
What is USD-denominated Net Asset Value (NAV)?

The USD-denominated Net Asset Value (NAV) represents the value of one or more currencies in users' accounts calculated in USD. This includes currencies held in the Funding Account, Trading Account, Pro Account (if applicable), Margin Account, Futures Account, Bot Account, and Financial Account.


The detailed calculation methods are as follows:

The NAV for Main Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of the Main Account ÷ 24 hours".

The NAV for Trading Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of Trading Account ÷ 24 hours".

The NAV for Margin Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of the Margin Account (Net Asset Value = Total Asset Value - Borrowed Asset Value - Payable Interest) ÷ 24 hours".

The NAV for Futures Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of Futures Account ÷ 24 hours".

The NAV for Trading Bot Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of Trading Bot Account ÷ 24 hours".

The NAV for Financial Account is calculated by using the formula "the sum of the hourly random snapshot of USD-denominated Net Asset Value of Finance Account ÷ 24 hours".



  • All sub-accounts are aggregated into the master account for calculation.
  • Hourly snapshots are taken randomly.
  • The calculation of holdings includes the open orders.
  • The Net Asset Value of the Margin Account may be negative, in this case, your total NAV will be deducted.
  • If the snapshot period within a day is less than 24 hours, the average value is calculated based on the actual number of snapshots taken.