Spot & Margin

  • 【Add】GET /api/v2/symbols/{symbol} endpoint
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/test endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/sync endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/alter endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi/sync endpoint,add clientOid response param
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/mark-price/all-symbols endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】/margin/fundingBook websocket Topic
  • 【Add】GET /api/v2/affiliate/inviter/statistics endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/hf/margin/order/active/symbols endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/margin/symbols endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v3/position/update-user-leverage endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】/margin/fundingBook websocket Topic
  • 【Add】Earn errors code. Please refer to the document:Earn Errors Code (opens new window)
  • 【Add】Earn rate limit added, please refer to the document: Request Rate Limit (opens new window)
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/otc-loan/loan endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/otc-loan/accounts endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v1/earn/orders endpoint
  • 【Add】DELETE /api/v1/earn/orders endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/redeem-preview endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/saving/products endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/hold-assets endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/promotion/products endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/kcs-staking/products endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/staking/products endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/earn/eth-staking/products endpoint
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v3/margin/borrow endpoint, add isHf param.
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v3/margin/repay endpoint, add isHf param.
  • 【Add】TOPIC:/margin/isolatedPosition Isoleted Margin Position Event
  • 【Modify】Topic: /spotMarket/tradeOrders,add feeType param
  • 【Modify】Topic: /spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2,add feeType param
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/margin/interest endpoint
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/accounts/ledgers endpoint, BizType and BROKER_TRANSFER param.
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies endpoint, add withdrawFeeRate and withdrawMaxFee param.
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies/{currency} endpoint, add withdrawFeeRate and withdrawMaxFee param.
  • 【Add】GET /api/v1/broker/api/rebase/download endpoint
  • 【Modify】Spot modification: GET /api/v1/market/candles endpoint; added "1month" option to the "type" parameter.
  • 【Modify】Spot modification: POST /api/v1/orders endpoint; new restriction for the "remark" parameter — length must not exceed 50 characters (only ASCII encoding supported).
  • 【Modify】Spot modification: POST /api/v1/orders/multi endpoint; new restriction for the "remark" parameter — length must not exceed 50 characters (only ASCII encoding supported).
  • 【Modify】Margin modification: POST /api/v1/margin/order endpoint; new restriction for the "remark" parameter — length must not exceed 50 characters (only ASCII encoding supported).
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies endpoint, add depositFeeRate param.
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies/{currency} endpoint, add depositFeeRate param.
  • 【Add】Exchange Broker has been officially opened for use. For details, please refer to Exchange API (opens new window)
  • 【Add】Margin high frequency has been officially opened for use. Compared with the old version of the Margin endpoint, it has lower latency and a more stable system. If you are a margin high-frequency trader, it is strongly recommended to update the margin API code to the high-frequency account. Please refer to the document:HFTrading (opens new window)
  • 【Add】Due to the high-frequency upgrade of margin, we have standardized the format of high-frequency margin error codes and added a series of new margin error codes, which will officially take effect at 16:00 (UTC+8) on January 24th. Please refer to the document:Margin Errors Code (opens new window)
  • 【Add】The historical spot market data download page has been launched,please refer to the document:Market Data (opens new window)
  • 【Add】/spotMarket/level1 websocket endpoint(BBO market data)
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/market/allTickers endpoint, add bestAskSizebestBidSize param.
  • 【Add】POST api/v3/oco/order endpoint
  • 【Add】DELETE api/v3/oco/order/{orderId} endpoint
  • 【Add】DELETE api/v3/oco/client-order/{clientOid} endpoint
  • 【Add】DELETE api/v3/oco/orders endpoint
  • 【Add】GET api/v3/oco/order/{orderId} endpoint
  • 【Add】GET api/v3/oco/client-order/{clientOid} endpoint
  • 【Add】GET api/v3/oco/orders endpoint
  • 【Add】GET api/v3/oco/order/details/{orderId} endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】GET /api/v1/risk/limit/strategy endpoint
  • 【Add】Get /api/v3/margin/currencies endpoint
  • 【Add】DELETE /api/v1/hf/orders/cancelAll endpoint
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/alter endpoint, the original logic of modify order is to cancel the order and then place a new order. After the update, the parameters of the original order will be carried to the new order. Another update is the optimization of frozen funds. After the update, funds will not be frozen twice, improving the utility of funds.
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies endpoint, add depositMinSize param.
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v3/currencies/{currency} endpoint, add depositMinSize param.
  • 【Modify】POST /api/v3/hf/margin/order endpoint, add autoRepay param, add autoBorrow param, remove remark param
  • 【Add】 autoRepay request parameter to POST /api/v1/margin/order endpoint
  • 【Add】 POST /api/v3/accounts/universal-transfer endpoint
  • 【Add】 GET /api/v3/etf/info endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 place borrow order, abandon the POST /api/v1/margin/borrow endpoint, and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/borrow endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Borrow Order, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/borrow endpoint and replace it with the GET /api/v3/margin/borrow endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Repayment Records, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/borrow/repaid endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Quick Repayment, abandon the POST /api/v1/margin/repay/all endpoint and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/repay endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Single Repayment, abandon the POST /api/v1/margin/repay/single endpoint and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/repay endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Place Lend Order, abandon the POST /api/v1/margin/lend endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Cancel Lend Order, abandon the DELETE /api/v1/margin/lend/{orderId} endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Set Auto-lend, abandon the POST /api/v1/margin/toggle-auto-lend endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Active lend Order , abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/lend/active endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Lend History, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/lend/done endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Active Lend Order List, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/lend/trade/unsettled endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Settled Lend Order History, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/lend/trade/settled endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Account Lend Record, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/lend/assets endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Lending Market Data, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/market endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Margin Trade Data, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/trade/last endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Place Isolated Borrow Order, abandon the POST /api/v1/isolated/borrow endpoint and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/borrow endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Isolated Quick Repayment, abandon the POST /api/v1/isolated/repay/all endpoint and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/repay endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Isolated Single Repayment, abandon the POST /api/v1/isolated/repay/single endpoint and replace it with the POST /api/v3/margin/repay endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Isolated Repayment Records, abandon the GET /api/v1/isolated/borrow/repaid endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Isolated Pending Repayment Records, abandon the GET /api/v1/isolated/borrow/outstanding endpoint and replace it with the GET /api/v1/isolated/account/{symbol} endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 Get Pending Repayment Records, abandon the GET /api/v1/margin/borrow/outstanding endpoint, and replace it with the GET /api/v1/margin/account endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v1/orders/test endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v1/hf/orders/test endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v3/hf/margin/order/test endpoint
  • 【Add】POST /api/v1/margin/order/test endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/currencies endpoint
  • 【Add】GET /api/v3/currencies/{currency} endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】GET /api/v1/currencies endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】GET /api/v1/currencies/{currency} endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】GET /api/v2/currencies/{currency} endpoint
  • 【Add】 Launched a series of endpoint for margin V3
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/hf/orders/{orderId}?symbol={symbol} endpoint, add response parameter:cancelledSize、cancelledFunds、remainSize、remainFunds
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/hf/orders/client-order/{clientOid}?symbol={symbol} endpoint, add response parameter:cancelledSize、cancelledFunds、remainSize、remainFunds
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/hf/orders/active endpoint, add response parameter:cancelledSize、cancelledFunds、remainSize、remainFunds
  • 【Modify】GET /api/v1/hf/orders/done endpoint, add response parameter:cancelledSize、cancelledFunds、remainSize、remainFunds
  • 【Add】AddPOST /api/v1/hf/orders/dead-cancel-all endpoint
  • 【Add】AddGET /api/v1/hf/orders/dead-cancel-all/query endpoint
  • 【Add】 For creating sub-accounts, please use the new endpoint POST /api/v2/sub/user/created to replace the old endpoint POST /api/v1/sub/user.
  • 【Add】 For obtaining account summary information, please use the new endpoint GET /api/v2/user-info to replace the old endpoint GET /api/v1/user-info.
  • 【Add】AddPOST /api/v1/hf/orders/alter endpoint
  • 【Add】AddDELETE /api/v1/hf/orders/sync/{orderId} endpoint
  • 【Add】AddDELETE /api/v1/hf/orders/sync/client-order/{clientOid} endpoint
  • 【Add】AddPOST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi/sync endpoint
  • 【Add】AddGET /api/v1/hf/orders/active/symbols endpoint
  • 【Modify】ModifyPOST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi endpoint,Input parameters: support batch orders for different trading pairs; output parameters: the return value has been optimized, only orderId and order results are returned
  • 【Add】 the trade_hf type, and launched a series of endpoint for high-frequency accounts
  • 【Modify】 GET /api/v1/margin/lend/active and other four endpoint are changed from trade authority to general authority
  • 【Add】 the uidaccess field to the Topic of GET /api/v1/sub/user.
  • 【Deprecate】 POST /api/v1/accounts endpoint
  • 【Add】 chain response field to GET /api/v1/withdrawals endpoint and GET /api/v1/deposits endpoint
  • 【Add】 generalSubQuantity, marginSubQuantity, futuresSubQuantity, maxDefaultSubQuantity, maxGeneralSubQuantity, maxMarginSubQuantity and maxFuturesSubQuantity fields to POST /api/v1/sub/user endpoint response
  • 【Add】 GET /api/v2/sub/user and GET /api/v2/sub-accounts pagination endpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 GET /api/v1/symbols endpoint, please use GET /api/v2/symbols new endpoint instead
  • 【Modify】Modify the limit request parameter description in the GET /api/v1/hf/orders/done endpoint to "default 20, maximum 100".
  • 【Add】 the DELETE /api/v1/sub/api-key endpoint related to sub-account
  • 【Add】 the time field (milliseconds) to the Topic of /market/level2.
  • 【Add】 the following endpoints related to sub-account: GET /api/v1/user-infoPOST /api/v1/sub/userGET /api/v1/sub/api-keyPOST /api/v1/sub/api-keyPOST /api/v1/sub/api-key/update
  • 【Add】 currencyType request parameter to GET /api/v1/base-fee endpoint
  • 【Add】 feeDeductType request parameter to POST /api/v1/withdrawals endpoint
  • 【Add】 chain response parameter to GET /api/v2/currencies/{currency} endpoint
  • 【Add】 the following endpoints related to isolated margin: GET /api/v1/isolated/symbolsGET /api/v1/isolated/accountsGET /api/v1/isolated/account/{symbol}POST /api/v1/isolated/borrowGET /api/v1/isolated/borrow/outstandingGET /api/v1/isolated/borrow/repaidPOST /api/v1/isolated/repay/allPOST /api/v1/isolated/repay/single
  • 【Modify】 the following endpoint to support isolated margin: POST /api/v2/accounts/inner-transferGET /api/v1/accounts/transferablePOST /api/v1/margin/order
  • 【Modify】 Check and revise the document description to improve the readability of the document
  • 【Add】 Query the cross/isolated margin risk limitendpoint
  • 【Deprecate】 GET /api/v1/hist-ordersendpoint