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Kartu Kombinasi Harian PixelTap untuk 11 Juli: Jawaban dan Hadiah

Mencari Pixel Tap Daily Combo Cards untuk 11 Juli hari ini? Anda dapat memperoleh 280.000 koin dalam game dengan menemukannya dan menempatkannya dalam urutan yang benar. Berikut adalah semua yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk memulai dan memaksimalkan hadiah Anda di PixelTap oleh permainan Telegram Pixelverse.   Informasi Cepat Selesaikan tugas kombo harian untuk 11 Juli untuk mendapatkan 280.000 koin PixelTap. Temukan cara tambahan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan koin Anda di PixelTap. Pengenalan PixelTap oleh Pixelverse PixelTap adalah permainan tap-to-earn Telegram yang populer, dikembangkan oleh Pixelverse. Pemain dapat mengumpulkan koin dengan menyelesaikan berbagai tugas dan misi. PixelTap oleh Pixelverse memiliki lebih dari 50 juta pemain pada saat penulisan, sementara saluran Telegram resminya memiliki hampir 10 juta anggota.    PixelTap telah mendapatkan popularitas signifikan karena fitur unik dan kombo harian yang memberikan poin bonus dan koin ekstra. Bonus ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk memaksimalkan hadiah sebelum peluncuran token Pixelverse (PIXFI) yang akan datang pada Q3 2024.   Hadiah harian sangat penting dalam ekosistem PixelTap, tetapi pemain baru mungkin merasa sulit untuk membuka hadiah ini pada awalnya. Panduan ini akan membantu Anda menavigasi dan memaksimalkan bonus harian Anda, meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda, dan mempersiapkan untuk peluncuran token Pixelverse (PIXFI) yang akan datang dan airdrop PIXFI.   Baca selengkapnya: PixelTap Daily Combo oleh Pixelverse Game: Tips yang Perlu Diketahui   PixelTap Daily Combo untuk 11 Juli 2024 Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk menyelesaikan tugas combo harian PixelTap dan mendapatkan reward Anda:   Buka Game PixelTap: Akses game di Telegram. Arahkan ke Rewards: Klik menu "Rewards" di bagian bawah layar. Pilih Daily Combo: Ketuk tugas "Daily Combo" untuk membuka teka-teki. Drag and Drop: Susun kartu-kartu dalam urutan yang benar dengan menyeret dan menjatuhkannya ke dalam kotak. Periksa dan Klaim: Klik tombol "Check", kemudian tekan "Claim" untuk menambahkan reward ke akun Anda. Berikut adalah kartu combo PixelTap yang berfungsi untuk hari ini. Gunakan token PixelTap Anda pada combo empat kartu ini untuk memenangkan 280,000 token PixelTap.     PixelTap Daily Combo: Answers for July 11, 2024 Memilih kartu berikut dalam urutan yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini akan memberi Anda hadiah kombo harian sebesar 280.000 koin. Pastikan Anda memeriksa waktu kedaluwarsa yang ditampilkan dalam game untuk mengklaim hadiah Anda tepat waktu.   BIG PAW RATAPOUILLE B-ATOM LUPINE Tips Tambahan untuk Mendapatkan Lebih Banyak Koin PixelTap Untuk mendapatkan koin dalam game PixelTap oleh Pixelverse di Telegram, ada beberapa metode yang bisa Anda gunakan:   Mengetuk Koin Emas: Cukup mengetuk koin emas dalam permainan akan menghasilkan koin. Frekuensi dan jumlah koin yang Anda peroleh tergantung pada level bot Anda. Bot level tinggi menghasilkan hadiah yang lebih besar. Program Referensi: Mengundang teman untuk bergabung dengan PixelTap dapat meningkatkan penghasilan Anda secara signifikan. Anda menerima bonus saat teman Anda mendaftar melalui tautan referensi Anda, dan Anda juga mendapatkan persentase dari penghasilan mereka. Akun premium memberikan bonus referensi yang lebih tinggi. Pertempuran PvP: Terlibat dalam pertempuran pemain versus pemain (PvP) secara real-time juga bisa menjadi cara yang menguntungkan untuk mendapatkan koin. Kemenangan dalam pertempuran ini tergantung pada kekuatan bot Anda, yang dapat ditingkatkan dengan meng-upgrade bot Anda. Tugas dan Misi Harian: Menyelesaikan berbagai tugas dan misi harian dalam permainan juga memberikan Anda koin. Tugas-tugas ini berkisar dari aktivitas sederhana seperti bergabung dengan saluran Telegram hingga misi dalam game yang lebih kompleks. Interaksi Media Sosial: Mengikuti PixelTap di platform media sosial dan berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas komunitas dapat membuka hadiah tambahan. Influencer dan akun resmi sering berbagi tips dan pembaruan tentang cara memaksimalkan penghasilan melalui acara dan promosi khusus. Menggunakan Fitur Peningkatan Harian: Permainan menawarkan peningkatan harian yang dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan jumlah koin yang Anda peroleh. Memanfaatkan peningkatan ini selama waktu aktivitas puncak dapat membantu Anda memaksimalkan hadiah harian Anda. Tandai untuk Lebih Banyak Hadiah Tandai halaman ini dengan tagar #Pixelverse dan periksa kembali setiap hari untuk pembaruan kombo harian PixelTap terbaru. Bagikan postingan ini dengan teman-teman Anda agar mereka juga bisa mendapatkan manfaat dari kombo harian.   Baca lebih lanjut: Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Segala yang Perlu Anda Ketahui   Kesimpulan Kombo harian di PixelTap adalah fitur menarik yang membantu pemain mendapatkan lebih banyak koin dalam game. Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat membuka lebih banyak hadiah harian dan meningkatkan permainan Anda. Nantikan peluncuran token PixelTap pada Q3 2024 untuk berpotensi mengonversi pendapatan dalam game Anda menjadi cryptocurrency.   Baca lebih lanjut: Kombo Harian Hamster Kombat untuk 11 Juli: Jawaban

Hamster Kombat Cipher Harian untuk 11 Juli: Jawaban untuk Mendapatkan 1 Juta Koin

Halo CEO Hamster Kombat, saatnya untuk membuka hingga 1 juta koin di Hamster Kombat dengan memecahkan Daily Cipher untuk 11 Juli. Baca terus untuk mengetahui jawaban hari ini dan bagaimana cara mendapatkan lebih banyak koin dalam permainan Hamster Kombat di Telegram.   Sekilas Info Pecahkan teka-teki Morse code Daily Cipher untuk membuka 1 juta koin untuk 11 Juli. Kode cipher hari ini adalah “WHALE”. Tonton video Hamster di YouTube dan selesaikan tugas lainnya untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak koin dalam permainan Hamster Kombat. Apa Itu Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Mini-App di Telegram? Hamster Kombat adalah salah satu tap-to-earn permainan di Telegram yang paling sukses, di mana Anda dapat menjadi CEO dari pertukaran kripto Anda sendiri. Permainan kripto viral ini telah mendapatkan lebih dari 239 juta pemain dalam tiga bulan setelah peluncurannya, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Cointelegraph.   Hamster Kombat dengan cepat mendapatkan daya tarik dengan menawarkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan dengan bonus hariannya, terutama di negara-negara seperti Nigeria, Filipina, dan Rusia. Solusi Daily Cipher dan Daily Combo Hamster Kombat memiliki banyak pengikut dan keterlibatan di TikTok, Twitter, dan platform sosial lainnya. Membuka hadiah ini dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam permainan Anda saat Anda bersiap untuk airdrop Hamster Kombat yang akan datang dan peluncuran token HMSTR. Pada saat penulisan ini, saluran YouTube Hamster Kombat kini memiliki 32,9 juta pelanggan.   Hadiah harian memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem permainan Hamster Kombat. CEO baru dalam permainan mungkin menemukan tantangan untuk membuka 6 juta koin yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan memecahkan Daily Cipher dan Daily Combo pada awalnya. Namun, dengan panduan ini, Anda akan dengan cepat belajar bagaimana memaksimalkan bonus harian Anda, secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam permainan Anda.   Untuk membantu Anda memulai dengan cepat dalam permainan, kami telah menyusun jawaban untuk Daily Cipher pada 11 Juli 2024.   Jika Anda ingin membuka kartu Daily Combo untuk 11 Juli, temukan di sini: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo untuk 11 Juli 2024   Apa Itu Kode Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher?  Serupa dengan Kartu Combo Harian yang diperbarui setiap hari, Daily Cipher adalah tugas rutin yang dapat Anda manfaatkan untuk membuka hadiah sebesar 1 juta koin. Berbeda dengan kombinasi tiga kartu harian yang perlu Anda pilih untuk menyelesaikan tantangan Daily Combo, Daily Cipher adalah kata yang perlu Anda masukkan ke dalam permainan menggunakan standar Kode Morse internasional. Cipher baru dirilis setiap hari pukul 19.00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Berikut adalah cara Anda dapat mendekodenya:   Kode Morse Harian: Cara Mendapatkan 1 Juta Koin Sebuah Daily Cipher baru dirilis setiap hari, dan menyelesaikannya dapat memberi Anda hadiah sebesar 1 juta koin. Berikut adalah cara Anda dapat mendekode cipher hari ini:   Input a Dot (.): Ketuk hamster sekali. Input a Dash (-): Ketuk dan tahan, lalu lepaskan. Input Timing: Tunggu setidaknya 1,5 detik sebelum memasukkan urutan kedua dari huruf untuk memastikan aplikasi mengenalinya dengan benar. Sandi Morse Harian untuk 11 Juli 2024: Jawaban Jawaban Sandi Harian Hari Ini: PAUS   Anda dapat membuka kode hari ini menggunakan urutan berikut:    W: .- - (titik garis garis) H: …. (titik titik titik titik) A: .- (titik garis) L: .-.. (titik garis titik titik) E: . (titik) Input Timing: Tunggu setidaknya 1,5 detik sebelum memasukkan urutan kedua dari huruf untuk memastikan aplikasi mengenalinya dengan benar.   Cara Lain untuk Menambang Koin Hamster Berikut adalah beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan penghasilan Anda dalam permainan Hamster Kombat:    Tingkatkan Pertukaran Anda: Investasikan secara rutin dalam peningkatan untuk pertukaran Anda, seperti Pasar, PR&Tim, dan peningkatan Hukum. Ini akan membantu Anda mengumpulkan koin secara pasif, bahkan saat Anda tidak sedang bermain aktif. Periksa Secara Berkala: Hamster Kombat memungkinkan Anda untuk mengumpulkan koin gratis hingga tiga jam saat offline. Setelah itu, Anda perlu masuk untuk mengklaim penghasilan Anda dan mengatur ulang pengatur waktu. Pemeriksaan rutin memaksimalkan pendapatan koin pasif Anda.  Pecahkan Kombinasi Harian: Eksekusi Kombinasi Harian dengan memilih set kartu yang benar setiap hari. Ini dapat menghasilkan hingga 5 juta koin setiap hari. Undang Teman: Beberapa tugas dan pembukaan kartu terkunci mengharuskan mengundang teman untuk bergabung dalam permainan. Berhasil mengajak teman untuk mulai bermain dapat membuka peluang penghasilan tambahan dan membantu Anda menyelesaikan tugas harian yang mungkin memerlukan sejumlah referensi tertentu. Klaim Hadiah Harian: Ikuti sistem hadiah harian permainan. Ini dapat berkisar dari beberapa ratus koin hingga jutaan, tergantung pada harinya. Konsisten mengklaim hadiah ini tanpa melewatkan sehari dapat meningkatkan pendapatan Anda secara signifikan. Keterlibatan Media Sosial: Ikuti saluran media sosial resmi Hamster Kombat, seperti Twitter, Facebook, dan YouTube. Menyelesaikan tugas yang terkait dengan platform ini, seperti menonton video atau berinteraksi dengan postingan, dapat menghasilkan koin tambahan.  Dengan memanfaatkan metode ini, Anda dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan penghasilan koin Anda dalam Hamster Kombat, mempersiapkan diri Anda untuk perbendaharaan dalam game yang lebih besar dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari airdrop token HMSTR yang akan datang.   Tandai untuk Pembaruan Harian Tandai halaman ini dengan tagar Hamster Kombat, yang dapat Anda temukan di bagian bawah postingan ini. Dengan cara ini, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa Anda tidak pernah melewatkan Cipher Harian dan hadiah Kombinasi Harian Anda.   Kesimpulan Gunakan panduan ini untuk membuka hadiah Harian Hamster Kombat Cipher dengan efektif dan meningkatkan permainan Anda. Seiring dengan membuka lebih banyak hadiah dan menambang lebih banyak koin, Anda dapat naik level dalam permainan, meningkatkan pertukaran Anda, dan berpotensi meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak crypto ketika airdrop token Hamster diluncurkan. Sebelum Anda pergi, Anda juga dapat memperdagangkan token Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) di platform perdagangan Pre-market KuCoin sebelum peluncuran token resmi di pasar spot.

Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, July 11: Answers for Earning 5 Million Coins

Hello Hamster Kombat CEOs, it’s time to unlock up to 5 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo for July 11. Read on to find out the answers for today and how to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat Telegram game.   Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks for July 11 and select the cards of Margin trading x30 , Semi-final England vs Netherlands, and Oracle to earn 5 million coins today. Watch Hamster YouTube videos and complete other tasks to earn more coins in the Hamster Kombat game. What Is Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Mini-App? Hamster Kombat is one of the most successful tap-to-earn games on Telegram where you can become the CEO of your own crypto exchange. The viral Telegram crypto game has gained over 239 million players within three months of launch, according to a Cointelegraph report.   Hamster Kombat has seen soaring adoption by offering an engaging and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses, especially in key markets like Nigeria, the Philippines, and Russia. Daily Combos have large followings and engagement on TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and other social platforms. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch scheduled for Q3 2024. As of this writing, Hamster Kombat’s YouTube channel now boasts 32.9 million subscribers while its Telegram community has over 51 million members.   Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Hamster Kombat gaming ecosystem. New Hamster CEOs of the game could find it challenging to unlock these rewards via Daily Combo and Daily Cipher initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, significantly boosting your Hamster coin earnings and leveling up in the game.    To help you get a quick start in the game, we’ve compiled the answers for the Daily Combo for July 11, 2024.   Read More: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo   What Is the Hamster Kombat Daily Combo?  The Daily Combo is a straightforward, routine task that lets you earn 5 million coins as a reward. The combination of the three cards you need to select correctly gets updated every day at 12 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). After successfully unlocking all the cards, you can claim up to 5 million coins daily, which can be further used for upgrading your crypto exchange.   Hamster Kombat Daily Combo Cards for July 11, 2024 You can find the daily combo cards in various categories, such as PR&Team, Markets, Legal, Web3, and Specials. Today’s daily combo cards are as follows:   Margin trading x30 (Markets) Semi-final England vs Netherlands (Specials) Oracle (Web3)   More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins To earn more coins on Hamster Kombat beyond the Daily Combo, here are several strategies you can employ:   Upgrade Your Exchange: Regularly invest in upgrades for your exchange, such as markets, PR, team, and legal enhancements. This will help you accumulate coins passively, even when you're not actively playing. Check In Daily: Hamster Kombat allows you to accumulate free coins for up to three hours while offline. After that, you need to log in to claim your earnings and reset the timer. Regular check-ins maximize your passive coin income. Invite Friends: Some tasks and card unlocks are gated behind inviting friends to join the game. Successfully getting friends to start playing can unlock additional earning opportunities and help you complete daily tasks that may require a certain number of referrals. Daily Rewards: Participate in the game's daily rewards system. These can range from a few hundred coins up to 5 million, depending on the day. Consistently claiming these rewards without missing a day increases your earnings significantly, Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel and watch videos to earn 100,000 coins per task. Daily Cipher: Just like the Daily Combo, the Daily Cipher could help you unlock 1 million coins if solving the puzzle successfully. A new cipher Morse Code is released daily at 7 PM GMT, the same for all players. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page with the Hamster Kombat hashtag, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards.   Conclusion By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. As you unlock more rewards and mine more coins, you can level up in the game, upgrade your exchange, and potentially boost your chances of earning more crypto when the HMSTR airdrop goes live.   BTW, you can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on the KuCoin Pre-market trading platform ahead of the official token launch on the spot market.   Read More: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 10, 2024

TapSwap Daily Secret Cinema Codes, July 10: Unlock Your Rewards

Unlock up to 400,000 coins on TapSwap by solving the special tasks and entering the secret codes for July 10. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the TapSwap Telegram game.   Quick Take Watch the two latest videos and enter the secret codes given below to earn 400,000 coins on July 10, 2024, when playing TapSwap.   Discover more ways to earn more coins in the TapSwap game. An Introduction to TapSwap Telegram Game TapSwap is a viral tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. It has over 60 million players at the time of writing, while its Telegram community has over 25 million members and its YouTube channel boasts over 4 million subscribers at the time of writing.    TapSwap’s developers have confirmed a delay of the official TapSwap (TAPS) token launch to Q3 2024. However, when the token launches, you can convert your in-game earnings to crypto and potentially trade them after the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch.   Daily rewards play a crucial role within the TapSwap gaming ecosystem, but you find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially as a new player. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses and earn more rewards while playing the game.   Read on to unlock the answers to the TapSwap Daily Cinema Secret Codes for July 10, 2024.   Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game   Today’s TapSwap Secret Cinema Codes for July 10, 2024 Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 400,000 coins:   Task 16: Cryptocurrency World Wide News Answer 1: 3PM71AK03X Answer 2: delisting Task 17: Learn 10 New Crypto Terms Answer: collateral   How to Complete TapSwap Secret Codes To complete TapSwap daily codes today and earn 200,000 coins per task, follow these steps:   Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Cinema” option and scroll down to see the latest task videos. Select the video you have not watched yet and click Start Mission to watch the entire video. In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Watch the video, find the code and paste it here.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Submit.” Click “Finish Mission” to claim your rewards and move to the next task. The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you enter this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to level up in the game.   The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes!   Recap of Previous Cinema Secret Codes on TapSwap In  case you missed it, here are the secret codes to unlock 200,000 coins per task for the previous videos published over the past few days:    Watch the first Video Code: 739002 Watch new video Code: 5 Learn what the TON is Code: 548719 Watch the first Token Video Code: no code, only watch video til end TapSwap Education Code: 030072 New in the Crypto World Code: 739551 Learn 5 Crypto Terms Code: 2614907 Tapswap Education – what the bitcoin is? Code: D57U94 How Earn Money on Crypto Code: genesis Drops and Rises Code: 27F53K9 5 Ways to Make Money on Crypto Code: encryption Memes and Cryptocurrencies Code: 4D80N74 Get Started in Crypto Code: TRIBALISM 8 Warren Buffet Rules Code: ABENOMICS Fake a News and Real News Code: G5D73H20 More Ways to Mine TapSwap Coins In addition to solving the daily secret codes, here are some more ways to mine coins on the TapSwap Telegram game:    Complete Tasks: TapSwap offers special tasks that provide substantial bonus coins. Tasks can include joining a community Telegram channel, following TapSwap on social media, or watching specific videos. Completing these tasks early can earn you up to 800,000 coins, which you can use for important upgrades like the TapBot. Use Daily Boosters: Utilize daily boosters such as "Tapping Guru" and "Full Tank." These boosters can increase the points earned per tap and refill your energy bar, allowing for extended tapping sessions. Each booster has three charges per day.  Purchase Upgrades: Investing in upgrades like "Multitap" (increases coins per tap), "Energy Limit" (more taps before energy depletes), and "Recharging Speed" (faster energy refill) can significantly boost your earnings. Prioritize these upgrades as soon as you can afford them. Invite Friends: TapSwap offers referral bonuses. By inviting friends to join the game, you can earn extra coins based on their activity. Completing referral milestones also rewards you with additional coins. Join Leagues: Compete in different leagues to earn more coins by outperforming others. Higher performance in leagues can lead to greater rewards and recognition within the game.  TapBot: Purchase a TapBot for 200,000 coins to mine coins passively. The TapBot works for 12 hours, allowing you to earn coins even when you are not actively tapping. Check in periodically to collect the mined coins and keep the TapBot running.  Bookmark for the Latest TapSwap Codes Bookmark this page with the hashtag #Tapswap and check back daily to get the latest TapSwap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too.   Conclusion The daily cinema secret codes on TapSwap help you unlock more in-game coins for today. This guide can help you unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. In addition to leveling up in the game, earning more coins on TapSwap also increases your chances of getting more crypto when the TapSwap token launches. However, it’s not a guarantee that you can monetize your coins when the tokens are officially launched. Please do your own research before making investments.   Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Code for July 10: Answers to Know

Bittensor (TAO) Rises by Over 10% After Masa Pioneers Dual-Token Structure in Its Subnet Ecosystem

Masa, a decentralized AI network, has launched an AI Data Subnet on Bittensor, revolutionizing the decentralized production of artificial intelligence. This strategic move enables Masa to utilize Bittensor’s peer-to-peer machine intelligence network to enhance AI data aggregation, transformation, and access.   Quick Take Masa introduces its AI Data Subnet on Bittensor, leveraging the decentralized network to enhance AI data aggregation, transformation, and access. Masa pioneers a dual-token reward structure in the Bittensor Subnet Ecosystem, offering rewards in $MASA and $TAO to incentivize contributors. Bittensor's native token, TAO, has seen a price increase of over 10% in the past 24 hours, reflecting growing interest and investment in AI and blockchain integration. Masa Joins Bittensor’s $10B Ecosystem Since its launch in March 2023, Bittensor has built a $10 billion AI ecosystem. Institutional validators like Foundry and Polychain have collectively staked $1.8 billion worth of $TAO. Bittensor’s network operates through specialized sub-networks, each dedicated to different AI areas. With its sophisticated TAO economic model, Bittensor incentivizes high-value AI subnets, making it a key player in decentralized AI (DeAI).   Masa is a decentralized AI network where people earn by contributing data. AI developers can build anything, anywhere with the world’s data. Masa allows global contributions of data and compute for AI development without centralized control. Contributors, including validators and workers, earn rewards based on the value they add to the network. This game-theoretical framework ensures an effective system that drives growth and the equitable expansion of Fair AI.   Masa and Bittensor communities can run a Masa worker node from low-power devices, contributing compute and bandwidth from anywhere. This broad participation ensures a decentralized and fair contribution to AI development.   Masa’s Impact on Bittensor Bittensor circulating supply and trading volume | Source: Benzinga    Masa’s ecosystem, with over 1.6 million contributors and 100 developers, is expected to significantly enhance Bittensor's performance and utility. Brendan Playford, Co-founder of Masa, believes that Bittensor’s potential could surpass Ethereum’s growth due to the rapid expansion of Decentralized AI.   TAO Price Spikes by Over 10%  TAO/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    TAO’s price increased by 15.02% over the past 24 hours to $262.59. Despite a 7.0% loss over the past week, the current market cap ranking for TAO is #50 at $1.84 billion. The trading volume has increased by 87.0% over the past week, with a circulating supply of over 7.02 million. TAO’s bullish structure over the past week reflects the growth and interest in AI tokens within the cryptocurrency market.   Masa’s Dual-Token Reward Structure Masa’s token, $MASA, becomes the first and only live token in the Bittensor ecosystem. Masa Protocol and Bittensor Subnet participants can earn dual-token staking rewards in $MASA and $TAO. The Masa Foundation will use TAO from operating the subnet to support $MASA through buybacks or distributions.   Democratizing AI Development Masa provides real-time and static data critical for AI development from various sources like Twitter, Discord, and Google Search. Real-time data can be used for building robust datasets or directly in system prompts. Static datasets, constantly updated and stored by subnet workers, fuel Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in AI agents.   Masa’s annotated data sets are processed using fine-tuned LLMs trained on various formats, delivering high-quality outputs. AI developers use Masa data for diverse applications, such as capturing trading signals and building hyper-personalized AI companions.   Masa has raised $18 million, backed by DCG, Anagram, Republic Digital, and Animoca, and was incubated by Binance and Hashkey.   Crypto Market’s AI Sector Expected to Cross $10B by 2030 The launch of Masa’s subnet has generated momentum in decentralized AI. Evan Malanga, VP Strategy at DCG, supports Masa’s advancement in decentralized and broader AI development. This aligns with DCG’s belief in the power of decentralized technologies.   The AI sector in the crypto industry is projected to reach $10.2 billion in revenue by 2030. Centralized AI is expected to hold a market share value of $1.8 trillion by 2030. However, there is a clear demand for decentralized players to prevent monopolization by centralized entities.   Conclusion The collaboration between Masa and Bittensor could introduce advancements in decentralized AI development. Masa’s dual-token reward structure is designed to democratize AI and promote an equitable contribution system. As the AI sector expands, Masa’s involvement with Bittensor and its impact on the broader AI community is expected to be notable, potentially fostering a future where AI development is community-driven. However, as with any emerging technology, there are inherent risks and uncertainties. It is important for stakeholders to stay informed and carefully consider these factors when engaging with decentralized AI projects.  

Hamster Kombat Kombinasi Harian dan Kode Sandi Harian untuk 10 Juli: Jawaban yang Diketahui

Halo para CEO Hamster Kombat, saatnya untuk membuka hingga 6 juta koin di Hamster Kombat dengan menyelesaikan Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher untuk 10 Juli. Baca untuk mengetahui jawabannya hari ini dan cara mendapatkan lebih banyak koin dalam game Telegram Hamster Kombat. Quick Take Selesaikan tugas harian tertentu untuk 10 Juli dan pilih kartu TG Leaders, Semi-Final: Spanyol VS Prancis dan DEX untuk mendapatkan 5 juta koin hari ini. Selesaikan teka-teki kode Morse Daily Cipher untuk membuka 1 juta koin pada 10 Juli. Tonton video Hamster di YouTube dan daftar tugas lainnya untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak koin dalam game Hamster Kombat. Apa Itu Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Mini-App? Hamster Kombat adalah salah satu game tap-to-earn paling sukses di Telegram di mana Anda bisa menjadi CEO dari bursa kripto Anda sendiri. Game kripto viral ini telah mendapatkan lebih dari 239 juta pemain dalam 3 bulan sejak diluncurkan, menurut laporan dari Cointelegraph.  Hamster Kombat dengan cepat mendapatkan perhatian dengan menawarkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan dengan bonus hariannya, terutama di negara-negara seperti Nigeria, Filipina, dan Rusia. Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher memiliki banyak pengikut dan interaksi di TikTok, Twitter, dan platform sosial lainnya, karena membuka hadiah ini dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam game Anda saat Anda bersiap untuk airdrop Hamster Kombat dan peluncuran token HMSTR yang akan datang. Saat tulisan ini dibuat, saluran YouTube Hamster Kombat kini memiliki 32,9 juta pelanggan.    Hadiah harian memainkan peran kunci dalam ekosistem game Hamster Kombat. CEO baru dalam game mungkin merasa kesulitan untuk membuka hadiah ini pada awalnya. Namun, dengan panduan ini, Anda akan dengan cepat belajar bagaimana memaksimalkan bonus harian Anda, secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam game Anda.   Untuk membantu Anda memulai dengan cepat dalam game ini, kami telah mengumpulkan jawaban untuk Daily Cipher dan Daily Combo untuk 10 Juli 2024.   Baca lebih lanjut: Cara Menghasilkan Koin Hamster dengan Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher Daily Combo adalah tugas rutin yang sederhana yang dapat Anda manfaatkan untuk membuka 5 juta koin sebagai hadiah. Kombinasi tiga kartu yang perlu Anda pilih dengan benar diperbarui setiap hari pada pukul 12 siang Waktu Rata-Rata Greenwich (GMT). Mirip dengan Daily Cipher, kombinasi tiga kartu berubah setiap hari untuk semua pemain CEO. Setelah berhasil membuka semua kartu, Anda dapat mengklaim hingga 500 juta koin, yang dapat digunakan lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan pertukaran kripto Anda. Kartu Daily Combo Hamster Kombat untuk 10 Juli 2024 Anda dapat menemukan kartu combo harian dalam kategori 「Web3」 dan 「Special」, dan kartu combo harian hari ini adalah sebagai berikut, DEX (Web3) Semi-final Spanyol vs Prancis (Specials) TG Leader (Special)   Daily Cipher untuk 9 Juli: Dapatkan 1 Juta Koin Dengan logika yang mirip dengan daily combo, Daily Cipher dapat membantu Anda membuka 1 juta koin jika berhasil menyelesaikan teka-teki. Sebuah cipher baru dirilis setiap hari pada jam 7 malam GMT, sama untuk semua pemain. Berikut cara Anda bisa mengurainya.    Input sebuah Titik (.): Ketuk hamster sekali. Input sebuah Garis (-): Ketuk dan tahan, lalu lepaskan. Input Waktu: Tunggu setidaknya 1,5 detik sebelum memasukkan urutan kedua dari sebuah huruf untuk memastikan aplikasi mengenalinya dengan benar. Kode Sandi Morse Harian untuk 10 Juli 2024   Jawaban Kode Sandi Harian: GAS Urutan G = - - .(garis garis titik) A = . - (titik garis) S = . . . .(titik titik titik) Lebih Banyak Cara untuk Mendapatkan Koin Hamster Mengundang Anggota: Beberapa kombinasi harian mungkin melibatkan mengundang anggota baru. Bergabung dengan Saluran: Tugas mungkin termasuk bergabung dengan saluran Telegram. Keterlibatan Media Sosial: Mengikuti akun di Twitter, Facebook, atau Instagram juga bisa menjadi bagian dari tugas harian. Berlangganan saluran YouTube resmi Hamster Kombat dan menonton video untuk mendapatkan 100.000 koin per tugas. Bookmark untuk Pembaruan Harian Bookmark halaman ini dengan tagar Hamster Kombat, yang dapat Anda temukan di bagian bawah halaman ini. Tetap diperbarui akan memastikan Anda tidak pernah ketinggalan hadiah harian Anda. Kesimpulan Jadi inilah kombo harian dan kode sandi untuk hari ini dan dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat dengan mudah membuka hadiah harian ini dan meningkatkan permainan Anda. Saat Anda membuka lebih banyak hadiah dan menambang lebih banyak koin, Anda dapat naik level dalam permainan, meningkatkan pertukaran Anda, dan berpotensi meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kripto ketika airdrop HMSTR diluncurkan.   Ngomong-ngomong, Anda juga dapat memperdagangkan token Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) di platform perdagangan Pra-pasar KuCoin sebelum peluncuran token resmi di pasar spot.   Baca Lebih Lanjut: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9, 2024  

Pixelverse Daily Combo for July 9 to Unlock PixelTap Rewards Today

Unlock 5 million coins on PixelTap by solving the special daily combo for July 9. Read on to find the steps and learn how to maximize your earnings in the PixelTap Telegram game.   Quick Take Complete the daily combo tasks for July 9 to earn 5 million PixelTap coins. Discover additional ways to increase your coin earnings in PixelTap. Introduction to PixelTap by Pixelverse  PixelTap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game, developed by Pixelverse. Players can accumulate coins by completing various tasks and missions. PixelTap has gained significant popularity due to its unique features and daily combos that provide extra bonus points and coins. These bonuses are an excellent way to maximize rewards before the upcoming PixelTap token launch in Q3 2024.   Daily rewards are essential in the PixelTap ecosystem, but new players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. This guide will help you navigate and maximize your daily bonuses, enhancing your gameplay experience, and preparing for the upcoming Pixelverse (PIXFI) token generation event and PIXFI airdrop.    Read more: PixelTap Daily Combo by Pixelverse Game: Tips to Know   Today’s PixelTap Daily Combo for July 9, 2024 Here are the steps to complete the PixelTap daily combo tasks and earn your rewards:   How to Complete PixelTap Daily Combo Open the PixelTap Game: Access the game on Telegram. Navigate to Rewards: Click on the "Rewards" menu at the bottom of the screen. Select Daily Combo: Tap on the "Daily Combo" task to open up the puzzles. Drag and Drop: Arrange the cards in the correct order by dragging and dropping them into the boxes. Check and Claim: Click on the "Check" button, then hit "Claim" to add the rewards to your account. Here are the working PixelTap combo cards for today. Spend your PixelTap tokens on these three-card combos to win 5 million PixelTap tokens.   PixelTap Daily Combo: Answers for July 9, 2024 Neon cat Orange fish head Purple fish head Green werewolf   Completing these steps will grant you the daily combo rewards of 5 million coins. Make sure you check the expiration time displayed in the game to claim your rewards promptly.   Additional Tips for Earning More PixelTap Coins Invite Friends: Increase your earnings by inviting friends to join PixelTap. Join Channels: Complete tasks that involve joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Follow PixelTap on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to unlock more rewards. Bookmark for More Rewards Bookmark this page with the #Pixelverse hashtag and check back daily for the latest PixelTap daily combo updates. Share this post with your friends so they can also benefit from the daily combos.   Read more: Pixelverse (PixelTap) Airdrop: Everything You Need to Know   Conclusion The daily combo in PixelTap is an exciting feature that helps players earn more in-game coins. By following this guide, you can unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for the PixelTap token launch in Q3 2024 to potentially convert your in-game earnings to cryptocurrency.   Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9: Answers

Hamster Kombat Kombinasi Harian dan Sandi Harian Kode Morse untuk 9 Juli: Jawaban

Buka hingga 6 juta koin di Hamster Kombat dengan memecahkan Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher untuk tanggal 9 Juli. Baca terus untuk menemukan jawaban hari ini dan cara memaksimalkan penghasilan Anda di permainan Telegram Hamster Kombat.   Sekilas Pecahkan teka-teki kode Morse Daily Cipher untuk membuka 1 juta koin untuk tanggal 9 Juli. Selesaikan tugas harian spesifik pada tanggal 9 Juli dan pilih kombinasi kartu yang benar untuk Daily Combo untuk mendapatkan 5 juta koin. Pelajari lebih banyak cara untuk meningkatkan potensi penghasilan Anda dalam permainan Hamster Kombat. Apa Itu Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Mini-App? Hamster Kombat adalah salah satu permainan tap-to-earn yang paling sukses di Telegram di mana Anda dapat menjadi CEO dari bursa kripto Anda sendiri. Permainan kripto yang viral ini telah meraih lebih dari 239 juta pemain dalam 3 bulan sejak peluncuran, menurut Pavel Durov, pendiri dan CEO Telegram.   Hamster Kombat telah mendapatkan pijakan yang kuat berkat penawarannya yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan dengan bonus harian. Membuka hadiah-hadiah ini dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam permainan Anda saat Anda mempersiapkan untuk airdrop Hamster Kombat yang akan datang dan peluncuran token HMSTR.    Hadiah harian memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem permainan Hamster Kombat. Pemain baru mungkin menemukan tantangan untuk membuka hadiah-hadiah ini pada awalnya. Namun, dengan panduan ini, Anda akan segera belajar cara memaksimalkan bonus harian Anda, secara signifikan meningkatkan emas dalam permainan Anda.   Untuk mempermudah gameplay Anda dan mendapatkan lebih banyak koin Hamster, kami telah mengumpulkan jawaban untuk Daily Cipher dan Daily Combo untuk 9 Juli 2024.   Baca lebih lanjut: Cara Mendapatkan Koin Hamster dengan Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher   Daily Cipher untuk 9 Juli: Dapatkan 1 Juta Koin Daily Cipher melibatkan pemecahan teka-teki kode Morse. Sebuah cipher baru dirilis setiap hari, sama untuk semua pemain. Berikut cara Anda dapat mendekodekannya:   Input Titik (.): Ketuk hamster sekali. Input Garis (-): Ketuk dan tahan, lalu lepaskan. Input Waktu: Tunggu setidaknya 1,5 detik sebelum memasukkan urutan kedua dari sebuah huruf untuk memastikan aplikasi mengenalinya dengan benar. Kode Morse Daily Cipher untuk 9 Juli 2024   Jawaban Sandikharian: DAG Urutan D: – . . (tanda hubung titik titik) A: . – (titik tanda hubung) G: – – . (tanda hubung tanda hubung titik) Cara Membuka Kode Sandikharian Ikuti langkah-langkah ini untuk membuka kode Sandikharian Hamster Kombat pada 9 Juli 2024:   Buka layar input kode Morse. Ketuk dan tahan, lalu ketuk dua kali untuk 'D'. Ketuk sekali, lalu ketuk dan tahan untuk 'A'. Ketuk dan tahan dua kali, lalu ketuk sekali untuk 'G'. Kombinasi Harian Hamster Kombat: Dapatkan 5 Juta Koin Kombinasi Harian sangat sederhana. Anda perlu menemukan tiga kartu khusus di antara tugas-tugas yang tersedia. Seperti Sandikharian, teka-teki ini berubah setiap hari dan memiliki jawaban universal untuk semua pemain.   Kartu Kombinasi Harian Hamster Kombat untuk 9 Juli 2024 Peringkat 10 Besar Global (Spesial) Tim Keamanan (PR&Tim) Hanya 4 Terbaik yang Tersisa (Spesial)   Cara Membuka Kunci Kombinasi Harian di Hamster Kombat  Selesaikan tugas yang ditentukan dalam permainan untuk membuka kartu Kombinasi Harian berikut untuk 9 Juli:   Peringkat 10 Besar Global (Spesial) Tim Keamanan (PR&Tim) Hanya 4 Terbaik yang Tersisa (Spesial) Catatan: Anda mungkin perlu mengundang lebih banyak teman ke dalam permainan jika belum melakukannya untuk membuka kartu spesial dalam permainan.   Lebih Banyak Cara untuk Menambang Koin Hamster Undang Anggota: Beberapa kombinasi harian mungkin melibatkan mengundang anggota baru. Bergabung dengan Saluran: Tugas mungkin termasuk bergabung dengan saluran Telegram. Interaksi Media Sosial: Mengikuti akun di Twitter, Facebook, atau Instagram juga bisa menjadi bagian dari tugas harian. Berlangganan saluran YouTube resmi Hamster Kombat dan menonton video untuk mendapatkan 100.000 koin per tugas. Tandai untuk Pembaruan Harian Tandai halaman ini dengan tagar Hamster Kombat yang dapat Anda temukan di bagian bawah halaman ini. Tetap terbarui akan memastikan Anda tidak pernah ketinggalan hadiah harian Anda.   Kesimpulan Menguasai Sandi Harian dan Kombinasi Harian di Hamster Kombat sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan emas dalam permainan Anda. Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat dengan mudah membuka hadiah harian ini dan meningkatkan permainan Anda. Saat Anda membuka lebih banyak hadiah dan menambang lebih banyak koin, Anda bisa naik level dalam permainan, meningkatkan pertukaran Anda, dan berpotensi meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kripto saat airdrop HMSTR ditayangkan.  Anda juga dapat memperdagangkan token Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) di platform perdagangan Pre-market KuCoin sebelum peluncuran resmi token di pasar spot.

Bitcoin ETF Investors Buy the Dip: Traders Capitalize on Market Dip with $300M Inflows

Bitcoin (BTC), the leading cryptocurrency by market value, experienced a sharp decline of over 17% in the past four weeks, dropping to $57,200. This decline caused significant volatility in memecoins and other risky digital assets. However, the broader market outlook remains optimistic, with several supportive macroeconomic factors suggesting a potential recovery once current supply pressures subside.   Quick Take  Bitcoin ETFs saw nearly $300 million in net inflows on July 8, indicating strong investor confidence despite recent market declines. The G-7 economies are in an expansion phase, encouraging investment in growth-sensitive assets like bitcoin. The U.S. CPI slowdown may lead to Fed rate cuts, potentially boosting demand for bitcoin. Technical analysis suggests BTC could soon gain upward momentum, with a crucial retest of the $58,000 resistance level on the horizon. BTC ETFs Record Almost $300M in Inflows Spot Bitcoin ETF inflows on July 8 | Source: CoinDesk    On July 8, spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) saw nearly $300 million in net inflows, marking the highest buying activity since early June, according to a report from CoinDesk. BlackRock’s IBIT led the inflows, followed by Fidelity’s FBTC. Despite significant selling pressures from sources like the Mt. Gox repayments and German government BTC transfers, investors view these as buying opportunities. CoinShares reported digital asset investment products saw inflows totaling $441 million, reflecting confidence in the market's resilience.   Read more: Mt. Gox Resumes Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Repayments Amid Market Uncertainty   Bitcoin’s History Suggests 9% Average Returns in July Historically, July has been a bullish month for the crypto market, with an average return of 9%, according to a report on CoinDesk. This trend is expected to continue, bolstered by the positive macroeconomic indicators and renewed interest in Bitcoin ETFs. The recent inflows into BTC ETFs signal strong investor confidence, despite ongoing market turbulence.   Bitcoin dominance | Source: TradingView    Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s dominance has steadily increased over the past six months. The figure has been rising especially since the fourth Bitcoin halving which took place in April 2024. At the time of writing, Bitcoin dominance holds above 54%, an indicator of rising investor confidence in the leading crypto amid the downward market sentiment recently.    Bitcoin Faced the Crucial Resistance at $58,000 Bitcoin's price remains in bearish territory, currently below the 200-day exponential moving average (EMA). The price is attempting to surpass the weaker resistance at $57,000. If successful, BTC is likely to rise and retest the stronger resistance at $58,000, which aligns with the 200-day EMA.   Upwards Momentum on the Horizon BTC/USDT price chart | Source: TradingView    On the weekly timeframe, BTC faces significant resistances that could potentially reject any rally. However, the stochastic RSI, a key indicator, is showing signs of a bullish crossover from the bottom, which occurs roughly every six months. This crossover is happening now, suggesting a potential momentum boost for Bitcoin.   The stochastic RSI's double bottom on the weekly chart is a notable event. This pattern can provide a substantial momentum boost, potentially dragging Bitcoin back into a bull market uptrend. Despite a fakeout in early June, the current setup indicates that a revival could be underway, starting with this momentum shift.   Other Macroeconomic Factors Supporting Bitcoin’s Uptrend Here’s a look at some other supporting macroeconomic factors from around the world that have also contributed to Bitcoin’s rebound above $57,000:    G-7 Economies in Expansion Phase OECD composite leading indicators | Source: CoinDesk    The G-7, a group of advanced economies, is currently in an expansionary phase of the business cycle, according to the OECD's composite leading indicator. This phase typically encourages investors to deploy funds into risky, growth-sensitive assets like bitcoin and stocks. The indicator has crossed above 100, signaling above-trend growth and acceleration, which bodes well for BTC and other risk assets.   CPI Slowdown and Fed's Potential Rate Cuts The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is expected to report a 3.1% annual increase in the consumer price index (CPI) for June, down from May's 3.3%. This slowdown indicates progress toward the Federal Reserve's 2% inflation target, increasing the likelihood of rate cuts. Such cuts could further drive demand for bitcoin. Historically, weaker-than-expected CPI prints have boosted inflows into bitcoin ETFs, supporting the cryptocurrency's market value.   Read more: Bitcoin Price Experiences Slight Dip After Fed Decisions and CPI Data   Wall Street's Tech Optimism NDX/SPX ratio at record highs, a bullish signal for Bitcoin? | Source: CoinDesk    Wall Street's tech sector remains highly optimistic, as evidenced by the new record highs in the ratio between the Nasdaq index (NDX) and the broader S&P 500 (SPX). Since 2017, Bitcoin has moved in tandem with this ratio, often rallying when tech stocks outperform. The current surge in the NDX/SPX ratio signals a bullish outlook for Bitcoin.   Investor Concerns and Market Reality Despite concerns about a potential meltdown in U.S. stocks, indicators suggest that the equity market is not in a bubble. Margin debt growth remains below equity market capitalization, and investor positioning in S&P 500 and Nasdaq futures is neutral. This stability, combined with a steady performance in gold, supports the broader macroeconomic environment, favoring assets like Bitcoin.   Bullish Outlook for Bitcoin While the recent decline in Bitcoin's price has caused concern, the broader economic indicators and investor behavior suggest a potential recovery. The expansionary phase of the G-7 economies, expected CPI slowdown, and tech sector optimism on Wall Street provide a supportive backdrop for Bitcoin. Additionally, the significant inflows into BTC ETFs indicate a renewed interest in the cryptocurrency. As the market navigates through current challenges, Bitcoin's resilience and potential for growth remain strong.  

TapSwap Daily Cinema Secret Codes, July 9: Answers and Rewards

Unlock 400,000 coins on TapSwap by solving the special codes for July 9. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the TapSwap Telegram game.   Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks on July 9 and use the given codes to earn up to 200,000 coins per task. Discover more ways to earn more coins in the TapSwap game. An Introduction to TapSwap Telegram Game  TapSwap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. The game’s developers have confirmed a delay of the official TapSwap token launch to Q3 2024. However, when the token launches, you will be able to convert your in-game earnings to crypto and potentially trade them after the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch.   Daily rewards play a crucial role within the TapSwap gaming ecosystem, but new players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses and earn more rewards while playing the game.    Read on to unlock the answers to the TapSwap Daily Secret Cinema Codes for July 9, 2024.    Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game   Today’s TapSwap Secret Cinema Codes for July 9, 2024   Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 400,000 coins:   Task: Warren Buffet Rules Answer: ABENOMICS Task: Fake a News and Real News Answer: G5D73H20 How to Complete TapSwap Secret Codes  To complete TapSwap daily codes today, follow these steps:   Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Cinema” option and scroll down to see the latest task videos.  Select the video you have not watched yet and click Start Mission to watch the entire video.  In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Watch the video, find the code and paste it here.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Submit.”  Click “Finish Mission” to claim your rewards and move to the next task.  The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you enter this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to level up in the game.   The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes!   More Ways to Earn TapSwap Coins Invite Your Friends: Some tasks might involve inviting new members to join TapSwap. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Ensure that you subscribe to the official TapSwap YouTube channel so you can watch videos and unlock more rewards daily. Bookmark for the Latest TapSwap Codes  Bookmark this page with the hashtag of Tapswap and check back daily to get the latest TapSwap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too.    Stay updated and have fun playing!   Conclusion  The daily cinema secret codes on TapSwap help you unlock more in-game coins for today. This guide can help you unlock more daily rewards and boost your gameplay. In addition to leveling up in the game, earning more coins on TapSwao also increases your chances of getting more crypto when the TapSwap token launches. However, it’s not a guarantee that you can monetize your coins when the tokens are officially launched. Please do your own research before making investments.    Read more: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher Morse Code for July 9: Answers

Top 5 Altcoins to Watch for the Next Bull Run

As the crypto market gears up for what could be the biggest bull run in history, investors are focusing on promising altcoins. Among the top contenders are Kaspa (KAS), NEAR Protocol (NEAR), Solana (SOL), Toncoin (TON), and TRON (TRX). These projects are capturing investor interest and showing serious potential for massive gains.   Quick Take  Kaspa (KAS) reached an all-time high, showcasing strong investor interest and a bullish outlook for its future. NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is driving growth with AI-focused initiatives, enhancing its technological capabilities and user experience. Solana (SOL) maintains stability with swift transaction processing and solid infrastructure, attracting a robust developer and investor base. Toncoin (TON) offers scalability and ease of use, being created by Telegram and favored for its low transaction costs. TRON (TRX) is a prominent player in decentralized digital entertainment, consistently growing its network activity and value. Kaspa (KAS) Hits a New All-Time High KAS/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Kaspa (KAS) is making waves with its privacy-focused blockchain platform. On June 30, Kaspa hit an all-time high price of $0.19. This peak highlighted significant investor interest, signaling Kaspa’s path to major growth this year.   Kaspa’s unique attributes include fast transaction speeds and efficient, stateless money solutions. The platform also boasts a rising hash rate and a growing number of miners, indicating increasing interest and profitability in mining Kaspa. Recently, Marathon Digital announced its intention to mine $16 million worth of KAS, further boosting confidence in Kaspa’s future prospects.   Despite a recent correction, Kaspa remains robust with a strong buying pressure indicated by its RSI. Analysts project Kaspa could see a 100x increase from its current price, potentially reaching $18 by June 2029. This optimism is fueled by significant institutional inflows from entities like Fidelity and Ark Investment, indicating a strong foundation for future growth.    NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Focusing on AI NEAR Protocol crosses 450 million transactions | Source: Flipside on X   NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has seen substantial growth in token price and transaction volumes since early 2024. The launch of innovative features like Chain Signatures and the integration of HERE Wallet with Telegram have significantly enhanced NEAR Protocol’s accessibility and user experience.   NEAR Protocol’s focus on AI has been a key driver of its growth. Initiatives like the NEAR.AI R&D Lab aim to improve consensus algorithms, enhance security, and introduce new economic models. These advancements make NEAR Protocol a standout in the blockchain space.   With over 450 million transactions and 12.3 million unique addresses, NEAR Protocol has captured significant market attention. The recent surge in transactions and new addresses has positively impacted NEAR’s price, positioning it for potential upward movement. The Money Flow Index and MACD indicators suggest a bullish trend, with increased user engagement driving market sentiment.   Solana (SOL): The Top Challenger to Ethereum  Solana (SOL) is known for its swift transaction processing and solid infrastructure. As a Layer 1 solution, Solana has built a large following, showcased by its vibrant ecosystem and the increasing number of developers crafting decentralized apps.   Despite recent market fluctuations, Solana has maintained a stable price. It currently stands at $141, reflecting a 5% rise since yesterday and a substantial 612% increase over the last year. Solana's position as the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap highlights its significant investor trust and potential for further gains this summer.    ​​The Coinmarketcap H1 2024 report reveals that Solana has surpassed Ethereum in daily active addresses, reaching over 1.6 million in June 2024 compared to Ethereum's 450,000. This shift is driven by the rising popularity of Solana's memecoins. Solana's ecosystem has seen faster growth in new token listings and significant gains in its memecoin market cap, highlighting its growing influence.    Read more: Solana Flips Ethereum in Dai;y Active Addresses in June: CMC H1 2024 Report    The potential launch of a spot Solana ETF could further drive its value. If approved, such an ETF could push Solana’s price up to $1,300, mirroring the financial trajectory seen with Bitcoin’s own ETF developments. This anticipated approval underscores the growing institutional interest in Solana and its long-term potential.   Read more: VanEck Files for First Solana ETF in the U.S.: A Potential Game Changer?    Jump Crypto is offering a bug bounty program for the upcoming Firedancer validator client, with a reward pool of $1 million paid in USDC. Participants have a chance to earn up to $1 million by finding bugs in Firedancer, aimed at improving Solana's network performance. Firedancer, led by Cantelope Peel, is expected to play a crucial role in Solana's network by processing transactions efficiently. Implemented in C and C++, Firedancer aims to increase the speed of the Solana network and is actively being tested for optimal performance.   Toncoin (TON): Boosting Web3 Adoption with Telegram Games Toncoin spot volume rises | Source: Santiment   Toncoin (TON), created by Telegram, offers advanced layer-1 infrastructure with low transaction costs and quick processing speeds. This platform caters effectively to a broad audience, distinguishing itself through its scalability and ease of use. The Open Network (TON) has enjoyed a surge in TVL and adoption amid the rising popularity of Telegram-based crypto games, including Notcoin, Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, and Pixelverse. Boasting millions of players, each of these games has the potential to onboard several web2 users into the web3 world. The TON blockchain’s integration with Telegram helps the ecosystem enjoy the most uptick as these games move into the crypto space and launch their respective tokens. While Notcoin had around 35 million players at the time of the NOT token launch, Hamster Kombat already boasts over 239 million users before the upcoming HMSTR TGE and airdrop.    The price of Toncoin is currently $7.59, with a 5% increase within the last day and a 4% gain this month. Over the last year, Toncoin has surged by 451%, marking it as a promising investment. Toncoin's position as the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap indicates its strong market trend and potential for high returns.   TRON (TRX): A Decentralized Entertainment Leader TRON’s average daily transactions climb steadily | Source: TRONScan    TRON (TRX) has emerged as a prominent player in the decentralized digital entertainment sector. Over the past year, TRON’s value has increased by 67%, drawing significant investor attention. The platform's expanding Total Value Locked (TVL) demonstrates its growing role in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.   TRX trades at $0.13 with a market capitalization of $11 billion, positioning it as the 11th largest cryptocurrency. This strong market position reflects robust investor confidence and potential for further growth in the upcoming bull run.    Conclusion As the summer progresses, keep an eye on these altcoins. Their innovative approaches and expanding user bases could lead to significant market gains. However, always remember that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. Market volatility and macroeconomic factors can impact prices, so it's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before investing.  

Tapswap Daily Cinema Secret Codes for July 8: Answers to Know

Unlock 200,000 coins on Tapswap by solving the special codes for July 8. Read on to find the answers for the day and learn how to maximize your earnings in the Tapswap Telegram game.   Quick Take Complete specific daily tasks on July 8 and use the given codes to earn up to 200,000 coins per task. You can also find more ways to increase your earning potential in the Tapswap game. All About Tapswap Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Tapswap is a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can accumulate coins by completing tasks and missions. As per the official announcement, TapSwap token launch is delayed to some time in Q3 2024. These coins can be traded once they are potentially launched on big exchanges following the TapSwap airdrop. The game has gained significant popularity for offering daily codes that provide players with extra bonus points or coins, by which you can leverage to maximize your rewards potential before their launch.   Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Tapswap gaming ecosystem. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game coins.   To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for the Tapswap Daily Codes for July 8, 2024.   Read more: How to Mine More Coins on TapSwap Telegram Crypto Game   Today’s Tapswap Secret Cinema Codes for July 8, 2024   Here are the answers to the daily TapSwap tasks that can earn you 2 million coins:    Task: How to Earn Money on Crypto Answer: genesis Task: Tapswap Education - What is Bitcoin? Answer: D57U94 Task: Learn 5 Crypto Terms Answer: 2614907 Task: New in the Crypto World Answer: 739551 Task: Tapswap Education Answer: 030072 Task: Watch the First Token Video Answer: (You only have to watch the video) Task: Learn What TON Is Answer: 548719 Task: Watch New Video Answer: 5 Task: Watch the First Video Answer: 739002 Task: Drops & Rise Answer: 27F53K9 Task: 5 Ways to Make Money on Crypto Answer: encryption How to Complete Tapswap All Codes Today To complete Tapswap daily codes today, follow these steps:   Open the TapSwap app on your phone. On the home screen, look for the “Mission” or “Task” section. Go to the cinema code section. Click on the “Movies” option and find “Today’s Code.” In the same section, you will see a box labeled “Enter code.” Paste the copied code here. After pasting the code, click on a button labeled “Deposit” or “Receive.” The TapSwap Code is a special code given by the developer. When you put this code in the TapSwap app, you get game coins. You can use these coins to buy different things in the game.    The developer gives out a new TapSwap Code every day. So, check our updates daily for the latest codes!   More Ways to Earn Tapswap Coins Invite Members: Some tasks might involve inviting new members to join Tapswap. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Remember to subscribe to the official Tapswap YouTube channel so you can watch videos and earn coins per task. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page and check back daily to get the latest Tapswap codes. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so they can get the codes too. Stay updated and have fun playing!   Conclusion Mastering the daily codes in Tapswap is essential for maximizing your in-game coins. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Accumulating more coins can help you level up in the game and potentially trade them on a cryptocurrency wallet online when they are listed.   Stay tuned for more updates and tips on how to maximize your earnings in Tapswap!  

Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 8: Answers to Know

Unlock 6 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 8. Read on to know what the answers for the day are, and how to maximize your earnings on the Hamster Kombat Telegram game.   Quick Take Solve a Daily Cipher Morse code puzzle to unlock 1 million coins for July 8. Complete specific daily tasks of July 8 and select the right combination of cards for Daily Combo to earn 5 million coins. You can also find more ways to increase your earning potential in the Hamster Kombat game. All About Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Hamster Kombat is a sensational tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can become the CEO of your very own crypto exchange. The viral crypto game has gained over 239 million players within 3 months of launch, according to Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram.    Hamster gained such a strong foothold thanks to its offering of a fun and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token generation event (TGE).   Daily rewards play a crucial role within the Hamster Kombat gaming ecosystem. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game gold.   To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for both the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo for July 8, 2024.   Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher   Daily Cipher: Earn 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. A new cipher is released daily, the same for all players. Here’s how you can decode it:   Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Daily Cipher for July 8, 2024 Daily Cipher Answer: HALVE Sequence: . . . . (H) . - (A) . - . . (L) . . . - (V) . (E) How to Unlock Daily Cipher Morse Code Follow these steps to unlock the Daily Cipher code for July 8, 2024:   Open the Morse code input screen. Tap the hamster four times for ‘H’. Tap once, then tap and hold for ‘A’. Tap once, hold and release, tap once, hold and release for ‘L’. Tap three times, then hold and release for ‘V’. Tap once for ‘E’. Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the available tasks. Like the Daily Cipher, this puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players.   Daily Combo Cards for July 8, 2024 CEO NFT Collection Launch Leaderboards   Unlocking Daily Combo Complete tasks specified in the game to unlock the following Daily Combo cards for July 8:   CEO (PR&Team) NFT Collection Launch (Special Cards) Leaderboards (Markets) Note: You will need to invite more friends to the game, if you have not yet done so, to unlock the NFT Collection Launch special card in the game.    More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Remember to subscribe to the official Hamster Kombat YouTube channel so you can watch videos and earn 100,000 coins per task.  Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page with the Hamster Kombat hashtag, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards.   Conclusion Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Accumulating more coins can help you level up in the game, upgrade your exchange, and potentially boost your chances of earning more tokens when the HMSTR airdrop is launched.    You can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on KuCoin Pre-market ahead of the official token launch on the spot market.  

Mt. Gox Resumes Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Repayments Amid Market Uncertainty

Mt. Gox, the infamous crypto exchange, has started repaying its debts in Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to rehabilitation creditors. These repayments are being processed through designated crypto exchanges, adhering to the rehabilitation plan. According to an X post by the MtGoxBalanceBot, the Mt. Gox Trustee holds 94,457 BTC, with 47,288 BTC moved from these addresses since.   Quick Take Rehabilitation creditors receive repayments from Mt. Gox in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash via designated exchanges. Repayments will occur only after confirming account validity and acceptance of Agency Receipt Agreement by creditors. Bitcoin price drops over 5% on July 5, amid repayment news and market fears. Analysts predict potential further declines, but long-term bullish outlook remains. The Rise and Fall of Mt. Gox Mt. Gox, founded in 2010 by Jed McCaleb, was once the largest BTC exchange, handling 70% of global BTC transactions. McCaleb sold the exchange to Mark Karpelès in 2011. However, in early 2014, Mt. Gox suspended all BTC withdrawals due to technical issues and later revealed a long-standing security breach that resulted in the loss of approximately 850,000 BTC. The exchange filed for bankruptcy in February 2014, and in 2018, the case transitioned to civil rehabilitation. In 2019, Karpelès was convicted of falsifying financial records.   Reddit Users Report Receiving BTC, BCH Repayments  Example of a Reddit user confirming Mt. Gox repayment | Source: Cointelegraph    Several Reddit users have reported receiving BTC and BCH repayments credited to their accounts. One user shared an email from Mt. Gox, detailing the blockchain transfer of the repayable BTC/BCH amount as part of the Base Repayment and the Early Lump-Sum Repayment or the Intermediate Repayment. The email lists "MtGox Co., Ltd." as the Rehabilitation Debtor and Nobuaki Kobayashi, Attorney-at-law, as the Rehabilitation Trustee.   Mt. Gox’s Conditions for Repayments Mt. Gox’s official confirmation about BTC, BCH repayments | Source: Mt. Gox    The remaining rehabilitation creditors will receive their repayments once several conditions are met. These include confirming account validity and creditors' acceptance of the intent to subscribe to the Agency Receipt Agreement by designated exchanges. Additionally, the repayment procedures between the Rehabilitation Trustee and exchanges must be finalized to ensure safe and secure transactions.   Bitcoin Drops Over 5% Amid Mt. Gox Reimbursements  BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin   Bitcoin faces significant market pressure as Mt. Gox's reimbursements trigger a major liquidation cascade. On July 5, Bitcoin's price dropped 5%, hitting a low of $53,600 on KuCoin. Traders are now focusing on the $52,000 support level, a critical point for Bitcoin's supertrend indicator on weekly timeframes.   Popular trader Matthew Hyland notes that this support level has been a foundation for Bitcoin's price since mid-March's $73,800 all-time high. The supertrend line, which uses the average true range to delineate buy and sell phases, has kept BTC/USD above it since the end of 2022.   Read more: Bitcoin Slides Under $59k as Mt. Gox Repayments Begin: Is It Time to Buy the Dip?   Analysts Caution Against Reacting to Drawdowns  BTC/USD chart | Source: Rekt Capital    Adam Back, founder and CEO of Blockstream, advises investors to remain calm and increase their exposure to Bitcoin and MicroStrategy stock, highlighting that historical bull markets have seen multiple 30% drawdowns. Similarly, analyst Rekt Capital observes that the current pullback is an average retrace in depth and above-average in duration, suggesting that Bitcoin's price history is "repeating as we speak."   Bitcoin’s Long-term Bullish Outlook Still Holds Despite the short-term bearish sentiment, some analysts remain optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term prospects. Josh Gilbert from eToro points to potential catalysts such as Federal Reserve interest rate cuts and the approval of an Ethereum ETF by the SEC, which could significantly boost the crypto market. Swyftx analyst Pav Hundal echoes this sentiment, emphasizing that while the short-term outlook may be challenging, the long-term macro conditions remain positive.   Conclusion Mt. Gox's repayment process marks a significant milestone in the rehabilitation of the once-dominant exchange. While the immediate market reaction has been volatile, the long-term outlook for Bitcoin remains positive, with potential catalysts on the horizon. As the crypto market navigates these developments, investors are advised to stay informed and consider both short-term risks and long-term opportunities.  

Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 5: How to Unlock More Rewards

Unlock 6 million coins on Hamster Kombat by solving the Daily Combo and Daily Cipher for July 5. Read on to know what the answers for the day are, and how to maximize your earnings on the Hamster Kombat Telegram game.    Quick Take Daily Cipher: Solve a Morse code puzzle to unlock 1 million coins. Daily Combo: Complete specific daily tasks to earn 5 million coins. Easy-to-follow Instructions: Detailed steps to successfully unlock both rewards. All About Hamster Kombat Tap-to-Earn Telegram Game Hamster Kombat is a viral tap-to-earn Telegram game where you can become the CEO of your very own crypto exchange. With over 200 million players, the game offers a fun and rewarding experience with its daily bonuses. Unlocking these rewards can significantly boost your in-game gold as you prepare for the upcoming Hamster Kombat airdrop and HMSTR token launch.    In Hamster Kombat, daily rewards play a crucial role. New players might find it challenging to unlock these rewards initially. However, with this guide, you’ll quickly learn how to maximize your daily bonuses, adding a significant boost to your in-game gold.   To make your gameplay easier and earn more rewards, we’ve compiled the answers for both the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo for July 5, 2024.   Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher   Daily Cipher: Earn 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. Each day, a new cipher is released, the same for all players. Here’s how you can decode it:   Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Daily Cipher for July 5, 2024 Daily Cipher Answer: STAKE Sequence: . . . (S) _ (T) . _ (A) _ . _ (K) . (E) How to Unlock Daily Cipher Morse Code Follow these steps for unlock the Daily Cipher code for July 5, 2024:    Open the Morse code input screen. Tap the hamster three times for ‘S’. Tap and hold for ‘T’. Tap once, hold and release for ‘A’. Tap, hold and release, wait, then tap for ‘K’. Tap once for ‘E’. Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the available tasks. Like the Daily Cipher, this puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players.   Daily Combo Cards for July 5, 2024 Riyadh Masters 2024 (Special) CX Hub Istanbul (Special) UX and UI team (PR&Team)   Unlocking Daily Combo Complete tasks specified in the game to unlock the following Daily Combo cards for July 5:    Riyadh Masters 2024 (Special) CX Hub Istanbul (Special) UX and UI team (PR&Team)   More Ways to Mine Hamster Coins Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Bookmark for Daily Updates Bookmark this page at the Hamster Kombat hashtag which you can find at the bottom of this page. Staying updated will ensure you never miss out on your daily rewards.   Conclusion Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. By following this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for daily updates and enjoy the rewards!   You can also trade Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) tokens on KuCoin Pre-market ahead of the official token launch on the spot market.   

Bitcoin Slides Under $59k as Mt. Gox Repayments Begin: Is It Time to Buy the Dip?

The Bitcoin market faced a significant downturn today. The cryptocurrency fell from a high of $61,055 to a low of $57,800. As of now, Bitcoin is trading at $58,854.99, marking a 3.60% decline. Ethereum and Solana followed suit, dropping by 4.40% and 8.96%, respectively.   Quick Take  Bitcoin plunges to $57,800, affecting the entire crypto market. The Crypto Fear and Greed Index shows increased fear among investors. Despite the dip amid crypto whale sell-offs, retail investors are buying the dip. Upcoming repayments from Mt. Gox are expected to affect the market. Fundstrat’s Tom Lee remains optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term potential. Bitcoin Takes a Hit  BTC/USDT price chart | Source: KuCoin    Bitcoin is currently 20.2% below its all-time high of $73,750.07, reached in March 2024. This dip brings Bitcoin to a two-month low. Experts link this drop to the impending Mt. Gox fund repayments, which will be made in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. These repayments might put selling pressure on the market.   Read more: Will $10 Billion in Bitcoin Repayments from Mt. Gox Weaken BTC Price?   Can BTC Drop to $48-$50k? Not everyone shares Lee's optimism. Kudret Ayyldr, research manager at GCM Investment, suggests that Bitcoin's inability to stay above $67,500 could lead to a further drop to the $48-50K range. This prediction reflects the current market's uncertainty and the possibility of further corrections.   Crypto Whales Sell Millions of BTC, but Retail Investors Buy the Dip  ‘Buy the dip’ trends on social media | Source: Santiment    The market saw significant sell-offs by crypto whales. According to a report on BeInCrypto, a whale wallet deposited 1,800 BTC, worth $106.08 million, into Binance. This large deposit suggests a potential sale. Over the past week, this whale has transferred 5,281 BTC, worth around $423 million, to Binance.   Despite the bearish market, retail investors are buying the dip aggressively. Data from Santiment shows that mentions of "buy the dip" on social platforms like Reddit, X (formerly Twitter), 4chan, and Bitcoin Talk have doubled. Santiment's data indicates that retail buyers see this as an opportunity to accumulate Bitcoin below $60,000. This behavior indicates that many see the current dip as a buying opportunity.   Crypto fear and greed index | Source: Alternative    The Crypto Fear and Greed Index is at 44, indicating fear in the market. On June 25, it hit an 18-month low of 31. This index reflects investor sentiment, and the current score suggests a cautious market environment.   Mt. Gox Repayments Weigh the Market Down  Tom Lee, founder of Fundstrat, attributes the negative sentiment to the upcoming Mt. Gox repayments. Mt. Gox will return $9 billion worth of Bitcoin to its creditors in July. This situation has created concerns that a significant sell-off might occur if creditors decide to liquidate their recovered Bitcoin.   Despite these concerns, Lee remains bullish. He predicts that Bitcoin can hit $150,000 before the end of 2024. He believes that the removal of the Mt. Gox overhang will lead to a sharp market rebound in the second half of the year.   Notional Open Interest in Bitcoin Futures Drops by 18%  Bitcoin open interest-weighted funding rate | Source: CoinGlass    The futures market shows mixed signals. Notional open interest in Bitcoin futures has dropped by 18% over the past month, as per a report on CoinDesk. However, open interest in BTC terms has remained steady. This suggests that while the market has seen a reduction in bullish bets, traders are still placing long positions.   Positive funding rates indicate a bias for bullish bets. This, coupled with steady open interest, suggests that traders are hopeful for a market rebound once the selling pressure subsides.   Spot and Options Traders Place Bullish Bets  Activity in the spot and options markets also indicate a potential upside. Crypto whales have been buying the dips since late June. Margin long positions have steadily increased, showing continued confidence among large investors.   BTC margin long positions | Source: CoinGlass    QCP Capital reports that traders are buying topside bets in the options market, anticipating a year-end rally. This behavior aligns with the observation of significant interest in longer-term options at higher strike prices.   Conclusion The Bitcoin market is currently experiencing a significant downturn. However, retail investors and some large players remain bullish, buying the dip and placing long positions. The upcoming Mt. Gox repayments are expected to create short-term volatility, but experts like Tom Lee remain optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term potential. The market's current state reflects a complex mix of fear and hope, with investors watching closely for signs of a rebound.   Crypto analyst Cold Blooded Shiller advises caution. He suggests that traders adapt to market momentum but also emphasizes the importance of patience. He recommends avoiding active trading during such volatile conditions and instead focusing on strategic patience until the market stabilizes.  

Toncoin Price Surged 40% in H1, 2024, What’s the Next Target?

Toncoin (TON) from The Open Network led the price performance among the top 50 tokens by market capitalization for the second quarter. According to a report shared by CryptoKory on X, TON’s value surged over 40% in the last 90 days, elevating it to the eighth position among top cryptocurrencies by market cap. This surge is attributed to its association with Telegram, whose integration has opened the door to crypto for millions of mainstream users.   Quick Take  Toncoin (TON) led the top 50 tokens by market capitalization with a 40% value increase, elevating it to the eighth position among top cryptocurrencies. The integration of TON with Telegram has significantly boosted its user base and adoption. Total Value Locked (TVL) in Ton Blockchain has surged from $13.51 million to $725.31 million in 2024. Recent price trends suggest a bullish sentiment for Toncoin, with potential for further gains. Toncoin becomes the best-performing leading crypto | Source: CryptoKoryo on X   Toncoin's Ecosystem Expansion The Ton blockchain has witnessed exponential growth in TVL, skyrocketing from $13.51 million at the beginning of the year to a staggering $725.31 million as of July 3rd, 2024. This substantial increase underscores the expansion of the TON ecosystem and investor confidence in its underlying infrastructure, as per analysis by CryptoPolitan.   Toncoin among the top-performing large-cap coins | Source: Coinmarketcap   Telegram Stars: A New Integration In an effort to reach a billion active users and become profitable, Telegram has introduced various business-centric features, including a digital currency called Stars. Initially launched for paying for digital goods offered by bots and apps within Telegram, Stars can now be converted to Toncoin, expanding its use cases.   Content creators can post content that users can unlock with Telegram Stars. Additionally, channel owners can withdraw Stars and convert them to Toncoin using the Fragment platform. If you have Toncoin, you can trade crypto through various exchanges and transfer money to your bank account. Telegram has been using this portal to auction usernames over The Open Network (TON) blockchain.   Channel owners can also use Stars to get discounts on ads to promote their channels. With its latest update, Telegram has added a Mini App bar at the bottom to let users quickly access mini apps without having to reload them. These integrations have significantly boosted Toncoin's utility and adoption.   Read more: Telegram Launches In-App Token 'Stars' Amid Rising Toncoin Buzz   Can Toncoin and TON Ecosystem Get a Boost from Hamster Kombat TGE?  The upcoming Token Generation Event (TGE) of the highly anticipated Telegram clicker game, Hamster Kombat, scheduled for July 2024, has captured the attention of both gaming enthusiasts and crypto investors. Set to utilize Ton Blockchain for token generation and airdrop distribution, this event has further buoyed sentiment, potentially propelling Toncoin toward new highs.   In addition to Hamster Kombat, other Telegram games like TapSwap, Pixelverse, Blum, and Gemz have also helped drive increased activity. Their integration with the TON network could also help onboard more users to the web3 ecosystem, driving higher on-chain activity and TVL in The Open Network in the coming months.    Toncoin Technical Outlook: $7.5 Support Under Test?  Toncoin 30-day price performance | Source: CryptoQuant    Toncoin has navigated a tumultuous path in recent weeks, reflecting both resilience and volatility in the crypto market. Initially soaring to an all-time high of $8.182 on June 15th, Ton faced formidable resistance amidst heightened selling pressure, forcing a retreat to solid support at $6.79—a level it steadfastly defended.   Recent trends, however, paint a more optimistic picture for Toncoin enthusiasts. Since June 19th, the coin has embarked on an upward trajectory, forming distinct higher highs and higher lows within a nearly parallel channel. This pattern suggests a bullish sentiment above the critical support level of $7.79. With this support level being breached, Toncoin price could see a retest of the $7.5 mark, underscoring the critical nature of current price dynamics.   Conclusion Toncoin (TON) has navigated a tumultuous path in recent weeks, reflecting both resilience and volatility in the crypto market. As Toncoin moves through these critical junctures, stakeholders remain poised for further developments that could shape its trajectory in the evolving landscape of digital assets.   With its growing ecosystem, integration with Telegram, and promising technical outlook, Toncoin stands out as a notable player in the cryptocurrency market. The combination of user-friendly features, strategic partnerships, and innovative solutions positions Toncoin for potential success and growth.   However, it's essential to remember that the cryptocurrency market is inherently volatile and unpredictable. Investors should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and consider the risks associated with market fluctuations before making investment decisions.  

Hamster Kombat Daily Combo and Daily Cipher, July 4: Answers

Hamster Kombat offers a unique gaming experience with daily rewards that significantly boost your in-game gold. The game’s Daily Combo cards and Daily Cipher code change daily, and cracking the correct answers can help you earn as much as 6 million coins every day. For new players, unlocking these rewards might seem challenging. This guide will help you unlock Daily Cipher and Daily Combo on July 4, ensuring you get your earnings in time.   Read more: What Is Hamster Kombat? A Guide to the Trending Telegram Crypto Game   Quick Take Solve a Morse code puzzle each day to unlock 1 million coins, enhancing your in-game currency effortlessly. Complete specific daily tasks to earn up to 5 million coins, giving your game a significant boost. Follow detailed, easy-to-understand instructions to successfully unlock both Daily Cipher and Daily Combo rewards. Hamster Kombat: A Clicker Game with Rewards Hamster Kombat is an online clicker game where performing specific tasks rewards you with coins. To drive higher engagement among players, Hamster Kombat has introduced Daily Combo and Daily Cipher features to help unlock more rewards. As the CEO of your own crypto exchange, you can use these and other features to mine more coins and scale your exchange.    These coins can later be converted to cash after the launch of the Hamster token and the Hamster Kombat airdrop. In addition to daily combos, the game offers daily ciphers and rewards, boosting your Points Per Hour (PPH).   Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher   Daily Cipher: Unlock 1 Million Coins The Daily Cipher involves solving a Morse code puzzle. Every day, a new cipher is released, and you can earn 1 million Hamster coins by solving the Daily Cipher morse code. Here’s how you can decode it:   Input a Dot (.): Tap the hamster once. Input a Dash (-): Tap and hold, then release. Input Timing: Wait for at least 1.5 seconds before entering the second sequence of a letter to ensure the app recognizes it correctly. Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher Code, July 4   For July 4, 2024, the Daily Cipher answer is "ORACLE". The sequence is:   _ _ _ (O) . _ . (R) . _ (A) _ . _ . (C) . _ . . (L) . (E) Congrats, you’ve now successfully unlocked 1 million in daily rewards!    Daily Combo: Earn 5 Million Coins The Daily Combo is straightforward. You need to find three specific cards among the tasks available. Like the Daily Cipher, the puzzle changes daily and has a universal answer for all players.   Hamster Kombat Daily Combo, July 4   For July 4, 2024, the Daily Combo tasks are:   GameFi Tokens Web3 Game Con SEC Transparency Completing these tasks will reward you with 5 million coins.   Hamster Kombat Daily Cipher and Combo Answers To ease your gameplay, here’s a list of the daily answers for both the cipher and combo:   Date Daily Cipher Answer Daily Combo Answer July 4, 2024 ORACLE SEC Transparency GameFi Tokens Web3 Game Con   Bookmark this page for daily updates on the cipher and combo answers.   Additional Tips to Mine More Hamster Coins  Invite Members: Some daily combos might involve inviting new members. Join Channels: Tasks may include joining Telegram channels. Social Media Engagement: Following handles on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can also be part of the daily tasks. Conclusion We will update the daily combos regularly. Bookmark this page at the Hamster Kombat hashtag which you can find at the bottom of this page. This way, you can stay informed about the latest tasks and rewards. Note that some tasks might be challenging, and it’s okay to complete what you can and wait for the next day.   Mastering the Daily Cipher and Daily Combo in Hamster Kombat is essential for maximizing your in-game gold. With this guide, you can easily unlock these daily rewards and boost your gameplay. Stay tuned for daily updates and enjoy the rewards!   By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the daily rewards in Hamster Kombat and make the most out of your gaming experience. Happy clicking!  

Solana Flips Ethereum in Daily Active Addresses in June: CMC H1 2024 Report

The rising popularity of the Solana ecosystem, especially its memecoins, looks set to challenge Ethereum’s dominance in the crypto market, according to Coinmarket’s H1 2024 report. Solana has already overtaken Ethereum in terms of daily active addresses in June 2024. Discover how the shift towards high-risk assets in Solana contrasts with Ethereum's focus on Real World Assets (RWA) and AI, and what it means in the Solana vs. Ethereum dynamics in the overall crypto market.    Quick Take Solana’s daily active addresses crossed 1.6 million in June 2024, overtaking Ethereum, which saw around 450,000 daily active addresses.  Solana's ecosystem, driven by memecoins, has gained significant attention and popularity since October 2023, indicating a growing prominence in the crypto space. Despite Solana’s lower gas fees, Ethereum leads in daily revenue and DeFi total value locked, while Solana focuses on meme-related transactions. In Q2 2024, Solana captured more attention than Ethereum, marking a significant trend shift. Since October 2023, Solana (SOL) and its memecoin ecosystem (valued at around $7 billion) have seen impressive gains in both price and popularity. While Solana hasn't overtaken Ethereum, the surge in interest highlights its growing influence in the crypto space.   Solana ecosystem sees faster growth than Ethereum | Source: Coinmarketcap    At the beginning of the year, Ethereum had a higher count of new token listings at 138 against Solana’s 119 listings. However, the Solana ecosystem has seen 147 new token listings since the beginning of 2024, while Ethereum has seen only 89 new token listings during this period.    Read more: Solana vs. Ethereum: Which Is Better in 2024?   Solana Leads with Over 1.6 Million Daily Active Addresses Solana leads in daily active addresses, boasting over 1.6 million, followed by BNB with 1 million. Both SUI and TON ecosystems have seen increased activity due to recent grants and popular projects.   Memecoins Dominate on Solana Memecoins are the driving force in Solana's ecosystem. Retail investors are prioritizing quick gains over traditional projects, reflecting an anti-establishment sentiment. The rapid liquidity influx into memecoins creates a casino-like atmosphere, where high-risk assets are preferred over value-oriented, traditional projects. Some of the best-performing memecoins on Solana include dogwifhat (WIF) with a market cap of over $543 million, Bonk ($374 million), and BOME ($159 million).    At the time of writing, Solana memecoins enjoy a market cap of under $7 billion as per data on CoinGecko. The overall memecoin sector is now valued at $48 billion, and is dominated by Ethereum-based tokens like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepe. The sector includes celebrity-based tokens, but has often been marred by controversy and potential regulatory scrutiny. Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin criticized the celebrity memecoin culture, urging creators to focus on projects offering public good.   Notwithstanding its challenges, new meme-based crypto projects are gaining momentum at unprecedented speeds. Even AI-themed tokens like Turbo are popular, marking a shift from traditional finance versus crypto to a new split between the establishment and anti-establishment forces within the crypto market.   Read more: Top Solana Memecoins to Watch in 2024   Memecoins dominate the Solana ecosystem | Source: Coinmarketcap, a memecoin generator on Solana and Blast blockchains, recently surpassed Ethereum in daily revenue for the first time, grossing $1.99 million compared to Ethereum’s $1.91 million. Despite a $2 million hack in May, has generated over $51.3 million in revenue since January, highlighting the booming memecoin trading frenzy on Solana.   Read more: Tops Ethereum in Daily Revenue with $2M Surge   Most memecoins are available for spot trading, but MarginFi plans to introduce mrgnswap for leveraged trading on Solana, potentially changing the memecoin trading landscape and offering more options for investors.   Ethereum Ecosystem Gains From RWA and AI Sectors  In contrast, Ethereum is focusing on Real World Assets (RWA) and AI distributed computing. This move aims to bridge traditional finance with blockchain technology. The DeFi sector is returning to its roots, with stablecoins now dominating interest. Previously, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and derivatives were the focal points, driving innovation and excitement. Now, stability and reliability are the focus, with stablecoins providing a secure medium for transactions, savings, and lending.   Ethereum Dominates L1 with 62% Market Share  Market cap of leading Layer-1 coins | Source: Coinmarketcap    The total market cap for Layer-1 Smart Contracts stands at $695.58 billion, with Ethereum holding a 62.11% dominance. The SEC’s approval of Ethereum Spot ETFs was a significant catalyst. BNB and Solana have been gaining momentum, adding $42 billion and $18 billion year-to-date, respectively.   Ethereum (+45.33%) ranks as the third-best-performing smart contract platform, behind Toncoin (+221.5%) and BNB (+83.6%). In contrast, Solana posted a moderate 17.4% gain year-to-date.   Ethereum Accounts for 70% of Daily Revenue Among Public Chains  Ethereum has seen record low gas fees in Q2, thanks to the adoption of Layer-2 solutions and the recent Dencun upgrade. Despite this, Ethereum accounts for 70% of daily revenue among major Layer-1s, at $2.7 million. Solana ranks second with around $900k daily revenue.   In DeFi, Ethereum holds a dominant 84.3% of the total value locked (TVL) market share with a TVL of over $57 billion against Solana’s TVL of $4.5 billion, driven by DEX trading and staking. Solana's transactions are mainly meme-related.   Ethereum vs. Solana: Institutional Investors’ Outlook Recent outflows from Ethereum investment products reflect growing investor concerns and profit-taking behaviors. Ethereum faces scalability issues and high transaction fees, prompting accelerated upgrades towards Ethereum 2.0. Meanwhile, Solana attracted $1.6 million in inflows, showcasing investor confidence in its high throughput and low transaction costs.   Solana's innovative Proof-of-History (PoH) mechanism and ultra-low transaction costs make it a preferred platform for high-speed transactions and complex tasks. The platform's proactive approach to scalability and strong community support have contributed to its appeal in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).   However, Ethereum could get a boost when the spot Ethereum ETFs get approved. As perthe latest news reports on Cointelegraph, this is widely expected to occur by July 8.    Conclusion The contrasting trends between Ethereum and Solana underscore shifting investor preferences and strategic considerations within the cryptocurrency market. While Ethereum maintains its lead in market capitalization and ecosystem maturity, Solana's rapid growth and technological advancements, such as the introduction of Firedancer, a second validator client that enhances network resilience and performance, make it a formidable competitor. Solana's focus on memecoins and innovative Proof-of-History mechanism is attracting a new wave of investors seeking high-speed transactions and low costs.   Regulatory developments and the introduction of cryptocurrency ETFs could further influence market dynamics. The SEC's approval of Ethereum Spot ETFs has already marked a significant milestone, potentially paving the way for similar products for Solana. However, the regulatory landscape remains unpredictable and could impact both platforms differently.   Investors should remain cautious and aware of the inherent risks in the volatile cryptocurrency market. The rapid growth of memecoins, while offering high returns, also comes with significant risks.  

Hamster Kombat Mencapai 210 Juta Pemain, Siap untuk Rekor Dunia Guinness?

Hamster Kombat, sebuah game play-to-earn (P2E) populer di Telegram, telah mengungkapkan pembaruan menarik untuk bulan Juli, termasuk acara token generation (TGE) dan airdrop token Hamster. Game ini, yang telah menarik lebih dari 210 juta pemain di seluruh dunia, telah melampaui Notcoin dalam hal adopsi, dan bisa segera mencetak rekor dunia Guinness untuk pertumbuhannya yang cepat.    Quick Take  Hamster Kombat merencanakan TGE dan airdrop token di blockchain TON pada bulan Juli. Pemain dapat berpartisipasi dengan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tertentu, seperti menghubungkan dompet TON mereka. Game ini telah melampaui 210 juta pemain, melampaui Notcoin, dengan keterlibatan signifikan di Nigeria dan pasar Afrika lainnya. Saluran YouTube Hamster Kombat telah tumbuh dengan cepat, melampaui 30 juta pelanggan dan berpotensi mencetak Rekor Dunia Guinness sebagai saluran yang tumbuh paling cepat. Hamster Kombat Mengkonfirmasi Airdrop dan TGE pada Bulan Juli  Salah satu pembaruan yang paling dinanti-nantikan untuk Hamster Kombat adalah Acara Token Generation (TGE) dan pengenalan utilitas dalam game untuk tokennya. TGE diharapkan berlangsung pada bulan Juli, dengan airdrop token yang direncanakan di blockchain TON, seperti yang disampaikan. Pemain dapat berpartisipasi dalam airdrop dengan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tertentu, seperti menghubungkan dompet TON mereka ke game. Antarmuka game sudah menunjukkan tab 'Airdrop' yang menunjukkan bahwa listing sedang berlangsung.   Baca lebih lanjut: Tugas Airdrop Hamster Kombat 1 Telah Dimulai: Cara Menghubungkan Dompet TON Anda   Bulan Juli juga akan melihat pengenalan kasus penggunaan baru untuk token Hamster Kombat. Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan pengguna dan meningkatkan daya tarik game. Utilitas dalam game yang baru akan memungkinkan pemain menggunakan token untuk berbagai tujuan dalam ekosistem GameFi.   Selain TGE dan utilitas dalam game, Hamster Kombat telah merencanakan beberapa peningkatan pengembangan untuk Q3 2024. Peningkatan ini mencakup karakter dan skin baru, acara terbatas waktu, dan acara langsung. Lebih banyak peningkatan diharapkan pada Q4, menjanjikan kegembiraan yang berkelanjutan bagi para pemain.   Basis Pengguna Hamster Kombat Tumbuh Menjadi Lebih dari 210 Juta Pemain  ​​ Sumber: Hamster Kombat di X    Hamster Kombat telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat, melampaui 210 juta pemain dalam waktu singkat sejak peluncurannya. Pertumbuhan ini melampaui Notcoin, game P2E populer lainnya di Telegram, dan menyoroti daya tarik Hamster Kombat di berbagai wilayah. Khususnya, Nigeria dan pasar Afrika lainnya telah muncul sebagai area utama keterlibatan pemain.    Aksesibilitas game melalui aplikasi Telegram, dikombinasikan dengan fitur sosialnya, telah berkontribusi pada pertumbuhannya yang cepat. Karakter unik dan gameplay sederhana Hamster Kombat menarik bagi berbagai kalangan, mulai dari anak-anak hingga dewasa. Daya tarik lintas generasi game ini, dikombinasikan dengan konsep uniknya, menjadikannya berbeda dari game pertarungan tradisional.   Baca lebih lanjut: Airdrop Hamster Kombat: 100M Pemain Siap untuk Peluncuran Token TON   Komunitas Hamster Bertumbuh, Saluran YouTube Mencapai 31 Juta Pelanggan  Saluran YouTube Hamster Kombat telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang luar biasa sejak diluncurkan pada 24 Mei. Saluran ini telah mendapatkan lebih dari 30 juta pelanggan, melampaui YouTuber terkenal Mr. Beast dalam jumlah pelanggan baru. Dengan lebih dari 10 juta pelanggan bergabung hanya dalam waktu enam hari, 13 jam, dan 15 menit, Hamster Kombat sedang dalam jalur untuk mencetak Rekor Dunia Guinness untuk saluran YouTube dengan pertumbuhan tercepat.   Saluran YouTube game ini juga mendorong keterlibatan yang signifikan. Pengguna mendapatkan koin dalam game dengan menonton video, dan saluran ini rata-rata mendapatkan 20 juta tampilan setiap harinya. Ini telah diterjemahkan menjadi pendapatan harian yang substansial, diperkirakan antara $4,000 dan $69,000. Video edukatif di saluran tersebut dirancang khusus untuk pendatang baru di Web3, membantu memperkenalkan pengguna baru.   Hamster Kombat Mendorong Keterlibatan Melalui Daily Combo dan Daily Cipher  Hamster Kombat menawarkan fitur unik seperti daily combo dan cipher untuk menjaga pemain tetap terlibat. Pemain dapat memperoleh jutaan poin dengan berhasil menyelesaikan tugas-tugas ini. Game ini juga mendorong konten buatan pengguna, dengan tutorial tentang daily combo dan cipher menjadi populer di platform seperti YouTube dan TikTok.   Read more: How to Earn Hamster Coin with Daily Combo and Daily Cipher   Namun, Permainan Ini Juga Menghadapi Kontroversi  Meskipun populer, Hamster Kombat telah menghadapi beberapa tantangan dan kontroversi. Di Iran, pejabat pemerintah telah mengkritik permainan ini sebagai alat pengaruh Barat, yang mengalihkan perhatian masyarakat dari pemilihan presiden yang akan datang, menurut laporan di berita AP. Permainan ini telah mendapatkan perhatian di kalangan orang Iran yang berjuang dengan kesulitan ekonomi, menyebabkan beberapa orang menyebut tren ini sebagai tanda keputusasaan. Pejabat Iran berargumen bahwa permainan ini adalah bagian dari strategi yang lebih luas oleh negara-negara Barat untuk mengalihkan perhatian publik dari peristiwa nasional yang signifikan, yang berpotensi mengikis budaya kerja keras dan kewirausahaan. Demikian pula, di Rusia, permainan ini telah dikritik karena menimbulkan risiko finansial, terutama bagi anak-anak, dan disebut sebagai "skema piramida" oleh beberapa ahli. Perilaku ekstrem di kalangan pemain muda juga telah dilaporkan, menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang dampak permainan ini. Misalnya, seorang anak laki-laki berusia 14 tahun dari Tyumen dilaporkan memasang alarm setiap tiga jam untuk memaksimalkan skor permainannya, sehingga orang tuanya mencari bantuan psikiatri.    Di Ukraina, otoritas telah mengangkat kekhawatiran tentang keamanan data karena permainan ini terkait dengan server Rusia, yang menyoroti potensi risiko bagi pengguna Ukraina. Paparan malware adalah masalah signifikan lainnya, karena banyak yang menggunakan perangkat lunak tidak resmi akibat sanksi. Uzbekistan telah mengambil sikap tegas, mengancam pemain dengan hukuman penjara atau denda jika mereka mencoba mengonversi mata uang dalam permainan menjadi uang nyata. Ini mencerminkan kebijakan yang lebih luas negara terhadap cryptocurrency. Kontroversi ini menyoroti hubungan kompleks antara pengembang permainan, pengguna, dan berbagai pemerintah.   Kesimpulan  Kenaikan cepat dan rencana ambisius Hamster Kombat membuatnya menjadi permainan yang perlu diwaspadai di sektor P2E. Dengan airdrop dan TGE yang akan datang, utilitas baru dalam permainan, dan peningkatan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan, pemain memiliki banyak hal yang dinantikan pada bulan Juli dan seterusnya. Namun, penting untuk tetap berhati-hati terhadap potensi risiko dan tantangan yang terkait dengan pertumbuhan yang cepat dan sifat pasar crypto yang volatil. Kontroversi dan kritik dari berbagai negara menyoroti dinamika kompleks yang sedang berlangsung, mengingatkan pengguna untuk mendekati permainan ini dengan antusiasme dan kehati-hatian.  
