
倉鼠 Kombat 每日連擊和每日密碼為7月5日:如何解鎖更多獎勵

通過解答7月5日的每日組合和每日密碼,解鎖Hamster Kombat上的600萬硬幣。繼續閱讀以了解當天的答案,並了解如何在Hamster Kombat Telegram遊戲中最大化您的收入。   快速概述 每日密碼:解答摩斯密碼謎題以解鎖100萬硬幣。 每日組合:完成特定的每日任務以獲得500萬硬幣。 簡單易懂的說明:詳細步驟幫助您成功解鎖雙重獎勵。 關於Hamster Kombat點擊賺錢Telegram遊戲 Hamster Kombat是一款病毒式傳播的點擊賺錢Telegram遊戲,您可以在其中成為您自己的加密貨幣交易所的CEO。該遊戲擁有超過2億玩家,通過其每日獎勵提供了一種有趣且有回報的體驗。解鎖這些獎勵可以顯著提升您的遊戲內黃金,為即將到來的Hamster Kombat空投和HMSTR代幣發行做好準備。   在Hamster Kombat中,每日獎勵起著至關重要的作用。新玩家可能會發現最初解鎖這些獎勵具有挑戰性。然而,有了這份指南,您將很快學會如何最大化您的每日獎金,顯著提升您的遊戲內黃金。   為了使您的遊戲更簡單並獲得更多獎勵,我們已經彙編了2024年7月5日的每日密碼和每日組合的答案。   閱讀更多: 如何通過每日組合和每日密碼賺取Hamster Coin   每日密碼:賺取100萬硬幣 每日密碼涉及解碼摩斯密碼謎題。每天會發布一個新密碼,所有玩家都是相同的。以下是解碼方法:   輸入點 (.): 點擊一次倉鼠。 輸入劃 (-): 按住並釋放。 輸入時間間隔: 在輸入一個字母的第二序列之前,至少等待1.5秒,以確保應用程序能正確識別它。 2024年7月5日的每日密碼 每日密碼答案:STAKE 序列: . . . (S) _ (T) . _ (A) _ . _ (K) . (E) 如何解鎖每日密碼摩爾斯電碼 按照以下步驟解鎖 2024 年 7 月 5 日的每日密碼碼:    打開摩爾斯電碼輸入屏幕。 點擊倉鼠三次表示‘S’。 點擊並長按表示‘T’。 點擊一次,按住並釋放表示‘A’。 點擊,按住並釋放,等待,然後再次點擊表示‘K’。 點擊一次表示‘E’。 每日組合:賺取 500 萬硬幣 每日組合很簡單。你需要在可用任務中找到三張特定的卡片。與每日密碼一樣,這個謎題每天都會變化,並且對所有玩家都有一個通用答案。   2024 年 7 月 5 日的每日組合卡片 利雅德大師賽 2024(特殊) CX Hub 伊斯坦布爾(特殊) UX 和 UI 團隊(PR&Team)   解鎖每日組合 完成遊戲中指定的任務,以解鎖以下 7 月 5 日的每日組合卡片:   利雅德大師賽 2024(特別版) CX Hub 伊斯坦布爾(特別版) UX 和 UI 團隊(PR&Team)   更多獲取倉鼠幣的方法 邀請成員:某些每日組合可能涉及邀請新成員。 加入頻道:任務可能包括加入 Telegram 頻道。 社交媒體互動:關注 Twitter、Facebook 或 Instagram 上的賬號也可能是每日任務的一部分。 加書籤以獲取每日更新 將此頁面加入書籤,並使用在此頁底部可以找到的 Hamster Kombat 標籤。保持更新將確保您不會錯過每日獎勵。   結論 掌握 Hamster Kombat 的每日密碼和每日組合對於最大化遊戲內的金幣至關重要。按照本指南操作,您可以輕鬆解鎖這些每日獎勵並提升遊戲體驗。請隨時關注每日更新並享受獎勵!   您還可以在官方代幣於現貨市場上線之前,提前在 KuCoin 預售市場上 交易 Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) 代幣。  


Hamster Kombat 提供了獨特的遊戲體驗,並通過每日獎勵顯著提高您的遊戲內黃金。遊戲的每日組合卡和每日密碼每天都會更換,破解正確答案每天可以幫助您賺取高達 600 萬枚硬幣。對於新手玩家來說,解鎖這些獎勵可能看起來很具挑戰性。這個指導將幫助您在 7 月 4 日解鎖每日密碼和每日組合,確保您及時獲得收入。   閱讀更多:什麼是 Hamster Kombat?趨勢 Telegram 加密遊戲指南   快速概述 每天解決一個摩斯密碼拼圖即可解鎖 100 萬枚硬幣,輕鬆提升您的遊戲內貨幣。 完成特定的每日任務可賺取高達 500 萬枚硬幣,大大提升您的遊戲體驗。 按照詳細且易於理解的指導,成功解鎖每日密碼和每日組合獎勵。 Hamster Kombat:具有獎勵的點擊遊戲 Hamster Kombat 是一款在線點擊遊戲,完成特定任務可獲得硬幣獎勵。為了提高玩家的參與度,Hamster Kombat 引入了每日組合和每日密碼功能,幫助解鎖更多獎勵。作為您自己加密貨幣交易所的 CEO,您可以使用這些和其他功能來挖掘更多硬幣並擴展您的交易所。   這些硬幣可以在Hamster 代幣發佈和Hamster Kombat 空投後兌換成現金。除了每日組合外,遊戲還提供每日密碼和獎勵,提升您的每小時點數 (PPH)。   了解更多:如何通過每日組合和每日密碼賺取Hamster Coin   每日密碼:解鎖100萬硬幣 每日密碼涉及解答莫爾斯密碼謎題。每天會發布一個新密碼,您可以通過解答每日密碼莫爾斯密碼來賺取100萬Hamster Coins。以下是解碼的方法:   輸入點 (.): 輕點一次倉鼠。 輸入劃線 (-): 輕點並按住,然後釋放。 輸入時間間隔: 在輸入字母的下一個序列之前至少等待1.5秒,以確保應用程序正確識別。 Hamster Kombat每日密碼,7月4日   2024年7月4日的每日密碼答案是"ORACLE"。密碼序列是:   _ _ _ (O) . _ . (R) . _ (A) _ . _ . (C) . _ . . (L) . (E) 恭喜,你現在成功解鎖了每日獎勵的100萬!    每日組合:獲得500萬硬幣 每日組合很簡單。你需要在可用任務中找到三張特定卡片。像每日密碼一樣,這個拼圖每天會變化,對所有玩家都有統一的答案。   倉鼠格鬥每日組合,7月4日   2024年7月4日的每日組合任務如下:   GameFi 代幣 Web3 遊戲大會 SEC 透明度 完成這些任務將會獲得 500萬枚硬幣。   Hamster Kombat 每日密碼和組合答案 為了簡化您的遊戲體驗,以下是每日密碼和組合答案列表:   Date Daily Cipher Answer Daily Combo Answer 2024年7月4日 ORACLE SEC 透明度 GameFi 代幣 Web3 遊戲大會   將此頁面加入書籤以獲取每日密碼和組合答案的更新。   挖掘更多倉鼠幣的額外技巧  邀請成員:某些每日組合可能涉及邀請新成員。 加入頻道:任務可能包括加入Telegram頻道。 社交媒體互動:在Twitter、Facebook或Instagram上關注賬號也可能是每日任務的一部分。 結論 我們會定期更新每日組合答案。將此頁面加入書籤,並在頁面底部找到Hamster Kombat標籤。這樣,您可以隨時了解最新的任務和獎勵。請注意,某些任務可能具有挑戰性,但完成您能夠完成的任務並等待第二天也是可以的。   掌握Hamster Kombat中的每日密碼和每日組合對於最大化您在遊戲中的金幣是必不可少的。通過本指南,您可以輕鬆解鎖這些每日獎勵並提升您的遊戲體驗。敬請關注每日更新並享受獎勵!   按照本指南操作,您將能夠輕鬆應對《Hamster Kombat》中的每日獎勵,充分利用您的遊戲體驗。祝點擊愉快!  

倉鼠游戏Hamster Kombat跨越2.1億玩家,準備創造吉尼斯世界紀錄?

Hamster Kombat,一款在 Telegram 上流行的賺取收益(P2E)遊戲,公佈了七月的令人興奮的更新,包括其代幣生成事件(TGE)和Hamster 代幣空投。這款遊戲在全球已擁有超過 2.1 億玩家,已超越 Notcoin 的採用率,並可能很快創下快速增長的吉尼斯世界紀錄。   快速概覽 Hamster Kombat 計劃在七月進行 TGE 和代幣空投,將在 TON 區塊鏈上進行。玩家可以通過完成特定任務(如連接他們的 TON 錢包)參與其中。 這款遊戲已超過 2.1 億玩家,超越了 Notcoin,在尼日利亞和其他非洲市場有顯著的參與度。 Hamster Kombat 的 YouTube 頻道增長迅速,訂閱者超過 3000 萬,有望創下最快增長頻道的吉尼斯世界紀錄。 Hamster Kombat 確認七月進行空投和 TGE Hamster Kombat 最受期待的更新之一是代幣生成事件(TGE)和其代幣的遊戲內實用功能。TGE 預計將在七月進行,並計劃在 TON 區塊鏈上進行代幣空投。玩家可以通過完成特定任務(如將其TON 錢包連接到遊戲)參與空投。遊戲界面已顯示“空投”選項卡,表明清單正在進行中。   閱讀更多:Hamster Kombat 空投任務 1 上線:如何連接你的 TON 錢包   七月還將推出Hamster Kombat 代幣的新用途。這些發展旨在增強用戶參與度並提高遊戲的吸引力。新的遊戲內實用功能將允許玩家在GameFi 生態系統中使用代幣進行各種用途。   除了 TGE 和遊戲內的實用性之外,Hamster Kombat 還計劃在 2024 年第三季度進行多項開發升級。這些升級包括新角色和皮膚、限時活動和現場活動。預計在第四季度會有更多升級,為玩家帶來持續的興奮體驗。   Hamster Kombat 用戶基數增至超過 2.1 億玩家  ​​ 來源:Hamster Kombat 在 X    Hamster Kombat 自推出以來經歷了驚人的增長,玩家數量在短時間內超過了 2.1 億。這一增長速度超過了另一款受歡迎的 P2E Telegram 遊戲 Notcoin,並突顯了 Hamster Kombat 在不同地區的吸引力。值得注意的是,尼日利亞和其他非洲市場已成為主要的玩家參與區域。    該遊戲通過 Telegram 應用程序的可訪問性,結合其社交功能,促進了其快速增長。Hamster Kombat 中古怪的角色和簡單的遊戲玩法吸引了從兒童到成人的廣泛受眾。該遊戲的跨世代吸引力和獨特概念使其有別於傳統的格鬥遊戲。   閱讀更多: Hamster Kombat空投:一億玩家準備迎接TON代幣發行   倉鼠社區壯大,YouTube頻道突破3,100萬訂閱 Hamster Kombat的YouTube頻道自5月24日啟動以來取得了顯著增長。該頻道已獲得超過3,000萬訂閱,超越了知名YouTuber Mr. Beast的新訂閱數量。在僅僅六天十三小時十五分鐘內,超過1,000萬訂閱者加入,Hamster Kombat有望創下最快增長的YouTube頻道吉尼斯世界紀錄。   該遊戲的YouTube頻道也促進了顯著的參與度。用戶通過觀看視頻獲得遊戲內的硬幣,該頻道平均每天有2,000萬次觀看量。這轉化為可觀的每日收入,估計在4,000美元至69,000美元之間。頻道上的教育視頻專門為Web3的新手設計,有助於引導新用戶。   Hamster Kombat通過每日連擊和每日密碼驅動參與度 Hamster Kombat提供了每日連擊和密碼等獨特功能,以保持玩家的參與度。玩家可以通過成功完成這些任務獲得數百萬點數。該遊戲還鼓勵用戶生成內容,有關每日連擊和密碼的教程在YouTube和TikTok等平台上越來越受歡迎。   閱讀更多:如何通過每日組合和每日密碼賺取Hamster Coin   但遊戲也面臨爭議  儘管廣受歡迎,但Hamster Kombat也面臨了一些挑戰和爭議。在伊朗,政府官員根據AP新聞報導批評該遊戲是西方影響的工具,分散了民眾對即將到來的總統選舉的注意力。該遊戲在經濟困難的伊朗民眾中獲得了吸引力,有些人將這一趨勢稱為絕望的跡象。伊朗官員認為,這款遊戲是西方國家更廣泛策略的一部分,旨在轉移公眾對重要國家事件的注意力,可能會侵蝕勤勞和創業精神的文化。同樣,在俄羅斯,這款遊戲因對兒童構成財務風險而受到批評,並被一些專家標籤為“金字塔騙局”。年輕玩家中的極端行為也被報導,引發了對遊戲影響的擔憂。例如,一名來自秋明的14歲男孩 reportedly 每三小時設置一次鬧鐘以最大化他的遊戲分數,促使他的父母尋求精神醫療幫助。   在烏克蘭,由於該遊戲與俄羅斯伺服器有關,當局提高了數據安全擔憂,並突出了烏克蘭用戶潛在的風險。惡意軟件暴露是另一個重大問題,因為許多人由於制裁而訴諸於非官方軟件。烏茲別克斯坦則採取了嚴厲立場,威脅玩家如果試圖將遊戲內貨幣轉換為真錢,將面臨監禁或罰款。這反映了該國對加密貨幣的普遍政策。這些爭議突顯了遊戲開發者、用戶和各國政府之間的複雜關係。   結論  Hamster Kombat的迅速崛起和雄心勃勃的計劃使其成為P2E領域值得關注的遊戲。隨著即將到來的空投和TGE、新的遊戲內功能以及持續的開發升級,玩家在七月及以後有很多期待。然而,對於這種快速增長和加密市場的波動性所帶來的潛在風險和挑戰,保持謹慎是很重要的。來自各國的爭議和批評突顯了這其中的複雜動態,提醒用戶在熱情參與的同時也要謹慎對待這款遊戲。  

Memecoins、AI、RWA 和穩定幣推動 2024 年第二季度增長:CoinMarketCap 上半年報告

根據Coinmarketcap 2024年上半年的報告,在2024年第二季度,全球加密貨幣市場總市值大幅下降14.5%,達到2.3萬億美元。儘管如此,24小時交易量飆升了223%,達到794億美元。加密貨幣恐懼與貪婪指數維持在中性49,顯示出自第一季度以來的恐懼趨勢。比特幣的主導地位仍然強勁,達到53%,並且沒有任何山寨幣季節的跡象。流動性下降了18.5%,反映出在更廣泛的牛市趨勢中的一個熊市階段。   快速回顧 在2024年第二季度,迷因幣成為最受歡迎的加密貨幣類別,占CoinMarketCap頁面瀏覽量的23%。 穩定幣部門增長了8.6%,而人工智慧和大數據部門增長了2.5%。Ethena和Lista的推出顯著提升了穩定幣部門。 Solana的生態系統在第二季度新增了20個代幣,超過了以太坊的14個。基於Solana的迷因幣表現優於基於以太坊的迷因幣,回報率分別為8469%和962%。 政治迷因代幣,主要是由MAGA(特朗普)領導,在市場上取得了顯著地位,總市值達到7.84億美元。MAGA代幣今年單獨飆升超過5100%。 由法定貨幣擔保的穩定幣主導的RWA部門顯著增長。值得注意的發展包括Ethena的USDe,其市值增加了934%,以及BlackRock的BUIDL基金在短短三個月內吸引了4.53億美元。 迷因幣、穩定幣和人工智慧推動2024年第二季度加密市場增長 2024年第二季度加密市場中最活躍的部門 | 來源: Coinmarketcap    在第二季度,三個部門經歷了正增長:迷因幣、穩定幣和人工智慧&大數據。迷因幣首次成為最受歡迎的類別,占據了23%的頁面瀏覽量。   3月和4月初的迷因幣季節讓位給了對穩定幣 (+8.6%)、人工智慧和大數據 (+2.5%)的關注。Ethena 和Lista的推出增強了穩定幣領域。Tether在第一季度的45.2億美元利潤凸顯了該領域的盈利能力,吸引了新項目。相反,自2月高峰以來,對人工智慧的熱潮已經減退,到6月僅佔6.4%的關注度。衍生品和穩定幣也有適度增長。迷因幣和人工智慧及大數據領域正在放緩,許多項目正在下市。   Solana在迷因幣競賽中超越以太坊  Solana vs. 以太坊迷因幣 | 資料來源: Coinmarketcap    Solana的生態系統也引起了極大關注,可能挑戰以太坊的主導地位。CoinMarketCap的數據顯示,Solana的生態系統正在蓬勃發展,第二季度新增了20個代幣,而以太坊新增了14個。基於Solana的迷因幣表現優於基於以太坊的迷因幣,平均回報率達到8469%,而以太坊的為962%。這一趨勢是由投機資金流動和像WIF和BONK等代幣的成功所推動的。   在Solana生態系統中,迷因幣占據主導地位,反映了投機熱潮。散戶投資者更喜歡快速獲利而不是傳統項目,這表明了一種反建制的情緒。這種賭場般的氛圍與以太坊專注於實際資產(RWA)和人工智慧形成對比,強調實際應用並將傳統金融與區塊鏈相結合。   PolitiFi Meme Tokens: Trump Leads the Pack 特朗普與拜登在政治領域的迷因幣競爭 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    政治迷因代幣(PolitiFi)已成為一個重要的子類別,總市值達到7.84億美元。領先的代幣MAGA(TRUMP)今年已增長超過5100%,這主要是由於特朗普對加密貨幣的公開支持以及接受加密貨幣作為競選捐款。   Real World Assets (RWA) Sector Fuels Stablecoin Growth  RWA 部門與穩定幣市場實現增長 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    RWA部門正在經歷顯著增長,主要由法幣抵押的穩定幣所推動,這類穩定幣現在佔該類別總市值的96.6%。泰達幣(USDT)仍然是主導力量,不斷刷新市值新高,並作為近70%中心化交易所(CEXs)現貨交易量的基準對。   USDC 在2024年上半年市場市值上升了32%,顯示出顯著的復甦。此增長主要歸因於 Circle 向機構客戶的戰略推動以及 Coinbase International 的推出,這為 USDC 在非美國市場帶來了更多的交易量。   在 RWA 部門中表現突出的有 Ethena 的USDe,於2024年2月推出。這種新穩定幣的市值已經上升了934%。其33.5%的高收益吸引了大量資金流入,使其成為該部門增長最快的資產之一。儘管有初始空投和其本地代幣 ENA 的推出,USDe 仍然吸引了大量投資者的興趣。   BlackRock 的 BUIDL 基金於2024年3月在以太坊上推出,在管理資產(AUM)方面領先於其他代幣化基金。該基金在不到三個月內吸引了4.53億美元的資金流入,突顯出機構對代幣化金融的興趣日益增長。Ondo Finance 是 BUIDL 的最大貢獻者,在此增長中發揮了重要作用,為其 AUM 增加了1.95億美元。自1月18日推出以來,ONDO 已經增長了634%,成為 RWA 部門的領先幣種。   儘管如此,TVL 在RWA 協定中的總價值目前為 43.9 億美元,仍低於上一周期的高點 63.7 億美元。這一差距表明,隨著該部門繼續成熟並吸引更多機構資金,仍有足夠的增長空間。   結論:動態的季度 2024 年第 2 季度見證了加密貨幣市場的顯著變化。儘管全球市值下降了 14.5%,但 24 小時交易量上升了 223%,反映了強韌的交易環境。比特幣的主導地位達到 53%,以及持續的 牛市 宏觀情緒表明機構投資的力量,但零售參與度仍然明顯偏低。   穩定幣領域顯示出強勁的增長,受益於新項目如 Ethena 和 Lista,以及 Tether 的可觀利潤。同時,Solana 生態系統已成為以太坊的一個強大競爭對手,特別是在 memecoin 領域,投機投資正在上升。   然而,本季度也突顯了市場的脆弱性。流動性下降 18.5% 以及恐慌情緒的趨勢突顯了潛在的風險。投資者應保持謹慎,因為市場條件可能迅速變化。對人工智能的興趣減少和 memecoins 的波動性進一步增加了市場的不可預測性。   一如既往,進行盡職調查和風險意識的投資方法對於在動態的加密貨幣世界中導航至關重要。  

TapSwap 空投和代幣發行空投延遲至 2024 年第三季度:對用戶的影響

TapSwap,一款在Telegram上受歡迎的點擊賺錢遊戲,宣布其備受期待的代幣發行將推遲至2024年第三季度。TapSwap的空投活動,一個免費的加密貨幣贈送活動,也將重新安排在同一時期。最初,TapSwap計劃在5月30日舉行空投,但由於有大量機器人試圖獲取空投積分,推遲至7月1日。現在,團隊需要更多時間來完善其發行策略。   快速摘要 TapSwap將代幣發行和空投推遲至2024年第三季度。 Telegram 遊戲的開發者需要更多時間來準備經濟模型和發行策略。 TapSwap的空投活動延遲旨在確保用戶獲得更有利且公平的發行。但社群對此延遲的反應不一。  TapSwap概述及現狀  TapSwap於二月上線,獎勵用戶點擊屏幕。該遊戲根據玩家的等級設有規則和限制點擊代幣的數量。擁有超過4800萬玩家,TapSwap的成功吸引了騙子和一級交易所合作夥伴。該Telegram遊戲最初計劃與Solana整合,但後來切換到The Open Network (TON),因其更適合基於Telegram的小應用程式。   TapSwap在X上宣布空投延遲  來源:TapSwap在X上    在X平台上的帖子中,TapSwap 向用戶保證,延遲最終將使他們受益。他們寫道:「我們取得的成功伴隨著一些‘不便’。該項目強調,確保所有用戶的公平和有利可圖的上線是他們的首要任務。」   「這種級別的關注需要對代幣經濟學和正確的上線策略進行更詳細的工作。而這意味著需要額外的時間。」    儘管用戶興趣濃厚,TapSwap 對其計劃在TON 區塊鏈上發行代幣的具體細節保持模糊。在6月26日的AMA會議期間,團隊沒有提供 TAPS 代幣發行的具體時間表或空投資格的詳細信息。他們解釋說,代幣經濟學中的「許多動態因素」,包括與多個加密貨幣交易所的交流,迫使他們對文檔進行更改。   閱讀更多:TapSwap 空投預計在七月:需要了解的事項   TapSwap 的以社區為中心的代幣分配計劃 TapSwap 重申了對社區的承諾,表示將分配大量代幣給用戶。團隊正在完成代幣經濟學,並在完成後提供更新。他們強調空投分配公平的重要性,並已實施監控系統來追踪用戶行為,識別應該被禁止的賬戶。   TapSwap 致力於為空投進行細緻的代幣分配過程。他們正在探索為不誠實的用戶提供自願交出部分空投的選項,以確保雙贏局面。   "我們正在制定明確的代幣分配規則以確保公平,儘管這些規則不能提前透露以防濫用," TapSwap 表示。   TapSwap 社區的褒貶不一的反應  來源:X    社群對於延遲的反應不一。有些用戶對於一再推遲感到沮喪,而另一些用戶則感謝確保公平和安全的代幣分發所做的努力。許多人仍然渴望參與並希望延遲能帶來更好的啟動體驗。社交媒體上的情緒反映出謹慎的樂觀態度,用戶積極參與 Tapswap 的活動以增加他們的空投資格。   結論 Tapswap 延遲代幣發行和空投的決定旨在提供更具戰略性和對用戶有利的結果。額外的時間將使團隊能夠完善他們的代幣經濟學和發行策略,確保所有用戶都能有一個公平的體驗。然而,用戶必須保持知情並注意延遲可能帶來的潛在風險。時間將告訴我們 Tapswap 的空投是否能在 2024 年第三季度成功啟動。    

Catizen 空投指南:如何賺取 $CATI 代幣

Catizen,是一款流行的Telegram遊戲,玩家可以滑動合成貓咪並賺取加密貨幣。該遊戲宣佈在2024年6月推出“為空投而玩”活動後,將在7月正式開展空投活動。了解如何通過在Catizen滑動賺取遊戲中挖掘更多硬幣來獲得即將到來的$CATI代幣空投資格。    快速摘要 $CATI代幣空投計劃於7月在The Open Network (TON)上進行,將分配該代幣總供應量的35%。 Catizen支持TON和以太坊的Mantle網絡,提供多樣的賺取機會。 該遊戲將其收入的1%捐贈給專門救助全球流浪貓的慈善機構。 什麼是Catizen滑動賺取Telegram遊戲? Catizen是一款基於Telegram的賺取遊戲,以其滑動合成貓咪的機制而脫穎而出,玩家需要合成貓咪以提高其等級和價值。    Catizen在過去幾個月中取得了巨大的增長和成功,順利完成了其路線圖的前兩個階段。擁有超過2300萬玩家、340萬日活躍用戶和超過1400萬次鏈上交易,Catizen在遊戲界穩固了自己的地位。該平台在Ton Open League中連續三個賽季排名第一,並收集了數千名玩家的反饋和溫馨故事。    隨著Catizen為第三階段——Catizen遊戲平台的推出做準備,計劃推出超過200個小遊戲,轉型成為一個綜合遊戲中心,旨在聯合超過1億玩家。此外,Catizen還將推出一個Telegram Mini Apps遊戲引擎,為H5遊戲開發者提供便捷的訪問。社區熱切期待7月即將到來的$CATI代幣空投,這標誌著Catizen的一個重要里程碑。通過這些發展,Catizen繼續培養深厚的情感聯繫和強大的社區精神,同時將其收入的1%致力於幫助流浪貓。   Catizen不僅限於TON生態系統。4月,他們與以太坊的Mantle網絡合作,到6月下旬,從Mantle獲得了近50萬用戶。這使得玩家可以在The Open Network (TON)和Mantle上參與遊戲,擴大了他們的獎勵機會。   閱讀更多內容:探索Catizen:TON生態系統中的養貓加密遊戲   Catizen空投啟動計劃  Catizen宣佈將於7月進行$CATI代幣的空投。空投的分配將基於參與者的vKITTY產量和他們擁有的最高等級貓咪。$CATI代幣將在The Open Network (TON)上發行,這與Notcoin和Hamster Kombat使用的區塊鏈相同。總供應量的35%已分配給此次空投。要參與並申領Catizen空投,請確保在代幣發行前將您的TON錢包連接到Catizen Telegram小程序。    如何玩Catizen遊戲  在Catizen中,你將經營一個虛擬貓咪咖啡館。以下是開始的步驟:   啟動機器人:前往 Telegram 上的Catizen Bot。 開始遊戲:點擊「開始」然後選擇「參加空投活動」。 合併貓咪:滑動以合併相同等級的貓咪,提升它們的等級。當你得到 5600 萬分時,你會留在銀級聯賽,5600 萬到 7600 萬之間是金級聯賽。超過 7600 萬 vKITTY 幣即可進入鉑金聯賽。 賺取 vKITTY 幣:咖啡廳的訪客會為你賺取 vKITTY 幣。 購買更多貓咪:使用 vKITTY 幣購買更多貓咪或等待定期掉落。 釣魚小遊戲:通過每日登入和推薦賺取魚幣,以玩釣魚小遊戲來獲得額外的 vKITTY 幣。 如何在 Catizen 賺取更多幣  為了最大化空投收益,重點是提升貓咪等級。擁有大量的 vKITTY 幣並不是最佳策略。相反,投資於更高等級的貓咪以提升你的賺錢潛力。   如何獲得 $CATI 空投資格 玩遊戲:參與遊戲並累積 vKITTY 幣。 提升貓咪等級:合併貓咪以提升它們的等級。 連結 TON 錢包:連結你的TON 錢包以接收 Catizen 空投。常見選項包括Tonkeeper和 Telegram 內嵌的 @Wallet。 完成任務:參加社交任務和每日簽到以賺取更多 vKITTY 幣。獎勵從每個任務 5 幣起,到每日購買遊戲內物品可獲得最高 300 幣。作為 Telegram 高級用戶,你可能會贏得 200 vKITTY 幣作為獎勵。 慈善承諾 Catizen 承諾將其收入的 1% 捐贈給救助流浪貓的慈善機構。通過遊戲,你不僅能賺取潛在的加密貨幣獎勵,還能為公益事業做出貢獻。   結論 Catizen 透過其獨特的滑動機制和慈善承諾,為「玩賺」類型的遊戲帶來了新鮮感。其即將到來的 $CATI 代幣空投為玩家增添了興奮的動機。然而,請記住參與玩賺遊戲存在風險。請隨時保持信息更新,謹慎對待你的投資和遊戲活動。


隨著美國總統大選臨近,基於以太坊和Polygon的去中心化預測平台Polymarket正在引起重大關注。該平台的賭注超過2億美元,標誌著加密貨幣融入主流金融的關鍵時刻。   簡要概述 Polymarket吸引了2億美元的賭注,用於美國總統大選。 Polymarket6月交易量超過1.11億美元。Polymarket預測市場平台的指標出現了顯著增長:總鎖定價值(TVL)上升了69%至4020萬美元,活躍用戶數量增長了115% Polymarket去中心化預測市場簡介 Polymarket是一個去中心化的預測市場平台,允許用戶使用加密貨幣對各種事件的結果進行下注。該平台在以太坊的側鏈Polygon上運行,利用區塊鏈技術提供透明且防篡改的市場。用戶可以通過購買他們認為會發生結果的股份,對二元結果(如選舉結果或體育賽事)進行下注。該平台使用預言機來解決市場結果,確保結果基於經過驗證的數據。   了解更多:什麼是Polymarket預測市場,它是如何運作的?   Polymarket月交易量在六月突破1.11億美元 Polymarket的月交易量 | 來源:Dune Analytics   六月,Polymarket的月交易量創下新高,超過1.11億美元。Kairos Research的分析師預測,到年底該平台的交易量可能會超過10億美元。平台上的總鎖定價值(TVL)上升了69%,達到4020萬美元,月活躍用戶激增了115%,達到29,266。這些指標突顯了人們對去中心化預測市場的興趣日益高漲。     Polymarket的總鎖定價值(TVL)增長 | 來源:Token Terminal   Polymarket的选举赌注突破2.03亿美元 Polymarket的“2024年总统选举赢家”市场吸引了2.033亿美元的赌注。唐纳德·特朗普以62%的获胜概率领先,其次是乔·拜登,获胜概率为21%。自6月28日辩论表现后,拜登的赔率显著下降,进一步引发了他可能退出竞选的猜测。“拜登退出总统竞选”市场激增,截至6月30日,赌注达1000万美元,概率为50%。   根據BeInCrypto的一份報告,Coinbase高管Yuga Cohler強調了預測市場的重要性。Cohler表示:“預測市場是自由民主最純粹的技術表現。它們將自由市場和言論自由作為輸入,並輸出真相。在信息集中控制成為系統性風險的時代,預測市場提供了一種突破誤導性敘述、查看未經修飾真相的方法。”這突顯了像Polymarket這樣的去中心化預測平台的更廣泛社會意義。   了解更多:美國選舉前值得關注的熱門PolitiFi代幣   Polymarket与UMA在DJT代币决议上的意见相左 在最近的爭議中,Polymarket對UMA協議關於巴倫·特朗普與DJT代幣的決議提出了異議。作為一個預言機服務,UMA協議在一個市場上決定巴倫·特朗普是否涉及DJT代幣時給出了“否定”的答案。Polymarket不同意,並表示:“我們堅信UMA的這個決議是錯誤的。”他們正在努力尋找一個“近期解決方案”來解決這個問題。   根據Polymarket的數據,用戶在這個市場上下注超過100萬美元。UMA的預言機用於記錄智能合約的可驗證真相或數據,並通過代幣持有者投票決定爭議的解決。   DJT代幣是一種基於Solana的模因幣,一直處於爭議之中。根據區塊鏈調查員ZachXBT的說法,企業家Martin Shkreli聲稱共同創建了DJT,ZachXBT因揭露Shkreli的參與而獲得了15萬美元的獎勵。儘管有這些說法,特朗普競選團隊尚未對此作出回應。   DJT币价趋势 | 来源: CoinGecko    根据GeckoTerminal的数据,DJT价格在过去24小时内因争议下跌了17.5%。Polymarket决定与UMA意见相左,使这场不断发展的事件更加复杂,突显了在保持去中心化平台公正性方面的挑战。   了解更多:巴倫·特朗普是TrumpCoin(DJT)背後的推手嗎?Arkham宣布15萬美元懸賞揭開真相   Polymarket預測市場面臨的監管和挑戰  儘管取得成功,Polymarket仍面臨懷疑和挑戰。X平台上的一個化名用戶BoredElonMusk質疑該平台的公正性,暗示存在對某個政黨的偏見。這種懷疑凸顯了去中心化平台在保持信譽和公正性方面面臨的挑戰。   Polymarket和類似平台在美國面臨監管挑戰。儘管它們具有潛力,但在監管環境中找到合適的路徑對於其持續增長和融入主流金融實踐至關重要。   結論  在美國總統大選前,Polymarket的活躍度激增,證明了去中心化預測市場的影響力日益增長。通過吸引主流關注並推動顯著的用戶參與,該平台展示了加密貨幣融入更廣泛的金融和社會框架的潛力。隨著選舉臨近,Polymarket在預測結果和塑造公眾情緒方面的角色將備受關注,為去中心化技術的未來提供寶貴的見解。在應對監管挑戰和懷疑的過程中,Polymarket代表了去中心化技術在塑造公眾意見和話語方面的潛力。  

Toncoin Price Prediction: Will It Hit $10?

Toncoin (TON) is showing upward price trends due to the rapid growth of crypto mini-apps like Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and more emerging games on Telegram. With its integration into the Telegram ecosystem and a growing user base, Toncoin is well-positioned for future growth. In this article, we'll explore Toncoin's current performance, key metrics, and future price predictions.   Quick Take Toncoin boasts over 32 million active users on its network, with integration into Telegram driving this impressive user growth. The price of Toncoin has strong support levels at $7 and $7.36, backed by significant moving averages indicating a clear upward trend. Whales have shown strong interest, accumulating 45 million TON worth $346.5 million, and Toncoin has received regulatory approval for trading in Kazakhstan. The Total Value Locked (TVL) on the Toncoin network has reached $700 million, with a 113% increase in June, pointing to robust growth and increasing adoption.  Toncoin's integration with Telegram provides a substantial advantage, leveraging Telegram's massive user base to drive adoption and usage. This integration sets Toncoin apart from other cryptocurrencies, embedding it within a well-established ecosystem and enhancing its viability for widespread use.   Read more: Pantera Capital Eyes New Investment in Toncoin (TON): Bullish Outlook?   Toncoin Receives Regulatory Approval in Kazakhstan Toncoin recently received approval from the Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) for trading in Kazakhstan. While Kazakhstan may not be a major crypto market compared to the United States, this regulatory approval highlights Toncoin's growing global appeal and legitimacy.   TON’s User Base Surges to Over 32 Million Toncoin has seen remarkable user growth, with over 32 million active users on The Open Network (TON). This growth is largely attributed to its integration with Telegram, one of the world's most popular messaging apps. The synergy between Toncoin and Telegram provides a unique advantage, making Toncoin stand out in the crowded cryptocurrency market. The rising popularity of Telegram-based games, such as Notcoin, Catizen, Pixelverse, Blum, W-Coin, and more, could onboard more web2 users to web3 via the TON blockchain.    Read more: Telegram Launches Adsgram for Devs to Earn Toncoin Through Ads   Toncoin Price Shows Strong Support at $7 and $7.36 TON/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Toncoin's price has been steadily rising, currently trading at $7.73. The coin has strong support levels at $7 and $7.36, which have held firm despite market fluctuations. Significant moving averages, including the 26-day, 50-day, and 200-day averages, indicate a sustained upward trend. This bullish momentum suggests that Toncoin is on a strong footing for future gains.   The volume profile for Toncoin shows steady trading activity, reflecting sustained interest in the coin. This consistent volume, coupled with the growing number of active users, points to a solid foundation for long-term growth. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is around 58, indicating that Toncoin is in a neutral zone with room to rise before becoming overbought.   Whales Accumulate Over 45M TON in the Past Week  Whales have shown significant interest in Toncoin, with over 45 million TON purchased in the past week alone, valued at approximately $346.5 million. This accumulation by large investors underscores their confidence in Toncoin's future potential.   The Open Network (TON) TVL Touches $700M, Up 113% in June  TON DeFi TVL | Source: DefiLlama    Toncoin's Total Value Locked (TVL) has reached $700 million, marking a significant milestone. This 113% increase in TVL in June reflects robust growth and increasing adoption among market participants. The TVL metric is a crucial indicator of the health and stability of the TON ecosystem.   Read more: Toncoin Touches New ATH as TON TVL Surges 77% in June   Toncoin Price Prediction: $10 ATH Next?  Given Toncoin's current trajectory, analysts are optimistic about its future. If Toncoin can maintain its bullish momentum and break through the immediate resistance at $7.86, it could potentially surpass its previous all-time high of $8.24. Analysts project that Toncoin could reach the $10 mark in the long term, driven by continued growth in user adoption, integration with Telegram, and increasing investor interest.   Conclusion Toncoin is positioned for substantial growth, supported by its integration with Telegram, increasing user base, and strong market fundamentals. With consistent trading activity, whale accumulation, and recent regulatory approval, Toncoin's future looks promising. As the coin continues to build on its current momentum, the $10 price target appears within reach.   Toncoin's unique ecosystem, backed by Telegram's infrastructure, sets it on a promising path. Investors and users alike should keep an eye on Toncoin as it navigates the crypto market, potentially achieving new highs in the coming months.  

Telegram Launches Adsgram for Devs to Earn Toncoin Through Ads

On June 25, the TON Community launched Adsgram, a new traffic monetization tool on Telegram. This platform allows developers to earn Toncoin (TON) by integrating ads into their mini-apps or bots. Adsgram stands out from the Telegram Ads platform launched in March, providing developers with a dedicated system to monetize their applications.   Quick Take Adsgram is a new third-party platform launched by the TON Community for monetizing mini-apps on Telegram. It offers video ads, static banners, and channel subscriptions with CPM and other payment models. Mini-app developers can earn up to $16 CPM in Toncoin. Adsgram primarily targets countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Germany, as well as tier-1 exchanges and TON-based services. Developers will Earn Toncoin By Ads Displaying In Telegram Adsgram supports various ad formats, including 15-second video ads, static banners, and soon-to-be-released channel subscriptions. The platform employs standard ad payment models like cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and tracks essential metrics such as click-through rate, conversions, and fill rate.   According to Adsgram’s official presentation, the platform offers CPM rates ranging from 0.5 TON ($3.8) to 2 TON ($16), based on the audience. The platform has already amassed up to 8 million impressions per day as of May 2024, featuring mini-apps like Gamee and Fonton Fantasy Football. Adsgram’s advertisers include tier-1 exchanges, TON-based games, and gambling services.   Adsgram co-founder Vadim Sterlin emphasized the platform's role in solving monetization challenges in the GameFi sector on Telegram. Sterlin, who founded Fantongamebot, highlighted the difficulties in monetizing games through direct ad sales. Adsgram, supported by a $50,000 grant from the TON Foundation, launched its first ads through an alpha test on Fanton Fantasy Football in early April.   “As a founder of a major game in the Telegram ecosystem — Fantongamebot — I faced a big challenge monetising our game,” Sterlin wrote on the Adsgram channel in February. By then, there was no way for publishers to earn money on advertising rather than direct ads sales, he noted according to a report on Cointelegraph.   TON Ecosystem Activity Surges by 4,500% in 2024 TON DeFi TVL | Source: DefiLlama    Adsgram’s launch coincides with a significant surge in the TON ecosystem. The total value locked (TVL) on various TON projects has grown by 4,500% in 2024, with Toncoin hitting new highs, peaking at $8.17 on June 14. Toncoin's year-to-date returns exceeded 200%, outpacing market giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum.   Toncoin’s TVL increased from 5.94 million TON to 87.47 million TON, a 1,372% rise. This growth is mirrored in Toncoin’s transfer volume, oscillating between $5 billion and $10 billion throughout June, achieving around 10% of Bitcoin’s transfer volume capacity. The number of Toncoin holders surged to 32 million in June, a tenfold increase from the previous year, indicating a growing demand driven by its utility in DeFi activities.   Read more: Top dApps in The Open Network (TON) Ecosystem   The Open Network team bolstered TON token demand through various funding and incentive programs. In March, they allocated 30 million TON tokens for community rewards, covering token mining, airdrops, developer support, and liquidity pools. The TONcoin Fund secured up to $250 million from industry players, attracting more developers to the TON blockchain.   Telegram Mini-App Games Fuel Demand for Toncoin TON/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Notcoin, a play-to-earn game on Telegram, further propelled Toncoin’s demand. By early 2024, the game attracted over 35 million players. The NOT token, launched on major exchanges, saw its price surge 600% within 24 hours, reaching a market cap of $715.7 million. Notcoin’s integration within the TON ecosystem created a direct link between the two tokens, enhancing Toncoin’s utility and demand.   Upcoming games following in Notcoin’s footsteps include Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, Blum, Catizen, and Gemz. For instance, Hamster Kombat has over 100 million players and is expected to launch its native token HMSTR via an airdrop campaign in July 2024.    Toncoin’s Open Interest Rises to $263 Million in the Futures Market TON OI-Weightened Funding Rate | Source: CoinGlass    Toncoin’s price surge coincides with a rise in open interest in the futures market, reaching over $263 million by June 21. Despite negative funding rates, indicating a significant portion of the market betting on a price decline, Toncoin’s spot price continued to rise. This scenario led to a short squeeze, driving further price increases.   Conclusion Adsgram's launch marks a significant milestone in the TON ecosystem, offering developers a new way to monetize their mini-apps on Telegram. With diverse ad formats, robust payment models, and substantial earnings potential, Adsgram is set to revolutionize traffic monetization. Coupled with the booming TON ecosystem and strategic funding initiatives, Adsgram promises to enhance the financial dynamics of Telegram’s GameFi sector and beyond.  

Solana's 'Blinks' and 'Actions' Bring Crypto Trading to Social Media Feeds

Solana has always been at the forefront of blockchain innovation. Recently, it has taken a giant leap by introducing 'Blinks' and 'Actions,' two groundbreaking features designed to integrate blockchain transactions directly into popular social media platforms and websites, according to a report from CoinDesk. This new development aims to make crypto trading more accessible and user-friendly.   Quick Take  'Blinks' and 'Actions' integrate blockchain transactions into social media and websites. These new features make memecoins and crypto trading more accessible. Users can trade directly from posts on platforms like X and Reddit. Phantom and Backpack will support these features immediately. What Are Solana ‘Blinks' and 'Actions'? 'Blinks' (a blend of 'blockchain' and 'link') and 'Actions' are designed to allow users to perform on-chain transactions directly from the websites and social platforms they use daily. Developed in collaboration with Dialect, these features are set to revolutionize how we interact with blockchain technology.   One of the main barriers to mainstream adoption of blockchain technology has been accessibility. Complicated wallet software and hard-to-navigate trading platforms have deterred newcomers. Solana's 'Blinks' and 'Actions' aim to address this issue by enabling seamless integration of blockchain transactions into everyday platforms.   How Do ‘Blinks’ and ‘Actions’ Work on Solana? According to the Solana Foundation, 'Actions' enable users to execute transactions across various platforms, including websites, social media, and even physical QR codes. This integration simplifies the process for developers to embed Solana's capabilities into their applications. Wallets like Phantom and Backpack will support these features from the start, and other platforms can integrate them following Solana's developer documentation.   Read more: How to Create a Phantom Wallet for the Solana Ecosystem   Social Media Integration According to a CoinDesk report, the integration of 'Actions' into social media is a game-changer. For instance, users can embed an 'Action' into a post on X (formerly Twitter), allowing followers to initiate transactions directly from the post. This could range from buying NFTs, tipping creators, to staking and swapping tokens.   Chris Osborn, founder of Dialect, emphasizes the potential: "From your X feed, you can buy an NFT, tip a creator, receive money, vote, stake, swap, and so much more."   Ensuring Security To ensure user safety, Solana has implemented a comprehensive security roadmap. Users can enable wallet support for 'Actions' and 'Blinks', which function similarly to connecting a wallet to decentralized applications (dApps). Initial transactions will prompt a standard "connect to site" prompt, and trusted domains will be whitelisted.   Web2 Integration: Solana vs. Base  Solana's approach with 'Blinks' and 'Actions' is not entirely unique. Platforms like Farcaster on Coinbase's Base blockchain offer similar functionalities, enabling users to embed direct links to blockchain assets in their posts. However, Solana's technology differentiates itself by plugging into existing Web2 social apps rather than creating standalone Web3 apps.   The potential for 'Actions' goes beyond social media. As Jon Wong, head of ecosystem engineering at the Solana Foundation, notes, this technology could disrupt how the web functions at its core. The goal is to make any website or application a distribution point for on-chain interactions.   Osborn is optimistic: "Delivering these actions into feeds like X, Reddit, maybe Discord soon – these other platforms where people want to have these Actions experiences – is just the beginning."   Read more: Solana vs. Ethereum: Which Is Better in 2024?   Memecoins Propel Solana Ecosystem’s Growth Solana has become the epicenter of the latest memecoin frenzy. From tokens inspired by internet memes to political figures, memecoins have taken the crypto world by storm. Notable mentions include Iggy Azalea's 'Mother' token ($MOTHER) and 'dogwifhat' ($WIF), which have seen significant market caps. Despite some skepticism, memecoins are pushing blockchains further into the mainstream.   SOL/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   According to Pantera Capital, Solana recorded over 60% of the new volume in decentralized exchanges in May 2024. This surge is a testament to Solana's growing strength in retail usage driven by memecoin activity.   Read more: Top Solana Memecoins to Watch in 2024   Conclusion Solana's introduction of 'Blinks' and 'Actions' marks a pivotal moment in blockchain technology, making it more accessible and integrated into everyday digital experiences. By addressing the accessibility challenges and enhancing security, Solana is paving the way for the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology.  

Hamster Kombat Airdrop: 100M Players Gear Up for TON Token Launch

Hamster Kombat, the hottest crypto game with over 100 million players, has confirmed plans for its token launch in July. With the token launch, the game also announced the first task for its upcoming airdrop campaign at weekend.   Quick Take Hamster Kombat surpasses 100 million players, making it one of the largest games on Telegram. The game's official Telegram channel has become the biggest on the platform, driven by demand for Daily Combo. The Hamster Kombat token launch on The Open Network (TON) is slated for July, with an anticipated airdrop. Players can link their TON wallets and join the Telegram channel to participate in the airdrop. Players can boost their earnings by using features such as Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, completing specific tasks, and upgrading their game cards. Upcoming Hamster Token Launch The Hamster Kombat team recently announced that the token launch on The Open Network (TON) is targeted for July. The community will receive Hamster token airdrops to celebrate the listing on markets based on their on-chain activity, and users can determine their eligibility for the HMSTR supply pool.   ​​Hamster Kombat is currently engaging with its community and is expected to expand upon the Telegram-based clicker concept, taking the game to new heights. The team has also mentioned their plans for the future, including the launch of NFT collections as part of the roadmap.   Several leading centralized exchanges have plans to list Hamster Kombat (HMSTR), with KuCoin pre-market being one of the first platforms to onboard the project.    Importance of the Hamster Kombat Airdrop Hamster Kombat has quickly the hottest game in Telegram, and its wide player base represents about one-ninth of Telegram’s entire user base and is nearly three times the 35 million players Notcoin had before closing its “mining phase.”   The upcoming airdrop for Hamster Kombat Telegram game is generating significant excitement among the game’s players and the wider crypto community. For players, participating in the airdrop means they can maximize their in-game earnings and potentially see significant returns once the tokens are listed and tradable. Each task completed in the list not only brings players one step closer to claiming the Hamster coin airdrop when the token launches but only gives them a chance to earn more coins in the game.    By distributing tokens to a wide audience, the airdrop can increase the adoption and use of Toncoin, reinforcing its value and utility in the market. For the TON ecosystem, this airdrop could drive substantial growth in user engagement and transaction volume, highlighting the network's capacity to support popular applications.   Learn more about the Hamster Kombat game and how to play   Hamster Coin Airdrop Tasks: Link Your TON Wallet Players can now prepare for the upcoming airdrop by completing specific tasks. Completing these tasks will make players eligible for the airdrop once the Hamster Kombat token launches in July. The first task involves connecting their TON wallets. The option to link wallets went live over the weekend. Players can also join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel to stay updated about new tasks as soon as they go live.    Read More: What Is Hamster Kombat?      To link your TON wallet to Hamster Kombat, follow these steps:   Open the Hamster Kombat bot and navigate to the airdrop tab at the bottom right corner. Click the first task and connect your TON wallet, e.g., Tonkeeper, to participate in the airdrop. Join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel if you haven’t already. Stay updated on new tasks listed in this section from the game’s developers in the coming days and weeks. In-Game Strategies Maximizing your profits in Hamster Kombat involves more than just completing airdrop tasks. Players should focus on boosting their in-game earnings by upgrading their cards. This strategy will help them accumulate more value when the tokens can be exchanged on the market.   Several guides are available to help players optimize their gameplay. These guides can significantly enhance a player's in-game performance and potential earnings. Utilizing features such as Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, and completing specific tasks, can significantly boost your earnings.   Find out how to earn more Hamster coins with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher.    Immense Social Interest The social interest in Hamster Kombat is unprecedented. With over 31 million members, the official Telegram channel for the game has become the largest on the messaging platform. Players are highly engaged, eagerly seeking daily combo and cipher codes that can earn them millions of free coins. This high level of engagement is a testament to the game's addictive nature and the community's enthusiasm.   The developers of Hamster Kombat have expressed optimism about the play-to-earn game's future. They have encouraged players to complete the necessary tasks to be ready for the airdrop and listing. Many members of the Hamster Kombat community believe that the listing and airdrop of Hamster Kombat tokens are inevitable.   Hamster Kombat vs. Notcoin Hamster Kombat and Notcoin have both seen remarkable success on Telegram, but Hamster Kombat has outpaced Notcoin significantly. Hamster Kombat has amassed over 100 million players, almost three times the number Notcoin had at its peak. At the time of writing, the Notcoin token has gained over 73% in value with a market cap just under $2 billion. On 2 June, the NOT price touched an all-time high (ATH) of $0.2896 before sliding lower on broader market conditions.    The upcoming token launch and airdrop for Hamster Kombat are anticipated to surpass Notcoin's achievements, driven by its massive and highly engaged player base. The game's innovative features and community support suggest it could become even more influential in the crypto gaming space than the Notcoin game.    Conclusion Hamster Kombat's rapid rise in popularity and the upcoming TON token launch have created a buzz in the crypto world. With over 100 million players and significant social interest, the game is set to make a substantial impact. The upcoming airdrop presents a lucrative opportunity for players to earn rewards. As the game continues to grow, players and investors alike are keeping a close eye on its development. The success of the airdrop could also serve as a case study for other projects looking to leverage the TON ecosystem for token distribution and community building.   Prepare your TON wallets and join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel to stay updated and participate in the airdrop. The next few weeks promise to be exciting for the Hamster Kombat community.  

TapSwap Airdrop Anticipated In July: What to Know

TapSwap is a popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram where players earn TAPS coins by tapping a digital icon and completing various in-game activities. Learn how to participate in the TapSwap airdrop by playing this popular Telegram game. Follow our step-by-step guide to get ready for the TAPS token launch.   Quick Take The TapSwap airdrop is expected to conclude by the end of the second quarter of 2024, with the TAPS token launch anticipated to take place in July 2024. Players can participate in the TAPS token airdrop by engaging in the game’s activities, with rewards based on performance. TapSwap encourages community engagement through referral bonuses and community-based tasks, enhancing the gaming experience and earning potential. TapSwap, a leading tap-to-earn game, has recently seen explosive growth, surpassing 50 million users globally. This guide will help you get started with TapSwap and show you how to participate in the upcoming TAPS token airdrop.   An Introduction to TapSwap Tap-to-Earn Game  TapSwap is a tap-to-earn game playable via a Telegram mini app. Players tap a gold coin at the center of the screen to earn points, limited by an “Energy” bar that refills over time. The game offers various tasks, boosts, and referral bonuses to enhance earning potential.   Read more: What Is TapSwap (TAPS)? All About the Viral Telegram Crypto Game   How to Play TapSwap on Telegram  Here’s a general overview of how you can play the TapSwap clicker game on Telegram:    Access the Game: Open the game in Telegram via the provided link. Earn Coins: Tap the screen to earn coins. Use them to buy improvements in the Boost tab. Complete Tasks: Earn additional coins by completing tasks such as joining TapSwap’s community or registering for a Binance exchange account. Referral Bonuses: Invite friends using your referral link to earn more coins. Use Boosts: Enhance tapping abilities with daily free boosters or purchase premium boosts for more coins. TapBot: Earn points passively with the TapBot by checking in every 12 hours to claim rewards. Read more: How to Mine Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game   TapSwap (TAPS) Token Launch As per a news report on Decrypt, the TAPS token launch was initially scheduled for May 30, 2024, but was postponed to July 1, 2024, to address bot-related issues and ensure fair token distribution. The TapSwap team is working on finalizing the tokenomics and plans to allocate a significant portion of all tokens to the community.   Why Participate in TapSwap Airdrop? Innovative Gameplay: Tap-to-earn mechanics and PvP battles make TapSwap engaging and fun. Lucrative Earning Opportunities: Multiple ways to earn points, including referrals, offer significant earning potential. Strong Community: An active community and regular updates ensure a dynamic and supportive environment. Who Is Eligible for the TapSwap (TAPS) Airdrop?  Anyone who actively participates in TapSwap's in-game activities is eligible for the TAPS token airdrop. This includes tapping to earn points, completing daily tasks and missions, referring friends to the game, and using in-game boosts strategically. The airdrop rewards are based on the player's performance and engagement within the game.    How to Prepare for the TAPS Airdrop: Connect TapSwap Dashboard to Wallet Before the TAPS token launch, you must connect your crypto wallet to the TapSwap dashboard to securely manage and withdraw the coins you mine on TapSwap. Follow these steps:   Log in to Your Dashboard: Access the dashboard through the link provided. Select Your Wallet: Choose from available wallets. Non-custodial wallets like MetaMask are recommended for better security. Connect to MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask option and log in using your password. Complete Registration: Enter your email and verification code. Sign in and connect your wallet. Confirm Connection: Your wallet address will be displayed. Disconnect if needed. Conclusion TapSwap is a notable addition to the Telegram gaming landscape, offering unique gameplay and various earning opportunities. Players can benefit from the airdrop by actively participating in the game's activities. However, it is important to remember that participating in airdrops and earning crypto carries risks, including the potential for fluctuating token values and the need to ensure the security of your digital assets. Always conduct thorough research and consider these risks before engaging in any crypto-related activities.   TapSwap Airdrop FAQs 1. When will the TAPS token launch?  The TAPS token is expected to launch in July 2024.   2. How do I become eligible for the TapSwap airdrop?  Participate in in-game tasks to increase your percentage of the token supply.   3. How can I stay updated on new airdrop tasks?  Join the TapSwap Telegram channel or follow their official X account for the latest updates.   4. What wallet types can I use to connect to TapSwap?  You can use any supported wallet, including non-custodial options like MetaMask. TapSwap also supports exchange wallets and offers extra rewards for connecting some exchange wallets.    5. Is it safe to connect my wallet to TapSwap?  Yes, ensure you use official links and avoid sharing private keys or passwords.

Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Everything You Need to Know

Learn how to participate in the Pixelverse airdrop by playing PixelTap, a popular web3 game in the Telegram mini-apps ecosystem. Follow our step-by-step guide to maximize your in-game earnings and get ready for the PIXFI token launch.   Quick Take The Pixelverse (PIXFI) airdrop is expected to happen sometime in late June ahead of the token generation event (TGE) in July 2024.  Players can participate in the PIXFI token airdrop by engaging in the game’s activities, with rewards based on performance in the fight feature. PixelTap encourages community engagement through referral bonuses and community-based tasks, enhancing the gaming experience and earning potential.   The Pixelverse (PIXFI) airdrop is expected to conclude by the end of the second quarter of 2024, which means it should be completed by the end of June. The PIXFI token launch is anticipated to take place in July 2024.    Pixelverse, the creator of Pixeltap, has recently raised $5.5 million in a seed round to expand its cyberpunk-themed game ecosystem. This guide will help you get started with PixelTap, the flagship game of Pixelverse, and show you how to participate in the upcoming PIXFI token airdrop.   What Is PixelTap by Pixelverse, Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game? PixelTap is a web3 game set in a cyberpunk universe, designed to be an expandable 2D world using AI and blockchain technology. Players can choose from four main robot characters and participate in various activities to earn in-game rewards. The game emphasizes social gaming with a low barrier to entry.   PixelTap's community-based tasks allow players to unlock new pets and features by:   Reaching follower milestones on Twitter and Discord. Participating in community events and challenges. Read more: PixelTap Daily Combo by Pixelverse Game: Tips to Know   All About the Pixelverse (PIXFI) Airdrop PixelTap is gearing up for the PIXFI token generation event in June, which includes airdrops for players. The more you win in the game, the higher the percentage of the token supply you will receive. Here's how you can join and maximize your earnings.   The airdrop is linked to the PIXFI Token Generation Event, expected in June. Players are rewarded based on their performance in the game's fight feature, with a higher percentage of the token supply allocated to top performers.   Why Participate in PixelTap Airdrop? Innovative Gameplay: The tap-to-earn mechanism and PvP battles make PixelTap engaging and fun. Lucrative Earning Opportunities: With multiple ways to earn points, including referrals, PixelTap offers significant earning potential. Strong Community: An active community and regular updates from the Pixelverse team ensure a dynamic and supportive environment. How to Connect PixelTap Dashboard to Wallet Connecting your wallet to the PixelTap dashboard in Pixelverse is essential for securely managing and withdrawing your in-game earnings, such as PIXFI tokens earned through battles, quests, and referrals. This connection enables seamless transactions and supports trading or holding tokens on supported exchanges once listed.    Additionally, using reputable wallets like MetaMask enhances security and protects your assets from unauthorized access. Furthermore, linking your wallet allows participation in staking activities and governance decisions within the Pixelverse ecosystem, offering additional rewards and a more active community role.    Follow these steps to connect your PixelTap dashboard to a crypto wallet:   Step 1: Log in to Your Dashboard Access the dashboard through the link provided in the description.     Step 2: Select Your Wallet Choose from available wallets. Non-custodial wallets like MetaMask are recommended for better security.     Step 3: Connect to MetaMask Click on the MetaMask option and log in using your password. Ensure MetaMask is already installed on your device.     Step 4: Complete Registration  Enter your email and the verification code sent to your email. Sign in and connect your wallet by following the prompts.   Step 5: Confirm Connection Once connected, your wallet address will be displayed. Disconnect by clicking the disconnect button if needed.     Connecting to an exchange wallet wallet may offer more PixelTap coins or points, but MetaMask is a secure option.   Conclusion PixelTap is an exciting addition to the Telegram gaming world, offering a clear roadmap, reputable team, and innovative gameplay. Join now to take advantage of the airdrop and earn rewards in the Pixelverse ecosystem.   Pixelverse Airdrop FAQs 1. When will the PIXFI token launch? The $PIXFI token is expected to launch in June.   2. How do I become eligible for the PixelTap airdrop? Participate in in-game tasks, especially the fight feature, to increase your percentage of the token supply.   3. How can I stay updated on new airdrop tasks? You can join the Pixelverse Telegram channel or follow their official X account for the latest updates.   4. What wallet types can I use to connect to PixelTap? You can use any supported wallet, including non-custodial options.   5. Is it safe to connect my wallet to PixelTap? Yes, ensure you use official links and avoid sharing private keys or passwords.

Toncoin Touches New ATH as TON TVL Surges 77% in June

Toncoin's (TON) price has surged due to increased development activity on The Open Network (TON) blockchain and integration with Telegram. The recent listing of the $NOT coin and the launch of various crypto games in the TON ecosystem have further boosted its popularity and adoption.   Quick Take Development activity on the Ton blockchain, also known as The Open Network, has picked up since 2020 and its native token, Toncoin (TON), saw a major price spike in 2023.  In May 2024, $TON’s price saw a remarkable price change after the $NOT coin listing.  The major driving force of $TON is embedded in its integration with Telegram and its mission to empower the 900 million Telegram users and the TON developer community in tandem.  Popular Crypto Games on The Open Network (TON)  Ahead of the imminent launches of viral trending Telegram games like Hamster Kombat, Catizen, and Pixelverse, here are some of the most established crypto gaming projects on the TON blockchain:    Notcoin This is a no brainer. Notcoin is a clicker game where any player can simply click on the coin to accrue points. According to the official website of Notcoin, the game garnered 35 million users in 3 months. Notcoin reached a record high of $0.0126 in May 2024, marking its significant growth trajectory.    In April, Notcoin transitioned from its mining phase to the NOT token, launching on The Open Network ($TON) in mid-May. This transition enabled players to convert their in-game Notcoin to the real-world NOT token, further enhancing its appeal.   Hamster Kombat  Another clicker game set to launch soon on the TON chain. $HMSTR - the native token of the game has started its pre-market trading on popular platforms like KuCoin pre-market, ahead of its launch and airdrop in July 2024. The tap-to-earn game is quite intriguing as the interface of the clicker game has a hamster CEO bot. Besides its entertaining bot, the game also offers DeFi opportunities under its ‘Mine’ section.    Players can earn daily rewards by simply clicking on the hamster, ahead of the Hamster coin airdrop. By accruing them, players can unlock the DeFi opportunities in the game. Besides the in-game features, users can redeem $HMSTR coins by integrating KuCoin into the game directly once the token launches.    $HMSTR tokens are crucial for upgrading hamsters, which is essential for earning more coins and expanding the digital empire in the game. The tokens can be used to purchase special cards that unlock more coins per hour, allowing players to boost their earnings. The native token also unlocks new features and upgrades in the game via Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, such as increasing the energy limit and tapping productivity.   Read more: Hamster Kombat Airdrop: 100M Players Gear Up for TON Token Launch   JetTon Games This is another gem on the Ton blockchain. The native token of the game $JETTON can be called the gaming marketplace on the network - from casino games to fantasy football, live games, and more.    The platform has 5000 licensed games that are accessible on both Android and iOS. Players can enter these games via Telegram too.    The platform's native cryptocurrency, $JETTON, is deeply integrated into the ecosystem. Players use $JETTON tokens for betting, participating in games, receiving rewards, and voting on platform governance issues.    Future plans include token staking, farming, and monthly token burns to maintain the token's value and utility​.    Read more: Top Telegram-Based Crypto Games to Watch   Snapshot of TON’s Performance  TON/USD price | Source: TradingView   As of June 19, 2024, Toncoin (TON) is trading at approximately $7.18. The coin has experienced notable volatility over the past few weeks, with significant price swings reflecting broader market trends and specific developments within the TON ecosystem. As of today the price of TON is down by ~ 8.51%.    TON closed at $7.138 and opened at $7.15 as of today. The current price and volume indicates a bullish signal as more buyers are buying the dip. The trajectory of TON is indicating mixed signals.    TON’s current market cap is down by 4.93% and the price is also down by 5.29%. While the price and trading volume is volatile, the TVL of TON is increasing rapidly. According to DefilLama, the total value locked (TVL) of TON stands at $592.96 mn from yesterday’s TVL ~ $583.63 mn.   Source: DefiLlama   Currently, the 14-day RSI suggests a neutral sentiment of token holders. The sharp decline in price has led to slight sell pressure.    TON’s price decline was followed by a correction in BTC that had a current effect on the crypto market early this week. Despite the fluctuating price and slight volatility, analysts have predicted that the price of TON could reach $10.   Delphi Digital, a crypto research firm observed that the active wallet addresses of TON have surpassed ETH’s active wallet address count for the very first time. This surge in active wallet addresses could be attributed to the large Telegram user base.     Key Support And Resistance Levels of $TON The key resistance levels of Toncoin (TON) are as follows   R1: 7.149 R2: 7.462 R3: 7.929 The key support levels of TON are as follows   S1: 6.687  S2: 5.907  S3: 5.589 Toncoin Price Predictions by Analysts In a recent social media post, the esteemed crypto and DeFi analyst known as "Crypto King" advised newcomers to consider exploring TON, praising its rapid and user-friendly blockchain infrastructure. Crypto King highlighted the credibility of TON’s development team, the same team behind Telegram, and expressed confidence that TON could see a significant price surge, potentially reaching up to $10 in the coming weeks. Market expert Alex Clay echoed this sentiment, noting that despite the overall market downturn, TON has maintained its bullish trajectory and is set for double-digit gains. Clay predicts that TON is on a path to reach $10, with short-term targets of $10.5 and $11.6. He also pointed out the presence of a Daily Cup & Handle pattern, which further supports the optimistic forecast for TON. According to Ali Martinez, crypto analyst at CryptoSlate suggested that TON could be gearing to break out by a 40% price surge.  Shiven Moodley, an analyst at CryptoQuant, has observed that TON's 7-day volatility has consistently been higher than its 30-day volatility for the past two and a half years. This analysis is based on comparing TON's Adjusted Sharpe Ratio with its volatility. The Adjusted Sharpe Ratio is a metric that evaluates an investment's excess return in relation to its risk, while also considering additional factors that may impact the risk-adjusted return. This approach offers a more detailed insight into an asset's performance.   Social Snapshot of Toncoin ($TON)  The coin has caught everyone’s attention due to various reasons. The ease of trying ‘play to earn’ games integrated in the Telegram app is one of the many reasons for its exponential adoption.    With a user base of around 900 million on Telegram, the adoption of the TON blockchain and Toncoin is quite obvious. What makes the chain more appealing is that it offers a great deal of features making it the obvious choice for investors.    Ton blockchain has something for everyone. From games for users to a suite of developer tools for building dApps on TON and some interesting features under the dev pipeline.    According to stats from Messari, the follower count on Toncoin’s X handle shot from 715.14k to 967.87k between June 6, 2024 and present day. The Telegram count has also experienced a phenomenal spike.       Some crypto investors and analysts have stated that TON could be the next SOL. This viewpoint was also laid by X crypto influencer ‘ImNotTheWolf’.    Future of Toncoin ($TON) Price  The current price retraction is a minor setback for the token. Despite the price consolidation, some investors are buying the dip.   It is evident that the investor confidence in the TON coin comes from the phenomenal debut of the Notcoin that sparked interest and curiosity in the crypto investing communities.    Besides the launch of NOT tokens, there are a few more events lined up on the TON chain. Hamster Kombat is set to go live with their token airdrop coming up in July 2024. Other popular Telegram mini-apps like TapSwap and Blum could potentially follow suit and onboard more web2 users into web3 via the TON network.    Read More: What Is Notcoin (NOT)? The Emerging GameFi Star in the TON Ecosystem

Toncoin Reaches New All-Time High (ATH) Amid TON Ecosystem Growth

Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of The Open Network (TON) blockchain, is on a remarkable upward trajectory. After fluctuating between $1 and $2 since 2022, TON’s price surged to a record high of $8.25 on June 15. This meteoric rise underscores the robust growth and expanding adoption of the TON ecosystem.   Quick Take  After a period of consolidation, Toncoin's price surged to an unprecedented $8.25, marking a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency. The TVL in the TON blockchain has soared to $600 million, doubling its value in just three weeks and indicating growing investor confidence and adoption. TON's integration with Telegram allows users to purchase ad space using Toncoins, creating a seamless and efficient payment system within the popular messaging platform. The number of daily active wallets on the TON network has exceeded 388,000, reflecting the expanding user base and increasing engagement within the ecosystem. Crypto analysts forecast a potential 40% breakout for Toncoin, suggesting that its price could reach $11, driven by strong market interest and bullish technical indicators. The Open Network (TON) TVL Doubles to $600 Million The Total Value Locked (TVL) on the TON blockchain has soared, doubling from $300 million to $608.65 million in just three weeks. Technical analyst Kyle Doops attributes this spike to TON's integration with Telegram. With over 900 million users, Telegram's vast user base significantly boosts TON’s reach and utility.   Protocols like DeDust, bemo, and Stakee have also seen substantial increases in their TVL, contributing to the overall growth of the TON ecosystem. The integration of TON for ad payments on Telegram is another critical development. Users can now purchase ad space with Toncoins, and channel owners receive revenue in TON, creating a "virtuous cycle" of reinvestment and growth.   Popular Telegram games like Hamster Kombat, Blum, and Catizen have also played a significant role in adding more wallets to the TON ecosystem, attracting a diverse range of users.   Explosive Growth in Active TON Wallets The number of active wallets on the TON network is also on the rise. Daily active users increased by 300%, hitting an all-time high of 632,000, while monthly active wallets exceed 5.5 million. Crypto researcher Leon Waidmann notes that TON’s increase in active wallets outpaces even Coinbase’s Layer 2 (L2) BASE, highlighting TON’s rapid adoption.   This increase in user activity coincides with Tether’s launch on the TON network in April. Since then, USDT’s circulating quantity on TON has risen to $580 million, a 76% increase in just one month.   Strong Investor Interest Despite a slight 1.2% decline over the past 24 hours, TON’s trading volume has increased by 22%, indicating strong investor interest. Over the past seven, fourteen, and thirty days, TON has recorded gains of 11%, 18%, and 22%, respectively, and is among the top 10 traded coins on KuCoin.   Crypto analyst Ali Martinez forecasts a potential 40% breakout for TON, targeting a price of $11. However, Martinez also warns of a possible dip to $7.2 to gather liquidity before an upside move. Key support levels include $7.78, which has prevented deeper retracements, and $8.17 as a significant resistance point.   Toncoin Breaks New ATH TON/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    On 13 June, TON tested and surpassed the $7.7 resistance level, setting a new ATH of $7.76. It continued its uptrend, briefly breaking above the $8 resistance level. After setting its new ATH, TON retraced below $8, hovering between $7.8 and $7.9 before rising to a second milestone in 24 hours. On Friday, 14 June, TON surged 5% to a new ATH of $8.15, representing a 9% increase from the previous day.   The crypto community has praised Toncoin’s performance, especially given the broader market slowdown. According to GeckoTerminal, TON is the only token among the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization showing a positive performance over the past week.   Is TON the New SOL? Crypto analysts believe that TON’s recent performance could set the stage for a rally toward $10. The bullish sentiment has led several analysts, including Ali Martinez and Daan Crypto, to set their next target for TON above the $10 price range. Some community members even liken TON’s performance to Solana (SOL) in the previous cycle. Crypto trader ImNotTheWolf predicts that “TON will become the new SOL in terms of gains potential.”   Market watcher WiseAnalyse suggests that TON is “the only strong chart out there” due to its real-life use and adoption. Toncoin’s integration with Telegram and its 900 million user base has been a significant driver of its performance, allowing it to surpass Ethereum (ETH) in daily active addresses.   Toncoin Price Prediction Toncoin’s impressive performance and robust ecosystem growth indicate a promising future. If TON manages to retest its $8.24 resistance, it could achieve a new ATH. Despite some indicators showing a potential short-term dip, the overall bullish trend suggests continued growth for TON.   In conclusion, Toncoin’s recent surge highlights its potential to become a significant player in the cryptocurrency market. Its integration with Telegram, increasing TVL, and rising user activity underscore its growing adoption and utility. As TON continues to break new records, it sets the stage for further growth and potential new milestones in the coming months.  

HashKey's HSK Token Community Airdrop in June, Ahead of Q3 Listing

HashKey Group, a leading cryptocurrency financial services firm in Asia, is set to make waves with the launch of its platform token, HSK. Scheduled for listing in the third quarter of 2024, HSK promises to bring a host of benefits to its users and the broader HashKey ecosystem.   Quick Take HashKey Group to list its platform token, HSK, in Q3 2024, enhancing the ecosystem with new incentives and utilities. An upcoming HSK airdrop to reward early adopters and contributors, fostering community engagement before the official listing. HSK offers transaction fee discounts, access to exclusive pre-sales, governance participation, and serves as the gas fee token for HashKey Chain. Powered by Zero-Knowledge proof technology, the Layer-2 network addresses Ethereum's scalability issues, supporting trading, investment, and application hosting. Hashkey Announces HSK Community Airdrop in June In an exciting move, HashKey will initiate a community airdrop of HSK in June 2024. This airdrop aims to reward early adopters and contributors to the HashKey community, giving them a stake in the platform's future growth. The airdrop is a strategic step to build momentum and engage users before the official listing.   HSK: A Token with Purpose HSK is designed on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard, ensuring compatibility and ease of integration with various applications. The total supply of HSK is capped at one billion units. Of these, 65% is earmarked for ecosystem growth, 30% for staff allocation, and 5% reserved for future needs.   HashKey (HSK) token allocation | Source: HashKey   One of the standout features of HSK is its burning mechanism. HashKey plans to repurchase up to 20% of net profits from specified businesses and burn the acquired tokens. This approach aims to control the circulating supply and potentially increase the token's value over time.   Diverse Utilities and Benefits HSK is not just another cryptocurrency token. It is a versatile asset designed to offer various utilities within the HashKey ecosystem. Token holders will enjoy transaction fee discounts on the HashKey Exchange, access to exclusive token pre-sales, and participation in on-chain governance.   Moreover, HSK will serve as the gas fee payment, incentive, and governance token for HashKey Chain, the company's Layer-2 ecosystem chain. This integration will drive on-chain activities and support the growth of the ecosystem.   HashKey Chain: The Backbone of the Ecosystem HashKey Chain is a cutting-edge Layer-2 network built on Zero-Knowledge proof (ZK-proof) technology. This technology addresses Ethereum's scalability issues, providing an efficient and cost-effective platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications.   The HashKey Chain aims to be more than just a technical solution. It is an ecosystem-oriented platform offering services like trading, investment, and application hosting. By integrating HSK, the chain incentivizes participation and rewards contributors, fostering a vibrant and engaged community.   A Developer-Centric Approach HashKey is committed to creating a developer-friendly environment. The HashKey Chain comes equipped with a robust set of tools and an intuitive blockchain browser, lowering the barriers to blockchain development. This approach aims to cultivate a thriving community of developers and innovators.   To further support this initiative, HashKey will partner with incubators, venture capitals, and think tanks. These partnerships will provide the necessary resources and guidance for technical development and product strategy. Community engagement will be driven by events like hackathons, fostering innovation and collaboration.   Security and Incentivization Security is a top priority for HashKey. The company adheres to high security standards, including code audits by reputable third-party entities and community-driven security testing. These measures ensure a secure and reliable environment for developers and users.   The use of HSK as an incentive mechanism reflects HashKey's strategic vision. By leveraging native tokens, the company aims to drive ecosystem growth and enhance user loyalty. This approach is in line with broader industry trends, where blockchain platforms use native tokens to create value and encourage participation.   HashKey Cloud: Supporting Infrastructure Integral to the HashKey Chain is HashKey Cloud, a key component of HashKey's infrastructure offerings. HashKey Cloud has been providing node validation services since 2018, supporting over 80 mainstream public chains. This experience positions HashKey Cloud as a seasoned player in the Web3 infrastructure space.   With the HashKey Chain testnet set to go live in the coming months and the mainnet within a year, the roadmap outlines a clear trajectory towards a comprehensive Web3 ecosystem.   Conclusion HashKey Group's strategic move to list HSK and launch HashKey Chain demonstrates its commitment to innovation and user engagement. With clear tokenomics, a well-defined roadmap, and diverse utilities, HSK is poised to become a pivotal element in HashKey's expansive ecosystem. The upcoming airdrop and subsequent listing mark significant milestones in HashKey's journey to expand its presence in the crypto market.

Telegram Mini App Blum Announces Airdrop Campaign in June

Blum, a new mini-app on Telegram, is one of the latest viral sensations following popular games like Notcoin, Hamster Kombat, and TapSwap  The Blum Airdrop is a promotional campaign where a certain number of $BLUM tokens are distributed for free to participants starting since June 2024.    Quick Take New mini-app Blum offers hybrid exchange features, combining CEX and DEX capabilities. Blum has announced an airdrop campaign starting in June for its upcoming $BLUM token launch.  Blum has attracted over 10 million users in less than two months since its launch in late April. Embedded within Telegram, Blum leverages a user base of nearly 1 billion Telegram users and is Selected for Binance’s Most Valuable Builder (MVB) Accelerator Program. What Is the Blum Telegram Mini-App? Blum is a Telegram mini-app that combines the best features of centralized and decentralized exchanges (CEX and DEX). Unlike many memecoins that flood the market, Blum offers real-world utility and extensive use cases. It promises to transform the crypto trading experience, especially for users in emerging markets.    Blum’s Key Features Hybrid Exchange Model: Blum merges the user-friendly interface and fiat integration of centralized exchanges with the security and decentralization of decentralized exchanges. Real-World Utility: Blum enables users to trade, invest, and manage their crypto assets directly within the Telegram app, making it accessible and convenient for a broad audience. User Engagement: Blum includes interactive features like the Drop Game and task-based earning, encouraging active participation and rewarding users with Blum tokens.  Blum’s airdrop campaign aims to raise awareness, attract new users, and reward early adopters. The tokens can be used within the Blum ecosystem or traded on supported cryptocurrency exchanges.   How to Participate in the Blum Airdrop Participating in the Blum airdrop is straightforward. Follow these steps to claim your free tokens:   Register on Blum: Visit the Blum Crypto Bot on Telegram and click "Start" to begin registration. Accept the Terms and Conditions. Start Earning Blum Tokens: Click "Start Farming" to access the earning section. Go to the "Tasks" section and complete listed tasks like joining Blum's social media channels to earn up to 720 Blum tokens. Play the Drop Game: Find the "Drop Game" section and click "Play" to earn more Blum tokens. Enable Notifications: Ensure notifications are enabled for the Blum bot to stay updated. Press "Unmute" if not enabled. Press "Start Farming" every 8 hours to maximize earnings. Why Participate in the Blum Airdrop? The Blum Airdrop offers several benefits to participants:   Free Tokens: Earn Blum tokens without any investment. Early Access: Be among the first to explore the Blum ecosystem. Rewards and Incentives: Use tokens for exclusive features, governance participation, and network rewards. Community Engagement: Join a thriving community of crypto enthusiasts. Read more: How to Participate in the Hamster Kombat Airdrop   Blum’s Unique Hybrid Trading Experience of CEX and DEX  Blum is more than just a token; it represents a hybrid exchange that combines the features of centralized exchanges (CEXs) and decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This approach provides users with a hybrid trading experience, catering to user’s various trading needs and risk appetite. By integrating these functionalities within Telegram with a user base of more than 800 million active users, Blum offers seamless access to its extensive user base, particularly in regions with rising crypto adoption.   Blum’s Rapid Growth and Achievements Since its launch, Blum has attracted over 10 million users in just two months. As of June 11, Blum’s Telegram channel became the fourth largest globally, boasting over 10.2 million subscribers. It trails closely behind other popular Telegram-based projects like Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and Telegram Tips.   Milestones Achieved User Base: Over 10 million users within two months. Telegram Channel Ranking: Fourth largest channel with 10.2 million subscribers. Binance Labs Recognition: Selected as one of the 13 early-stage projects for the MVB Accelerator Program. Blum vs. Hamster Kombat vs. Notcoin Blum's success is part of a broader trend within the Telegram ecosystem, where innovative projects like Hamster Kombat and Notcoin have also gained significant attention. However, Blum sets itself apart with its hybrid trading features and real-world utility.   Feature Blum Hamster Kombat Notcoin User Base Over 10 million users in two months Over 100 million players Attracted over 35 million users Key Features Hybrid Exchange (CEX + DEX) Daily Combo, Daily Cipher, P2E Game Mining phase, Trading Market Impact Preparing for official token listing Anticipated token launch on TON in July Token surged by over 300% from its all-time low Community Engagement Fourth-largest Telegram channel with over 10 million members Largest Telegram channel with 31 million members Significant attention from over 35 million members during mining phase Unique Proposition Real-world utility, hybrid trading High player engagement, in-game rewards Initial high engagement and market impact Recent Recognition Selected for Binance’s MVB Accelerator Program Notable game growth on Telegram Most successful crypto project launched so far in 2024   Future Prospects for Blum Blum’s inclusion in Binance’s MVB Accelerator Program highlights its potential. While this doesn’t guarantee investment, it indicates significant interest from major players in the crypto industry.   Upcoming Roadmap  Token Listing: Blum is preparing for its official token listing. Platform Expansion: Plans to introduce new trading features and expand its offerings. Blum’s strategic integration with Telegram and innovative hybrid exchange model position it for significant growth. As the platform continues to develop, it promises to offer a simplified and accessible trading experience for users worldwide.   Conclusion Blum’s rapid rise in the crypto world is a testament to its innovative approach and strategic integration with Telegram. With over 10 million users and recognition from Binance Labs, Blum is an. The upcoming airdrop and token listing offer exciting opportunities for users and investors alike. Stay tuned for more updates as Blum continues to innovate in the cryptocurrency trading space. Ensure you perform your research and participate in activities only based on your risk tolerance.  

Notcoin Gains Supported by Bullish Sentiment and Futures Frenzy

Notcoin, a new cryptocurrency, is making waves in the crypto market. Within a week, its price has skyrocketed by over 80%. This surge follows the excitement from a recent Notcoin airdrop. The frenzy shows no signs of slowing down.   Quick Take  Notcoin price surged over 80% in a week, driven by high demand and potential real-world partnerships. Notcoin's technical indicators show strong bullish signals, despite being in the overbought zone. Positive market sentiment and significant liquidity inflows highlight investor confidence in Notcoin's future. Notcoin's futures open interest hits new highs, indicating strong market participation. Why is Notcoin so hot right now? Several factors contribute to this buying spree. A major announcement hinted at a partnership with a large payment system. This could make Notcoin a widely used currency. There’s also talk of its integration into a new decentralized social media network. These developments are fueling investor excitement.   NOT/USDT Technical Indicators NOT/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    According to analysis by AMBCrypto, Notcoin's technical indicators support its bullish trend. The token's Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 76.73, signaling it’s overbought. However, this hasn't stopped the bulls. The Money Flow Index (MFI) is also high at 77, indicating strong buying activity.   Despite a slight risk of price correction, the bulls remain in control. The Elder-Ray Index shows positive bull power. The positive directional index at 45.96 further confirms the strong uptrend.   Market Sentiment Market sentiment around Notcoin is highly positive. The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) is at 0.20, showing significant liquidity inflows. This indicates strong market strength and demand for Notcoin.   Futures Market Activity Notcoin's futures market is buzzing with activity. Open interest has reached new highs, indicating more participants are entering the market. At press time, open interest stands at $284 million. This high level of market participation is a bullish sign for Notcoin.   Conclusion Notcoin's rapid rise and strong market indicators make it a cryptocurrency to watch. With potential real-world partnerships and integration into new platforms, its future looks promising.  

Telegram's Pavel Durov Endorses Notcoin: NOT Soars 10%

Key Highlights Price Surge: NOT token jumps 10% after Pavel Durov's endorsement. Record Trading Volume: Notcoin hits $4 billion in daily trading. Community Growth: Notcoin attracts over 35 million users in a few months. NOT/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin TradingView    According to news on BeInCrypto, Telegram founder Pavel Durov celebrated Notcoin's success, sparking a 10% rise in NOT's price. On June 3, Notcoin's daily trading volume hit a record $4 billion, placing it among the top five traded cryptos. The value of NOT tokens donated to Durov increased from $6 million to nearly $25 million.   Durov's Endorsement Fuels Notcoin Rally Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, recently praised Notcoin, further boosting its price rally. He shared that the NOT tokens donated by Notcoin’s developers quadrupled in value within two weeks. Initially worth $6.8 million, these assets now approach $25 million.   Notcoin, a Web3 Telegram-based game on The Open Network (TON), operates as a mini-app within Telegram. The project has attracted over 35 million users in a few months. Since launching the NOT token on May 16, its market cap has exceeded $2.5 billion. On June 3, Notcoin's trading volume reached $4 billion, making it one of the top five traded cryptocurrencies. Durov expressed his admiration for Notcoin's rapid growth.   "A month ago, Notcoin was the largest cryptocurrency community in the history of social media. Today, the Notcoin community is rivaled only by projects it inspired — similar mini apps on Telegram that are allowing tens of millions of users to benefit,” Durov wrote.   Earlier, the Notcoin team donated over 1 billion NOT tokens to Durov, valued at $6.8 million. These coins are now worth over $24 million. Durov plans to hold these assets until their value increases a hundredfold.   NOT Price Performance Durov’s latest post triggered a 10% jump in NOT price. According to BeInCrypto data, the asset is trading at $0.024 at the time of writing. Over the past week, the Notcoin price has skyrocketed over 300%. This growth is driven by the launch of staking, support from major exchanges, and plans to burn NOT tokens.   The Notcoin team continues to foster community enthusiasm, contributing to NOT’s rally. Recently, they announced a contest with a prize of 20 million tokens. To participate, users must submit their project vision in any format. The campaign runs until June 24.  

KARRAT Jumps 40% on New Partnerships with Palantir and Nvidia

Key Highlights Price Surge: KARRAT jumps 40%, reaching an all-time high. New Partnerships: Collaborations with Palantir and Nvidia boost the token. Increased Trading Volume: Trading volume rises by 600% to $32 million. KARRAT/USDT price spikes | Source: KuCoin    KARRAT, the governance token of the KARRAT protocol, has surged over 40%, hitting an all-time high. According to an update on Crypto.News, the token is now trading at $1.10, marking a 41% increase in the last 24 hours. Trading volume also rose significantly, climbing by 600% to $32 million.   An Introduction to KARRAT Protocol Launched on April 22 by the KARRAT Foundation in Camana Bay, Cayman Islands, the KARRAT Protocol targets the gaming and AI sectors. AMGI Studios, an independent animation and gaming company, supports KARRAT and collaborates with entities like Polygon and Delphi Digital.   Partnership with Palantir KARRAT’s recent surge followed a June 4 announcement of a partnership between AMGI Studios and AI & Big Data powerhouse Palantir. AMGI Studios will use Palantir’s Foundry architecture in its products, enhancing the KARRAT ecosystem.   Collaboration with Nvidia On May 23, AMGI Studios announced a partnership with AI leader Nvidia. This collaboration is expected to further integrate advanced AI technologies into the KARRAT ecosystem.   Market Potential An X user, @CryptoGodJohn, suggested KARRAT could become as influential as SAND and MANA in the gaming coin market, potentially reaching a fully diluted valuation of over $10 billion. KARRAT is already listed on major crypto exchanges like KuCoin, boosting its accessibility and trading potential.   Web3 Game Launch In February, KARRAT Protocol launched its first web3 game, 'My Pet Hooligan,' available in early access on the EPIC Games platform. The game features advanced motion capture technology, AI-driven characters, and real-time face-driven animation, allowing players to embody NFTs in-game using the KARRAT protocol. It won the Best Action Game award at the GAM3S.GG Awards in December 2023.   KARRAT’s partnerships with Palantir and Nvidia, along with its strong market performance and innovative gaming ventures, position it for continued growth. Keep an eye on this promising token as it gains traction in the gaming and AI sectors of the crypto market.  
