, highlighted that Bitcoin was unable to break out early in the post-halving period, as historical trends suggested. Liquidity is building around $65,700 to the downside, with $67,700 forming a key resistance level.   Exchange Withdrawals and Market Sentiment On-chain data captured ongoing exchange withdrawals, particularly from Coinbase. The total BTC balance on Coinbase Pro decreased by 14,420 BTC ($972 million) in 24 hours, contributing to the lowest overall exchange balances in seven years. Glassnode reported a net transfer volume of 17,967 BTC ($1.21 billion) from exchanges on June 11.   U.S. Spot Bitcoin ETFs Witnessed net outflows of $200 million U.S. spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) experienced net outflows of $200 million on Tuesday, following a record streak of net inflows. Grayscale's GBTC witnessed the largest net outflows, totaling $121 million, while BlackRock's IBIT recorded zero flows on the same day.   Markets are now anticipating key economic indicators from the U.S., with the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting results and CPI data set to influence Bitcoin's price.   Conclusion The upcoming U.S. CPI report and Fed meeting are crucial events that could significantly impact Bitcoin. A lower-than-expected core CPI could strengthen the case for a Fed rate cut, potentially boosting Bitcoin. Conversely, a higher-than-expected core CPI could bolster the dollar and put pressure on Bitcoin.   As Bitcoin navigates these macroeconomic events, traders and investors should stay vigilant and monitor key levels and market dynamics. The ongoing exchange withdrawals and historical price patterns suggest a complex interplay between economic indicators and Bitcoin's price trajectory.  

  • Bitcoin Battles 2021 Highs: Will Bulls Break the $69K Barrier?

    Bitcoin starts a new week wrestling with its old 2021 all-time high of $69,000. This marks a crucial resistance level as the price action shows a battle between bulls and bears. Recent volatility in June has made trading interesting yet unpredictable. U.S. macroeconomic data has shown its power to flip Bitcoin’s trajectory swiftly.   Quick Take  Bitcoin is currently challenging its 2021 all-time high of $69,000, facing significant resistance at this level. U.S. macroeconomic data and Federal Reserve decisions are driving considerable volatility in Bitcoin's price. This week’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) release and Federal Reserve meeting are expected to significantly influence Bitcoin's market dynamics. Bitcoin ETFs have accumulated over 1 million BTC, highlighting strong interest from institutional investors. Bitcoin whales are actively re-accumulating BTC, indicating expectations of medium-term price increases. BTC Price Range Struggle BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   The $69,000 mark has become a focal point in the market. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView indicates that Bitcoin’s price has been stuck in this range, with liquidity thickening around this spot price. Monitoring resources like CoinGlass suggesta potential for more volatility.   Market Reactions and Predictions Popular trader Skew noted liquidity firming up around $70.5K to $71K and bid liquidity around $68K to $68.5K. Another trader, Daan Crypto Trades, pointed out the CME Group Bitcoin futures market’s closing price guiding Bitcoin’s price into the new week. He emphasized that the price action remains “as usual” around it.   Michaël van de Poppe, founder and CEO of MNTrading, described Bitcoin as “consolidating between the two crucial levels.” He stated that breaking out at $71.7K would be significant, but it’s wise to remain conservative during CPI week.   Key Macro Events This week, two major macro events will dominate the landscape: the Fed’s interest rate decision and the May Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. Both are set to happen on the same day, June 13. The Kobeissi Letter highlighted the importance of this Fed meeting, with all eyes on Fed guidance.   Last week’s U.S. employment data caused a stir, briefly sending BTC/USD down nearly 2%. Popular trader CrypNuevo outlined two potential scenarios for Bitcoin’s reaction to this week’s data. The market believes that the Fed will not cut rates this month, but future meetings could see changes.   Whale and ETF Activity Bitcoin whales are re-accumulating BTC for medium-term profits. Research from CryptoQuant’s Cauê Oliveira shows that large-volume BTC investors are loading up on coins. This pattern of accumulation and distribution directly impacts pricing.   Additionally, Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have shown significant activity. In the first week of June, U.S. Bitcoin ETFs bought 25,729 BTC, nearly eight times more than the 3,150 BTC mined in the same period. This inflow is the biggest since mid-March when Bitcoin hit its current all-time high of $73,679.   Michael Saylor, Chairman of MicroStrategy, highlighted that 34 Spot Bitcoin ETFs now hold over one million BTC. This milestone marks a huge achievement in the cryptocurrency market, indicating strong institutional and retail investor interest.   Weekly Close and Future Prospects The latest weekly close for BTC/USD was significant, being the second-highest ever recorded at $69,630. Despite a last-minute dip into the weekend, buyers managed to reverse some of the losses. Daan Crypto Trades suggested that a weekly close above $69,000 would be a good start to leaving this price range behind.   Rekt Capital, a popular trader and analyst, pointed out that Bitcoin has turned a major resistance area into new support on monthly timeframes. This resistance zone between $58,600 and $61,300, which defeated bulls in 2021, now acts in their favor.   Conclusion Bitcoin continues to face a significant resistance level at $69,000, creating a tug-of-war between bulls and bears. This week’s macro events, particularly the Fed’s interest rate decision and the CPI release, will play a crucial role in determining Bitcoin’s short-term future. Meanwhile, the strong institutional interest in Bitcoin, evidenced by significant ETF inflows and whale activity, provides a bullish outlook for the medium term.