Crypto Converter
1 BTC equals ₫ 2,473,683,676.12 VND.
Bitcoin Markets
The live price of Bitcoin is 2,473,838,827.41 VND. This means that 1 Bitcoin is worth 2,473,838,827.41 VND. Conversely, 1 VND will allow you to purchase 0.00000000 Bitcoin.
The value of Bitcoin has declined by -3.02% over the past 24 hours, while declined by -3.67% over the past 7 days.
Over the past month, the price of BTC/VND has had a change of +3.42%.
With a circulating supply of 19,798,721 Bitcoin, Bitcoin currently has a market cap of ₫47,979,816,474,467,017.57, down --% over the past 24 hours.
- Market Cap
- $1.89T
- 24h Volume
- $550.23M
- Circulating Supply
- 19,798,721
How much is 1 BTC in VND?
The current value of Bitcoin is ₫2,473,838,827.41, following a -3.02% change over the past 24 hours. The Bitcoin to VND price chart shown above displays Bitcoin to VND price changes over the past 24 hours. Click on the various time duration options on the upper right of the price chart to view Bitcoin to VND price information over the past 24 hours, 7 days, 90 days, etc.
Bitcoin Conversion Rates
Conversion Rate: BTC to VND
Amount | Last Update: Dec 20, 2024, 4:07 PM |
0.5 BTC | 1,236,841,838.06 VND |
1 BTC | 2,473,683,676.12 VND |
5 BTC | 12,368,418,380.62 VND |
10 BTC | 24,736,836,761.25 VND |
50 BTC | 123,684,183,806.29 VND |
100 BTC | 247,368,367,612.59 VND |
500 BTC | 1,236,841,838,062.95 VND |
1000 BTC | 2,473,683,676,125.9 VND |
Conversion Rate: VND to BTC
Amount | Last Update: Dec 20, 2024, 4:07 PM |
0.5 VND | 0 BTC |
1 VND | 0 BTC |
5 VND | 0 BTC |
10 VND | 0 BTC |
50 VND | 0 BTC |
100 VND | 0 BTC |
500 VND | 0 BTC |
1000 VND | 0 BTC |
Today vs1 WeekAgo
Amount | 4:07 PM Today | 1 Week Ago | 1 Week Change |
0.5 BTC | 1,236,836,751.13 VND | 1,274,361,741.36 VND | -3.67% |
1 BTC | 2,473,673,502.27 VND | 2,548,723,482.72 VND | -3.67% |
5 BTC | 12,368,367,511.37 VND | 12,743,617,413.62 VND | -3.67% |
10 BTC | 24,736,735,022.75 VND | 25,487,234,827.24 VND | -3.67% |
50 BTC | 123,683,675,113.77 VND | 127,436,174,136.24 VND | -3.67% |
100 BTC | 247,367,350,227.54 VND | 254,872,348,272.48 VND | -3.67% |
500 BTC | 1,236,836,751,137.74 VND | 1,274,361,741,362.4 VND | -3.67% |
1000 BTC | 2,473,673,502,275.48 VND | 2,548,723,482,724.8 VND | -3.67% |
Start Buying Bitcoin Today
Common Bitcoin Conversions
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- BTC to AUD1 BTC can be converted to $155,569.52 AUD-5939.50676683(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to KRW1 BTC can be converted to ₩140,581,686.01 KRW-5367284.3706912(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to JPY1 BTC can be converted to ¥15,210,974.57 JPY-580741.54918848(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to GBP1 BTC can be converted to £77,475.42 GBP-2957.94308182(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to INR1 BTC can be converted to ₨8,257,655.54 INR-315269.98132061(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to IDR1 BTC can be converted to Rp1,576,628,846.87 IDR-60194294.20944(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to CAD1 BTC can be converted to $139,656.48 CAD-5331.96106909(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to RUB1 BTC can be converted to ₽10,061,735.66 RUB-384148.16421696(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to BRL1 BTC can be converted to R$591,311.13 BRL-22575.73591123(-3.67%)Weekly
- BTC to TRY1 BTC can be converted to ₤3,419,466.27 TRY-130552.19630266(-3.67%)Weekly
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- How do I use the Bitcoin (BTC) converter?
If you wish to check the live Bitcoin rate in terms of VND, simply select the cryptocurrency in the amount box to see its real-time value. You can also see how much Bitcoin can be bought with the amount of VND you've entered. It's that easy.
By checking the Bitcoin to VNDconversion table, you'll be able to get a bigger picture of how the Bitcoin/VND exchange rate has been over the past 24 hours, one month, one year, or even three years. You can also view the conversion tables for the price of Bitcoin at a specific point in time. Both the real-time Bitcoin conversion rates and long-term trends will help you in making more informed investment decisions.
- How much is 1 Bitcoin (BTC) in VND?
The current price of Bitcoin is 2473683676.12 VND, with a 24-hour change of -3.02% and a fluctuation of -3.67% within the past 7 days. This means 1 BTC is worth 2473683676.12 VND. The BTC to VND price has had a gain of +121.73% over the past year.
- How much Bitcoin (BTC) can I buy with 1 VND?
The live Bitcoin price is 2473683676.12 VND. This means you can buy 0 BTC with 1 VND. Conversely, you'll need 2473683676.12 VND to buy 1 BTC.
- What's the price trend of Bitcoin (BTC) today?
The current price of Bitcoin (BTC) is 2473683676.12 VND, with a 24-hour trading volume of --. Over the past 24 hours, Bitcoin (BTC) has had a -3.02% change in price. The value of BTC against VND has changed by -3.67% over the past week. In the last month, the price of Bitcoin/VND has had a change of +121.73%.
- Where can I buy Bitcoin (BTC)?
The KuCoin Spot Market is the easiest place to buy Bitcoin (BTC), where you can find the lowest fees and best liquidity. Find supported trading pairs such as BTC/USDT, which lets you exchange your base currency for BTC. Learn more about How to Buy BTC.
- Why does the exchange rate for Bitcoin(BTC) fluctuate?
The Bitcoin to VND exchange rate is free-floating. This means the value of Bitcoin rises or falls based on its supply and demand in the crypto market. Additionally, factors such as market sentiment, developments within its ecosystem, and other macroeconomic trends also play a significant role in shaping the Bitcoin/VND exchange rate.
- How does the Bitcoin (BTC) exchange rate affect me?
Changes in the BTC/VND exchange rate can impact your potential profits or losses in cryptocurrency trading. An increase in the Bitcoin to VND rate will enhance the value of your holdings, while a decrease in the BTC/VND rate will diminish your investment's worth. Fluctuations in the BTC/VND exchange rate can serve as a valuable indicator of market sentiment, helping you to time the market.