Request Rate Limit
This type of destination endpoint has an independent "Broker resource pool". Currently, each Broker user has a resource pool quota of 1000.
When a user requests any API, the weight of this endpoint will be deducted and updated every 30 seconds (starting from the arrival time of the user's first request). For specific endpoints, please refer to the rate limit weight regulations under each endpoint.
If the quota of any resource pool is used up within 30s, that is, after the rate limit is exceeded, an error message of http code:429, error code:429000 will be returned, and the request can be re-requested after how long the request header shows. At this time, user needs to stop accessing and wait until the resource quota is reset before continuing to access.
For rate lmit information on other endpoints, please refer to: General endpoint rate limit (opens new window)
for example:
If the current Broker user, the resource pool quota is 1000
Each time a Broker transfers a quota, the quota consumption is 1, and each time the Broker information is queried, the quota consumption is 2. After the first transfer, the remaining quota of the Broker is 999, and after another query, the remaining quota is 997, and so on.
If the quota is not used up within 30 seconds. When the next cycle comes, the Broker resource pool quota will be reset and returned to the quota limit of 1,000.