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Solana在日活躍地址數量上超越以太坊:CMC 2024上半年報告

根據Coinmarket 的 2024 年上半年報告,Solana 生態系統(尤其是其迷因幣)的日益流行,看來有望挑戰以太坊在加密市場的主導地位。到 2024 年 6 月,Solana 日活躍地址數量已經超過以太坊。了解 Solana 對高風險資產的轉變如何與以太坊對實物資產 (RWA) 和人工智能 (AI) 的重視形成對比,以及這對整體加密市場中Solana 與以太坊之間的動態意味著什麼。   簡要報告 Solana 的日活躍地址在 2024 年 6 月突破 160 萬,超過以太坊的約 45 萬日活躍地址。 自 2023 年 10 月以來,Solana 生態系統在迷因幣的推動下獲得了顯著的關注和流行,表明其在加密空間中的地位日益突出。 儘管 Solana 的燃氣費較低,但以太坊在日收入和 DeFi 鎖定總價值方面領先,而 Solana 專注於與迷因相關的交易。 在 2024 年第二季度,Solana比以太坊吸引了更多的關注,標誌著一個顯著的趨勢轉變。自 2023 年 10 月以來,Solana (SOL) 及其迷因幣生態系統(估值約 70 億美元)在價格和受歡迎程度上都取得了驚人的增長。儘管 Solana 尚未超越以太坊,但興趣的激增突顯了其在加密空間中的日益影響力。   Solana 生態系統的增長速度超過以太坊 | 來源:Coinmarketcap   年初時,以太坊的新代幣上市數量為 138 個,而 Solana 為 119 個。然而,自 2024 年初以來,Solana 生態系統新增了 147 個代幣上市,而以太坊在此期間僅新增了 89 個代幣上市。   閱讀更多: Solana vs. Ethereum: 哪一個在2024年更好?   Solana 以超過160萬每日活躍地址領先 Solana 在每日活躍地址方面領先,擁有超過160萬個活躍地址,緊隨其後的是BNB,擁有100萬個活躍地址。由於最近的補助金和熱門項目,SUI 和 TON 生態系統 的活動量也有所增加。   Memecoins 在Solana上占主導地位 Memecoins 是Solana生態系統中的主要驅動力。散戶投資者優先考慮快速盈利而非傳統項目,這反映了一種反建制情緒。快速的流動性湧入memecoins,創造了一種類似賭場的氛圍,高風險資產相對於價值導向的傳統項目更受青睞。一些在Solana上表現最好的memecoins包括市值超過5.43億美元的dogwifhat (WIF)、市值3.74億美元的Bonk和市值1.59億美元的BOME。   截至撰寫本文時,根據CoinGecko的數據,Solana的memecoins總市值不到70億美元。整個memecoins部門現在的價值為480億美元,以基於Ethereum的代幣如Dogecoin、Shiba Inu和Pepe為主導。該部門包括基於名人的代幣,但經常因爭議和潛在的監管審查而受到影響。Ethereum創始人Vitalik Buterin批評了名人memecoins文化,敦促創作者專注於提供公共利益的項目。   儘管面臨挑戰,新興的基於迷因的加密貨幣項目正以前所未有的速度獲得動力。甚至像AI主題代幣(如Turbo)也受到歡迎,這標誌著從傳統金融與加密貨幣之間的對立轉變為加密市場內部的建制派與反建制派之間的新分裂。   閱讀更多:2024年值得關注的Solana迷因幣   迷因幣主導了Solana生態系統 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    Pump.fun,一個基於Solana和Blast區塊鏈的迷因幣生成器,最近首次在日收入上超過了以太坊,收入達到199萬美元,相比之下,以太坊的日收入為191萬美元。儘管在五月遭遇了一次200萬美元的黑客攻擊,Pump.fun自一月以來已經產生了超過5130萬美元的收入,突顯出Solana上的迷因幣交易熱潮的興盛。   閱讀更多: Pump.fun 日收益超越以太坊,達到 200 萬美元   大多數 memecoins 可進行現貨交易,但 MarginFi 計劃在 Solana 上引入 mrgnswap 進行槓桿交易,這可能會改變 memecoin 交易格局,並為投資者提供更多選擇。   以太坊生態系統從 RWA 和 AI 部門中受益  相比之下,以太坊專注於實體資產 (RWA) 和 AI 分佈式計算。此舉旨在將傳統金融與區塊鏈技術相結合。DeFi 部門正在回歸其根源,穩定幣現已主導市場。此前,去中心化交易所 (DEXs) 和衍生品是焦點,推動了創新和興奮。現在,穩定性和可靠性成為重點,穩定幣提供了一種安全的交易、儲蓄和貸款媒介。   以太坊在 L1 市場中佔據 62% 的份額  主要 Layer-1 代幣的市值 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    Layer-1智慧合約的總市值達到6955.8億美元,其中以太坊佔有62.11%的優勢。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)批准以太坊現貨ETF是其中一個重要的催化劑。BNB和Solana也在加速發展,分別在年初至今增加了420億和180億美元。   以太坊(+45.33%)是表現第三好的智慧合約平台,僅次於Toncoin(+221.5%)和BNB(+83.6%)。相較之下,Solana在年初至今的增幅為17.4%,表現較為溫和。   以太坊佔公共區塊鏈中每日收入的70% 由於採用了Layer-2解決方案和最近的Dencun升級,以太坊在第二季度的Gas費用達到歷史低點。儘管如此,以太坊在主要Layer-1中佔有70%的每日收入,約270萬美元。Solana排名第二,每日收入約90萬美元。   在去中心化金融(DeFi)領域,以太坊佔有84.3%的總鎖倉價值(TVL)市場份額,TVL超過570億美元,而Solana的TVL為45億美元,主要由去中心化交易所(DEX)交易和質押推動。Solana的交易主要與迷因相關。   以太坊 vs. Solana:機構投資者的展望 最近從以太坊投資產品中出現的資金外流反映了投資者日益增長的擔憂和獲利回吐的行為。以太坊面臨可擴展性問題和高交易費用,促使其加快升級到以太坊2.0。同時,Solana 吸引了160萬美元的資金流入,展示了投資者對其高吞吐量和低交易成本的信心。   Solana 創新的歷史證明(PoH)機制和超低交易成本使其成為高速交易和複雜任務的首選平台。該平台對可擴展性的積極態度和強大的社區支持使其在去中心化金融(DeFi)和不可替代代幣(NFT)方面具有吸引力。   然而,當現貨以太坊ETF獲得批准時,以太坊可能會迎來提振。根據Cointelegraph的最新報導,這預計將在7月8日之前發生。   結論 以太坊和Solana之間的對比趨勢凸顯了加密貨幣市場內投資者偏好和戰略考量的變化。雖然以太坊在市值和生態系統成熟度方面保持領先,但Solana的快速增長和技術進步,如引入的Firedancer這一第二個驗證者客戶端,增強了網絡的彈性和性能,使其成為一個強大的競爭者。Solana 對模因幣和創新的歷史證明機制的專注,吸引了尋求高速交易和低成本的新一波投資者。   監管發展和加密貨幣ETF的推出可能會進一步影響市場動態。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已經批准了以太坊現貨ETF,這標誌著一個重要的里程碑,可能為類似的Solana產品鋪平道路。然而,監管環境仍然不可預測,可能對這兩個平台產生不同的影響。   投資者應保持謹慎,並意識到波動的加密貨幣市場中的固有風險。雖然memecoins的快速增長提供了高回報,但也伴隨著重大的風險。  

Memecoins、AI、RWA 和穩定幣推動 2024 年第二季度增長:CoinMarketCap 上半年報告

根據Coinmarketcap 2024年上半年的報告,在2024年第二季度,全球加密貨幣市場總市值大幅下降14.5%,達到2.3萬億美元。儘管如此,24小時交易量飆升了223%,達到794億美元。加密貨幣恐懼與貪婪指數維持在中性49,顯示出自第一季度以來的恐懼趨勢。比特幣的主導地位仍然強勁,達到53%,並且沒有任何山寨幣季節的跡象。流動性下降了18.5%,反映出在更廣泛的牛市趨勢中的一個熊市階段。   快速回顧 在2024年第二季度,迷因幣成為最受歡迎的加密貨幣類別,占CoinMarketCap頁面瀏覽量的23%。 穩定幣部門增長了8.6%,而人工智慧和大數據部門增長了2.5%。Ethena和Lista的推出顯著提升了穩定幣部門。 Solana的生態系統在第二季度新增了20個代幣,超過了以太坊的14個。基於Solana的迷因幣表現優於基於以太坊的迷因幣,回報率分別為8469%和962%。 政治迷因代幣,主要是由MAGA(特朗普)領導,在市場上取得了顯著地位,總市值達到7.84億美元。MAGA代幣今年單獨飆升超過5100%。 由法定貨幣擔保的穩定幣主導的RWA部門顯著增長。值得注意的發展包括Ethena的USDe,其市值增加了934%,以及BlackRock的BUIDL基金在短短三個月內吸引了4.53億美元。 迷因幣、穩定幣和人工智慧推動2024年第二季度加密市場增長 2024年第二季度加密市場中最活躍的部門 | 來源: Coinmarketcap    在第二季度,三個部門經歷了正增長:迷因幣、穩定幣和人工智慧&大數據。迷因幣首次成為最受歡迎的類別,占據了23%的頁面瀏覽量。   3月和4月初的迷因幣季節讓位給了對穩定幣 (+8.6%)、人工智慧和大數據 (+2.5%)的關注。Ethena 和Lista的推出增強了穩定幣領域。Tether在第一季度的45.2億美元利潤凸顯了該領域的盈利能力,吸引了新項目。相反,自2月高峰以來,對人工智慧的熱潮已經減退,到6月僅佔6.4%的關注度。衍生品和穩定幣也有適度增長。迷因幣和人工智慧及大數據領域正在放緩,許多項目正在下市。   Solana在迷因幣競賽中超越以太坊  Solana vs. 以太坊迷因幣 | 資料來源: Coinmarketcap    Solana的生態系統也引起了極大關注,可能挑戰以太坊的主導地位。CoinMarketCap的數據顯示,Solana的生態系統正在蓬勃發展,第二季度新增了20個代幣,而以太坊新增了14個。基於Solana的迷因幣表現優於基於以太坊的迷因幣,平均回報率達到8469%,而以太坊的為962%。這一趨勢是由投機資金流動和像WIF和BONK等代幣的成功所推動的。   在Solana生態系統中,迷因幣占據主導地位,反映了投機熱潮。散戶投資者更喜歡快速獲利而不是傳統項目,這表明了一種反建制的情緒。這種賭場般的氛圍與以太坊專注於實際資產(RWA)和人工智慧形成對比,強調實際應用並將傳統金融與區塊鏈相結合。   PolitiFi Meme Tokens: Trump Leads the Pack 特朗普與拜登在政治領域的迷因幣競爭 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    政治迷因代幣(PolitiFi)已成為一個重要的子類別,總市值達到7.84億美元。領先的代幣MAGA(TRUMP)今年已增長超過5100%,這主要是由於特朗普對加密貨幣的公開支持以及接受加密貨幣作為競選捐款。   Real World Assets (RWA) Sector Fuels Stablecoin Growth  RWA 部門與穩定幣市場實現增長 | 資料來源:Coinmarketcap    RWA部門正在經歷顯著增長,主要由法幣抵押的穩定幣所推動,這類穩定幣現在佔該類別總市值的96.6%。泰達幣(USDT)仍然是主導力量,不斷刷新市值新高,並作為近70%中心化交易所(CEXs)現貨交易量的基準對。   USDC 在2024年上半年市場市值上升了32%,顯示出顯著的復甦。此增長主要歸因於 Circle 向機構客戶的戰略推動以及 Coinbase International 的推出,這為 USDC 在非美國市場帶來了更多的交易量。   在 RWA 部門中表現突出的有 Ethena 的USDe,於2024年2月推出。這種新穩定幣的市值已經上升了934%。其33.5%的高收益吸引了大量資金流入,使其成為該部門增長最快的資產之一。儘管有初始空投和其本地代幣 ENA 的推出,USDe 仍然吸引了大量投資者的興趣。   BlackRock 的 BUIDL 基金於2024年3月在以太坊上推出,在管理資產(AUM)方面領先於其他代幣化基金。該基金在不到三個月內吸引了4.53億美元的資金流入,突顯出機構對代幣化金融的興趣日益增長。Ondo Finance 是 BUIDL 的最大貢獻者,在此增長中發揮了重要作用,為其 AUM 增加了1.95億美元。自1月18日推出以來,ONDO 已經增長了634%,成為 RWA 部門的領先幣種。   儘管如此,TVL 在RWA 協定中的總價值目前為 43.9 億美元,仍低於上一周期的高點 63.7 億美元。這一差距表明,隨著該部門繼續成熟並吸引更多機構資金,仍有足夠的增長空間。   結論:動態的季度 2024 年第 2 季度見證了加密貨幣市場的顯著變化。儘管全球市值下降了 14.5%,但 24 小時交易量上升了 223%,反映了強韌的交易環境。比特幣的主導地位達到 53%,以及持續的 牛市 宏觀情緒表明機構投資的力量,但零售參與度仍然明顯偏低。   穩定幣領域顯示出強勁的增長,受益於新項目如 Ethena 和 Lista,以及 Tether 的可觀利潤。同時,Solana 生態系統已成為以太坊的一個強大競爭對手,特別是在 memecoin 領域,投機投資正在上升。   然而,本季度也突顯了市場的脆弱性。流動性下降 18.5% 以及恐慌情緒的趨勢突顯了潛在的風險。投資者應保持謹慎,因為市場條件可能迅速變化。對人工智能的興趣減少和 memecoins 的波動性進一步增加了市場的不可預測性。   一如既往,進行盡職調查和風險意識的投資方法對於在動態的加密貨幣世界中導航至關重要。  

Pump.fun 以 200 萬美元的激增超越以太坊的每日收入

Pump.fun 是 Solana 區塊鏈上的一個領先的 memecoin 發行平台,近日達成了一個重要里程碑。它在一天內創造了 200 萬美元的收入,使其在 7 月 1 日成為所有區塊鏈和協議中收入最高的,超過了以太坊。   簡要報告  在 7 月 1 日,Pump.fun 創造了 200 萬美元的日收入,超過了以太坊。 在 Pump.fun 上一天內創建了超過 11,500 個 memecoin 代幣。 該平台的累計收入已達到 5090 萬美元,名人主題的 meme 幣推動了代幣創建的激增。 預計 Pump.fun 年化收入將達到 2.6895 億美元。 Pump.fun 收入 | 資料來源: Dune    根據 CoinDesk 的一份報告,Pump.fun 在週一錄得了令人印象深刻的 200 萬美元的日收入,超過了 以太坊 的 191 萬美元。這一激增是由於創建了 11,528 個代幣,使平台的總數達到近 120 萬個代幣。根據 DefiLlama 和 Dune Analytics 的數據,Pump.fun 的累計收入現已達到 5090 萬美元。   閱讀更多: 什麼是 Pump.fun,以及如何在平台上創建您的 memecoin?   Pump.fun 在六月創造超過 2200 萬美元的收入  Pump.fun 的收入在七月激增 | 資料來源:DefiLlama    儘管自六月中旬以來,總memecoin 市值減少了 16 億美元,Pump.fun 仍然平均每天產生 69.2 萬美元的收入。這一持續表現表明用戶對該平台的興趣和活動仍在繼續。如果目前的勢頭得以保持,根據 Unchained Crypto 的報告,將最近 30 天的收入數據乘以 12,Pump.fun 預計年收入將達到 2.6895 億美元。   僅在六月,Pump.fun 就記錄了 2205 萬美元的收入,突顯出其強勁的增長軌跡。該平台的成功也引發了競爭,新進者如 Dexscreener 的 Moonshot 旨在佔領 memecoin 市場份額。   閱讀更多: Solana 的 Pump.fun 從 Memecoin 狂熱中創造了 3000 萬美元的收入   名人驅動的Memecoin狂潮推動了Pump.fun的增長 收入的激增可以歸因於名人主題的迷因幣的持續趨勢。自五月下旬以來,像凱特琳·詹納(Caitlyn Jenner)、伊基·阿塞莉亞(Iggy Azalea)、特里皮·雷德(Trippie Redd)和戴維多(Davido)等名人已在Solana上推出了自己的迷因幣,吸引了大量的注意和活動到Pump.fun平台。該平台的低成本使其成為創建和交易代幣的有吸引力選擇,促進了其快速增長。   Pump.fun的商業模式包括1%的交換費和在去中心化交易所Raydium上列出代幣的兩個SOL費用。這種簡單的方法促進了用戶的參與和在Solana生態系統上的交易活動。   Pump.fun上的95%代幣都是騙局嗎?  然而,Pump.fun的快速增長並非沒有挑戰。該平台的欺詐活動顯著增加,估計有95%的代幣是假的。Solana上啟動代幣的低成本使得不法分子更容易創建和操縱代幣,導致各種騙局。   一種常見的騙局涉及開發者購買少量代幣,然後迅速拋售,導致代幣價值暴跌。另一種策略,被稱為“山大王”(King of the Hill,簡稱KOTH),涉及開發者大量拋售代幣,引發其他交易者的恐慌,導致市場崩潰。   儘管存在這些問題,Pump.fun 的財務成功和市場主導地位突顯了其對 memecoin 市場以及更廣泛的加密貨幣生態系統的影響,特別是在 Solana 社區內。   結論 Pump.fun 登上收入榜首顯示了 meme 幣和基於區塊鏈的代幣創建平台的日益普及和潛力。通過名人參與和用戶友好且具成本效益的模式,Pump.fun 在加密世界中開闢了重要的利基市場。然而,該平台必須解決詐騙和欺詐活動帶來的挑戰,以保持其增長並維護用戶信任。   隨著 Pump.fun 不斷發展,其對 memecoin 市場和更廣泛的加密生態系統的影響將受到行業觀察者和參與者的密切關注。    

Top 3 Cryptos to Watch This Week: All Eyes on XRP, Ethereum, and Solana

Discover the top cryptocurrencies to watch this week, including XRP, Ethereum, and Solana. XRP shows signs of a possible reversal, Ethereum maintains stability with strong fundamentals, and Solana is fighting for growth with positive developments and increasing trading volume. Learn about their current trends, potential reversals, and key indicators driving their price movements.   Quick Take Trading at $0.4721 with support at $0.47 and resistance at $0.499, XRP's low trading volume and RSI around 41 suggest a potential reversal.  Steadily trading around $3,400, Ethereum shows long-term bullish indicators, maintaining above the 200-day moving average.  Solana, maintaining around $150, saw a 50% trading volume jump to $1.68 billion, with Blockchain links (blinks) and 200-day EMA support at $130 indicating potential bullish momentum. XRP Price Show Signs of a Reversal, What’s Next?  XRP/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    According to analysis by U.Today, XRP has traded under pressure with the price remaining mostly unchanged around $0.47, but signs suggest a possible reversal. Currently, XRP is in a phase where not many people are selling, and almost no one is buying. The chart shows difficulty in increasing value over the past few months, with minimal trading activity.   The low volume indicates that neither buyers nor sellers are taking large positions. However, a spike in volume could signal renewed interest, potentially raising the price.   With an RSI of approximately 41, XRP is in the lower neutral zone. This suggests room for growth before overbought conditions. If the RSI rises above 50, it would indicate increased buying pressure and a potential new uptrend.   Despite recent declines, XRP's fundamentals remain strong. The resolution of Ripple's legal dispute with the SEC could positively impact XRP's price. Ripple's ongoing partnerships and technological advancements provide a solid foundation for future growth.   XRP: Key Levels to Watch  Monitoring these levels can help identify potential entry and exit points as the market conditions change.   Support Level: $0.47 Critical Support Level: $0.466 Resistance Level: $0.499 Critical Resistance Level: $0.50 Downside Risk Level: $0.43 If the price breaks below $0.466, it may trigger a sell-off towards $0.43. Conversely, a bullish reversal could drive prices to the next significant level around $0.499.   Spot Ethereum ETFs to Take ETH Price to $6,500?  Steno Research predicts net inflows of $15-20 billion into Ether spot ETFs in the first 12 months. Ether's price is expected to hit $6,500 later this year due to strong ETF inflows and other positive factors. Galaxy Research estimates $5 billion of net inflows to spot Ethereum ETFs in the first five months, while Bitwise expects $15 billion in the initial 18 months.   The crypto market is optimistic about the imminent launch of spot Ether ETFs in the U.S. Steno Research forecasts a net inflow between $15 billion and $20 billion in the first 12 months. This should drive Ether's value higher, both in dollar terms and relative to Bitcoin.   Read more: Spot Ethereum ETFs by July? SEC Chair Gensler Confirms Progress on Approval   Ethereum Technical Analysis: ETH Holds Above $3,370  ETH/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Ethereum has been actively trading around $3,400, showing signs of both strength and concern. The chart indicates that Ethereum has maintained above the $3,370 mark, closely resembling the 100-day EMA. This level has stabilized the price amid recent market turbulence.   Trading volume has been inconsistent, yet the steady interest at current prices is noteworthy. A spike in volume might indicate a strong move in either direction.   Ethereum's RSI is around 43, pointing to potential upward movement before overbought conditions. If the RSI moves closer to 50, it would provide additional proof of bullish momentum.   Long-term trend indicators, the 26-day and 200-day EMAs, show Ethereum trading above the 200-day moving average, a bullish signal. However, it remains below the 50-day EMA, indicating some short-term pessimism.   Market sentiment heavily influences Ethereum's price action. Despite a few negative signs, the overall trend remains positive. Continuous network upgrades via Ethereum 2.0 developments, increased staking activity, and growing user adoption strengthen Ethereum's fundamentals, suggesting potential price increases.   Solana Gains Over 16% in a Week  Solana has seen a spike in price amid fresh applications for exchange-traded funds tracking its spot price in the U.S. Solana's trading volume jumped 50% to $1.68 billion, becoming the third-most traded cryptocurrency, excluding stablecoins.   Solana’s weekly gains increased to 16.59%, driven by applications for spot ETFs. After VanEck and 21Shares filed for such investments, Solana's price saw a boost.   Read more: VanEck Files for First Solana ETF in the U.S.: A Potential Game Changer?   Solana Technical Analysis: SOL Facing Strong Resistance at $150  SOL/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Solana has been battling for the $150 threshold recently. Positive fundamental developments, like the introduction of Blockchain links (Blinks), haven't significantly moved the asset's price.   Read more: Solana ‘Blinks’ and ‘Actions’ Bring Crypto Trading to Social Media Feeds   To verify a bullish reversal and pursue the $150 target, Solana needs to close above multiple moving averages. Recently, Solana found support at the 200-day EMA around $130. Numerous tests of this level indicate significant buying interest.   The volume profile shows mixed signals. While some trading activity is present, there's not enough to indicate strong bullish momentum. An increase in volume would signal growing confidence in Solana's price action.   Solana's RSI is around 50, suggesting potential for positive movement. Bulls would benefit from an RSI move above 50.   Economic Events That Might Impact Market Sentiment This Week:  Several key macroeconomic events could influence crypto prices this week:    The Federal Reserve's June meeting minutes, set to be released on July 3, will provide insights into the Fed's decision-making process, especially regarding interest rates. A hawkish stance could weigh on the crypto market, while prolonged rate stability could support crypto prices.  Multiple U.S. job data releases for May and June will offer a comprehensive view of employment trends, where higher-than-expected job openings and employment figures could signal economic strength but may also raise inflation concerns, impacting crypto market sentiment. The release of U.S. trade deficit data for May on July 3 could signal economic challenges if the deficit widens, potentially deterring investment in high-risk assets like cryptocurrencies.  The implementation of MiCA crypto rules in the EU, starting June 30, will create a comprehensive framework for crypto trading in Europe, potentially causing short-term volatility but aiming for long-term stability.  Additionally, Fed Chair Jerome Powell's participation in discussions at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Portugal on July 2 will provide insights into the Fed's outlook on inflation, interest rates, and global economic trends, impacting market sentiment. Conclusion This week, XRP, Ethereum, and Solana are the top cryptos to watch due to their unique market positions and potential for significant price movements. XRP shows signs of a potential reversal with low trading volume and an RSI around 41, suggesting room for growth. Ethereum remains stable with strong fundamentals, including anticipated ETF inflows of $15-20 billion and maintaining a bullish stance above its 200-day moving average. Solana, maintaining around $150, has seen a 50% jump in trading volume to $1.68 billion, bolstered by positive developments like Blockchain links (Blinks) and strong support at the 200-day EMA.   As always, keep an eye on market trends and indicators for the latest updates and potential investment opportunities.  

VanEck Files for First Solana ETF in the U.S.: A Potential Game Changer?

VanEck, a pioneer in digital asset investments, has taken a bold step by filing for the first Solana ETF in the United States, as per a news report on Watcher Guru. This move comes from their head of digital asset research, Matthew Sigel, who announced on X (formerly Twitter) that the application was submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 27, 2024.    Quick Take  VanEck has filed for the first Solana ETF in the United States, submitted to the SEC on June 27, 2024. Following the announcement of the ETF filing, Solana's native token, SOL, saw a significant price increase, rising 12% from $135 to $151 on June 27. Solana has experienced substantial growth, with its total value locked (TVL) increasing by 120% to $4.48 billion in 2024.  Solana as a Commodity Sigel explained that VanEck views Solana's native token, SOL, as a commodity, similar to Bitcoin and Ether. SOL is used for transaction fees and computational services on the Solana blockchain. It can be traded on digital asset platforms or used in peer-to-peer transactions, much like Ether on the Ethereum network.   "The Solana blockchain’s unique combination of scalability, speed, and low costs may offer a better user experience for many use cases," Sigel, VanEck’s head of digital asset research, added.    This perspective underscores the potential of Solana to revolutionize the blockchain industry, particularly in handling thousands of transactions per second with minimal fees.   Read more: Solana Fund: 3iQ Files for North America’s First Solana ETF on the Horizon   VanEck's Ambitious Plans The proposed VanEck Solana Trust aims to reflect the price performance of Solana, excluding operational expenses. The trust will value its shares daily using the MarketVector Solana Benchmark Rate index, calculated based on prices from top trading platforms.   VanEck's move comes on the heels of the SEC's approval of spot Ether ETFs in May 2024. This approval marked a significant shift in the regulatory landscape, classifying Ether as a commodity rather than a security. Following this trend, VanEck's Solana ETF could pave the way for further crypto-based investment products.   Read more: Spot Ethereum ETFs by July? SEC Chair Gensler Confirms Progress on Approval   Solana Price Gains 12% From Institutional Investors, Airdrop Campaigns, Rising TVL  SOL/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    The announcement of the Solana ETF filing has already had a positive impact on SOL's market performance. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that SOL rose sharply from a low of $135, climbing as much as 12% to an intraday high of $151 on June 27. The layer 1 token jumped 8.5% in just two hours following the news.   VanEck's pioneering move has sparked significant interest among institutional investors, similar to the surge seen when spot Bitcoin ETFs debuted. The approval of a spot Solana ETF is expected to further boost SOL’s price, potentially mirroring the positive impact seen with Bitcoin and Ether ETFs.   Solana's Airdrop Momentum Solana’s price has had an impressive run over the last year, rallying more than 780% over the last 12 months and 45% year-to-date. Much of these gains can be attributed to successful airdrops, leading to the emergence of popular Solana-based tokens such as Jupiter (JUP), Dogwifhat (WIF), Bonk (BONK), and Book of Meme (BOME).   Adding to this momentum, Solana-based decentralized exchange (DEX) Zeta Markets has launched its native token, ZEX, and opened airdrop claims. The airdrop is designed to reward early users and encourage long-term participation in the protocol. Eligible users have 90 days to claim their airdrop allocations, with 2% of the token supply (20 million ZEX) allocated for staking during the Genesis Epoch.   Read more: Zeta Airdrop Starts June 27: Here’s How to Claim ZEX Tokens   Solana TVL Up By 120% in 2024   Solana DeFi TVL | Source: DefiLlama    The flurry of airdrops and increased activity within the Solana ecosystem has significantly boosted the total value locked (TVL) on Solana. In 2024, TVL increased by 120% to $4.43 billion, indicating a strong engagement from users and developers. This rise in TVL enhances investor confidence by showcasing the network’s robustness and growing adoption, translating into higher buying interest and propelling the price upward.   SOL Technical Analysis: Path to $200?  SOL/USD price chart | Source: Cointelegraph   SOL’s price action during the daily timeframe indicates a V-shaped recovery pattern. The 20-day exponential moving average (EMA) at $143.5 is acting as immediate support. The relative strength index (RSI) is rising towards the 70 mark, showing buyers’ dominance in the market. The bulls now focus on the 100-day EMA at $148.5 and, later, the 50-day EMA at $150.5. The next barrier lies at the neckline of the prevailing chart pattern at $176.   A daily candlestick close above this level would confirm the continuation of the uptrend. The next logical move would be to the March 18 range high at $209, bringing the total gains to 42%.   On the downside, failure to hold above the 20-day EMA at $143 would signal the inability of the buyers to sustain the uptrend. If this happens, SOL could drop to the pattern’s low at $126, invalidating the bullish outlook.   Conclusion VanEck's filing for a Solana ETF marks a significant milestone in the evolving relationship between traditional finance and the crypto world. With the potential for significant market impacts and the possibility of political shifts influencing regulatory decisions, the future of Solana and other crypto assets in ETF form looks promising yet uncertain.   Solana's strong price performance, driven by institutional interest and strategic airdrops, positions it well for future growth. As the regulatory environment adapts, VanEck's proactive approach could pay off, making SOL one of the next big names in crypto ETFs.  

Zeta Airdrop Starts June 27: Here’s How to Claim $ZEX Tokens

The Zeta (ZEX) airdrop is generating significant buzz, with the $ZEX token poised to become a central element of the Zeta ecosystem. As one of the most established DeFi protocols on Solana, Zeta has built a strong reputation and is now preparing to launch its governance token. In this guide, we will delve into all aspects of Zeta and the $ZEX token, including eligibility, participation, and the airdrop claiming process.   Quick Take Zeta Markets, a prominent Solana-based DEX with a focus on perpetual futures, has announced its ongoing ZEX airdrop  starting June 27 until July 25, 2024.  The project’s native token $ZEX will serve as a governance and growth token within the Zeta ecosystem. Eligibility for the $ZEX airdrop is based on participation in Zeta's point program, where users accrue points.  Introduction to Zeta and $ZEX Token Zeta is a decentralized exchange specializing in perpetual futures on the Solana blockchain. Known for its speed and user experience comparable to centralized exchanges, Zeta aims to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by providing a seamless trading platform. At the time of writing, Zeta has a total value locked (TVL) of over $17 million.   Zeta DEX TVL | Source: DefiLlama    The $ZEX token will play a crucial role in Zeta’s ecosystem, serving as a governance token and incentivizing user participation and platform growth.   All About the Zeta (ZEX) Airdrop The $ZEX airdrop is set to distribute a portion of the total token supply to active users and contributors within the Zeta ecosystem starting June 27 till July 25, 2024 . The airdrop compaign aims to reward the community and enhance engagement, aligning with Zeta’s decentralized governance model.   Who Is Eligible for the $ZEX Airdrop? Eligibility for the $ZEX airdrop is determined by participation in Zeta's point program across multiple seasons. The more points a user generates, the higher their $ZEX allocation will be. Points are accrued through trading volume, PnL multipliers, activities, referrals, and holding Zeta NFTs. Currently, users are in Z-Score Season 2, where both maker and taker volumes contribute to their scores.   How to Participate in the Zeta Airdrop To participate in the Zeta airdrop, you must be active within the Zeta ecosystem and generate points through various activities. Here's a step-by-step guide to participating in the $ZEX token airdrop campaign:   Step 1: Visit the Claim Site and Check Eligibility Go to Zeta's token claim page. Enter your Zeta address to verify eligibility.   Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Step 2: Connect Wallet and Accept Terms  Use your preferred Solana wallet, such as Phantom, to connect to the interface. Agree to the airdrop terms and conditions.   Step 3: Choose Your Claim Method Decide between Immediate Claim or Diamond Hand Claim.   Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Step 4: Claim $ZEX Tokens Approve the transaction and wait for the tokens to arrive in your wallet.   How to Claim Your $ZEX Allocation What Is Diamond Hand Claim?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   The Diamond Hand Claim is for users committed to Zeta's long-term vision. By opting for this, users can claim all their allocations in full at TGE and stake them immediately. Benefits include qualification for the Staking Airdrop and immediate participation in governance with boosted incentives.   What Is the Immediate Claim & 7-Day Bonus?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   The Immediate Claim allows users to claim their airdrop at any time, including any unlocked portion of the 7-Day Bonus. As the bonus continues to unlock, users can claim larger allocations up to the maximum at the end of the 7-day period.   Example Claim Immediately at TGE: User A can claim 1000 $ZEX with no 7-Day Bonus. Claim After 4 Days: User A can claim 1000 $ZEX plus 571 $ZEX from the 7-Day Bonus. Claim After 7 Days: User A can claim the full 2000 $ZEX (1000 $ZEX allocation + 1000 $ZEX 7-Day Bonus). What Is Zeta Staking Airdrop?  Source: Zeta Markets Docs   Staking $ZEX tokens is a key component of the Zeta ecosystem, rewarding long-term commitment and governance participation. The staking airdrop, representing 2% of the total supply, is designed to incentivize users who stake their tokens within the first epoch after the Token Generation Event (TGE), ending on July 25th at 09:59 UTC.   The staking airdrop will be allocated based on a user's average governance score, gZEX, over the epoch. The longer and more tokens a user stakes, the higher their gZEX score will be. This airdrop will occur 28 days after the TGE and will be in the form of ZEX staked as gZEX for 90 days.   Why Stake on Zeta DEX? Staking helps establish governance mechanisms and aligns key users with the protocol by rewarding their participation with incentives. As Zeta migrates to Zeta X and transitions to its own Layer 2, governance will become increasingly important, influencing parameters like transaction fees, validator rewards, market listings, and incentive emissions.   When to Claim Zeta (ZEX) Airdrop The staking airdrop will be distributed on July 25th, at the end of the Genesis Epoch. It will be distributed as gZEX staked for 90 days, converting to liquid ZEX over this period. A user's average gZEX is sampled daily, and those staking later in the epoch will earn a lower share of the airdrop due to lower average gZEX scores.   Zeta Airdrop Challenges and Precautions High demand during the airdrop could lead to network congestion and delays. Users should be cautious of imitation sites and phishing scams. Always verify links and avoid responding to unsolicited messages regarding the airdrop.   Conclusion The Zeta airdrop is a significant event in the Solana DeFi space, offering rewards to early adopters and contributors. By participating in the airdrop, users can support Zeta’s growth and engage in its decentralized governance. Stay tuned for more updates on the airdrop timeline and how to maximize your $ZEX allocation.   FAQs on Zeta Airdrop 1. How do I check if I'm eligible for the Zeta airdrop?  Visit the official Zeta airdrop claim page and enter your Zeta address to verify eligibility.   2. What issues might users face during the Zeta airdrop?  Users might experience network congestion and delays. Ensure you are following the correct steps and use only official links.   3. What should I do if I face issues while claiming my $ZEX tokens?  Follow the steps on the claim site carefully. For persistent issues, contact Zeta’s support through official channels.   4. Can I sell my $ZEX tokens immediately after claiming them?  Yes, but consider the market conditions and potential benefits of holding or staking the tokens.   5. What are the benefits of holding $ZEX tokens?  Holding $ZEX tokens allows participation in governance, potential rewards from staking, and supports the growth of the Zeta ecosystem.  

Solana's 'Blinks' and 'Actions' Bring Crypto Trading to Social Media Feeds

Solana has always been at the forefront of blockchain innovation. Recently, it has taken a giant leap by introducing 'Blinks' and 'Actions,' two groundbreaking features designed to integrate blockchain transactions directly into popular social media platforms and websites, according to a report from CoinDesk. This new development aims to make crypto trading more accessible and user-friendly.   Quick Take  'Blinks' and 'Actions' integrate blockchain transactions into social media and websites. These new features make memecoins and crypto trading more accessible. Users can trade directly from posts on platforms like X and Reddit. Phantom and Backpack will support these features immediately. What Are Solana ‘Blinks' and 'Actions'? 'Blinks' (a blend of 'blockchain' and 'link') and 'Actions' are designed to allow users to perform on-chain transactions directly from the websites and social platforms they use daily. Developed in collaboration with Dialect, these features are set to revolutionize how we interact with blockchain technology.   One of the main barriers to mainstream adoption of blockchain technology has been accessibility. Complicated wallet software and hard-to-navigate trading platforms have deterred newcomers. Solana's 'Blinks' and 'Actions' aim to address this issue by enabling seamless integration of blockchain transactions into everyday platforms.   How Do ‘Blinks’ and ‘Actions’ Work on Solana? According to the Solana Foundation, 'Actions' enable users to execute transactions across various platforms, including websites, social media, and even physical QR codes. This integration simplifies the process for developers to embed Solana's capabilities into their applications. Wallets like Phantom and Backpack will support these features from the start, and other platforms can integrate them following Solana's developer documentation.   Read more: How to Create a Phantom Wallet for the Solana Ecosystem   Social Media Integration According to a CoinDesk report, the integration of 'Actions' into social media is a game-changer. For instance, users can embed an 'Action' into a post on X (formerly Twitter), allowing followers to initiate transactions directly from the post. This could range from buying NFTs, tipping creators, to staking and swapping tokens.   Chris Osborn, founder of Dialect, emphasizes the potential: "From your X feed, you can buy an NFT, tip a creator, receive money, vote, stake, swap, and so much more."   Ensuring Security To ensure user safety, Solana has implemented a comprehensive security roadmap. Users can enable wallet support for 'Actions' and 'Blinks', which function similarly to connecting a wallet to decentralized applications (dApps). Initial transactions will prompt a standard "connect to site" prompt, and trusted domains will be whitelisted.   Web2 Integration: Solana vs. Base  Solana's approach with 'Blinks' and 'Actions' is not entirely unique. Platforms like Farcaster on Coinbase's Base blockchain offer similar functionalities, enabling users to embed direct links to blockchain assets in their posts. However, Solana's technology differentiates itself by plugging into existing Web2 social apps rather than creating standalone Web3 apps.   The potential for 'Actions' goes beyond social media. As Jon Wong, head of ecosystem engineering at the Solana Foundation, notes, this technology could disrupt how the web functions at its core. The goal is to make any website or application a distribution point for on-chain interactions.   Osborn is optimistic: "Delivering these actions into feeds like X, Reddit, maybe Discord soon – these other platforms where people want to have these Actions experiences – is just the beginning."   Read more: Solana vs. Ethereum: Which Is Better in 2024?   Memecoins Propel Solana Ecosystem’s Growth Solana has become the epicenter of the latest memecoin frenzy. From tokens inspired by internet memes to political figures, memecoins have taken the crypto world by storm. Notable mentions include Iggy Azalea's 'Mother' token ($MOTHER) and 'dogwifhat' ($WIF), which have seen significant market caps. Despite some skepticism, memecoins are pushing blockchains further into the mainstream.   SOL/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   According to Pantera Capital, Solana recorded over 60% of the new volume in decentralized exchanges in May 2024. This surge is a testament to Solana's growing strength in retail usage driven by memecoin activity.   Read more: Top Solana Memecoins to Watch in 2024   Conclusion Solana's introduction of 'Blinks' and 'Actions' marks a pivotal moment in blockchain technology, making it more accessible and integrated into everyday digital experiences. By addressing the accessibility challenges and enhancing security, Solana is paving the way for the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology.  

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