Get HF Order details by orderId
This endpoint can be used to obtain information for a single HF order using the order id.
If the order is not an active order, you can only get data within the time range of 3 _ 24 hours (ie: from the current time to 3 _ 24 hours ago). If the time range is exceeded, the system will query the data within the time range of 3 * 24 hours by default.
GET /api/v1/hf/orders/{orderId}?symbol={symbol}
GET /api/v1/hf/orders/5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168?symbol=ETH-BTC
// response
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"id": "5f3113a1c9b6d539dc614dc6",
"symbol": "KCS-BTC",
"opType": "DEAL",
"type": "limit",
"side": "buy",
"price": "0.00001",
"size": "1",
"funds": "0",
"dealFunds": "0",
"dealSize": "0",
"fee": "0",
"feeCurrency": "BTC",
"stp": "",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"iceberg": false,
"visibleSize": "0",
"cancelAfter": 0,
"channel": "API",
"clientOid": "6d539dc614db312",
"remark": "",
"tags": "",
"active": true,
"inOrderBook": false,
"cancelExist": false,
"createdAt": 1547026471000,
"lastUpdatedAt": 1547026471001,
"tradeType": "TRADE",
"cancelledSize": "0",
"cancelledFunds": "0",
"remainSize": "0",
"remainFunds": "0"
This endpoint requires the General permission.
This endpoint support Spot URL
Spot weight
Param | Type | Mandatory | Description |
orderId | String | Yes | Path parameter, Order Id unique identifier |
symbol | String | Yes | Trading pair, such as, ETH-BTC |
Param | Description |
id | Order id,a unique identifier of the order |
symbol | Trading pair |
opType | Operation type: DEAL |
type | Order type |
side | Buy or sell |
price | Order price |
size | Order size |
dealSize | Number of filled transactions |
cancelledSize | Number of canceled transactions |
remainSize | Number of remain transactions |
funds | Order amount |
dealFunds | Number of filled funds |
cancelledFunds | Number of canceled funds |
remainFunds | Number of remain funds |
fee | Service fee |
feeCurrency | currency used to calculate fees |
stp | Self trade protection |
timeInForce | Time in force |
postOnly | Is it post only? |
hidden | Is it a hidden order? |
iceberg | Is it an iceberg order? |
visibleSize | Visible size of iceberg order in order book. |
cancelAfter | A GTT timeInForce that expires in n seconds |
channel | Source of orders |
clientOid | Identifier created by the client |
remark | Order description |
tags | Order identifier |
active | Order status: true -The status of the order isactive ; false -The status of the order isdone |
inOrderBook | Whether to enter the orderbook: true : enter the orderbook; false : not enter the orderbook |
cancelExist | Are there any cancellation records pertaining to the order? |
createdAt | order creation time |
lastUpdatedAt | Last update time of order |
tradeType | Trade type: TRADE (Spot Trading) |