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倉鼠游戏Hamster Kombat跨越2.1億玩家,準備創造吉尼斯世界紀錄?

Hamster Kombat,一款在 Telegram 上流行的賺取收益(P2E)遊戲,公佈了七月的令人興奮的更新,包括其代幣生成事件(TGE)和Hamster 代幣空投。這款遊戲在全球已擁有超過 2.1 億玩家,已超越 Notcoin 的採用率,並可能很快創下快速增長的吉尼斯世界紀錄。   快速概覽 Hamster Kombat 計劃在七月進行 TGE 和代幣空投,將在 TON 區塊鏈上進行。玩家可以通過完成特定任務(如連接他們的 TON 錢包)參與其中。 這款遊戲已超過 2.1 億玩家,超越了 Notcoin,在尼日利亞和其他非洲市場有顯著的參與度。 Hamster Kombat 的 YouTube 頻道增長迅速,訂閱者超過 3000 萬,有望創下最快增長頻道的吉尼斯世界紀錄。 Hamster Kombat 確認七月進行空投和 TGE Hamster Kombat 最受期待的更新之一是代幣生成事件(TGE)和其代幣的遊戲內實用功能。TGE 預計將在七月進行,並計劃在 TON 區塊鏈上進行代幣空投。玩家可以通過完成特定任務(如將其TON 錢包連接到遊戲)參與空投。遊戲界面已顯示“空投”選項卡,表明清單正在進行中。   閱讀更多:Hamster Kombat 空投任務 1 上線:如何連接你的 TON 錢包   七月還將推出Hamster Kombat 代幣的新用途。這些發展旨在增強用戶參與度並提高遊戲的吸引力。新的遊戲內實用功能將允許玩家在GameFi 生態系統中使用代幣進行各種用途。   除了 TGE 和遊戲內的實用性之外,Hamster Kombat 還計劃在 2024 年第三季度進行多項開發升級。這些升級包括新角色和皮膚、限時活動和現場活動。預計在第四季度會有更多升級,為玩家帶來持續的興奮體驗。   Hamster Kombat 用戶基數增至超過 2.1 億玩家  ​​ 來源:Hamster Kombat 在 X    Hamster Kombat 自推出以來經歷了驚人的增長,玩家數量在短時間內超過了 2.1 億。這一增長速度超過了另一款受歡迎的 P2E Telegram 遊戲 Notcoin,並突顯了 Hamster Kombat 在不同地區的吸引力。值得注意的是,尼日利亞和其他非洲市場已成為主要的玩家參與區域。    該遊戲通過 Telegram 應用程序的可訪問性,結合其社交功能,促進了其快速增長。Hamster Kombat 中古怪的角色和簡單的遊戲玩法吸引了從兒童到成人的廣泛受眾。該遊戲的跨世代吸引力和獨特概念使其有別於傳統的格鬥遊戲。   閱讀更多: Hamster Kombat空投:一億玩家準備迎接TON代幣發行   倉鼠社區壯大,YouTube頻道突破3,100萬訂閱 Hamster Kombat的YouTube頻道自5月24日啟動以來取得了顯著增長。該頻道已獲得超過3,000萬訂閱,超越了知名YouTuber Mr. Beast的新訂閱數量。在僅僅六天十三小時十五分鐘內,超過1,000萬訂閱者加入,Hamster Kombat有望創下最快增長的YouTube頻道吉尼斯世界紀錄。   該遊戲的YouTube頻道也促進了顯著的參與度。用戶通過觀看視頻獲得遊戲內的硬幣,該頻道平均每天有2,000萬次觀看量。這轉化為可觀的每日收入,估計在4,000美元至69,000美元之間。頻道上的教育視頻專門為Web3的新手設計,有助於引導新用戶。   Hamster Kombat通過每日連擊和每日密碼驅動參與度 Hamster Kombat提供了每日連擊和密碼等獨特功能,以保持玩家的參與度。玩家可以通過成功完成這些任務獲得數百萬點數。該遊戲還鼓勵用戶生成內容,有關每日連擊和密碼的教程在YouTube和TikTok等平台上越來越受歡迎。   閱讀更多:如何通過每日組合和每日密碼賺取Hamster Coin   但遊戲也面臨爭議  儘管廣受歡迎,但Hamster Kombat也面臨了一些挑戰和爭議。在伊朗,政府官員根據AP新聞報導批評該遊戲是西方影響的工具,分散了民眾對即將到來的總統選舉的注意力。該遊戲在經濟困難的伊朗民眾中獲得了吸引力,有些人將這一趨勢稱為絕望的跡象。伊朗官員認為,這款遊戲是西方國家更廣泛策略的一部分,旨在轉移公眾對重要國家事件的注意力,可能會侵蝕勤勞和創業精神的文化。同樣,在俄羅斯,這款遊戲因對兒童構成財務風險而受到批評,並被一些專家標籤為“金字塔騙局”。年輕玩家中的極端行為也被報導,引發了對遊戲影響的擔憂。例如,一名來自秋明的14歲男孩 reportedly 每三小時設置一次鬧鐘以最大化他的遊戲分數,促使他的父母尋求精神醫療幫助。   在烏克蘭,由於該遊戲與俄羅斯伺服器有關,當局提高了數據安全擔憂,並突出了烏克蘭用戶潛在的風險。惡意軟件暴露是另一個重大問題,因為許多人由於制裁而訴諸於非官方軟件。烏茲別克斯坦則採取了嚴厲立場,威脅玩家如果試圖將遊戲內貨幣轉換為真錢,將面臨監禁或罰款。這反映了該國對加密貨幣的普遍政策。這些爭議突顯了遊戲開發者、用戶和各國政府之間的複雜關係。   結論  Hamster Kombat的迅速崛起和雄心勃勃的計劃使其成為P2E領域值得關注的遊戲。隨著即將到來的空投和TGE、新的遊戲內功能以及持續的開發升級,玩家在七月及以後有很多期待。然而,對於這種快速增長和加密市場的波動性所帶來的潛在風險和挑戰,保持謹慎是很重要的。來自各國的爭議和批評突顯了這其中的複雜動態,提醒用戶在熱情參與的同時也要謹慎對待這款遊戲。  

TapSwap 空投和代幣發行空投延遲至 2024 年第三季度:對用戶的影響

TapSwap,一款在Telegram上受歡迎的點擊賺錢遊戲,宣布其備受期待的代幣發行將推遲至2024年第三季度。TapSwap的空投活動,一個免費的加密貨幣贈送活動,也將重新安排在同一時期。最初,TapSwap計劃在5月30日舉行空投,但由於有大量機器人試圖獲取空投積分,推遲至7月1日。現在,團隊需要更多時間來完善其發行策略。   快速摘要 TapSwap將代幣發行和空投推遲至2024年第三季度。 Telegram 遊戲的開發者需要更多時間來準備經濟模型和發行策略。 TapSwap的空投活動延遲旨在確保用戶獲得更有利且公平的發行。但社群對此延遲的反應不一。  TapSwap概述及現狀  TapSwap於二月上線,獎勵用戶點擊屏幕。該遊戲根據玩家的等級設有規則和限制點擊代幣的數量。擁有超過4800萬玩家,TapSwap的成功吸引了騙子和一級交易所合作夥伴。該Telegram遊戲最初計劃與Solana整合,但後來切換到The Open Network (TON),因其更適合基於Telegram的小應用程式。   TapSwap在X上宣布空投延遲  來源:TapSwap在X上    在X平台上的帖子中,TapSwap 向用戶保證,延遲最終將使他們受益。他們寫道:「我們取得的成功伴隨著一些‘不便’。該項目強調,確保所有用戶的公平和有利可圖的上線是他們的首要任務。」   「這種級別的關注需要對代幣經濟學和正確的上線策略進行更詳細的工作。而這意味著需要額外的時間。」    儘管用戶興趣濃厚,TapSwap 對其計劃在TON 區塊鏈上發行代幣的具體細節保持模糊。在6月26日的AMA會議期間,團隊沒有提供 TAPS 代幣發行的具體時間表或空投資格的詳細信息。他們解釋說,代幣經濟學中的「許多動態因素」,包括與多個加密貨幣交易所的交流,迫使他們對文檔進行更改。   閱讀更多:TapSwap 空投預計在七月:需要了解的事項   TapSwap 的以社區為中心的代幣分配計劃 TapSwap 重申了對社區的承諾,表示將分配大量代幣給用戶。團隊正在完成代幣經濟學,並在完成後提供更新。他們強調空投分配公平的重要性,並已實施監控系統來追踪用戶行為,識別應該被禁止的賬戶。   TapSwap 致力於為空投進行細緻的代幣分配過程。他們正在探索為不誠實的用戶提供自願交出部分空投的選項,以確保雙贏局面。   "我們正在制定明確的代幣分配規則以確保公平,儘管這些規則不能提前透露以防濫用," TapSwap 表示。   TapSwap 社區的褒貶不一的反應  來源:X    社群對於延遲的反應不一。有些用戶對於一再推遲感到沮喪,而另一些用戶則感謝確保公平和安全的代幣分發所做的努力。許多人仍然渴望參與並希望延遲能帶來更好的啟動體驗。社交媒體上的情緒反映出謹慎的樂觀態度,用戶積極參與 Tapswap 的活動以增加他們的空投資格。   結論 Tapswap 延遲代幣發行和空投的決定旨在提供更具戰略性和對用戶有利的結果。額外的時間將使團隊能夠完善他們的代幣經濟學和發行策略,確保所有用戶都能有一個公平的體驗。然而,用戶必須保持知情並注意延遲可能帶來的潛在風險。時間將告訴我們 Tapswap 的空投是否能在 2024 年第三季度成功啟動。    

Catizen 空投指南:如何賺取 $CATI 代幣

Catizen,是一款流行的Telegram遊戲,玩家可以滑動合成貓咪並賺取加密貨幣。該遊戲宣佈在2024年6月推出“為空投而玩”活動後,將在7月正式開展空投活動。了解如何通過在Catizen滑動賺取遊戲中挖掘更多硬幣來獲得即將到來的$CATI代幣空投資格。    快速摘要 $CATI代幣空投計劃於7月在The Open Network (TON)上進行,將分配該代幣總供應量的35%。 Catizen支持TON和以太坊的Mantle網絡,提供多樣的賺取機會。 該遊戲將其收入的1%捐贈給專門救助全球流浪貓的慈善機構。 什麼是Catizen滑動賺取Telegram遊戲? Catizen是一款基於Telegram的賺取遊戲,以其滑動合成貓咪的機制而脫穎而出,玩家需要合成貓咪以提高其等級和價值。    Catizen在過去幾個月中取得了巨大的增長和成功,順利完成了其路線圖的前兩個階段。擁有超過2300萬玩家、340萬日活躍用戶和超過1400萬次鏈上交易,Catizen在遊戲界穩固了自己的地位。該平台在Ton Open League中連續三個賽季排名第一,並收集了數千名玩家的反饋和溫馨故事。    隨著Catizen為第三階段——Catizen遊戲平台的推出做準備,計劃推出超過200個小遊戲,轉型成為一個綜合遊戲中心,旨在聯合超過1億玩家。此外,Catizen還將推出一個Telegram Mini Apps遊戲引擎,為H5遊戲開發者提供便捷的訪問。社區熱切期待7月即將到來的$CATI代幣空投,這標誌著Catizen的一個重要里程碑。通過這些發展,Catizen繼續培養深厚的情感聯繫和強大的社區精神,同時將其收入的1%致力於幫助流浪貓。   Catizen不僅限於TON生態系統。4月,他們與以太坊的Mantle網絡合作,到6月下旬,從Mantle獲得了近50萬用戶。這使得玩家可以在The Open Network (TON)和Mantle上參與遊戲,擴大了他們的獎勵機會。   閱讀更多內容:探索Catizen:TON生態系統中的養貓加密遊戲   Catizen空投啟動計劃  Catizen宣佈將於7月進行$CATI代幣的空投。空投的分配將基於參與者的vKITTY產量和他們擁有的最高等級貓咪。$CATI代幣將在The Open Network (TON)上發行,這與Notcoin和Hamster Kombat使用的區塊鏈相同。總供應量的35%已分配給此次空投。要參與並申領Catizen空投,請確保在代幣發行前將您的TON錢包連接到Catizen Telegram小程序。    如何玩Catizen遊戲  在Catizen中,你將經營一個虛擬貓咪咖啡館。以下是開始的步驟:   啟動機器人:前往 Telegram 上的Catizen Bot。 開始遊戲:點擊「開始」然後選擇「參加空投活動」。 合併貓咪:滑動以合併相同等級的貓咪,提升它們的等級。當你得到 5600 萬分時,你會留在銀級聯賽,5600 萬到 7600 萬之間是金級聯賽。超過 7600 萬 vKITTY 幣即可進入鉑金聯賽。 賺取 vKITTY 幣:咖啡廳的訪客會為你賺取 vKITTY 幣。 購買更多貓咪:使用 vKITTY 幣購買更多貓咪或等待定期掉落。 釣魚小遊戲:通過每日登入和推薦賺取魚幣,以玩釣魚小遊戲來獲得額外的 vKITTY 幣。 如何在 Catizen 賺取更多幣  為了最大化空投收益,重點是提升貓咪等級。擁有大量的 vKITTY 幣並不是最佳策略。相反,投資於更高等級的貓咪以提升你的賺錢潛力。   如何獲得 $CATI 空投資格 玩遊戲:參與遊戲並累積 vKITTY 幣。 提升貓咪等級:合併貓咪以提升它們的等級。 連結 TON 錢包:連結你的TON 錢包以接收 Catizen 空投。常見選項包括Tonkeeper和 Telegram 內嵌的 @Wallet。 完成任務:參加社交任務和每日簽到以賺取更多 vKITTY 幣。獎勵從每個任務 5 幣起,到每日購買遊戲內物品可獲得最高 300 幣。作為 Telegram 高級用戶,你可能會贏得 200 vKITTY 幣作為獎勵。 慈善承諾 Catizen 承諾將其收入的 1% 捐贈給救助流浪貓的慈善機構。通過遊戲,你不僅能賺取潛在的加密貨幣獎勵,還能為公益事業做出貢獻。   結論 Catizen 透過其獨特的滑動機制和慈善承諾,為「玩賺」類型的遊戲帶來了新鮮感。其即將到來的 $CATI 代幣空投為玩家增添了興奮的動機。然而,請記住參與玩賺遊戲存在風險。請隨時保持信息更新,謹慎對待你的投資和遊戲活動。

Zeta Airdrop Starts June 27: Here’s How to Claim $ZEX Tokens

The Zeta (ZEX) airdrop is generating significant buzz, with the $ZEX token poised to become a central element of the Zeta ecosystem. As one of the most established DeFi protocols on Solana, Zeta has built a strong reputation and is now preparing to launch its governance token. In this guide, we will delve into all aspects of Zeta and the $ZEX token, including eligibility, participation, and the airdrop claiming process.   Quick Take Zeta Markets, a prominent Solana-based DEX with a focus on perpetual futures, has announced its ongoing ZEX airdrop  starting June 27 until July 25, 2024.  The project’s native token $ZEX will serve as a governance and growth token within the Zeta ecosystem. Eligibility for the $ZEX airdrop is based on participation in Zeta's point program, where users accrue points.  Introduction to Zeta and $ZEX Token Zeta is a decentralized exchange specializing in perpetual futures on the Solana blockchain. Known for its speed and user experience comparable to centralized exchanges, Zeta aims to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by providing a seamless trading platform. At the time of writing, Zeta has a total value locked (TVL) of over $17 million.   Zeta DEX TVL | Source: DefiLlama    The $ZEX token will play a crucial role in Zeta’s ecosystem, serving as a governance token and incentivizing user participation and platform growth.   All About the Zeta (ZEX) Airdrop The $ZEX airdrop is set to distribute a portion of the total token supply to active users and contributors within the Zeta ecosystem starting June 27 till July 25, 2024 . The airdrop compaign aims to reward the community and enhance engagement, aligning with Zeta’s decentralized governance model.   Who Is Eligible for the $ZEX Airdrop? Eligibility for the $ZEX airdrop is determined by participation in Zeta's point program across multiple seasons. The more points a user generates, the higher their $ZEX allocation will be. Points are accrued through trading volume, PnL multipliers, activities, referrals, and holding Zeta NFTs. Currently, users are in Z-Score Season 2, where both maker and taker volumes contribute to their scores.   How to Participate in the Zeta Airdrop To participate in the Zeta airdrop, you must be active within the Zeta ecosystem and generate points through various activities. Here's a step-by-step guide to participating in the $ZEX token airdrop campaign:   Step 1: Visit the Claim Site and Check Eligibility Go to Zeta's token claim page. Enter your Zeta address to verify eligibility.   Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Step 2: Connect Wallet and Accept Terms  Use your preferred Solana wallet, such as Phantom, to connect to the interface. Agree to the airdrop terms and conditions.   Step 3: Choose Your Claim Method Decide between Immediate Claim or Diamond Hand Claim.   Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Step 4: Claim $ZEX Tokens Approve the transaction and wait for the tokens to arrive in your wallet.   How to Claim Your $ZEX Allocation What Is Diamond Hand Claim?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   The Diamond Hand Claim is for users committed to Zeta's long-term vision. By opting for this, users can claim all their allocations in full at TGE and stake them immediately. Benefits include qualification for the Staking Airdrop and immediate participation in governance with boosted incentives.   What Is the Immediate Claim & 7-Day Bonus?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   The Immediate Claim allows users to claim their airdrop at any time, including any unlocked portion of the 7-Day Bonus. As the bonus continues to unlock, users can claim larger allocations up to the maximum at the end of the 7-day period.   Example Claim Immediately at TGE: User A can claim 1000 $ZEX with no 7-Day Bonus. Claim After 4 Days: User A can claim 1000 $ZEX plus 571 $ZEX from the 7-Day Bonus. Claim After 7 Days: User A can claim the full 2000 $ZEX (1000 $ZEX allocation + 1000 $ZEX 7-Day Bonus). What Is Zeta Staking Airdrop?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Staking $ZEX tokens is a key component of the Zeta ecosystem, rewarding long-term commitment and governance participation. The staking airdrop, representing 2% of the total supply, is designed to incentivize users who stake their tokens within the first epoch after the Token Generation Event (TGE), ending on July 25th at 09:59 UTC.   The staking airdrop will be allocated based on a user's average governance score, gZEX, over the epoch. The longer and more tokens a user stakes, the higher their gZEX score will be. This airdrop will occur 28 days after the TGE and will be in the form of ZEX staked as gZEX for 90 days.   Why Stake on Zeta DEX? Staking helps establish governance mechanisms and aligns key users with the protocol by rewarding their participation with incentives. As Zeta migrates to Zeta X and transitions to its own Layer 2, governance will become increasingly important, influencing parameters like transaction fees, validator rewards, market listings, and incentive emissions.   When to Claim Zeta (ZEX) Airdrop The staking airdrop will be distributed on July 25th, at the end of the Genesis Epoch. It will be distributed as gZEX staked for 90 days, converting to liquid ZEX over this period. A user's average gZEX is sampled daily, and those staking later in the epoch will earn a lower share of the airdrop due to lower average gZEX scores.   Zeta Airdrop Challenges and Precautions High demand during the airdrop could lead to network congestion and delays. Users should be cautious of imitation sites and phishing scams. Always verify links and avoid responding to unsolicited messages regarding the airdrop.   Conclusion The Zeta airdrop is a significant event in the Solana DeFi space, offering rewards to early adopters and contributors. By participating in the airdrop, users can support Zeta’s growth and engage in its decentralized governance. Stay tuned for more updates on the airdrop timeline and how to maximize your $ZEX allocation.   FAQs on Zeta Airdrop 1. How do I check if I'm eligible for the Zeta airdrop?  Visit the official Zeta airdrop claim page and enter your Zeta address to verify eligibility.   2. What issues might users face during the Zeta airdrop?  Users might experience network congestion and delays. Ensure you are following the correct steps and use only official links.   3. What should I do if I face issues while claiming my $ZEX tokens?  Follow the steps on the claim site carefully. For persistent issues, contact Zeta’s support through official channels.   4. Can I sell my $ZEX tokens immediately after claiming them?  Yes, but consider the market conditions and potential benefits of holding or staking the tokens.   5. What are the benefits of holding $ZEX tokens?  Holding $ZEX tokens allows participation in governance, potential rewards from staking, and supports the growth of the Zeta ecosystem.  

BLAST Token Rises 40% Post-Launch; 17% of Supply Airdropped Day 1

The highly anticipated native token of the Ethereum layer-2 network Blast (BLAST) has made a spectacular entry into the market. Following its launch, BLAST saw a remarkable 40% surge in its price. This surge contrasts sharply with other recent high-profile airdrops, like zkSync (ZK) and LayerZero (ZRO), which have seen significant declines since their debuts.   Quick Take  The BLAST token's price rallied from its debut price of $0.02 to $0.0281, outperforming other recent token launches. BLAST's market cap exceeded $432 million, with a 24-hour trading volume surpassing $656 million, indicating strong market interest and activity. The airdrop distributed 17% of BLAST’s total supply to early users and contributors, fueling initial market excitement. The airdrop attracted scams, and the initial valuation faced criticism for falling short of expectations, highlighting the challenges ahead. BLAST Token Rallies 40% on Launch Day BLAST/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    BLAST debuted at $0.02 per token, giving it a fully diluted valuation (FDV) of $2 billion. According to data from Ambient Finance and perps trading platform Aevo, the token's price quickly rallied over 40%, reaching $0.0281. This impressive start highlights the strong market interest in BLAST, setting it apart from other recent token launches.   Read more: Blast Airdrop Guide: How to Unlock Yield Potential   However, the launch was not without its controversies. Some crypto market commentators, including DeFiance Capital's co-founder Arthur Cheong, expected a higher initial valuation. Cheong was surprised by the $2 billion FDV, having anticipated a valuation closer to $5 billion.   17% of BLAST Total Supply Airdropped on Day 1 Blast airdrop: Phase 1 Allocation | Source: Blast Docs    According to Cointelegraph, the BLAST airdrop distributed 17% of the total token supply. Users who bridged Ether (ETH) or USD on Blast (USDB) to the network since late last year received 7% of the airdrop. Another 7% went to users who contributed to the success of decentralized applications (dApps) on the network. The remaining 3% was allocated to the Blur Foundation for future community airdrops.   Despite the successful airdrop, it drew criticism from some quarters. Critics argued that the initial valuation did not meet expectations, and the airdrop event attracted numerous scams. Crypto security service Scam Sniffer identified a victim who lost over $217,000 to a phishing scam during the BLAST airdrop event.   Blast Becomes 4th Largest Ethereum L2 The Blast network, co-founded by Blur creator Tieshun Roquerre (known as PacMan), has faced scrutiny. Last November, seed investors criticized the network for lacking sufficient features to justify its one-way bridging mechanism. This mechanism required users to lock up their ETH for several months, which raised concerns among investors.   Read more: How to Bridge to Blast Mainnet   Blast L2 TVL | Source: L2Beat    Despite these challenges, the Blast network has shown significant growth. It currently ranks as the fourth-largest layer-2 network by total value locked (TVL), boasting $2.87 billion, according to L2Beat. This places it just behind Arbitrum, Base, and OP Mainnet. Additionally, the network reported $2.3 billion in deposits between November and March, indicating strong user interest and engagement.   Blast Ecosystem Home to Over 200 dApps, Can It Grow Further?  The long-term viability of Blast hinges on its ability to deliver on its promises. The network aims to provide a user-friendly experience that surpasses existing solutions like MetaMask. With over 1.5 million users and more than 200 live dApps, Blast has a solid foundation to build upon.   However, the network must address past criticisms and demonstrate its unique value proposition. While the initial airdrop buzz has been positive, Blast needs to prove its worth in the long run. Investors will be closely watching to see if Blast can develop a robust ecosystem of dApps and offer higher yield opportunities than its competitors.   Read more: Top Crypto Projects in the Blast Layer-2 Network   Conclusion The launch of the BLAST token has been a significant event in the crypto world, marked by a 40% price surge and strong initial interest. However, the road ahead is fraught with challenges. Blast must overcome past criticisms, address security concerns, and fulfill its ambitious goals to maintain its momentum.   As the initial hype fades, the key question remains: Can Blast live up to its potential and establish itself as a leading layer-2 network? Only time will tell, but the current indicators suggest a promising start for this ambitious project.

Hamster Kombat Airdrop: 100M Players Gear Up for TON Token Launch

Hamster Kombat, the hottest crypto game with over 100 million players, has confirmed plans for its token launch in July. With the token launch, the game also announced the first task for its upcoming airdrop campaign at weekend.   Quick Take Hamster Kombat surpasses 100 million players, making it one of the largest games on Telegram. The game's official Telegram channel has become the biggest on the platform, driven by demand for Daily Combo. The Hamster Kombat token launch on The Open Network (TON) is slated for July, with an anticipated airdrop. Players can link their TON wallets and join the Telegram channel to participate in the airdrop. Players can boost their earnings by using features such as Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, completing specific tasks, and upgrading their game cards. Upcoming Hamster Token Launch The Hamster Kombat team recently announced that the token launch on The Open Network (TON) is targeted for July. The community will receive Hamster token airdrops to celebrate the listing on markets based on their on-chain activity, and users can determine their eligibility for the HMSTR supply pool.   ​​Hamster Kombat is currently engaging with its community and is expected to expand upon the Telegram-based clicker concept, taking the game to new heights. The team has also mentioned their plans for the future, including the launch of NFT collections as part of the roadmap.   Several leading centralized exchanges have plans to list Hamster Kombat (HMSTR), with KuCoin pre-market being one of the first platforms to onboard the project.    Importance of the Hamster Kombat Airdrop Hamster Kombat has quickly the hottest game in Telegram, and its wide player base represents about one-ninth of Telegram’s entire user base and is nearly three times the 35 million players Notcoin had before closing its “mining phase.”   The upcoming airdrop for Hamster Kombat Telegram game is generating significant excitement among the game’s players and the wider crypto community. For players, participating in the airdrop means they can maximize their in-game earnings and potentially see significant returns once the tokens are listed and tradable. Each task completed in the list not only brings players one step closer to claiming the Hamster coin airdrop when the token launches but only gives them a chance to earn more coins in the game.    By distributing tokens to a wide audience, the airdrop can increase the adoption and use of Toncoin, reinforcing its value and utility in the market. For the TON ecosystem, this airdrop could drive substantial growth in user engagement and transaction volume, highlighting the network's capacity to support popular applications.   Learn more about the Hamster Kombat game and how to play   Hamster Coin Airdrop Tasks: Link Your TON Wallet Players can now prepare for the upcoming airdrop by completing specific tasks. Completing these tasks will make players eligible for the airdrop once the Hamster Kombat token launches in July. The first task involves connecting their TON wallets. The option to link wallets went live over the weekend. Players can also join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel to stay updated about new tasks as soon as they go live.    Read More: What Is Hamster Kombat?      To link your TON wallet to Hamster Kombat, follow these steps:   Open the Hamster Kombat bot and navigate to the airdrop tab at the bottom right corner. Click the first task and connect your TON wallet, e.g., Tonkeeper, to participate in the airdrop. Join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel if you haven’t already. Stay updated on new tasks listed in this section from the game’s developers in the coming days and weeks. In-Game Strategies Maximizing your profits in Hamster Kombat involves more than just completing airdrop tasks. Players should focus on boosting their in-game earnings by upgrading their cards. This strategy will help them accumulate more value when the tokens can be exchanged on the market.   Several guides are available to help players optimize their gameplay. These guides can significantly enhance a player's in-game performance and potential earnings. Utilizing features such as Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, and completing specific tasks, can significantly boost your earnings.   Find out how to earn more Hamster coins with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher.    Immense Social Interest The social interest in Hamster Kombat is unprecedented. With over 31 million members, the official Telegram channel for the game has become the largest on the messaging platform. Players are highly engaged, eagerly seeking daily combo and cipher codes that can earn them millions of free coins. This high level of engagement is a testament to the game's addictive nature and the community's enthusiasm.   The developers of Hamster Kombat have expressed optimism about the play-to-earn game's future. They have encouraged players to complete the necessary tasks to be ready for the airdrop and listing. Many members of the Hamster Kombat community believe that the listing and airdrop of Hamster Kombat tokens are inevitable.   Hamster Kombat vs. Notcoin Hamster Kombat and Notcoin have both seen remarkable success on Telegram, but Hamster Kombat has outpaced Notcoin significantly. Hamster Kombat has amassed over 100 million players, almost three times the number Notcoin had at its peak. At the time of writing, the Notcoin token has gained over 73% in value with a market cap just under $2 billion. On 2 June, the NOT price touched an all-time high (ATH) of $0.2896 before sliding lower on broader market conditions.    The upcoming token launch and airdrop for Hamster Kombat are anticipated to surpass Notcoin's achievements, driven by its massive and highly engaged player base. The game's innovative features and community support suggest it could become even more influential in the crypto gaming space than the Notcoin game.    Conclusion Hamster Kombat's rapid rise in popularity and the upcoming TON token launch have created a buzz in the crypto world. With over 100 million players and significant social interest, the game is set to make a substantial impact. The upcoming airdrop presents a lucrative opportunity for players to earn rewards. As the game continues to grow, players and investors alike are keeping a close eye on its development. The success of the airdrop could also serve as a case study for other projects looking to leverage the TON ecosystem for token distribution and community building.   Prepare your TON wallets and join the Hamster Kombat Telegram channel to stay updated and participate in the airdrop. The next few weeks promise to be exciting for the Hamster Kombat community.  

TapSwap Airdrop Anticipated In July: What to Know

TapSwap is a popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram where players earn TAPS coins by tapping a digital icon and completing various in-game activities. Learn how to participate in the TapSwap airdrop by playing this popular Telegram game. Follow our step-by-step guide to get ready for the TAPS token launch.   Quick Take The TapSwap airdrop is expected to conclude by the end of the second quarter of 2024, with the TAPS token launch anticipated to take place in July 2024. Players can participate in the TAPS token airdrop by engaging in the game’s activities, with rewards based on performance. TapSwap encourages community engagement through referral bonuses and community-based tasks, enhancing the gaming experience and earning potential. TapSwap, a leading tap-to-earn game, has recently seen explosive growth, surpassing 50 million users globally. This guide will help you get started with TapSwap and show you how to participate in the upcoming TAPS token airdrop.   An Introduction to TapSwap Tap-to-Earn Game  TapSwap is a tap-to-earn game playable via a Telegram mini app. Players tap a gold coin at the center of the screen to earn points, limited by an “Energy” bar that refills over time. The game offers various tasks, boosts, and referral bonuses to enhance earning potential.   Read more: What Is TapSwap (TAPS)? All About the Viral Telegram Crypto Game   How to Play TapSwap on Telegram  Here’s a general overview of how you can play the TapSwap clicker game on Telegram:    Access the Game: Open the game in Telegram via the provided link. Earn Coins: Tap the screen to earn coins. Use them to buy improvements in the Boost tab. Complete Tasks: Earn additional coins by completing tasks such as joining TapSwap’s community or registering for a Binance exchange account. Referral Bonuses: Invite friends using your referral link to earn more coins. Use Boosts: Enhance tapping abilities with daily free boosters or purchase premium boosts for more coins. TapBot: Earn points passively with the TapBot by checking in every 12 hours to claim rewards. Read more: How to Mine Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game   TapSwap (TAPS) Token Launch As per a news report on Decrypt, the TAPS token launch was initially scheduled for May 30, 2024, but was postponed to July 1, 2024, to address bot-related issues and ensure fair token distribution. The TapSwap team is working on finalizing the tokenomics and plans to allocate a significant portion of all tokens to the community.   Why Participate in TapSwap Airdrop? Innovative Gameplay: Tap-to-earn mechanics and PvP battles make TapSwap engaging and fun. Lucrative Earning Opportunities: Multiple ways to earn points, including referrals, offer significant earning potential. Strong Community: An active community and regular updates ensure a dynamic and supportive environment. Who Is Eligible for the TapSwap (TAPS) Airdrop?  Anyone who actively participates in TapSwap's in-game activities is eligible for the TAPS token airdrop. This includes tapping to earn points, completing daily tasks and missions, referring friends to the game, and using in-game boosts strategically. The airdrop rewards are based on the player's performance and engagement within the game.    How to Prepare for the TAPS Airdrop: Connect TapSwap Dashboard to Wallet Before the TAPS token launch, you must connect your crypto wallet to the TapSwap dashboard to securely manage and withdraw the coins you mine on TapSwap. Follow these steps:   Log in to Your Dashboard: Access the dashboard through the link provided. Select Your Wallet: Choose from available wallets. Non-custodial wallets like MetaMask are recommended for better security. Connect to MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask option and log in using your password. Complete Registration: Enter your email and verification code. Sign in and connect your wallet. Confirm Connection: Your wallet address will be displayed. Disconnect if needed. Conclusion TapSwap is a notable addition to the Telegram gaming landscape, offering unique gameplay and various earning opportunities. Players can benefit from the airdrop by actively participating in the game's activities. However, it is important to remember that participating in airdrops and earning crypto carries risks, including the potential for fluctuating token values and the need to ensure the security of your digital assets. Always conduct thorough research and consider these risks before engaging in any crypto-related activities.   TapSwap Airdrop FAQs 1. When will the TAPS token launch?  The TAPS token is expected to launch in July 2024.   2. How do I become eligible for the TapSwap airdrop?  Participate in in-game tasks to increase your percentage of the token supply.   3. How can I stay updated on new airdrop tasks?  Join the TapSwap Telegram channel or follow their official X account for the latest updates.   4. What wallet types can I use to connect to TapSwap?  You can use any supported wallet, including non-custodial options like MetaMask. TapSwap also supports exchange wallets and offers extra rewards for connecting some exchange wallets.    5. Is it safe to connect my wallet to TapSwap?  Yes, ensure you use official links and avoid sharing private keys or passwords.

Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Everything You Need to Know

Learn how to participate in the Pixelverse airdrop by playing PixelTap, a popular web3 game in the Telegram mini-apps ecosystem. Follow our step-by-step guide to maximize your in-game earnings and get ready for the PIXFI token launch.   Quick Take The Pixelverse (PIXFI) airdrop is expected to happen sometime in late June ahead of the token generation event (TGE) in July 2024.  Players can participate in the PIXFI token airdrop by engaging in the game’s activities, with rewards based on performance in the fight feature. PixelTap encourages community engagement through referral bonuses and community-based tasks, enhancing the gaming experience and earning potential.   The Pixelverse (PIXFI) airdrop is expected to conclude by the end of the second quarter of 2024, which means it should be completed by the end of June. The PIXFI token launch is anticipated to take place in July 2024.    Pixelverse, the creator of Pixeltap, has recently raised $5.5 million in a seed round to expand its cyberpunk-themed game ecosystem. This guide will help you get started with PixelTap, the flagship game of Pixelverse, and show you how to participate in the upcoming PIXFI token airdrop.   What Is PixelTap by Pixelverse, Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game? PixelTap is a web3 game set in a cyberpunk universe, designed to be an expandable 2D world using AI and blockchain technology. Players can choose from four main robot characters and participate in various activities to earn in-game rewards. The game emphasizes social gaming with a low barrier to entry.   PixelTap's community-based tasks allow players to unlock new pets and features by:   Reaching follower milestones on Twitter and Discord. Participating in community events and challenges. Read more: PixelTap Daily Combo by Pixelverse Game: Tips to Know   All About the Pixelverse (PIXFI) Airdrop PixelTap is gearing up for the PIXFI token generation event in June, which includes airdrops for players. The more you win in the game, the higher the percentage of the token supply you will receive. Here's how you can join and maximize your earnings.   The airdrop is linked to the PIXFI Token Generation Event, expected in June. Players are rewarded based on their performance in the game's fight feature, with a higher percentage of the token supply allocated to top performers.   Why Participate in PixelTap Airdrop? Innovative Gameplay: The tap-to-earn mechanism and PvP battles make PixelTap engaging and fun. Lucrative Earning Opportunities: With multiple ways to earn points, including referrals, PixelTap offers significant earning potential. Strong Community: An active community and regular updates from the Pixelverse team ensure a dynamic and supportive environment. How to Connect PixelTap Dashboard to Wallet Connecting your wallet to the PixelTap dashboard in Pixelverse is essential for securely managing and withdrawing your in-game earnings, such as PIXFI tokens earned through battles, quests, and referrals. This connection enables seamless transactions and supports trading or holding tokens on supported exchanges once listed.    Additionally, using reputable wallets like MetaMask enhances security and protects your assets from unauthorized access. Furthermore, linking your wallet allows participation in staking activities and governance decisions within the Pixelverse ecosystem, offering additional rewards and a more active community role.    Follow these steps to connect your PixelTap dashboard to a crypto wallet:   Step 1: Log in to Your Dashboard Access the dashboard through the link provided in the description.     Step 2: Select Your Wallet Choose from available wallets. Non-custodial wallets like MetaMask are recommended for better security.     Step 3: Connect to MetaMask Click on the MetaMask option and log in using your password. Ensure MetaMask is already installed on your device.     Step 4: Complete Registration  Enter your email and the verification code sent to your email. Sign in and connect your wallet by following the prompts.   Step 5: Confirm Connection Once connected, your wallet address will be displayed. Disconnect by clicking the disconnect button if needed.     Connecting to an exchange wallet wallet may offer more PixelTap coins or points, but MetaMask is a secure option.   Conclusion PixelTap is an exciting addition to the Telegram gaming world, offering a clear roadmap, reputable team, and innovative gameplay. Join now to take advantage of the airdrop and earn rewards in the Pixelverse ecosystem.   Pixelverse Airdrop FAQs 1. When will the PIXFI token launch? The $PIXFI token is expected to launch in June.   2. How do I become eligible for the PixelTap airdrop? Participate in in-game tasks, especially the fight feature, to increase your percentage of the token supply.   3. How can I stay updated on new airdrop tasks? You can join the Pixelverse Telegram channel or follow their official X account for the latest updates.   4. What wallet types can I use to connect to PixelTap? You can use any supported wallet, including non-custodial options.   5. Is it safe to connect my wallet to PixelTap? Yes, ensure you use official links and avoid sharing private keys or passwords.

Blast Airdrop Guide: How to Unlock Yield Potential

Blast is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solution designed to offer native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Blast has confirmed an airdrop for early users, offering early investors and users an opportunity to earn BLAST tokens.   Quick Take  Blast L2 lets users earn 4% interest on ETH and 5% on stablecoins, providing a significant advantage over other L2 solutions. Early users of Blast can earn and convert airdrop points and Blast Gold to BLAST tokens, enhancing user engagement. Blast has raised $20 million from prominent investors like Paradigm and Standard Crypto, ensuring strong financial backing. What Is Blast Ethereum L2 Network?  Unlike other L2s with a default interest rate of 0%, Blast stands out by providing a 4% interest rate for ETH and 5% for stablecoins. This unique feature, combined with a robust ecosystem and significant investor backing, positions Blast as a game-changer in the blockchain industry.    Blast’s integration with Dune enhances data accessibility. Users can generate dashboards and queries, exploring transaction volumes and smart contract interactions within the Blast network.   Read more: Top Crypto Projects in the Blast Layer-2 Network   All About the Blast Airdrop  Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Blast is all set to launch its airdrop on June 26, 2024, To qualify, you need to bridge ETH or supported stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI) to the Blast Layer 2 network before the mainnet launch. Use an invite code to access the platform, connect your Twitter and Discord accounts, and engage with the Blast ecosystem.  When to Claim Blast Token Airdrop  June 25th: Deadline for dApps to ensure all Gold and Points are allocated to users. June 26th: Conversion of earned airdrop points and Blast Gold to BLAST tokens. How to Qualify for the Blast Airdrop  To qualify for the airdrop:   Log In to the Blast Dashboard: Ensure you log in at least once with your EOA and link any embedded EVM-compatible wallets, such as MetaMask. Secure Your Entitlement: This ensures your points and Gold holdings are accurately accounted for. How to Participate in Blast Airdrop  Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you maximize your airdrop rewards:   Visit the Blast Website: Start by visiting the official Blast website. Use an Invite Code: Enter an invite code to access the platform. Connect Your Wallet: Follow Blast on Twitter and Discord, then connect your web3 wallet. Bridge Your Assets: Transfer ETH or supported stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI) from the Ethereum network to Blast L2 using the bridge on the Blast platform. Ensure you have enough ETH to cover transaction fees.   Earn Points and Interest: Once your assets are bridged, you start earning Blast points based on the amount bridged and a 4% interest rate on ETH and 5% on stablecoins. Participate in the Early Access campaign for a 10x multiplier on points. Interact with dApps on Blast to earn Blast Gold. Participate in Multiplier Campaigns: Engage with highlighted dApps on Blast to earn multipliers that boost your points. Ensure all Privy wallets for dApps are linked to your Blast dashboard profile. Invite Friends: Use the referral system to invite friends. You earn additional points from their activity. Earn Blast Gold: Interact with dApps to earn Blast Gold, which can be converted to BLAST tokens along with your points on June 26th. Monitor Your Progress: Track your points and Blast Gold on the Blast dashboard. Engage with the platform regularly to maximize your rewards. Read more: How to Connect to Blast Mainnet   Remember to verify your transactions and check your balance within the Blast platform. Be cautious of phishing attempts and only interact with official channels to avoid scams.    Closing Thoughts  Blast is setting new standards in the blockchain ecosystem with its innovative yield offerings and robust user rewards. With substantial investor backing and a clear roadmap, Blast has the potential to redefine how users interact with L2 solutions.    While the opportunities to maximize earnings are enticing, it is essential to remember that all investments carry risks. Ensure that you thoroughly research and consider your risk tolerance before participating. Stay informed and make the most of what Blast has to offer by staying engaged and proactive.  

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