API Updates for Margin Trading

API Updates for Margin Trading

01/15/2024, 12:03:57

Dear KuCoin Margin API Users,

KuCoin margin high-frequency API will undergo a non-stop system upgrade at 8:00:00 AM (UTC) on January 24, 2024. The upgrade time takes 30 minutes. In this upgrade, we will standardize the format of high-frequency magin trading error codes and add a series of new error codes. The new error codes will become effective immediately after the upgrade completes.

If you only trade spot, futures, or only use margin low-frequency accounts, this update will not impact you.
For specific error codes, please refer to the document: https://www.kucoin.com/docs/basic-info/errors-code/margin-errors-code

If there is a large market fluctuation before the upgrade, we may postpone the upgrade according to the market change and post announcement notice.
For more API communication or feedback, please join our official api telegram group: https://t.me/KuCoin_API or send email to newapi@kucoin.plus.
We apologise for the inconvenience!

Thank you for supporting KuCoin Margin!

The KuCoin Margin Team

Old CodeNew CodeMeaning
200000126000Abnormal margin trading
600002126001Users currently do not support high frequency
400700126002There is a risk problem in your account and transactions are temporarily not allowed.
400760126003The order amount is less than the minimum transaction amount for a single order.
900001126004Trading pair does not exist or is prohibited
600201126005This trading pair requires advanced KYC verification
400600126006Trading pair is not available
600203126007Trading pair has been suspended
200001126009Trading pair has been suspended for creating orders
200002126010Trading pair has been suspended for order cancellation
200003126011There are too many pending orders
200004126013Insufficient account balance
400200126015It is prohibited to place orders on this trading pair
400500126021This asset is not allowed to trade in your region.
400300126022The price of your order triggers our price protection strategy. To protect the price from deviating too much, please place an order again.
400350126027Only limit orders are supported
400360126028Only limit orders are supported before the specified time
400370126029The maximum order price is: xxx
400380126030The minimum order price is: xxx
409100126033Duplicate order
200350126034Failed to create take profit and stop loss order
400800126036Failed to create margin order
400750126037Due to the country and region restrictions, this function has been suspended!
500010126038Third-party service call failed (internal exception)
500020126039Third-party service call failed, reason: xxx
400751126041clientTimestamp parameter error
400752126042Exceeded maximum position limit
400753126043Order does not exist
400754126044clientOid duplication
400301126045This digital asset is not allowed to trade in your region.
400302126046This digital asset is not allowed to trade under your IP region.
400303126047Please complete KYC
400304126048Please complete KYC for your master account
200000135005Margin order query error
200000135018Margin order query service error
400100400400Parameter error/service exception
230006400401User is not logged in
135408408000Network timeout, please try again later
100000500000Service exception