Pool-X Will Launch Enecuum (ENQ) Soft Staking

Pool-X Will Launch Enecuum (ENQ) Soft Staking

12/24/2020, 10:07:48

Dear Pool-X Users,

Pool-X will be launching Enecuum (ENQ) Soft Staking at 18:00:00 on December 25, 2020 (UTC+8). Users can deposit or transfer ENQ to the Pool-X account to enjoy an APR of 4%-9%.

How to Participate: Deposit or transfer ENQ to the Pool-X platform. All ENQ users are deemed to have agreed to the Service and authorized Pool-X to make use of their respective ENQ assets on behalf of them for soft staking. In order to serve the best interests of our users, Pool-X will do its utmost in assisting our users to seek the maximum profit in the staking process with the objective of not affecting ENQ withdrawal. The rewards generated will be distributed to users accordingly.

Rewards Distribution: Pool-X will adjust the staking proportion for the PoS and calculate the daily rewards of the users according to the snapshots of the amount of coin held by users. Pool-X will snapshot the coin amount every hour randomly each day, with the average coin amount = sum (number of coins in the snapshot of Pool-X per hour) / 24. The daily rewards will be distributed the next day. Users are able to check the rewards return at "Assets Details".

Operation Authorization: Users who are reluctant to, unable to or otherwise refuse to participate in the Program or accept the Service provided by Pool-X are asked to withdraw any and/or all of their ENQ assets from their respective Pool-X account before 18:00:00 on December 25, 2020 (UTC+8) (hereinafter referred to as "Refusal Deadline"). Users who are reluctant to, unable to, refuse to, or otherwise fail to withdraw ENQ before the Refusal Deadline are deemed to have agreed to participate in the Program and expressly authorized Pool-X to make use of their respective ENQ assets for staking.

Voluntariness: By participating in the Program, users hereby confirm that Pool-X has not solicited for the Program or forced, interfered or unduly influenced their decision in any possible form, and each user has participated in the Program at their own volition.

No Advice from Pool-X: Other than the instructions set out in these Official Rules, Pool-X cannot give the user any investment, legal, taxation or other advice in connection with the participation of the Program, and nothing on Pool-X or in any communications that Pool-X send to users is intended to constitute advice. If a user needs or wants professional advice, the user should consult an appropriate professional financial, legal, taxation, or other adviser.

Choice of Law and Jurisdictions: All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of users and Pool-X in connection with the Program, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Seychelles. The Court of the Republic of Seychelles shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of and/or in connection with the Official Rules, the Program, and the Service.

Thank you for your support !

The Pool-X Team