Get Symbol
Get information of specified contracts that can be traded. This API will return a list of tradable contracts, including some key parameters of the contract such as the symbol name, tick size, mark price,etc.
Path Parameter. Symbol of the contract
Request samples
200000 is for success, other is error
Contract group
Type of the contract
First Open Date(millisecond)
Expiration date(millisecond). Null means it will never expire
Settlement date(millisecond). Null indicates that automatic settlement is not supported
Base currency
Quote currency
Currency used to clear and settle the trades
Maximum order quantity
Maximum order price
Minimum lot size
Minimum price changes
Index price of tick size
The basic unit of the contract API is lots. For the number of coins in each lot, please refer to the param multiplier. For example, for XBTUSDTM, multiplier=0.001, which corresponds to the value of each XBTUSDTM contract being 0.001 BTC. There is also a special case. All coin-swap contracts, such as each XBTUSDM contract, correspond to 1 USD.
Initial margin requirement
Maintenance margin requirement
Maximum risk limit (unit: XBT)
Minimum risk limit (unit: XBT)
Risk limit increment value (unit: XBT)
Maker fee rate
Taker fee rate
Deprecated param
Deprecated param
Settlement fee
Enabled ADL or not
Deprecated param
Whether it is a reverse contract
Marking method
Fair price marking method, The Futures contract is null
Ticker symbol of the based currency
Ticker symbol of the quote currency
Funding rate symbol
Index symbol
Settlement Symbol
Contract status
Funding fee rate
Predicted funding fee rate
Funding interval(millisecond)
Open interest
24-hour turnover
24-hour volume
Mark price
Index price
Last trade price
Next funding rate time(millisecond)
Maximum leverage
The contract index price source exchange
Premium index symbol(1 minute)
Premium index symbol(8 hours)
Base currency interest rate symbol(1 minute)
Quote currency interest rate symbol(1 minute)
24-hour lowest price
24-hour highest price
24-hour price change%
24-hour price change
Whether support Cross Margin
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"symbol": "XBTUSDM",
"rootSymbol": "XBT",
"type": "FFWCSX",
"firstOpenDate": 1552638575000,
"expireDate": null,
"settleDate": null,
"baseCurrency": "XBT",
"quoteCurrency": "USD",
"settleCurrency": "XBT",
"maxOrderQty": 10000000,
"maxPrice": 1000000,
"lotSize": 1,
"tickSize": 0.1,
"indexPriceTickSize": 0.1,
"multiplier": -1,
"initialMargin": 0.014,
"maintainMargin": 0.007,
"maxRiskLimit": 1,
"minRiskLimit": 1,
"riskStep": 0,
"makerFeeRate": 0.0002,
"takerFeeRate": 0.0006,
"takerFixFee": 0,
"makerFixFee": 0,
"settlementFee": null,
"isDeleverage": true,
"isQuanto": false,
"isInverse": true,
"markMethod": "FairPrice",
"fairMethod": "FundingRate",
"fundingBaseSymbol": ".XBTINT8H",
"fundingQuoteSymbol": ".USDINT8H",
"fundingRateSymbol": ".XBTUSDMFPI8H",
"indexSymbol": ".BXBT",
"settlementSymbol": null,
"status": "Open",
"fundingFeeRate": 0.000175,
"predictedFundingFeeRate": 0.000176,
"fundingRateGranularity": 28800000,
"openInterest": "61725904",
"turnoverOf24h": 209.56303473,
"volumeOf24h": 14354731,
"markPrice": 68336.7,
"indexPrice": 68335.29,
"lastTradePrice": 68349.3,
"nextFundingRateTime": 17402942,
"maxLeverage": 75,
"sourceExchanges": [
"premiumsSymbol1M": ".XBTUSDMPI",
"premiumsSymbol8H": ".XBTUSDMPI8H",
"fundingBaseSymbol1M": ".XBTINT",
"fundingQuoteSymbol1M": ".USDINT",
"lowPrice": 67436.7,
"highPrice": 69471.8,
"priceChgPct": 0.0097,
"priceChg": 658.7,
"k": 2645000,
"m": 1640000,
"f": 1.3,
"mmrLimit": 0.3,
"mmrLevConstant": 75,
"supportCross": true