KuCoin AMA With NuLink (NLK) — Elevating Security and Privacy in Web3 Applications

2024/05/20 01:21:57

Dear KuCoin Users,

Time: May 15, 2024, 12:00 PM -12:52 PM (UTC)

KuCoin hosted an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session featuring the CMO of NuLink, Anna L, in the KuCoin Exchange Group.

Official Website: https://www.nulink.org

Whitepaper: Click to view

Follow NuLink on Twitter, Telegram and Discord

Q: Let's start with a brief introduction, what’s your background before crypto? Why join crypto & NuLink?

Anna: Before venturing into the crypto space, my background was in fashion and marketing. My journey in marketing helped me understand the importance of innovation and protecting valuable digital assets, which sparked my interest in blockchain technology. The shift to crypto was driven by my belief in its potential to transform how we handle data privacy and security. Joining NuLink was an exciting step, as it perfectly merged my expertise in marketing with my passion for cutting-edge technology, focusing on enhancing data safety in the decentralized world.

Q: For people who are not familiar with NuLink, can you explain a bit about this project?

Anna: NuLink is dedicated to providing advanced security solutions for decentralized applications (dApps). We leverage cutting-edge technologies like Proxy Re-Encryption, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption to ensure that data remains private and secure across any blockchain network.

Our project is proudly backed by prominent investors such as Binance Labs, DWF Labs, Poolz, and ViaBTC. These partnerships not only bring financial backing but also strategic guidance and access to an extensive network in the crypto ecosystem.

The support from these industry leaders underscores the potential and trust in our technology and mission. Their expertise helps us navigate the complex landscape of blockchain innovation, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the privacy and security domains. This backing is crucial as we continue to expand our capabilities and aim to revolutionize how privacy is maintained on digital platforms.

Q: Nulink has been around for over 3 years. Anything changed for the team in terms of underlying technology and vision?

Anna: Over the past year, there have been significant advancements in our underlying technology, particularly in enhancing the efficiency and scalability of our encryption methods. Our vision has evolved to not only focus on privacy, but also on making our technology accessible to a broader range of applications in different industries. We are actively developing our products.

Up to now, we have completed the second phase of the Horus2.0 testnet and are conducting a testnet incentive activity on the Coinlist platform, with over 100,000 people participating in the entire testnet incentive activity. The number of addresses on the testnet exceeds 600,000. At the same time, we are actively deploying on major public blockchains, and currently support BNB Chain, X Layer, Conflux, and Polygon.

Our cross-chain functionality has also just launched, and those interested can go to the Coinlist event page to experience it. The event is ongoing. You may check here.

Q: Encrypted files uploaded or shared through Nulink Agent have surpassed 2 million, what does this number mean? Did Nulink achieve its ultimate goal?

Anna: As of now, the latest data shows that the real number of file interactions via NuLink Agent has exceeded 5 million times, with each interaction representing a user uploading an encrypted file or sharing an encrypted file. Encrypting and authorizing data is our core business logic. We are also striving to serve more ecosystems and users. Surpassing 2 million encrypted files is a significant milestone that underscores the trust and reliance users place in NuLink. While we are thrilled with this achievement, it represents a stepping stone towards our ultimate goal of setting a new standard for data security in the blockchain space.

Q: ZK technology has been a hot topic for a while in the last year, but not many people are talking about it now. Why do you think this is happening? Does this affect Nulink’s go to market strategy?

Anna: Zero-Knowledge Proofs are not just a hot topic; they are a fundamental algorithm that always has applicable use cases. As a pioneer in the field of data encryption, NuLink perfectly utilizes Zero-Knowledge Proofs to address the usability issues between data encryption and sharing, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data for those who wish to access it, even when it is encrypted.

Technologically, we not only use Zero-Knowledge Proofs but also employs the PRE (Proxy Re-Encryption), FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption), and other significant cryptographic schemes. This makes NuLink a comprehensive and closed-loop data security encryption solution.

The buzz around ZK technology has quieted as the novelty has worn off, but the work behind the scenes has deepened. This maturation phase is critical for refining the technology. For NuLink, this doesn’t change our strategy but reinforces our commitment to being at the forefront of ZK application.

Q: On chain privacy gained some traction in the past few months, what do you think will be the catalyst that sparks more people’s attention on it?

Anna: The catalysts for increased attention towards on-chain privacy are multi-faceted. Firstly, the increasing frequency and severity of data breaches in both centralized and decentralized environments are pushing users and organizations to seek more robust security solutions. These breaches highlight the vulnerabilities present in traditional systems and underscore the need for more secure blockchain-based alternatives.

Additionally, legislative changes around the world, such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, are setting new standards for data privacy, compelling companies to adopt stronger data protection measures. Public awareness is also playing a critical role. As people become more knowledgeable about their data rights, there is a growing demand for platforms that respect and protect user privacy inherently. This shift in user sentiment is gradually making privacy a fundamental requirement rather than just an optional feature in technology solutions.

Furthermore, the development and integration of advanced cryptographic techniques, such as Zero-Knowledge Proofs, into blockchain platforms are making these privacy features more accessible and effective. All these factors together are likely to spur more innovation and investment in on-chain privacy solutions. As this field grows, we expect to see not only increased adoption by existing blockchain users, but also by traditional sectors that previously hesitated to enter the blockchain space due to privacy concerns.

NuLink is positioned at the heart of this change, ready to offer cutting-edge solutions that meet these emerging needs and set new standards for privacy and security in the digital age.

Q: What role does NuLink play in the future development of On-chain privacy?

Anna: NuLink aims to be a leader in on-chain privacy by providing robust, scalable, and easy-to-integrate privacy solutions. Our role is to enable businesses and developers to incorporate privacy features seamlessly, thereby promoting a privacy-first approach in the blockchain ecosystem.

Q: What does the team have in mind with the utilization of NuLink token? How do you benefit the token holders?

Anna: The main application scenarios for NuLink tokens are the transaction fees generated by on-chain interactions such as encrypting files and sharing files.

The main application scenarios for NuLink tokens are the transaction fees generated by on-chain interactions such as encrypting files and sharing files. Further details can be found in the whitepaper.

In our token economic model, 30%, which is 300 million tokens, are allocated to service providers and stakers. This substantial proportion is a benefit that NLK holders will enjoy. Additionally, NLK holders can also participate in our DAO governance, ecosystem development, and various other profit layers. Of course, we will also open up more activities like slot auctions for token dividends in the future. Let us wait and see, and HODL NLK.

NuLink is dedicated to becoming a leader in on-chain privacy by offering robust, scalable, and seamlessly integrable privacy solutions. Our technology is designed not only to meet the current demands for data protection, but also to anticipate future privacy challenges in the blockchain ecosystem.

Q: Can you share with us Nulink’s future roadmap?

Anna: Of course!

First, we will actively deploy across major public blockchain ecosystems, providing data security protection and encryption services for DApps on these blockchains. Due to the specificity of our focus, we believe that data security and encryption protection are indispensable infrastructure for public blockchains, which will help us expand our customer base.

Second, we will also integrate with MetaMask and launch NuLink Snaps. With the introduction of NuLink Snaps, it will be simpler and more convenient for individual users to use NuLink’s data encryption solutions.

Third and most interesting for this community I guess — We will be listed on KuCoin on May 16th. Additionally on Bybit and GATE, everyone is invited to participate in the ongoing campaigns. Looking ahead, our roadmap includes expanding our technological infrastructure, introducing more user-friendly privacy tools, and forming strategic partnerships to integrate our solutions into mainstream blockchain platforms.

We're also exploring new verticals where our technology can make a significant impact, such as in finance and healthcare. Don't miss this chance to be part of our exciting journey with NuLink!

Q: What is the target audience for your platform - crypto beginners or professional users? Or does it cater to both?

Anna: We’ve built our platform with an intuitive interface that's easy for newcomers to navigate while still packing in the advanced features that seasoned pros expect. Whether you’re just starting your crypto journey or you’re a veteran looking to ensure top-notch data privacy and security in your projects, NuLink has something to offer. We believe in making sophisticated security accessible to everyone in the crypto space!

Q: Beyond your core features, what's a hidden gem in your project that most users might miss?

Anna: One hidden gem within NuLink that might fly under the radar is our commitment to community-driven development. Beyond just offering cutting-edge privacy technologies like Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Homomorphic Encryption, we actively involve our community in shaping the future of the platform.

This means regular updates based on user feedback, community polls on new features, and even hackathons to inspire innovative uses of our technology. It's this collaborative approach that truly enhances the functionality and user experience of NuLink, making it a dynamic and ever-evolving platform. You may visit our Website and Twitter account.

Q: What is the difference between Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) and Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) in NuLink?

Anna: In NuLink, the difference between Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) and Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) lies in how they manage user identities and attributes to control access to encrypted data.

Both are part of what makes NuLink cool—they help keep things secure while also making sure the right people have the right access, without making it a headache to manage.

Q: Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Do you take the community into consideration?

Anna: Absolutely! At NuLink, we really value the input and engagement from our community. We not only welcome suggestions and feedback but actively encourage it. Our platform evolves largely based on what our users and community members tell us they need and want. We often run polls, have open forums, and even host community events to gather your insights and preferences.

In terms of decision-making, we definitely consider the community's voice. While not every decision is made by community vote, we strive to be transparent about the choices we make and ensure they are influenced by the community's needs and ideas. So, your participation really can shape the future of NuLink!

Q: How does NuLink's decentralized architecture ensure that users have full control over their data?

Anna: NuLink's decentralized architecture is all about putting the power back in the users' hands, ensuring they have full control over their data. Here’s how it works in a more casual way:

1. Decentralized Nodes: Instead of having a single server or location where data is stored and processed, NuLink uses a network of decentralized nodes. This means data isn't held in one place that could be a target for attacks or control by a single entity. Each node operates independently, which spreads out the risk and control.

2. Encryption Technologies: At the heart of NuLink are advanced encryption technologies like Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Homomorphic Encryption, and the Attribute-Based Encryption we talked about. These aren't just fancy tech words—they really lock down your data. Only you have the decryption keys, and because of the way the encryption works, even if someone else gets their hands on your data, they can’t read it without your permission.

3. Smart Contracts for Access Control: NuLink utilizes smart contracts to manage access to data. These are essentially sets of rules stored on the blockchain that execute automatically under certain conditions. Because these contracts are on a decentralized network, no single party can alter them unilaterally, making your data access conditions clear and tamper-resistant.

4. User-Driven Permissions: You decide who gets access to your data. NuLink’s system allows users to set and modify permissions based on their specific needs. Want someone to access your data for a limited time or for certain files only? You can set that up, and change it whenever you need to.

Overall, NuLink’s approach ensures that you're the one calling the shots when it comes to your data. It’s about making sure you feel secure and in control, without having to rely on any central authority.

🎁 Participate in the NuLink AMA quiz now for a chance to win 206.67 NLK!

The form will remain open for five days from publishing this AMA recap.

KuCoin and NuLink have prepared a total of 40,000 NLK to give away to AMA participants.

1. Pre-AMA activity: 15,500 NLK

2. Free-ask section: 1,000 NLK

3. Flash mini-game: 8,000 NLK

4. Post-AMA quiz: 15,500 NLK

Sign up for a KuCoin account if you haven’t done so yet, and ensure you complete your KYC verification to be eligible for the rewards.

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