KCS Team Completes Extra KCS Burn for the Eighth Week

KCS Team Completes Extra KCS Burn for the Eighth Week

08/26/2019, 11:03:03

Dear KCS Holders,

In accordance with the previous announcement, KCS team has executed the 80,125 KCS burn for the eighth week (From August 19, 2019 to August 25, 2019 UTC+8).

Burn Txid: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x610bc9bdc15d65e33ccb1896d3d9c3857d42ce0f7fc0ea7c1bc7eea34f3c0b49

Current KCS Circulating Supply: 88,165,556 KCS

Current KCS Total Supply: 178,165,556 KCS

Thanks for your support!

The KCS Team

KuCoin Shares (KCS) Ecosystem page:https://kcs.kucoin.com/